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Tell me what you think money is.

Once again, to understand psychopathic control through deceitfulness in society, we have to step back further in time to grasp the ancient concept of money. It is only a concept; 'money' or currency, as you understand it, is not what your society would have you believe. You may hold a one hundred dollar note in your hot little hand and it may look real, but it's not what you imagine. It is a representation of a trading concept, where early civilisations created a system of replacing barter and exchange with objects or coins. Ultimately, money came to represent precious metals held in safety for investors. In modern society, you effectively trade your precious, finite time on this planet for a 'promissory' note that you can exchange for items you require.


The one hundred dollar note you hold in your hand is made of plastic or paper and is real, but the concept of the value of the paper you hold is a fabrication of someone's imagination, someone’s indoctrination. Its only genuine worth is the value of the paper or plastic and the ink it is created with. Therefore, a hundred dollar note's genuine value is a tiny, tiny fraction of its perceived value. The power of money is only a concept in your perceived reality. It is only an IDEA; it has no reality. It is not, nor ever has been 'real.' It is a belief implanted by a fictitious, fraudulent and avaricious section of society.


If you could take your precious one hundred dollar bill to an inhabited alien planet, the occupants will have no idea of its 'value', they will only see it for what it is – a piece of coloured paper. They would have no idea why it means so much to you! Fortunately, you don't have to strap on a space suit and wave money in front of aliens to test this theory. Just head for a remote area of planet earth and try convincing the local natives your piece of paper is worth anything to them. For a real stretch, you could try selling them stocks and bonds, keeping in mind their currency of seashells! We had a glimpse of indigenous societies on our Pacific Island and I can assure you, they have no need of your 'money.' Money is only useful to light fires in a remote village society, the importance and emotional attachment you place on money is incomprehensible to a native culture. Money is not real; it is an accepted concept through integrated social indoctrination. It has no morality, no conscience and no sense of right or wrong and no perceivable beauty. It is an illusion.


Imagine placing a one hundred dollar bill on a table, it is inert and will stay there indefinitely doing nothing. Your hundred dollar bill won't suddenly stand up and perform the famous Parisian 'Can Can.' It is only the indoctrinated belief by your society in the coloured piece of paper on the table that gives it any perceived power. The piece of paper lying on the table requires YOU to activate its perceived power. Without YOUR indoctrinated belief, the piece of paper has no power or value. It will always remain a coloured piece of paper until YOU and your BELIEF SYSTEM enter the room. The ‘value’ you attach to Money is not real.

In pursuit of money, people sell the hours and the days of their life, which are the only true wealth they have. They sell the beauty, the sunshine, the dawn and the dusk, the moon and the stars, the wind and the rain, the green fields and the flowers, the rivers and the sweet fresh air. They sell their health, joy, freedom and hand their life to others without thinking.


Equally, those who lust for money excessively, have no conscience, no sense of right or wrong and no concept of love for human kind or their environment. Everything bankers attach to money is a total fabrication and the greatest lie ever told, but believed by all. Although people laugh at some island cultures currency of shells, the islanders shell will still be a shell tomorrow, your dollar probably will not.


Socially Adept Psychopaths and their lust for money are the root of all evil and those few pursuing money above all else are corrupted beyond comprehension.

The religion of money will fail because of its unreality, the huge number of sociopaths attracted to its concept and their desire to manipulate the system to their advantage. Ordinary exploitable citizens will painfully discover their high priests of currency are nothing more than snake oil salespeople.

The current status quo has ventured into the shallow sea of unreality just to keep the global socio-economic system afloat. Those in control are able to hide behind authority and academic vocabulary which if put in plain terms for the layperson is theft, Ponzi, tyrannical and moronic.


When economies fail and banks collapse taking people's life savings with them, people suddenly realise the huge investment of time and effort they have spent chasing an illusion. This is when people discover their money is at best an I.O.U. They have spent their lives trapped in an absurd belief that money is real. The 'value' of money fluctuates without social consent. What your dollar is worth today may not be what it is worth tomorrow, it can increase or decrease on an hourly basis. Individuals trading in the currency market receive staggering profits on the volatility of countries currency fluctuations. People live in an economic system that is complicated by design. It is created so most people don’t even try to understand it.


