Unconditional acceptance. It’s viewed, it’s seen and it’s known – to everyone (when he’s not
accepted). It doesn’t matter you’re with a person who took amphetamines from the age of 17, his
32 now – didn’t slept the 3rd night in a row and you can’t understand a bare word, of him – you
still must to unconditionally accept him as he is the same person like you: a soul of this
reality. If he didn’t do evil to you – you’re doing evil to yourself: by holding any resentment
to people, as it sends the subconscious signals by the brain (they say more: than you can speak).
He has got the same value as a person worth Billion. He might not be the best person to help
financially or on a basis of merit (substantive – as advice) with your goals, but you have to
accept him still unconditionally (although, a clue might be valuable). It’s the truth: which you
have to follow forever.
223 As you’re doing the job desired/ in the Creation (it requires to build an appropriate skill, in the process for those first few years). It’s valid to the strategic, i.e. real goals/ not the ones, who prepare you: so your initial investment in
yourself only – is absolutely necessary/ it requires for you: to change – first.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
I’ve could blow the whole school: kill everyone who ever hurt me badly but I won’t do it,
because they don’t matter to me. Everything would be perfectly synchronized with the time, up
to a millisecond/ everything “10x or more” checked/ I would insure that I would extract all the
possible knowledge in a field. It’s those tasks: which give you the reason to Live, wake up each
day/ without it: it wouldn’t be worthy to continue it. However: I work for the prize, pursuing
only the moral path. None of above specified, would accomplish anything in my life: I would
receive a bad Karma/ #1.2 as it’s impossible to not affect, hurt or affect other people (even if
they won’t be killed). All those events you see in your life: are just a bounce of KARMA-paid,
back (i.e. person with a flamethrower on the school killing rampage). They’ve might be soulless,
to look the part – introduced by the Laws/ to guarantee Universal justice224 (never nobody
without Karma, dies; “victims” aren’t random). Confirm it, by getting beaten yourself/ if you
hold no Karma for physical pain – there is any. If I receive a kick on the head: it doesn’t hurts/ I
feel no pain (maybe have a scratch, but pain attached to it: is none). I accept pain, if I am to learn
a new technique (i.e. dismembered joints for a month). I have to ensure, I know all.
I could begin now. It would take me, with my estimates – about 7 months to assemble all the
things required with the disposal of [had to censor all the methods I would find an acquire
weapons and bombs in a matter of days225 and all the chemical substances used, with the names
and ways to obtain]. I would ensure every last-bit of the plan... The point is: that I would
proceed until my death, on any plan handled me by the Laws (until its plain-moral). This one, is
not (as it involves hurting people).
I wont’t do it, because it’s not the purpose I’m aimed at. It’s all a timely experience which can
be changed (to adapt myself, for the period). When I can do something: it doesn’t means I would
do it. The same is with you/ it will be.
The other side: has to be shown and understood by you.
Drop any resentment: towards anybody.
Drop any immoral plans and refuse to ever take them, because you would be killed or jailed (i.e.
robberies, using people – prostitution, being a souteneur: you would get the Karma back, when
people find out – guaranteed by the Laws).
Even if I would be in a hard circumstances/ no Law could ever stop me. I would play a character
for decades, as I’ve did currently. I would convince everybody.
The Laws are here to do the justice: not you. Use your time more wisely (those people who
mistreated you – received their Karma, #1.2: they would get it226 back, in time). It’s embedded in
the system to leave you time for your developments. Laws secure revenge by you – for you to
stop waste time on it (you’ve got an absolute sureness, guarantee to it – something which
even you: couldn’t achieve). You won’t break the Karmatic chain – if you227: continue. STOP
NOW228/ your tracks.
All those criminals I’ve spent time with: they’ve feared229 the most moral person in the group
only. Never to be damaged, by any of them/ in any significant way.
224 Achieving many more changes, in the reality/ of everyone interested (by checking thinking, discussion, of many
approaches – testing progress of people etc.).
225 As it could be interpreted as a help in the act/ i.e. get me jailed. I never take any risk with the law: you shouldn’t too.
226 The pain, they’ve did – upon you/ you’re more than secured with it (it’s absolutely guaranteed, by it).
You have to be blind, to miss it – in your reality (the justice served, upon time – to be acknowledged)/ #1.2.
227 I always accept voluntarily extra: deficit Karma – the pain, without any Karmatic debt/ do the same.
228 It does mean that if you’ve been beaten – you’ve received your pain that YOU have delivered, back in your past.
It means: ignore those people who have beaten you/ walk near them neutrally (they can’t touch you now – if they do:
fight in a defense, but never be an attacker/ #1.2). Ignore everything this way, as you’ve might still hold some Karma
for the physical pain – avoid to respond if not attacked first, even then: leave, if it’s only possible.
