The Key by Relenski Zortac - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen

Unchain My Heart


Since our quiet amble down the runway at the start of this book, we packed our bag of anticipation and soared into the heavens. We have encountered some turbulence, fastened our seatbelts for extreme turbulence. Most readers have reached for their parachute and bailed out, but now it’s time to bring this thing in for a perfect landing.


One of the most amazing discoveries of my life was using the key of ASPD awareness to unlock the massive, heavily guarded doors of deception and find the real reason society is what it is and what it always has been. Making sense of all the questions that had plagued me since childhood. Sifting through the lies and bullshit supplied by ruling entities that had left me feeling like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole! Finally putting all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together, being able to alert people to the cause of many of their problems, both personally and socially, and supplying solutions to their predicament. Initially I only found tiny pieces of the puzzle, like finding a tiny blue jigsaw tile that may represent sky, sea, a building or vehicle. Over many years of searching for relevant jigsaw tiles, they eventually fitted perfectly together and the jigsaw picture became very clear. The pieces of the puzzle fitted both contemporary and ancient societies and the people who led those civilisations. The puzzle pieces fitted the glorification of war and the elevated status of some of the greatest murderers in history.


Finding the key to unlock the reason the modern world seems out of sync with normal feeling humans is as exhilarating as finding the key of a piece of music. Musical ‘keys’ are the specific pattern of notes that governs the tonality a song. To discover the ‘key’ of a piece of music, will mean you to have basic musical skills. For some people this is incredibly easy, they just pick up an instrument and seem to be able to play along to any melody without effort. For the rest of us it may be more of a challenge. You will have to experience the vibration of the music. Your ears will have to transmit the audio oscillations of the melody you hear for your brain to decode and you will have to transpose your experience to a device capable of producing sound waves. It sounds complicated and its way more complicated than you imagine. There are stereocilia to decode, neurons to fire, synapsis to bridge, chemicals to exude, muscles to contract, eyes to focus, fingers to move in a precise trajectory and all of this in a fraction of a second. You will have to listen to the music you hear and be able to play the melody on your instrument of choice. If you have no musical skill, this might be frustrating as you find yourself blundering around on an instrument and you may give up in frustration. You need an 'ear' for music to be able to play the same notes as the music you are hearing. You need to know the chromatic scale of your instrument to be able to identify the ‘key' the music was written in. When you finally discover the key the music was written in, it's an exciting feeling to be able to crack the code of the music and play harmoniously as the composer intended. If you are unable to find the right key, the music you play will sound more like a cat sliding down a steep tin roof, than music.

As humans, we are using incredible cognitive processes to accomplish this musical task and we are using powerful, intuitive abilities when we sense that something is wrong with people or the society we live in. We may be able to sense that something is inappropriate with a society, but it takes an incredible series of events to be able to diagnose the problem and alert others to the issue. As Plato discovered, trying to show feeling humans the level of unreality, insanity and abuse they are receiving can be difficult, but not impossible.


I was so incredibly fortunate to receive abuse as a child, without that abuse I would have no true understanding of the emotional repercussions of the ill-treatment people receive. I would have had no real idea of the physical and emotional pain associated with abuse. I would have found it almost impossible to believe the stories of horror that would unfold from other people during my life and I would never have studied the area of Anti-Social Personality Disorders so intensely, if I had not been a subject of manipulation myself.


In an amazing sequence of events, I was able to discover the reason I received abuse and the reason the abusers did what they did. I was also fortunate that the abuse I received was insignificant compared to many people I would meet in later life. Wonderfully brave people that I listened to told me truly horrific stories of childhood abuse or abuse as an adult. I honestly cringed with horror as they recounted their shocking stories at the hands of non-humans. I heard stories of young girls raped by their parents, locked away and beaten regularly. People subjected to extreme sexual abuse and slavery and taught this was their lot in life and they deserved it. There were recollections of parents of young girls who loaned and sold them to paedophile groups to be shared around the district. People, so controlled by sociopaths as children, they believed their hideous treatment was the same for everyone. People who believed they were worthless trash and deserved every vile experience hoisted upon them. People whose twisted perception of reality ensured they would spend the rest of their tortured lives in therapy. As these people matured and realised the extent of their abuse and the monstrous parents who abused them, they found it nearly impossible to participate in normal social interaction. Meanwhile, their abusers, devoid of any glimmer of conscience or guilt were free to carry on their agenda of total debauchery with immunity.


