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Chapter Twelve

Tell me lies – Tell me Sweet Little Lies


The indigenous Hopi from North America have a saying, “Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself.”


The Russian philosopher and novelist, Fyodor Dostoyevsky noted, “Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”


Our personal contact with psychopaths, showed them to be consummate liars, it seemed as if they manipulated truth with clever wording and imagery to suit their purpose. When faced with irrefutable truth, psychopaths lie freely and at first, their lies sound completely convincing, but later analysis shows they are finely crafted strings of gibberish with sprinklings of truth or just plain untruths. Once again, their strange, alluring speech pattern is incredibly hypnotic, confusing and believable. They tell people what they want to hear. They cleverly create uncomfortable situations they can verbally remedy. Their words cast a spell over normal feeling humans, they are skilled wordsmiths and it may be no coincidence they use the word 'spell' and 'spelling' in relation to English language. People are literally under their spell.


In the case of my wife's mother, we captured her facial expressions on video camera as we asked her questions about her sexual liaisons with her daughter's ex-husband. Played at normal speed, her face looked blank and calm and she actually looked bored (which I'm sure she was), but played frame by frame, the recording revealed a sneer crossed her lips as she responded to the allegations. As usual, the accusations were of no interest to her whatsoever and her wispy sneer signalled her contempt for our questioning and the truth.


If I tell a lie, I am plagued with guilt. Amazingly, a psychopath has no guilt response at all (guilt is an emotional response requiring a conscience) and consequently will build their whole life around lies. If they are caught lying, they simply tell bigger lies, launch a blithering personal attack on their accuser or feign emotional distress. This horrific emotional bypass allows them to create outrageous scenarios designed to impress victims during the 'interview' stage of engagement or to ensure their success during business dealings or their quest for social power or sex. I'm certain all of us have told lies at some stage of our lives, but they are usually small insignificant deviations from the truth, unlike the 'path who will tell whoppers to bolster their need for grandiosity, manipulation or control.


As small children in school, we often heard the ancient chant of, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” That may be true for a psychopath, but calling a normal feeling human a vile name will cause intense emotional pain. The amazing thing is, you can call a psychopath everything under the sun and the insults will have little visible effect initially. The psychopath will flick on the switch of pity if they think their accuser is worthy of entrapment, but the emotional pain we feel when someone says something derogatory about us, does not register the same way on the emotionally unreceptive 'path. It's like wearing a Teflon coated, stainless steel suit of armour when you get caught lying – nothing sticks.


With no sense of guilt, the 'path can easily lie and deceive and there is no way a normal feeling human can tell, unless they research what has been told to them. As feeling humans, speech is only a fraction of the way we interpret interpersonal information, we rely heavily on subconscious cues like eye and body movement to verify the validity of oral communication. With no visible cues of deceit, the psychopath is easily able to bypass our internal warning system.


If a psychopath tells the truth, it's an accident.


A leading psychologist shared a case where a psychopath was "Man of the Year" and president of the Chamber of Commerce in his small town. The man claimed to have a Ph.D. from Berkeley. He ran for a position on the school board from which he then planned to move into a political position that guaranteed wealth.


A local reporter decided to check to see if his credentials were real. The reporter discovered the only thing that was true about the person was his date of birth and the place he was born. Everything else was a lie. The man a complete impostor and had a history of antisocial behaviour, fraud, impersonation, and imprisonment. His only association with a university was a correspondence course that he took while in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. For twenty years he had weaved his way across America one step ahead of those he had conned. He had married three women and had four children, and he didn't even know what had happened to them. He would have completed his greatest deception, except for the nosy reporter.


When he was exposed, he was completely unconcerned. "These trusting people will stand behind me. A good liar is a good judge of people," he said. Amazingly, he was right. Far from being outraged at the fact that they had all been completely deceived, conned and taken for a ride, the local community he had defrauded so completely rushed to his support!


