The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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In truth: only less than 1% of people succeed truly in their lives.

You now have to make the choice, whether you would want to belong to this group.

You’ve got the knowledge – making possible for you to: join them.

Take the process, #2.

275 Life, stripped out of it: is an agony.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If you won’t: you’re risking your life – seriously, as you’re not protected.

However, it doesn’t ends here.

You’ve might be a woman in the next life/ when your soul would be reincarnated (as you

might not deserve to be a man – to introduce your new strengths i.e. learn humbleness

[critics fate?]; as everything has to be earned in this reality).

Have you’ve ever wondered how is to be a woman?

No. I’m not talking about the playing with your tits as most men desire and rubbing your pussy,

because the first: in fact the size we-like ‘boobies’ are for women a burden.

Imagine how it is to be an ugly woman (the not-attractive physically i.e. for sex).

She is predominantly: forced to be with a loser276/ nobody wants her277/ can’t eat278 – as she

would become a hippo279 (even more nobody would want her). She has to take care280 of herself.

Deal with all the hordes of boys281 who want to only fuck her/ suck dicks282/ have no money283 as

it’s a woman/ raise a child284 – risking to be dumped by the man/ accept anal285 sex. Be always

happy, funny... + you’ve got in a packet cleaning, washing, cooking, etc. (duties!)

Do you want it?

If you don’t like your position and are not willing to follow a simple process: you’re risking it

for yourself. I’m DAMN sure becoming a woman286 is a punishment by not taking the process,

#2 (it took me the longest time of 5 years, to crack it due to its no importance: but it’s vital).

We have to accept them, the way they are.

We love them because the way they are.

Avoid to become one of them.

Take the process, #2.

Win in life.

I shouldn’t say it, but... If you would fuck the process – it would fuck you.

287 It all awaits you – if you don’t repay the debt, by passing those 5-7 years of process/ this

book is a clearance288 of mine/ either way: you would repay it as a woman.

276 As nobody better: wants to accept her.

277 As she’s ugly = you’re on your own in life. Want a kid, nobody wants to impregnate you? Go to a bank sperm: raise

it and feed it by yourself – from your own cash, which you don’t have enough for yourself.

278 Eating puts large fat on your body and fat = unattractive. You won’t be never sexy as the models seen on the


279 What man wants a hippo in his house?

280 Imagine spending an hour in front of a mirror to just only go out! Without make up = unattractive.

281 Boys, not the real men. You give yourself – you’re a whore. You love sex, but to meet a MAN is something beyond

reach/ you’re unattractive besides. You’ve got always something to fix: never can achieve an ideal you.

282 I didn’t. Did you? Imagine only to suck an ice cream and there is no erection as she tends to spoil/ becomes

unattractive in time (up to 27 marriage: obligatorily). Being at her 30’ and alone? What would their friends think and

the family?! I wasn’t able to reach mine. If you watch porn: you’ve might not see – the real world.

283 It’s a woman: she seek for a man, with a class (cash). It’s required for her to live. She’s a woman – understand it.

It’s impossible to reach heights with a mind focused on 10 things at once: she’s a woman (did I know what I think?).

284 Have a baby and be left by a man/ be lost, depression – more donuts (yes, eat it). Yes you can!

285 Have you’ve ever had a block, which couldn’t pass in your toilet? It hurt probably. Imagine now a DRILL-dildo.

You have to give, as he would leave for another woman...

286 9/10 are ugly/ nothing special: they’ve got weak genes. 1/100 are the beautiful women – rewarded to those best,

who failed the process but tried (those are estimates, based on observation).

287 You’ve might possibly see now why my opinions/ this work is unpopular: as it shows, the truth (and its ugly, but

only it matters). It only allows you take wise choices in life and you should always strive to it.

Nobody won’t tell me, it isn’t a punishment/ some sort of. PMS? It’s not for me. Be thankful, you’re a man.