Without personally experiencing abuse and understanding the experiences of my wife, I would have stumbled through life with no possibility of ever comprehending the workings of very dangerous ‘people’ and their effect on complex human society. I would never have discovered the key to unlocking the proliferation of global madness, both now and in the past. Like almost every single person around me, I would have never questioned. I would have spent my life with my nose to grindstone, pedantically defending my position in society and nurturing my implanted beliefs. I would have never discovered that I am powerful beyond belief, that everything I need for spiritual and social awareness is contained within me. I would have never known that psychopathic duality cleverly eroded my personal power and spirituality. I would have never discovered their need to create confusion, hatred, disorder and control that ultimately rewards them materialistically, but bankrupted me spiritually.


Like vile, alien vampires, psychopaths literally suck the beauty of life from feeling human societies. They treat us as if we are all livestock, constantly being prodded, monitored, surveyed, vaccinated and herded for slaughter in wars by the Pathocracy and its sycophants.


I was incredibly fortunate to be able to observe people with Anti-Social Personality Disorder as they lived in a normal social environment, not an institution. This was vital in understanding the sheer cunningness of ASPD people and the way they could trick people into believing they were normal functioning members of society. I could witness their total lack of love and normal human feelings and measure the effect of close questioning on them via social experimentation. I saw how they used pity as a way of enticing people into their whirlpool of abuse and control. I could read and analyse their emotionless correspondence in letters and emails. The lack of caring and feeling, leapt from the pages like headlines near a news stand. It was like watching some brilliantly programmed machine, perfect in every physical detail, but definitely not human. There was a glitch in the CPU, a tiny circuitry malfunction that was evident to us, but not the machine.


I watched, as these 'people' used modern media to gain new ways to manipulate human exploitables. They were totally absorbed by the portrayal of emotions on television when it suited their purpose. It was effectively a study program for them to examine ways to copy or exploit human feelings. I watched as they cleverly exerted their superiority over gullible humans by making them bend to their unrealistic demands. As an example, my mother in law would make restaurant staff prepare strange dishes that the restaurant was not catering for. This was a twofold attack, it exerted superiority over the staff members and it exhibited superiority to the restaurant patrons by demonstrating she would not eat 'common' food.


It was fascinating to see the lack of comprehension of anything involving real feeling in my mother in-law and terrifying to witness the childlike emotional responses to stress or perceived threats. I was able to construct emotional experiments to validate my hypothesis on psychopathy by asking a question involving what the subject was feeling or simply “How do you feel about that?” Most of these questions were simply ignored or the 'straw man' was lit and thrown in the conversation in an attempt to sabotage the questioning. There was an occasion where she mentioned how politicians lie and was genuinely surprised when she discovered not everybody lies. Even more astonishing for her, was the fact that normal feeling humans cannot lie because their conscience will not allow it; she truly had no concept of conscience. We employed similar experimentation on other suspected ASPD individuals we knew in our social circle.


I watched closely as my mother in law drummed her fingers on the seat of her chair in boredom while my wife and I were reduced to tears as we watched an incredibly sad movie in her house. The movie failed to move her in the slightest, as we hypothesised; she was emotionally bankrupt, completely incapable of feeling for other people, in fact incapable of the full spectrum of authentic human emotions. It was incredibly good luck to be part of their dysfunctional world and study their perceptions.

My wife was adept at dream analysis and she sometimes tried to analyse her mother's dreams. Often her mother's dreams were very bizarre with strange short segments of disjointed events. There were elements of fear and anxiety in some of the dreams as well as moments of being lost and disorientated. Her dreams were mostly jumbled fragments of strange and nonsensical elements with no pattern or theme. There were never any references to emotive events such as nurturing, longing and love.


My wife also noted over the years, her mother's sleep patterns were considerably different to other family members. She seemed to require far less sleep than the rest of the family and would be up at all hours of the night eating or starting odd activities. It seemed she only needed small, irregular amounts of sleep to function. Could it be the ASPD brain, void of valid human emotions can process the day's activities faster than a normal human brain? Our daily activity involves an enormous amount of emotional information to sift through and sort during sleep. Without the burden of true human feelings, the psychopath brain only has to sort data, not emotions and therefore less sleep time may be necessary. It was an interesting theory, possibly completely incorrect, but worthy of further study.