Dennis O'Riordan, a top British lawyer said that he had attended Harvard and Oxford universities to get jobs at a string of banks, barristers' chambers and solicitors' firms during his five-year legal career. His CV stated he had a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford, a master's degree from Harvard, attended Radley College and was an Elder Scholar and a member of the New York and Irish Bars and a string of other notable attendances and qualifications. All of these claims were lies. The Bar Standards board was finally tipped off about the fake qualifications and O'Riordan was forced to quit his job as special consultant at Paul Hastings after his lies were revealed.


The false academic background helped him become a partner at two City law firms, Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft and Paul Hastings. O'Riordan was originally called to the Bar by Inner Temple in 1993. The barrister then went on to become a senior in-house London lawyer for a number of overseas banks. He was group counsel for Nomura; general counsel for Sumitomo Finance; and head of legal and tax for the Republic National Bank of New York. In 2005, he joined barristers' chambers 4-5 Gray's Inn Square. He moved to another chambers, Quadrant, before joining Cadwalader's in August 2008 to launch its financial regulatory group in London. In January 2009, he joined Paul Hastings and was a partner there until 2012, when he became a special consultant at its London office.


Surprise, surprise, he became fabulously wealthy along the way with a luxurious manor in Cotswold and all the trappings of a successful legal person.


Colleagues who worked with him described him as, “A clever, charming and creative lawyer but not suited to management.” The work associates noted, “He had Gordon Brown-style eruptions when challenged - now at least we know why. He had plenty to hide.”


In an attempt to stop a campaign against her release from prison, a notorious British killer tried to downplay the callousness of her crimes by writing a letter to the victim's family. In the letter, she stated 'I know almost everyone describes me as cold and calculating, but I ask you to believe that I find all this deeply upsetting.' She went on to write, 'Please believe me – not for my sake, but simply in the hope that it will give you even a little peace of mind, that however monstrous and unforgivable the crime was, your child was not tortured to death.' This statement was in direct conflict to the evidence obtained by police showing photographs of her and her accomplice torturing and murdering their victim along with audio tape recordings of the final, hideous tortured moments of the child's life. These people are capable of extreme cunning and deception in an attempt to get what they want, in this case, a release from prison. Like my brother, it is almost impossible for people to detect these non-humans ability to deceive and manipulate until it's too late.


It's one thing for people to lie, but when governments get into the act, it's time to start wondering how and why.


Adolf Hitler wrote, “In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X.)


In other words, if a government tells a huge lie, the population will believe them because they cannot comprehend the scale of the lie. A normal feeling human can never tell such a colossal untruth; our conscience prevents it. Modern Pathocratic governments’ foundations rest on lies so huge they would make Adolf Hitler blush. The Big Lie method works wonders when you have a willfully ignorant, mathematically challenged, easily manipulated populace. A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by the majority of society.


As another example of identifying governmental obsession with lying, very few people realised the west's concerns with Russia's "October Revolution" in 1917, were not about the threat of Communism to the West's precious Capitalism, but with what Lenin wrote in his famous 'Decree on Peace.' What he wrote was their greatest fear when he said, "We have to fight against the hypocrisy of the governments, which, while talking about peace and justice, actually carry on wars of conquest and plunder. Not one single government will tell you what it really means. However, we are opposed to secret diplomacy and can afford to act openly before all people. We do not now close nor have we ever closed our eyes to the difficulties." Lenin's written declaration was pure dynamite in the face of a lying capitalist establishment. He had to be opposed and punished! While Russia's former allies opposed communism as a direct threat to their treasured capitalism and needed an active Eastern Front to decrease pressure on the Western Front, they were desperate, as Lenin postulated, to hide their involvement in the catastrophe known as the First World War.


History shows, politicians will choose gunfire over sanity and reason every time. Forced to choose between truth and force, the communists chose force. Their regime became the new model for modern secretive, lying governments to follow and as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, later wrote, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth,” a fact that had not escaped the attention of generations of deceitful rulers before him.