288 Well: at least I’m sure nobody would be fucking me in the life after as a woman. I wouldn’t be so sure of you...


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

An appropriate motivation plan has to be set in this reality, as you have still remember: that

everything you use has been developed by other people. Everything has been achieved and it’s

the only true, sensible way: it can be confirmed by the persistent person.


You learn it. You think 10x before you spend a dime: how can it be achieved better/ delay the

purchases: very often getting to a conclusion that you don’t really need it – buying when it’s

absolutely necessary (can’t be replaced, via other means or it’s required to have). You learn to

treat money with respect/ value them (alcohol is exempted). You prize and extend life

expectancy of items until they cease to perform their functions: not looking on anyone around,

ever. You’re not ashamed by any/ you wear clothes for decades: if they serve and goals don’t

required them to be changed or use your phone289 until it’s broken permanently beyond the point

of repair (it’s working up to this moment).

You resign from desires or limit them severely. Moreover: you feel good with it, i.e. you won’t

buy a six-pack of organic chocolates (theobromine, drug) for 42 but look for a cheaper

replacement, i.e. in promotion: buy it once time to time. You Live290 maybe less expensively –

lavishly, but better.

Those who do their work/ would be freed – would get for what they strive: eventually.

It’s the secret/ nothing can stop you, unless you do – yourself.


I’ve spent probably each New Year working291 on my goals, in a whole Summer time –

wasn’t even once on a lake: as I’ve worked to deliver (next time in a row)/ no paycheck:

ever. I’ve skipped any meeting which could have waste my time, anything which didn’t pushed

me further. If I’ve had to relax: I’ve done so, to use the minimum required time to pass those rest

days required for the maximum performance (updating knowledge in them, very often). I don’t

have friends, I don’t have a girlfriend – never had, because it wasn’t serving my goals (they

were ‘begging’ but I never don’t give chance for the next meeting – beyond three, without sex).

Maybe it would change, but until the last aren’t achieved or are insufficiently: there is no time,

to be wasted.

I’ve didn’t worked in a paid job for a single day – for almost 5 years in a row: I’ve always had

everything292 I’ve required for my work (not a super-car, helicopter and a harem of bitches:

means for survival and tools for development + alcohol). I’ve followed the paths chosen.

It tells you something.

You had to do your work immediately. You must see, that if the Laws could choose anyone vs

me: I would be the person who would get the job. In certain aspects, I’ve got developed a unique

skill and set of abilities, unmatched by anyone (of which I’m aware, as I’ve took from the

masters: surpassed them, on many levels). It would be required from you, to think for yourself –

learn to analyze: see more than is and perform at your peak and above level. If you want to

succeed. There is a price, to be paid but it’s worth it as in the end: friends leave or are closed in

prisons/ rehabs, but you stay: with your abilities, knowledge and skill/ it’s the process, #2.

You feel in control, in power: when you do such. It’s never regretted – it’s accepted and desired,

as you know for what you strive and you’re motivated. If your goals don’t give you the drive:

avoid to set them (usually, increasing them to believable for you: makes them worthy). It all lies

in the head, it’s all just a result of what is for you more important: party and drink today or

work up to 5 years straight (which is a pleasure & something desired) and have a lasting Nirvana

to the end of your life (or Nirvana-like/ feel good293 state for you).

289 Wrapped in a duck-tape.

290 Drugs tend to be always expensive, long term/ if unchecked: would eat you alive (chocolate contributes significantly

to the inner organism sickness development as it contains lots of sugars i.e. simple ‘carbs’, #3.8).

291 It never felt, as any/ i.e. inner desires of the soul, #1.11xF.

292 As a result of the previous 1.5 year striving, but those money exhausted quickly (a year, maybe two when I’ve

started to sell the things acquired). I’ve had to learn combine and appreciate the value: find what is truly important. It uniquely taught me a lot of things. If I don’t have: I don’t engage/ simple lesson.