Unlike ASPD individuals, the majority of emotionally aligned human beings on planet earth are an exquisite, colourful thread in the glowing tapestry of life and love. We have unlimited potential, with a mind capable of soaring self-analysis, feats of incredible ingenuity, creativity, and an ability to communicate on many levels augmented with the ability to create expansive loving networks. We are complex organisms; so complex and finely tuned to our environment, it is almost beyond comprehension. We have the wonder of emotion that billows into unbridled ecstasy or deep compassion. Endowed with a capacity for incredible deduction, understanding and wisdom, we are similar yet like no other life form. Every breath we take is a miracle of natural, biological engineering and a celebration of our cosmic uniqueness.


If you don't think you're incredibly amazing, special or unique, just try manufacturing a human being from the atomic energy around you. That doesn’t mean bolting together a robot with a pretty face, artificial intelligence, banks of batteries and a 'made in China' sticker glued to its foot. It means starting from nothing and using only the atoms and molecules surrounding you assemble a living, feeling human being with more than 37,000,000,000,000,000,000 reproducing cells capable of repairing themselves, a memory system with a capacity in the petabyte range or as much as the entire World Wide Web. A neuron network that has the maximum amount of high-dimensional structures, way beyond our known three-dimensional world. An organic system, capable of powering itself with the material around it,with blood, muscles, mobility, sensitivity, vision, audio receptors, intelligence, emotions, spirituality and love. It is impossible! Now can you catch a glimpse how amazing you are? Can you begin to see what an incredible creation you are? Can you feel, no matter how physically or mentally incapacitated you may be you are a stupendous marvel of biological endeavour? As a life form on this planet, you are the most amazingly powerful assemblage of physical and spiritual energy in the universe.


Everything is connected to allow us to experience the wonder of our existence at this point in time. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the people we love. Every vibrating atom around us is a vibrating part of the whole. If you don’t think you’re connected to everything around you, just try holding your breath for thirty minutes or not eating and drinking for six months! We are all part of one and one is part of all. We are not in a state of thinking, but a state of spiritualistic being and this state of oneness transcends indoctrinated, psychopathic duality. We are able to get in touch with which we are; truly are, the part of us that's eternal, infinite and authentic and encompasses the whole. Once recognised, the unlimited love we have inside us spreads out like a boundless ocean not constrained by space or time and envelops the whole world. We are all one and all part of the same whole. We are part of the blindingly colourful tapestry of life that is pure, unconditional love.


My physical presence on this planet is truly miraculous. I was not spontaneously created; I arrived here through a series of reproductive miracles. I have arrived at this point in linear time because thousands of years ago some hunter-gatherers had a child. All the countless generations before and after them are linked to me. No one and no thing is insignificant. Everything is connected. The food my ancestors ate, the animals they sacrificed, the grass the animals ate, the rain that made the grass grow, the micro bacteria in the soil - the love - the hate - the passion – the spirituality - the survival - the good - the bad – the evil – the wars. Everything down to a molecular level is connected. Everything on the non-physical plane is connected. Everything connects to the past, the present and the future. There are no coincidences.


All of this was necessary to get me to this realisation in this point of time. Everything becomes an infinite plane through these connections. In this existence, with this knowledge, you and I are powerful beyond measure. I cannot, nor ever could have existed without love. It is and always will be the reason for my existence. It creatively weaves through every atom in the comprehensible universe. It has always been and always will, continue. We are all One. Everything is part of everyone. Every vibrating atom of our incredible being connects to every vibrating atom around us. We are a vibrant mass of atomic intricacy linked to a support system of unimaginable complexity, beauty and antiquity.


As if that isn't amazing enough, I am currently sitting at a desk, hurtling through the incredibly cold and hostile vacuum of space at 108,000 kilometres per hour or a staggering 30,000 metres every second. Combined with this velocity, my desk is spinning at 1,670 kilometres per hour around an incredibly violent and life obliterating hydrogen and helium fission reactor that consumes over 600 million tonnes of hydrogen every second. The reactor, our sun, is also travelling at 675,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges through our Milky Way galaxy, dragging our little planet along for the ride! Just as my head is spinning from these velocities, I discover our Milky Way galaxy itself is tearing through space at 2.1 million kilometres per hour (630 km per second). I am oblivious to this incredible velocity, yet I am experiencing it. These seem crazy figures, until we see a shooting star streak across the night sky. We can witness the speed of the shooting star to be around 200,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges thousands of kilometres in fractions of a second. This is the object’s terminal velocity as it slows and burns in earth’s atmosphere. If a jet aircraft were to travel the same distance it would be a painfully slow journey to cover the same distance. We are aware, yet we are so unaware.