ASPD Pathocracies have systematically devalued the purchasing power of money to the point it is nearly worthless.


The founding fathers of the USA stated that only gold or silver coins could be "money" in America. Gold and silver coinage was heavy and inconvenient for many transactions, precious metals were stored in banks, and a claim cheque issued as a money substitute. People used their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a reality substitute. Redeemable currency promises to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money.’ The federal United States government and the U.S. CONgress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the USA to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, which is gold and silver bullion or coin. Global bankers quickly realised they had perfected the ultimate fraud and were grossly rewarded for their criminality.


Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). History shows when there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs. Inflation creates the illusion of a wealth in society and governments are the ultimate illusion. The real winner from inflation is of course (you guessed it), parasitic governments. Higher wages and commodity prices deliver greater tax revenues. Increased money from tax opens up a range of opportunities for governments to expand their bureaucratic tentacles. Through inflation, billion and trillion, dollar debt obligations reduce in value without any real need for budget restraint.


Inflation becomes an invisible form of taxation that Pathocratic governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs are the masters of illusion. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay a debt to the Federal Reserve Bank. Money is not ‘real.’


Imagine if the world's system of weights and measures all grew or shrunk each day. One day a metre measurement of length would be one metre, the next day it may be 70 centimetres. That would open the doors of exploitation, wouldn't it?


Well, that is exactly what happens with global money markets, the value of a country's currency increases and decreases on a daily basis. What one dollar was worth yesterday, probably isn't what it is worth today. Central bank money is so much easier to distort without a connection to reality. The current Fiat money in circulation is likely to get much more bent out of shape than a commodity-based measuring stick.


The carrot on a stick ‘money,’ people chase every day, is not connected to a base commodity.


With the advent of computers, money becomes a series of bits and bytes in a mythical digital ocean and is even less real than the one hundred dollar note we hold in our hands. Credit cards, ATM cards, Pay Wave cards, crypto currencies and cashless societies add another dimension of unreality. Banks have long ago lost sight of their original gold and silver standard for currency allocation and are desperate to complete the illusion by introducing total control through a ‘cashless society,’ like Sweden is sadly adopting. A cashless monetary system is a psychopath’s wet dream; it is the ultimate in surveillance, control and unreality.


As their fictitious money system collapses, ASPD banks will simply impose ‘negative interest rates’ and a cashless society. They will impose fees on your deposits so you will effectively continue to fund their criminal Ponzi scheme. They have cunningly been training people for years to use ATM and credit cards for financial transactions and realise the total control of a cashless society is only a tiny step for the exploitables to take. In Australia, welfare recipients are forced to use a welfare card for purchases at ‘authorised’ retailers only. This ‘welfare’ card ensures the issuing company receives many thousands of dollars per recipient, payments from participating companies and is not subject to standard accountancy procedure or accountability. In fact, the scheme has the potential to make billions to the card company to fund an Australian political party by creating wealth from the poor. Beam me up Scotty!


The psychopaths, who control you, are well aware of your emotional attachment to money and use it to instil fear and manipulation. They have elevated human emotional attachment of currency to deity status and people have turned their backs on their favourite religions in favour of money and materialism. ASPD Pathocracies instil fear through making you imagine life with no money and through this, they can manipulate you to accept their abusive treatment and alter your whole reality to their own misshapen value system. The lies and abuse they administer is the outward manifestation of their ailment. No normal, emotionally responsive human being can ever deliver such lies, control and abuse on such a scale to so many people: it is impossible. As a result, feeling humans become fair game on the shooting range of socially adept psychopaths.


Some lucky people absolutely love their work environment and it’s a pleasure to be around them, but millions and millions of people wake up every morning in fear and trudge off to a job they hate doing. They work in a contrived environment in order to survive. They are emotionally abused, work insanely long hours with insufficient sleep and are forced to travel on monstrously congested, polluted and dangerous roads to get to work. I was recently talking to a young fifteen-year-old supermarket checkout operator in Australia, who said she was working more than thirteen hours a day on a pitiful wage, with very few days off and was sick of it! The problem was, she had only just started her working life and had many years of employment drudgery ahead of her.