293 Alcohol is nothing and basically you feel all the time like in it (+coffee): in Adoration, #1.1/ even would say: more.

You have to only follow your inner desires of the soul, i.e. your fate – begin the work and complete it, #1.11xF & #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Do you choose your black and ‘fun’ days now with the worst nightmare later or a suicide death,

or ‘fun otherwise: through work which doesn’t feels like any’ skipping all those limitless

hangovers, pointless meetings with friends. It depends, whether you’ve grown up or not.

Whether: you take the responsibility. If not: avoid to take the process/ #2.


You set NOT what the other person wants or WHAT EVERYONE WANTS, BUT WHAT

YOU TRULY WANT. I don’t want what others do i.e. cars, homes, bitches etc.: what I truly

want is to be HIGH294 all the time – then, I can think about the rest.

It’s what truly motivates you.

I worked for my high: the rest is irrelevant to me (critics, gold under the sea, opposers –

interferers, the “you won’t never be high” people, pesticide infestations, lack of money and

resources, temptations including women, drugs and alcohol – maybe295 not he last). It’s, the

process/ #2.

I didn’t cared when people laughed, when I was bombarded with everything. I’ve done

everything in my power to reach my goal and because of it, I can today look at the mirror to say:

I’ve made it. It took some time, i.e. years (look at the ending of this book) but it was worthy of it

– I would do it again, if I would have to. I never regretted any decision which lead me to it and

it’s the point, of the whole process. When, it would be achieved: I would strive for the next sub-

goal on my path. I would fight unless I’m dead/ never backing before anybody or anything.

Nothing would ever stop me, except death (I’d be resurrected by the path, i.e. the next deja-vu

waste of time, despite not aging: a day).

It’s the way, to do it.

Loose would those: who would never believe – it’s possible for them.

I’m296 serious, despite you’ve might laugh. You won’t probably want the same as me, but

you’ve got your own desires and wishes and it’s tolerated. It’s only up to you: whether you

would achieve them. Now, you know how/ #2.


Well, at least to provide something for the critics: my choices make people crazy/ nobody

understands them and they don’t even want to, because they’re so blinded by the monetary or

their vision of themselves – hopelessly binded to what they know, not realizing what they don’t

know and what escapes them (very often, in a state of masked fear/ i.e. what they loose). All of

them are well-grounded, but knowledge is required – moral development to firstly understand

and accept them. You have to reject the unknown – break your limitations and have a little bit of

craziness in you (it’s all to be learned) and it’s admitted: to surpass certain break-even points

and to advance.

It’s the whole point: “normal” get what the other normal people get: relatively none and they

accept it! However, it’s hard to define what normal means actually – the person, who decided to

stand out of the crowd: the future you/ to win his dreams? For me, it’s normal. I’ve always only

wanted truly to be happy (i.e. 297high, #1.1: Nirvana).

294 No drugs involved, ever: see #1.1, first page of this book – before anything & #2.2. I’ve kept it concealed for all those years to unable anybody: ruin or even touch my inner-core belief. Nobody had ever thought about it.

295 As I’ve used it as a tool.

296 As all I’ve ever wanted, was to cover the immense pain felt due to disease: knowing it’s a method, to mask it.

When I set a goal: I stick to it, until its completion/ time: never matters. It was required to survive, besides (simplified: level of moral energy, #1.1 = level of immunity)/ to buy me more time, for the ongoing research I’m involved.

I’m calling things, using names: what they are/ in reality – directly (they play a role of spiritual money).

However: I’ve still wanted to be high. It’s what I’ve truly wanted, because I’ve liked what I felt (any of your goal has to be backed by the logical and deep emotional reasons for you – to be able keep the motivation/ as the last tends to

fade, when the “troubles” come).