As an example of secretive government activity, in 1958, U.S. president Dwight David Eisenhower ordered the construction of a massive underground bunker to shelter 1,100 top bureaucrats from nuclear attack during the cold war. Naturally, in line with secretive, lying government policy, the general population was not made aware of this plan. The bunker was built under the luxurious Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, U.S.A. protected by 3-foot-thick concrete walls and an air-intake system designed to filter out dangerous radioactive fall-out. The 112,000 square foot bunker was completed in 1962 at the cost of $US 14 million and boasted an 'Exhibition Hall' 89 feet (27 m) by 186 feet (57 m) beneath a ceiling nearly 20 feet (6.1 m) high and supported by 18 support columns. Either side of this room were two smaller halls, one seating about 470 people, which was big enough to host the 435-member House of Representatives, while the smaller hall had seating capacity for about 130, suitable as a temporary Senate chamber. With a thirty-year supply of food, a medical facility, an airstrip and a communication centre the U.S. government intended to weather out the anticipated nuclear attack while their countrymen bore the brunt of nuclear radiation. What a brave and charming bunch of individuals! I'm certain current governments have only extended their underground survival strategy from Eisenhower's original idea. And what an absurd strategy it is. Apart from the obvious survival flaws, imagine spending 30 years locked in a bunker with these people! I can't imagine being able to live more than 30 seconds with these creatures. If humans on the surface did survive the nuclear roasting, I'm sure they would be less than overjoyed to meet their leaders who deserted them in their hour of need.


John Swinton, an early New York Times Chief of Staff in the mid 1800's, summed up the climate of lying and press suppression in early America when he said to his fellow associates, “There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar weekly salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”


Mr. Swinton's statement is a stereotype reminder of typical ASPD behaviour where the suppression of the press supports secretive, lying governments and corporations and this lying in an early epoch of American history, blazed the trail for later modern Pathocracies.

      Paper rarely refuses ink, anything can be printed, truth or lies.


Daniel Ellsberg discovered the U.S. Government was lying during the Vietnam war, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public, but also to Congress about a subject of national interest and significance and as a result Ellsberg made the following quote, “The public is lied to every day by the President, by his spokespeople, by his officers. If you can't handle the thought that the President lies to the public for all kinds of reasons, you couldn't stay in the government at that level... The fact is Presidents rarely say the whole truth — essentially, never say the whole truth of what they expect and what they're doing and what they believe and why they're doing it and rarely refrain from lying, actually, about these matters.”


On December 9, 1999, the New York Times published a small article by Emily Yellin in which a Memphis jury found a government conspiracy and cover up in Martin Luther King's death. The family of Dr King, the civil rights leader, were keen to set the record straight about his assassination and their belief in a government cover-up. The U.S government stood by their conviction of James Earl Ray as the one and only person to have fired the shot that killed Martin Luther King, but the Memphis jury exposed serious flaws in the government case. One juror, David Morphy, said after the trial, ''We all thought it was a cut and dried case with the evidence that was brought to us, that there were a lot of people involved, everyone from the C.I.A., military involvement, and Jowers was involved.'' The jury discovered Mr. Jowers owned Jim's Grill in 1968, a restaurant opposite the motel where Dr. King was shot and just below the second-floor accommodation from which, according to James Earl Ray's confession in 1969, Mr. Ray fired the single shot that killed Dr. King. James Ray, who later declared his confession untrue, hinted at a conspiracy as well. He died in prison while serving a 99-year sentence.


The Australian government managed to keep the death of 16 Australians secret in 'Operation Claret' during the Konfrontasi skirmish between Malaysia and Indonesia. Unbeknown to the general population and most of the Australian parliament, the government was supporting the Malaysian military in a border dispute with Indonesia between 1963 and 1966. Harold Holt, the prime minister at the time, was talking at a hall in Sydney in Dec 1966 and a citizen got up on the stage at the end of the meeting, and questioned him regarding Australia's involvement in the 'silent war.' A government assistant, Tony, frisked him and then said, "Harold, there's someone here who wants to talk to you". Holt responded to the person's questioning by saying, "If you won't fight for what you believe in, you're rubbish," and physically tried to push the individual out of the way. The individual questioning Holt resisted the push and said "This is what I believe in." Holt was stunned by the resistive response.


Later, another president, George H.W. Bush would hint at cover-ups when he said, “If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."