For the majority, it is slavery on an enormous scale. The difference between slavery in the nineteenth century and today is the fact that the nineteenth century slaves KNEW they were slaves. Very few people today do. Many slaves in ancient times were continuously seeking a path to freedom; very few people in today’s society even consider escape. If you feel trapped in a job you hate, but are afraid to leave, because you need the MONEY, you are a SLAVE. You are not a slave to an individual, as in the 19th century or before; instead, you are a slave to an unreal CONCEPT, held in place by an imaginary entity, a corporation. That corporation may be your government, bank or any other registered business entity with limited liability. The modern 'free man' is continuously seeking a path to slavery by willingly trading his freedom for the false sense of security that money and government will provide.


There are numerous company ‘legal’ structures, but 'Limited,' 'Limited Liability' or 'Proprietary Limited' structures form the basis of most company creations. So what is 'limited liability?' A very simplified explanation of limited liability is, it's a way to make sure that anyone engaging in business as a corporation, doesn't risk their personal assets or possessions in case the business fails or is sued, they literally have limited liability. Often companies are involved in raising massive capital for speculative activities on behalf of shareholders and a legal form of protecting heads of companies is required. Any investor, partner, or member of the company that by law has limited liability, cannot be made responsible for any unfulfilled company obligations and debts that are more than the amount that the person has invested.


So, 'Screw You Proprietary Limited' with an initial shareholding of $2, is a legalese method of gaining immunity from prosecution in most instances. Only when companies have completely overstepped the borders of acceptable behaviour, bureaucrats have been stung and there is sufficient public uproar, will prosecution of the company directors occur. That is a wonderful little gem the psychopaths latched onto with all their might. It's a little like some religions saying, ”Yeah you can be a downright bastard in this life, go ahead steal, fornicate, murder and lie, but give us a pile of cash and all your belief and we'll see you right in the afterlife.” It's another example of personal indemnity that allows outrageous behaviour to proliferate and is an extremely appealing piece of absurd logic that flies in the face of our authentic human conscience and sensibility.


Ultimately, it seems, it is not belief in the same god or gods that good people have had in common - its humanity, our inbuilt conscience. The action of doing good deeds toward one another is genetically encoded in true, authentic human beings and does not need to be taught, only nurtured. If you ever want to check the validity of a religious or spiritual organisation, just take money out of the equation and see what support, teaching, spirituality and nurturing remains. As far as I know, none of their gods has ever slapped cash on the table to fund their temples; ordinary, vulnerable people are the source of religious wealth.


The absurd belief in money above morals is sometimes the key to understanding illogical legislation produced by governments. If you are ever puzzled by strange new laws or taxes produced from time to time, just look for the money trail, it is always about the money. Psychopaths and money are inseparable – the more they have, the more they need. Someone somewhere is sure to be making large amounts of money from laws that do not benefit society. Sensationalist headlines in news stories that promote violence toward secular groups and reduce personal freedom ensure massive revenue for the companies providing the propaganda promotion in the form of newspapers or transmitted news media. Often warmongering headlines are the 'straw-man' subterfuge necessary for unpopular governments. This is a tried and trusted way for governments to focus attention away from their poor performance, economic mismanagement or freedom robbing legislation, particularly nearing the end of election terms, during leadership battles or catastrophic financial collapses.


Chemical companies are now the masters of ensuring legislation benefits their shareholders by holding governments' hostage to their outrageous demands. It may be by polluting drinking water with known toxic chemicals they need to dump without citizen consent to being mass medicated or producing medicines with known deadly side effects in the 'fight' against disease. I can actually recall reading the side effects on a particular pharmaceutical drug, that listed one of the side effects as death – how's that for a side effect! The multitrillion-dollar vaccination industry has now convinced governments to allow aerial spraying of vaccine components, some of which contain mutated DNA. For god's sake, these soulless corporate sociopaths with their fixation on money and no conscience will kill us all.


The Australian government's obsession with refugee bashing is another interesting money trail. It starts with the incredible length of time refugees spend in detention and a British company named G4S and its sister company Serco. These multinationals make outrageous profits from the misery of refugees and prisoners in privatised Australian jails and vile concentration camps, AKA, 'Detention Centres.'