297 It’s high – speaking the most directly of what it is/ or rather – High beyond belief: the one like you’ve got on the

drugs however at bare feet x100/ x500 to x1M times stronger with 7 chakra centers opened i.e. with feelings like

power, love, compassion, etc. – at once. Drugs allow only to open or rather a tiny ‘leak’ of one to up to 1.5/ 7 of those

centers, but with their intensity and feeling caused – it’s like comparing a very high ultra-modern skyscraper to a shack/

or to a wooden plank for certain drugs. It doesn’t goes away, like in the instance of first/ can last even for a lifetime.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The thing is, that you do everything to succeed and when you encounter such resistance where

you’re unable to go deeper with your idea (Laws set by the Creator: have the true power in this

reality): usually, the stage is cleared. It can be explained by the critics, that someone didn’t

succeeded really and has constructed a theory to seek for the next fools who would follow

his tracks. It’s far from the truth, as you have to always remember that in this reality: everything

is highly controlled beyond your belief/ as it’s a testing ground. If you don’t believe it – it’s all

an illusion of the 5 senses: get to the µ < 0.1 (be warned: you’ve might298 get yourself killed; all

the drawbacks, #2.2: are included). The Law is real, all is set by it – for you to, because of those

abilities: learn the skill, experience required to finally achieve your dreams (in fact: if you were

to succeed with those businesses – even if they’ve brought millions to the people who launched

them – for you, it’s not enough as you get to the Billion). They block your path and if you don’t

believe a free will exists: even on a µ < 0.35 or higher – it might be sometimes possible for you

to experience that there are doors299 which you can’t open.

You can always otherwise follow your tracks: wish you luck.

You just do it right, the first time: follow the plan and results are a guarantee. It’s not said you

won’t have to overcome your limitations, because it’s necessary but just do it.


For me, things changed in time. Now – I’m able to see the effects of those who ‘criticized’

or were the most violent opposers – some of them ended300 in prisons, rehabs, some are

rushing to a depression/ #1.1 and they would die very probably soon/ most have left, I only

hear the stories about breaking bones, jaws, troubles etc. – nothing out of the ordinary.

Some would soon die, like my mother who has cancer/ a person who doesn’t wants to listen over

anybody and trusts in the system – those not using their brains, believing in their rightness (as

everyone): are first destined to die in it. What they’ve did upon others, at the time: is getting

back to them. They fear my presence (some of them; i.e. moral energy “suction” if only

attacked/ I’ve thought about all the possible traps to give them a reason: they’ve stopped to visit

me, ceased to say a word). The cards: have inverted. You should ever care, but do your job and

focus only on it/ up until its delivery.

Make it the best, as you would only then succeed (on your personal level).

Everything has to be earned.

You’re responsible for your life and those are your choices which would lead you somewhere/

or you would get in a place, where you don’t want to belong – because of your ego. I won’t help

anybody, unless a mutual respect301 isn’t preserved. You have to think for yourself, beyond the

age of 7/ when the Nirvana ends, #1.1.

298 It’s enough for you to read/ to speak with the people who used the drugs i.e. visit a rehab – show them this book: ask whether they do recall any of such experiences (or just waste your life and do it, but know – it might be immoral to

you). If not: they’re amateurs – shouldn’t be there (or imprisoned, due to their recreational drug problem).

299 It’s hard to explain: you’re just blocked i.e. the invisible part which you can’t enter like in the older computer games or the recent popular shooter. In the below states: you can control few things parallel i.e. 5, 7 to 17 at once but you

can’t control 1,000 which would be thrown at you, in one time. You have to develop understanding and experience it,

to be able to know. If the last is deficient: you have to trust initially – those who did/ it’s: how it looks.

Another common example: move in a week to the other part of the World with all your belongings – sell everything:

you won’t be probably able to do it, as you’re blocked in a certain way in your environment/ get the point. You’ve

always kept by something invisible – in the place, however it requires skill and mind: to spot it.

It would be ended here, because it would instill in you a sense of paranoia: if it only would be continued going through

all those questions/ to be asked, all-time. You would be mindful enough, in the process to ask them – constantly.