The White House admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called "war on terror." The aim of the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, was to use DNA analysis to identify suspected terrorists who would then be targeted to be killed by the United States. As the New York Times reported in 2011, "In the months before Osama bin Laden was killed, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a bogus vaccination program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, as a ruse to obtain DNA evidence from members of Bin Laden's family thought to be holed up in an expansive compound there." The Guardian reported CIA agents recruited a senior Pakistani doctor to organise the vaccine drive in Abbottabad, even starting the project in a poorer part of town to make it look more authentic. This scheme, first unveiled in 2011, is the first time in history that the U.S. government has been forced to admit using a "public health" activity to secretly and illegally harvest DNA from the public in an attempt to assassinate an individual. How exactly could a vaccination program harvest DNA from people? It turns out to be relatively simple. As The Guardian paper explains, "Nurses could have been trained to withdraw some blood in the needle after administrating the drug." The U.S. government says it will no longer use fake vaccination campaigns as a tactic in the "war on terror." and the people of the world will be asked to trust this promise even though it comes from the exact same regime that ran the deceptive vaccination operation in the first place. According to news sources, White House anti-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco has now relayed this new claim to the heads of 13 public health schools in the United States. She reportedly said, "The agency will not seek to obtain or exploit DNA or other genetic material acquired through such programs," once again confirming the CIA had been using fake vaccination programs to acquire DNA samples in order to identify human targets. The U.S government has since issued a statement saying the whole vaccination, DNA program story was a deliberate hoax, and again the public is left bewildered as to what to believe.


The whole global vaccination program comes under scrutiny when 98 million Americans were found to have been injected with polio vaccines contaminated with cancer-causing viruses. In order to make sure no one learned about this deadly vaccine blunder, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly removed all accounts of this history from its website. Americans are still being vaccinated against polio even though there hasn't been a single case of polio in the USA for 35 years. Flu shots, similarly, have almost zero efficiency and have been scientifically proven to accomplish nothing in nearly 99 out of 100 people who receive them. At the same time, the CDC openly admits flu shots still contains toxic mercury adjutants, a documented toxic heavy metal that destroys brain tissue even in small doses as well as formaldehyde, a known carcinogenic and aluminium, a possible cause of dementia. Think I’m making this up? – check the vaccine data sheets for yourself.


In a recording made with Dr. Maurice Hilleman, a prominent Merck scientist and chief of the Merck Pharmaceutical Company's vaccine division, Hilleman reveals the presence of SV40 and other live viruses in popular vaccines supplied to the public. Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, is a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has the potential to cause tumours, but most often persists as a potential infection. Hilleman can be heard laughing along with his colleagues at the fact that due to the vaccines first being tested on Russians, the Russian Olympic team will be “loaded down with tumours.” Laughing can be heard in the background of the recording, as Hilleman's scientific colleagues snicker over the presence of cancer-causing viruses in the vaccines you and your family may have received. It turns even nastier, when we discover that Hilleman and his team imported monkeys directly from Africa due to kidney disease in American monkey stock. They were able to bypass quarantine regulations and import directly via Madrid, but unwittingly, the African Green monkeys they imported were contaminated with the AIDS virus, which suddenly spread like wildfire.


Despite governments being fully aware of the dangers of vaccines, they continue to lie about the benefits of their vaccination programs around the world; while the drug companies supplying vaccines and medications to offset the effects of the vaccines watch their profits soar into the stratosphere.


Michigan's Blue Cross Blue Shield pays a doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If a doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, the bonus increases to $80,000. Under BCBS’s rules, paediatricians LOSE THE WHOLE BONUS if they don't have at least 63% of their patients vaccinated. If a patient doesn't vaccinate, the Dr. not only doesn’t get $400 for the child, he may lose the whole $40,000 (or more) bonus. No wonder they are so keen to jab. (Source - The Physician Alliance BCBS Performance Recognition Program - page 15).