Although I can see, I am blind; I can only 'see' 1/10 billionth of the electro-magnetic spectrum emitted from the sun. All the other radiated frequencies are invisible and many of these pass through my body. Just because I cannot see this radiation, does not mean it doesn't exist. Some of it I can 'feel' as infrared radiation, but I am unaware of the most of the radiation travelling through space, yet I may be experiencing it. I can increase my awareness through research and analysis and continually check the results for validity and accuracy. Similarly, just because I may be unaware of emotionally disturbed people and their colossal negative influence around me, doesn’t mean they don't exist. We need to pop our head out of our comfortable rabbit hole and look differently at our world. Look and actually see.


None of our experiences would be possible if our little planet was slightly closer or further away from our companion star. A fraction closer to the sun would sterilise our planet from the intense radiation. Being too far from the sun would freeze dry the surface of the planet; even the speed of our planet’s rotation and the moon’s orbit ensures our existence. Carbon based life, as we know it could not exist if not for an incredible cosmic balancing act. Everything, even on a cosmic scale connects to allow us to experience this existence. Like dropping a stone in a pond, every ripple, every oscillation connects infinitely. It is incredible beyond belief. We are part of a massive, multi-dimensional, universal matrix that stretches beyond our imagination. We are part of a massive, multi-dimensional matrix that stretches beyond our imagination. We are part of the intense vibrating energy that is life and a fundamental law of quantum mechanics states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. It may change state, but it will not disappear. Most of the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in our bodies exist by the complex reactions of the stars around us. By definition, we are part of an incredibly complex living cosmos, infinitely.

Life is so precious it defies logic.


I cannot count the number of people who told me how much better their life would be if they won the lottery. The truth is we have all won the lottery! The chances of being a life form with intelligence and emotions in the universe are zillions to one against. Your existence is a miracle; you have the won the greatest cosmic lottery of all time, celebrate it; enjoy it, share it, live it, love it!


If you cannot grasp the significance of your incredibly powerful existence, your being, your potential, your creativity, your oneness, your infinite spirituality, your connection to an evolving universe, your amazing capacity for love, joy and beauty, your total human experience, your positive interaction with everything and everyone around you. You could well be a soulless psychopath, hell bent on disseminating duality, confusion, hatred and control or you are blinded by the current global psychopathic corporate indoctrination we call modern society.


I am constantly in awe of love; I feel it; I have always felt it. I know it exists in many of those around me and that it is an undeletable, incorruptible universal constant with infinite power. Love is not manufactured, distributed for sale or held in trust, it flows freely and infinitely around us and is available for any feeling person to access at any time.


Love is not restricted to race, social status, class, or gender; it exists for all to partake and cannot be owned or controlled. The distribution of love is not incorporated or measured; it is an infinite source of positive energy available to all feeling life forms to use for the benefit of all. Love can only be given, not stolen. Love is not weakness; it is the strength to stand up against those who are evil beyond comprehension: those who watch every word you write, listen to every word you say and control every aspect of your life. Love is the language softly spoken and understood by all authentic life forms. Love is the smile that radiates from the heart like a beacon. Love is the soft feather quilt we trustingly lie on in loving relationships. Love is the wonder, devotion, protection and self-sacrifice of raising children. Love to another is not reserved for a single day or for a special event or occasion, it is the caring way you live each day with the one you love.


Love is the strength to help a stranger, knowing you will be rewarded spiritually, not financially. Love is a beautiful fruit, in season at all times and within reach of every hand. Love is understanding someone, caring for them, sharing their joys and sorrows. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being whole with your loved ones. The love between mother and daughter, father and son is infinitely more powerful, real and exquisite than any written law a human society has ever created. Love is the flexible golden link that binds humanity in a sense of purpose. Ultimately, love is the only reflection of a person’s true worth.