An accounting expert from the University of NSW, Jeff Knapp says the Australian government has opened the doors to multinational abuse by removing red tape associated with G4S and Serco and allowed these companies to be non-reporting entities as far as accounting and taxation are concerned. Knapp extrapolates that the Serco and G4S non-reporting entity status mean these companies avoid disclosures in accordance with accepted accounting standards - especially disclosures about related party transactions and balances.


Amazingly, the government is another stakeholder in these two companies that should be interested in related party transactions disclosed in the financial reports. "The government is handing over hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to these companies, but not showing any concern about the blatant information deficiencies in their financial reports," said Knapp.


Serco's revenue has increased threefold in a four-year period and in 2013 it rose from $915 million to $1.25 billion. The cash-flow statement receipts from customers shows there is one significant customer, the Australian government. With around 1,200 asylum seekers on Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea in March 2014, the G4S made a profit of at least $17,355 per inmate before tax. Psychologist and traumatologist Paul Stevenson said, "People don't understand that about $5 billion per year goes into offshore detention to keep fewer than 2,000 people out of the country, I think that's obscene." That equates to $2.5.million per refugee paid to a private foreign company. It's a classic example of corporations and governments profiteering from misery. No wonder the government turns refugees into 'illegal' entities and holds them prisoner for lengthy periods in foul hell holes, it's incredibly profitable.


The multinational company profits directly from the government and the government profits from the bloated bureaucracies supported by the taxpayer in the trade of human misery, the refugees. It's a win, win situation for everyone except the refugees, but hey, they deserve to live in inhumane hell holes, swallow razor blades, set themselves alight and sew their lips together in protest – those rotten bastards trying to flee oppressive life threatening regimes. They have to be punished (or so the ruling ASPD Pathocracy and the majority of the Australian population believe.)


So it comes as no surprise Australia's prison system is bursting at the seams, with draconian right wing punishment sending record numbers of people to jail. In 2014, the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures indicated there were 33,000 inmates held in profitable privately owned Australian jails; the highest number ever. Costing more than AU $100,000 per year, per inmate, the government happily pours taxpayer money into overseas corporations with dubious accounting practises. In 2014, it costs $652 a day or $237,980 per year to incarcerate a juvenile person in Australia. No wonder the corporate legal and government system introduces more and more laws; it is incredibly profitable to drag people through the court system and ultimately imprisonment. As we were once told by a friend's solicitor, “There is no justice system; there is only a legal system.”


It's fascinating to follow the money trail when outrageous laws and abuse are enacted and it usually leads to a Pathocratic government and a multinational overlord reaping monetary rewards from ill-informed exploitable humanthings. If you cannot understand outrageous government decisions, just look for the money trail. It is always about the money! The more you explore money and those who distribute it, the less real it becomes; it is only an indoctrinated concept, maintained by a corrupt, broken and heartless system.


In our current ASPD Pathocratic society, the base of the Ponzi pyramid scheme consists of exploitable human workers. That's you and I, blindly slaving away at honest endeavours to 'pay our way' in society.


The next pyramid level is the government, with their mandate from the exploitable humanthings to use force to subdue dissenters and collect taxes with the pretext of serving and protecting the community.


The next level is the Corporations, whose task it is to ensure the governments and exploitable populations use the services and products they produce. This may be pharmaceuticals, chemicals, missiles, education, media distribution, communication devices, food, clothing and a plethora of other offerings designed to keep the money flowing up the pyramid.


At the top of the pyramid scheme are the oil barons, the private bankers, the Bank of London, the Morgans, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and Rockefellers etc. These people control the Reserve Banks and corporations with massive amounts of currency to finance their schemes and reap the reward from interest bearing loans and joint venture dividends to their corporate cousins and corporate governments.


Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty said, “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.” The banker’s corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as a "conspiracy theory." This is no longer a conspiracy 'theory,' this is a conspiracy fact!


To illustrate the illusion in the reality of money, imagine walking into your local bank and asking for a $120,000 home loan. When the bank approves the loan, the bank simply types $120,000 onto a computer screen in your account. The bank doesn't mint any coins, shift any gold or print any currency, they don't do anything other than type numbers on a screen, just like you could on your computer at home and you find yourself paying interest on dollars that never did or never will exist.

Seems unbelievable doesn't it?