You would know you’ve cleared your Karma for physical pain when somebody would punch you and you would feel
none pain/ as I do (maybe have a scratch on face, at very most but no pain would be felt at any level). It’s all real/ very real: adapt, to the advice – see, #2.59 for more (ways to protect self).
229 Were somehow blocked by themselves: when wanting to attack.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
You would have to become (become) such person, following only the moral path (it’s more to it,
that you can possible imagine). Knowledge application, usage: has a meaning only (with the
intents). I’m preparing everyday for every insane scenario, because it’s the most important thing
for me: to be prepared.
I was successful with every undertaking I’ve took, however I didn’t succeed (outer) on a global
scale with some of them and because of it: I was able to progress, in the process/ #2.
It’s only because those Laws exist: I’m able to Live, the way I do right now.
I’m cared of, because I play their games. I play the game of the Creator/ i.e. God. I do what
I’m tasked to do/ what is expected of me (of you). If you don’t: you get many chances but the
patience230 of Laws ends.
You’ve might not have enough time – for more waiting/ make the decision right now.
You’ve got usually up to 1 day
(slightly over): to make up231 your
mind. After it: it’s likely that the
effort would never be taken.
Then: you have to only continue,
overcome all the obstacles – problems – up until the prize.
Its how the training looks.
It would end – the patience of the Laws: if you refuse to do what’s expected of you – willingly:
i.e. to take, The Process/ #2.
You’re experiencing the moment of decision – now.
Only those, who put their life at stake to win in this reality/ #2: are of any value to the plan
– to the Creator, #1.11xE. It’s no wonder why their lives are great – when they’ve became
There is nothing for free. If somebody even offers you a free pair stockings in a shop: it’s an
obvious manipulation (hidden sense of obligation/ for those who exploit it, never balancing the
equation – they’re excluded mainly from many opportunities). It’s the same for everything. Give
back, the undeserved gift (avoid to take232 it).
230 You’d be left alone to die: if you won’t take the proactive moral track – possible only through the process, #2.
231 With everything/ every decision or important challenge – it has to be all done now, immediately.
232 Bread of shame: restriction on enjoyment from an undeserved gift.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
They’ve called me ‘fucked’/ but I’ve only cared for the things important for me (care to
this day).
You would experience the same/ in The Process, #2: when you would see how it is to go against
the current (nothing to be scared of – pleasurable, best for you).
It’s how the training is established (in this reality).
For YOUR very best/ to become, a new person (i.e. the path of Jesus Christ or any other savior/
mentioned in any other religious233 story). It’s The Process/ #2 – its tracks (where your
consciousness is transformed, due to those experiences). You’ve probably didn’t interpret it this
way, did you? You have to see more things: that you’re binded to.
“I was blind, but I now see.”
The message is clear: if you follow his tracks/ “The Process, #2” – you would be saved (i.e. go
to Heaven/ to the God’s234 Kingdom235).
You have to think for yourself – avoid to listen those, who tell you how to interpret or see
things/ as they are the ones, which have been told what to repeat (everyone, except236 me).
You’ve might now probably see: why I’ve signed myself off the religion in school (I don’t like
to be told, what to think and why). Neither do you, but you’ve didn’t done it – so listen.
You take the process/ #2: today.
Your prize is already set for you: it is, 5x the amount of your
salary/ what’s more believable for you (monthly or yearly).
233 Ones, you’ve – might be possibly more familiar/ with (due to obligatory indoctrination).
234 I don’t do any faith, but I was an indoctrinated Christian (they’ve forced me as a Child, what could I do? I’ve
resigned from Religion by tying my mother to the heater at age of 13 [?] perhaps: in home and asked to sign an
agreement; with the bank account I’ve needed) and I’ve had to be dead to don’t see the connection (as it’s exactly/
more or less, the biblical story).
235 The Bible in fact: is a story of success (I don’t know others, but they probably tell the same story). It describes how The Process/ #2 works. You’ve got in this book – you’re holding: only a more modern explanation to it.
Today: if you would be Jesus – you wouldn’t survive long, but the same principles apply (resistance, adaptation).
Nirvana was his prize, i.e. ‘under Arms of God’ “alike” – metaphor, to it; as he was high/ filled with happiness i.e.
light, #1.1 – he didn’t represented any negative character traits = matches the description/ he didn’t worked for free.