300 The rest is going to: they know it, telling it loudly (they know their fate).

301 You couldn’t too, if somebody calls you an idiot and tells you to get your bags and leave – immediately.

It’s those situations, where one is in a need: when it gets to him that he has failed himself and everyone around because

of his Ego or choices taken. It’s forbidden for you, to insult or judge anybody for what they are.

I foresee events: I know the future. I’m able to know your health status and all the problems you’ve got in a

millisecond glance/ more than any best professional (mostly of those issues: which you’re unaware of).

She can’t sleep – it’s an early first sign of a developing cancer in her body (she had chemo, 5-7 or more years ago). It’s combined with the other symptoms/ #3. Nobody listens, at it has to be earned.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Knowledge gives you power: you can know what others don’t. I was for example predict the

death of my grandmother up to a day (it was a correct prediction). It’s important therefore to

continually develop: to be able see more things/ with no bias. However: you have still remember

to cover it (conceal) as those fools can take you for a Messiah or an Alien (or police, if you act

“too hardly” for them, i.e. normal). It might baffle (stupidity, ignorance or beliefs of people).

You’re in this game alone: you play for yourself. If something is able to push you towards

your goals: you take it or engage, if it’s worthy. If it doesn’t: you’ve might mention it, if you

only want to but never do anything for other people unless they don’t show their initiative or it’s

not rewarded the way you would want to. If somebody is smarter than anybody: he never gets

nothing of value (if he disrespects or insults you – he gets even more of nothing). Those are

choices of the people: they would have to live or die with (or as a result302 of them).

Universe is just: everyone receives what he deserves, after time.

If you won’t start now (just this moment)/ #2: you would likely share their fate (either you

progress or decay; no standing still, i.e. ‘status quo’ in this realm). If you take the process: you

already know it (#1.11xF).


Lack of knowledge thinking, i.e. ignorance: kills people. If you have a problem with

amphetamines – you should investigate alternatives if you know/ just do something, to start the

process of change for the better of you. I’ve ate in the period of years in the range of 6,000-

10,000 of those couple mgs ephedrine pills. I’ve used it, because it predominantly allowed me to

pass the school (boredom, all those pain-to-sit lessons). Even teachers wondered why I’m so

‘curved’ on the face, but they couldn’t smell anything so they’ve accepted it as normal. It

allowed me to take higher weights on gym (at least only initially). I’ve just used it as most

people do coffee (caffeine; another detrimental drug). When I was abroad, I’ve quickly

exhausted my reserves (there were quite impressive). It’s a controlled substance, at least

currently: however you’re not prosecuted for it as it’s not a problem in the society. I was on a

‘forced’ rest time (something, which had to be done periodically) but it extended. Nasal drops

didn’t worked – I’ve ingested a whole bottle and was kicked: none. I’ve bought pills from the303

internet, but somehow those sites were unavailable later. I’ve exhausted all the options. I’ve

couldn’t even buy it in the pharmacy – telling the cashier story about a needy-addict: to help

with the dose. She’d refused. I’ve exhausted all the options, but I’ve never stopped to believe.

Hope was on a brink, that I would have to end my habit. I’ve never gave up. I’ve found it, a

month later – the solution which was insane even for me (I rarely view anything at this level).

I’ve got it in a legal-based company under the cash register. I’ve couldn’t believe it. I’ve

couldn’t fuckin believe it. I’ve asked, spoke with the staff/ he knew, he trusted me – I was a

solid person (as forever). He sold me it, it didn’t costed much. I was at that stage able to pay

ANYTHING just to get it (I wouldn’t ever thought, it was it – it was just a brown powder). He

was the last person on the planet Earth which I would EVER suspect could help me with my

cause. I was a known/ trusted client to them. It was probably the craziest idea I’ve ever realized

(to just ask in that place). I’ve went to the home. A friend, a long-time amphetamine addict