Economics Professor Richard Werner explains how banks fraudulently make money from thin air.

Let’s take a real world look at accounting.

When a manufacturer in the real world, grants a loan to another firm, the loan contract appears as an increase in assets: the firm now has an additional claim on debtors — this is the borrower's promise to repay the loan. The lender purchases the loan contract, treated as a promissory note. Meanwhile, when the firm disburses the loan (and hence discharges its obligation to make the money available to the borrower), it is drawing down its cash reserves or monetary deposits with its banks. As a result, one gross asset increase is matched by an equally sized gross asset decrease, leaving net total assets unchanged. This is standard accounting practice.


The picture looks very different in the case of a bank. The disbursement of the loan appears as a positive entry on the liability side of the balance sheet, as opposed to being a negative entry on the asset side, as in the case of non-banks. As a result, it does not counter-balance the increased gross assets. Instead, both assets and liabilities expand. The bank's balance sheet lengthens on both sides by the amount of the loan. It is clear that banks conduct their accounting operations differently from others, even differently from their near-relatives, the non-bank financial institutions.


The bank, having ‘disbursed’ the loan, remains in a position where it still owes the money. In other words, the bank does not actually make any money available to the borrower: No transfer of funds from anywhere to the customer or indeed the customer's account takes place. There is no equal reduction in the balance of another account to pay the borrower. Instead, the bank simply re-classified its liabilities, changing the ‘accounts payable’ obligation arising from the bank loan contract to another liability category called ‘customer deposits.’


While the borrower has the impression the bank transferred money from its capital reserves, this is not the case. Neither the bank nor the customer deposited any money, nor were any funds from anywhere outside the bank used to make the deposit in the borrower's account. There was no depositing of any funds.

Seems far-fetched doesn't it?

Yet there is a documented case in Minnesota, USA, on 12th December 1968, where Jerome Daly proved the First National Bank of Montgomery had created money out of thin air. Justice Mahoney ordered the return of Jerome Daly's repossessed home and instructed the bank to render Daly's mortgage contract null and void. Judge Mahoney’s murder briefly appeared in the press two weeks later. No judge since that precedent was set, has ever had the courage to deliver a similar verdict. They know they will die.


The money banks hold in their vaults belongs to other people who “invest” their savings. Nobody who puts their money into banks as savings ever actually signs an agreement at any time to have that money loaned out! Have you? Your money is the banks opportunity to shift currency wherever they like to whomever they like, whenever they like for whatever they like.


For every one dollar held in a bank account, the bank can ‘officially’ lend 10 dollars against it. Not being happy with making money from thin air, the Bank fraudsters can then leverage money from investors into risky derivative markets that create literally quadrillions of debt money. Call me crazy, but that sounds like a magnificent legalised Ponzi scheme and recipe for disaster.


Bankers and governments can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

As difficult, as it is to understand from our modern viewpoint, indigenous populations globally and particularly Australia didn't have 'economic value' attached to the land under their feet. They saw themselves as being part of the land, the air, the water and sky. Their land was never for rent or sale, it was a foreign, unfathomable, concept for them. Many of the indigenous occupants never 'owned' the land, but they shared the 'Common Wealth' of their environment for many thousands of years with each other. It wasn't Utopia, there were territory disputes, tribal wars, quarrels, murders, human sacrifice and disease, but for 50,000 years, global tribal societies functioned without fraudulent debt structured land ownership.


The rabid banking system have created an economic 'value system' for our land and homes because they are real, as opposed to the unreal credit/debit fantasy created by the banks. The real estate/mortgage industry instils fear and uncertainty unless we 'own' property and through this need for security, the banks create 'real' value from fiat money. It’s another way of looking at the term 'real estate.'


In Australia, real estate companies launder money from overseas investors. By converting their currency to real estate, they effectively have something real from something that was unreal (money). With no effective Australian legislation in place to restrict foreign investment, the criminal currency creates a housing bubble that greatly increases criminal wealth to the detriment of Australian citizens who can no longer afford to own a simple home.


The terrifying thing is it does not matter if you are in debt, rich or poor, old or young; the corporations/government juntas can take your property whenever they want it. It may be through 'legal' acquisitions, redevelopments, land tax, defaults on loan repaymen