Governments force people into accepting vaccinations on threat of unemployment, defaults on social security payments and social ostracism. Perhaps we should invite the bureaucrats pushing the vaccine agenda to have the same number of vaccines as infants, simultaneously with dosages adjusted for their adult body weight. Once again, no feeling human could ever believe the scale of lying perpetrated by governments and corporations. No feeling human being could knowingly inflict such deceit and misery on his or her fellow humans; our conscience prevents it.

In 2013, when Barak Obama admitted the U.S. government was spying on American and international citizens using its PRISM surveillance network, he simply said there were, “Modest encroachments on privacy." He forgot to mention the massive cyber spy network of the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S Cyber Command, the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the Central Security Service used to spy on U.S. and international civilians with its $US52.6 billion annual budget and estimated 107,035 employees. This massive network of spies, set up by departments of the U.S government had been operating since the September 11 attack on New York's Twin Towers and is immune from public scrutiny. In 2014, the US National Security Agency (NSA) admitted it has collected and stored almost 200 million text messages every day from individuals' phones around the world. A “modest encroachment on privacy” is an understatement of extreme paranoia, deceit and blatant disregard for decency and truth. I am damned if I could tell a lie of that size, but the president of the United States of America did and he never batted an eyelid.


Why are those in power so paranoid? With all the spy satellites, phone taps, Internet intercepts, government spy-ware, surveillance cameras, facial recognition and espionage in place, how can paedophiles, rapists, murderers, war criminals, violent drug cartels, illicit drug importers, slave traders, despots, demon worshipping child killers, terrorists, traitors, Mafia, Triad etc. be unhampered in their activities? Maybe these people are the people involved in the surveillance and spy networks.


What do they have to protect or hide that makes them monitor nearly every physical and electronic conversation on planet earth?


The truth is, those in control have everything to hide and anyone capable of exposing their lies and criminal behaviour is a major threat to their secret Pathocratic agendas. The fact is, mass surveillance is not a part of normal functioning government, but is a strong indicator of ASPD behaviour. As you continue reading, you will discover how humans can begin to break free of their predatory masters and their lust for wealth, power and control at the cost of truth and sanity.


For many years, I was puzzled how those in control could keep the lid on their outrageous lies and secret agendas. How could a government keep projects like the construction of the first atomic bomb secret from project workers, the public and their Axis enemies, as was the case with the 'Manhattan Project?' The Manhattan Project began in 1939 during the Second World War and grew to employ more than 129,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion, a staggering figure in the 1940's. The workforce consisted of 84,500 construction workers, 40,500 plant operators and 1,800 military personnel. How could a secretive government stop people finding out what they were doing? After all, there were literally hundreds of thousands of people working on the project; surely, someone would blow the whistle on what was happening. The answer is surprisingly simple and the strategy successfully implemented for thousands of years. The hierarchy system of control, similar to the pyramid system of control, where a few at the top are the only ones with total knowledge, provided the key.


By spreading the Manhattan Project over several countries, research and production took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. Workers were told what to do on a need to know basis and were effectively isolated from other components of the project. People working at control consoles had no idea what they were really controlling and it was only many years after the second world war ended and they saw photographs of what they were doing, they were able to discover their place in an elaborate ruse. That they were part of building the most hideous explosive devices that murdered over 225,000 fellow humans with just two bombs.


This 'compartmentalisation' technique was extremely effective in keeping people insulated from the truth of what their government was really doing. This technique is still widely used to prevent individuals from knowing too much on any specific project. The worker on the floor has no idea what the overseer knows, the overseer has no idea what the manager knows, the manager has no idea what the area manager knows and so forth until we get to the top tier, who DO know what is happening. At last, I could see how groups of people could keep sensitive projects and information secret, simply through the 'compartmentalisation' technique or the art of keeping people or departments in separate micro-managed compartments.


The true civilian and military casualty toll of U.S. bombing of Japan is one of the biggest cover-ups of World War II. During 1945 as the war was ending, the US firebombed more than 67 Japanese cities. Tokyo was firebombed on the night of March 9, 1945 (just five months before the official end of war on August 14, 1945) at 02:10 hours, by low-flying B-29’s with augmented bomb loads. One thousand, seven hundred tons of incendiary bombs, including napalm, jelled-gasoline and white phosphoru