Constant pursue with your goal, by following his tracks (the process – leads the other prizes: you’ve selected for
yourself). It’s perhaps the first popular description of The Process/ #2 – i.e. the road through suffering, pain – failure and expectation surprise (to see, the World as it is, not as you would want it to be: to see, the Truth). He also told
things, as he was high – which can confirm those words (didn’t cared, whether anybody would buy them/ same as on
Nirvana, #1.1). I don’t know if he has ever existed, but it’s a good story which describes the process, in its full.
However, in reality: it’s cheating – if it’s true (and he wouldn’t do miracles without Nirvana – as this energy can be
purposely used to heal, i.e. “chi”, “mana” as other names)/ because ‘he took the pain for the humanity’ but if you’re in
this state: you don’t feel any (as it’s masked by feeling of happiness – ‘being warmed’ i.e. directly: High beyond
belief). It’s the purpose why I’ve took the effort in the first place (to cover my suffering, due to experienced disease).
It’s another story, if he dropped to a state (states) lower. You won’t rather never know, but you can take from the story.
It would be said – differently: if he had no Karma, #1.2 for physical pain – it didn’t hurt him, at all.
I too take such ‘hurt’ from other people constantly (if the pain is inflicted by others: I don’t feel it/ maybe I’m having a scratch but the pain is non-existent). All, thanks to the process/ #2 (he was also instructed to perform a mission in this reality – for a reward). I take it, continuously.
Do Jesus wasn’t a psychopath (or any other religious leader, which is basically the same story)? I’m just asking.
Believe to split the Red Sea/ even if he used his singularity device. He had the faith – you’ve might laugh I’ve called
from the plastic toy my mommy (which is impossible) but you on the other side believe in a Jesus who splitted the Red
Sea and accept it as an only true faith reality. Isn’t it a sarcasm? I’m just asking. Maybe Jesus is you? He has shown
you the path/ the process, #2 to take – to be ‘saved from sin’ (I would say it differently: being high to the sin, Nirvana,
#1.1/ which is the reward, by taking the process by doing it right).
236 At least beyond the point: when you would start to think on your own/ however: acceptance of information
delivered across this whole book – is required, for you to progress (test it: to see the Real World for yourself).
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
It’s crucial to begin now. It’s enough to just start the effort.
You introduce programming, #0.1: today (seek to find it,
now). Its 2 hours of your work at max. (10 min. at best, for
Listen now. You hold it in the mind i.e. your want/ see previous page – believing it/ going
through the period of waiting/ holding it as a container in your mind (that it would come to
fruition). Go just to check through the troubleshooting, #2: at the end on how to activate the
mechanism (i.e. you’re not in the immoral enterprise, etc.).
After period of wait: you get the idea, it overtakes you.
You realize it (at your personal: very best – urgently).
You pocket 5x times the amount237 of your salary.
It’s so simple.
You repeat the process/ #2.
You’ve just acquired what you’ve desired and used the Laws – first time, for your purpose.
I do it, all the time/ just as is – no strings attached (clear, simple, easy). My goals are extreme:
therefore they’re accompanied by extreme stories and experiences238 (for you it won’t be
possible to believe in any of those prizes, except my first). The result of it, is however – that
you’re able to put those mechanisms to work for yourself/ for your own prosperity. I’m not after
money: I’m the239 strict elite. You would have to become one if you would want to reach for my
goals/ which would be possible for you, by only taking this first step. Today.
You always want to possess something which you’d be enabled through the process, #2.
Later: the hugest mistake is for you to don’t see/ notice the prize – that it has been already
delivered (laugh from it or not, but 95%+ fall into this trap). You have to think all the time. If
you’ve wanted a toy for 5k or 50k and you’ve received it (even if it appeared that it wasn’t the
toy you’ve truly desired)/ ‘appeared’ as a result of occurrence (as you’ve received it from your
“far uncle” – you haven’t seen or heard for ages): it’s been delivered BY THE240 LAWS! You
have to now set the next goal, continue the process/ #2.
Improving your work infinitely – for it, to be better, is another trap and avoid to be one of its
victims. It’s the trap, I’ve felt into. Time period of relax is required, so I take it in the next 24h+.
Aside from it: you have to actively seek for solutions to your problem which would be the part of your path taken – to never cease at them, until they’re resolved (similarly, as I did).
It won’t be given to you as you would have to do the work by yourself. If you would
persevere: you eventually would get to them (as I’ve did). Avoid to ever cease, at it.
237 Spend it now – the way: you’ve wanted. Imagine now all those things, which you’ve always desired – they’re now
possible, because you’ve trusted the Laws – you’ve been obedient and followed, for what you’ve been asked for. It’s
the new way, to Live your life/ the easy way: the pleasurable, leading to maximum happiness path. It’s all, to it.