The love I feel does not dilute from age and infirmary, it is the most valuable gift I have ever received and I wonder at its purity, beauty, simplicity and universal acceptance. Love and empathy is one of those rare gifts that bestow ecstasy on both the giver and the recipient. Love is the legal tender of the universe, carried in abundance by all authentic life forms.


I unashamedly love my life, every millisecond of it, the brilliant, the beautiful, the wonder, the adventure, the passion, the bad, the difficult, the painful, the deeply regrettable and the ugly and all the incredible experiences that led me to a realisation of staggering proportions. I love the ancient dance of life with its pulsating rhythms, whirlpools of emotions, waterfalls of ecstasy and placid lakes of serenity. I love the gift of wisdom that flows into my heart like an endless stream. I love my wife and all the incredible years we shared together, all the wonderful, beautiful years and all the many very difficult years we experienced. I love my wonderful friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin. My love is something I would give to all, in a hall, with weeping lawyers ‘round the wall. I love our brilliant cat that has travelled half way around the world and given me a very different perspective on existence and purpose. I love the warmth of the sun on my skin, the wind rustling the leaves of trees and the millions of truly beautiful things I experienced during my life. I love interacting with people every day and the incredible connections that expand with those exchanges. I have met so many thousands of wonderful, generous, kind and strong people who have reinforced my belief in humanity and universal consciousness and understanding, caring people who go out of their way to assist without expectation of financial reward. I love watching the sunrise, the sun set and the moon floating westward on an ocean of cloud and I love the incredibly powerful life force that surges, vibrates and dances around me. I love watching children play, parents laughing, the elderly holding hands, the pure melodies of feathered maestros and the wonder of simplicity. My body becomes weak and frail with age; my mind slows, my eyes dim, I stumble and fall, yet the love I feel is as strong, in fact stronger than the day I was born. I am so fortunate that I can feel so much love from so many people and so many life forms around me.
Life without love is poverty beyond measure.

To discover your own powerful self, all you have to do is


Stop playing your societies games. Stop being involved in your daily grind, just stop, switch off the cultural noise around you, relax and experience the moment. Just stop and connect with the real and powerful you, the authentic, vibrating essence that is the real and powerful you and connects the spirit to all. Realise it is in the shelter of others that the people live.


You don't have to drop out of society for twenty seven years or live in a cave in the Himalayas in a cupboard drinking Yak milk and chewing on obscure mountain weeds. Just switch off the television, the radio, the cell phone, the computer and remove yourself from all life's distractions for a few minutes and feel the power of your inner self and conscience; the real you, the core you, the powerful you that only you know – the authentic, universally loving and aware you. As an authentic human, there is no reason to play small. Living a life that is less than the one you are capable of living is the result of living in a contaminated, Pathocratic, repressive society. Life is for living – Live it! Love it! Celebrate it – every day!


What is it that we really want? We push ourselves instead of allowing ourselves, we try hard to please other people and this enormous effort blinds us to our incredible inherited potential. We need to allow ourselves to be ourselves. It's important to allow yourself to know what you know from the inside, your intuition, instead of forcing yourself to be what others think you should be - to 'fit in.' When there is so much importance to 'be' and become, we often cannot see what we really want or what we are, even when its staring us in the face. We become easily led and controlled.


Money will never buy happiness; the illusion of money that people chase will not benefit them emotionally. It is the spiritual connection of pure love, trust and sharing that brings contentment and happiness. Our outer island villagers, with no need for money or governmental interference, demonstrated this simplicity and bathed daily in happiness. If you don’t believe people can be outrageously happy without money or government, just visit the remote Pacific islands and see for yourself. These people are deliriously happy.


To enter into our power, our truth, our internal divinity and alignment, we need to be in the vibration of love, not fear. When we live in a state of fear, our vitality and spirit contracts. Ultimately, love is strength, freedom and true happiness and not bound by physical space, boundaries or time. With a spiritual connection to all around us, love is the link that removes the fear of life and the fear of death. Think of the times you were separated by large distances from family, friends, siblings or lovers. Did you love them any less because of enormous distances apart? Of course, not: as we grow older and look back at the times spent separated from loved ones, the feelings of love are as strong as the day they were apart.


When we understand and accept the power of unconditional love and compassion, we learn to love all people for whom they are and not try to change them. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve love, affection, appreciation and respect. The ASPD Pathocracies controlling societies have no concept or understanding of this simple and powerful reality and rule entirely from hatred, l