It might be required to follow a series of lessons, but do the work: the prize awaits on its end (continue, until).
It’s absolutely guaranteed: to be always confirmed by you (test it, for the first time – with a belief/ just do it TODAY).
238 As you can learn from them – to advance your agenda/ for the best of you.
239 I’ve become/ through the work and choices, I’ve took – in my whole life experience.
240 Also, when the money – you’ve wanted: would be delivered in two money transfers weeks apart (usually, when a
part of the job has been done and you have to finalize it).
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Well if you don’t like to do what you don’t like – there are other areas of knowledge which
include topics like: poisons (how to prepare an undetectable poison from home ingredients,
which kills instantly), all the possible traps to set for human/ animals/ other, warfare techniques,
methods of escape (escape artists, i.e. prison – hospitals), all methods of cheating people – all
the techniques used (traps to avoid), spying (ways to know when somebody lies to lie, when,
what he thinks, how to know – detect and spot signs/ any of them), social engineering (the dark
side of manipulation), killing methods (covert, hand-combat), it continues (think for yourself of
more ways and topics which might be of interest to you)... If you get bored: you’ve might sit in a
shopping center and watch people (with a specific goal)/ talk with some of them – maybe the
ones, who interest you – to make a contact, learn from them. All are very important/ at least for
me. Believe it or not, but they’ve got all moral application under various – circumstantial
Updating such knowledge aside everyday might trigger for you a want for change, also in your
life. They make you smarter – prepared for every circumstance. Find firstly something of
purpose – if you’re not ready yet (i.e. want to continue your current life, without much changes)/
to just start doing something meaningful (for you important: when taking your time to clearly
rethink your wants). Take your time, as you would fight to get it – in a most pleasureful way
after time/ the best, for you.
If you're blinded, because you don't think for yourself and only accept what other people tell
you: you would also be used/ you would never get to the truth/ you would stay a born idiot (like
The Process/ #2: isn’t a Law which would GIVE YOU something but you would be lead by the
track (investing your own efforts to increase your knowledge and understanding, refine your
traits of character and advance, as a person – also, on a moral level, #1.1). It would enable you
to overcome your defects, if you would only willingly follow – putting an immense241 effort: to
deliver (however, it doesn’t cost you in a sense: you’re tired by it, but it’s something which is by
you accepted). You’re under the teacher’s eyes (Laws) and you’d be up to the completion of the
tasks given (when the prize would be delivered, to you/ reached, by you).
You’re protected.
It’s personally something for me: expected, to be in existence in any reality (it’s the best in a
sense: that you love the job performed/ i.e. you’re pumped by the moral energy, #1.1 at the
highest level – not possible in any other work, which isn’t accompanied by your highest
motivations, effort and in alignment with the inner desires of the soul, #1.11xF).
It had to be explained, for you to know – what you’re getting yourself into (the best life
experience, you can pass in this reality/ it requires work, but the one – which you would love to
do, despite maybe not initially – when you’re new242 to it, understand none). It’s something to
overcome. It’s only possible thanks to the Law: to reach the forever-desired by you – dreams.
You have to firstly believe in a dreamworld/ do the work: to Live in a dream for the rest of
your life (all would be determined, by the Law).
Most in the path, is easy to crack.
– Why Batman had got 5 (B-grade) from physical education (in school)?
– Because, he has worn a suit!
Think243 constantly in it.
241 Which doesn’t feels, like any/ in reality.
242 It’s those first experiences which are the hardest: as Laws have to teach you EVERYTHING from the bottom-zero.
Although, when you pass: you start to appreciate all those lessons – becoming paramount to everybody, who didn’t
took The Process/ #2.
243 If I were to fuck you in the ass while you were sleeping so you wouldn’t know: you wouldn’t notice it. You’re
basically fed with such clues and it’s basically shown & even told through others by the Laws – as their sole messengers: to you, like on a silver plate/ it can’t be more obvious: however you must remain vigilant and inquisitive –
thoughtful, to spot those things. Be calm, I’m interested only in women.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Every door I’ve ever knocked: refused to help/ the significant one. Lately, people did it rather
out of fear that they would have to deal with me, but I’m not a danger to anyone unless they
don’t interfere with my goals, significantly. I’ve learned early, that in life you have to deal with
everything: alone. Furthermore, some didn’t (majority) even wanted to listen me to the end or
hear what I have to say (in many244 cases: it continues, but I don’t care/ at least: to the end) .
Nobody would tr