The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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rent a room to live with: where you would work on a different shifts, to lower the

costs/ if only not interfering with the goal).

If you’re a man: forbidden is for you to ejaculate, as you’re loosing energy/ drive.

You can have sex and multiple orgasms, but have to retain the sperm inside/


Limit any activities or actions which don’t bring you closer to your goal, ex.:

- cleaning, shaving or washing yourself/ if your goals, don’t347 require it,

- laundry,

- cooking, #3.21/ eating any of your meals – standing,

yet also: everyday making bedding, raising toilet seat etc. – sleeping (sleeping

in a hat, home – all winter) and using same clothes for days, saves you additional

time/ if they only don’t affect your performance.

Set everything, in a such way – that no or minimum effort is required and the least

amount of time used, to maintain the work on the goals:

- block all porn sites, block all the internet/ mail: leave the websites required/ if

your goals involve computers,

- delete any accounts on social media/ any of those portals which don’t bring

you closer to your goals,

- no phone348, no friends – is best option, unless it’s absolutely required/

become a total ghost to everyone around, who doesn’t serves you to further your


You have to remove anything – any activity, which doesn’t brings you closer to

your goals/ forbidden is to waste time on socializing etc. – one or two days of

completely free time to relax each two/ three weeks or when needed/ required is

enough, and essential for the goal – to rest and to perform, at your best/ remember

about it.

Think about even more ways, to further push your goals/ agenda and to be

more effective – never stop to adapt, optimize and develop.

Introduce to your life, ideas written in this book i.e. full health restoration, #3 & diet/

possibly others – if they’re only time-effective as such changes would greatly contribute

to your effectiveness.


You’re always required to deliver the best, of you – because you work only for yourself.

You must to perform your best work and do it, urgently.

Play, always to win. Take it death, seriously/ the process, #2.

// You play for your dreams only/ the faster you attain them – the better is for you/ the faster

your life would become a Living dream... Know it & embrace.

/ It’s all temporary.

It’s all about what you’re willing to sacrifice to get what’s desired.

All the others, who rest and don’t develop themselves: would pay a very high price later in their lives.

347 It’s actually unknown to many that: dirt serves as a protection from pathogens/ limit times – you wash yourself.

You cease to get sick/ when you do – it might be to you a surprise, but wash yourself when only in actual need for it.

348 Getting completely rid of telephone is very helpful also/ turn it off, to only switch it on once a day, at the end of it.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Certain steps are required, and it’s accepted by you. “100% or 0%” – live by this rule. Those are the

everyday temptations that pose – the highest danger to the accomplishment of your goal. You

either play at max – to win, or not at all.

I’m in the immoral enterprise/ got not cash to get out of it.

If you’re ‘earning’ the ill-gotten money: you also know, it’s all temporary – 50% is lost, virtually immediately.

“Today”, you’re the master of the Universe yet tomorrow you get back again to being Mr Nobody. It’s the true

reality. You can’t build a solid structure on the sand: understand it. Every immorality in this Universe is punished, people have nothing to do with it although they bring Karma back – you’ve caused (the pain, suffering – to you),

#1.12. You can’t escape/ ‘getting to a 1 million and leave’ – you would be hunted by the Laws, in a 5-15 years time

as you have the free will, to learn on your mistakes. It’s for you to decide only whether you want to play today/ be

in the jail or die tomorrow. It’s not worthy, to and everybody would tell you it – you too, know it.

Form an escape plan and mean it, in your head/ tell nobody about it: things, would start to happen – see it as

an opportunity, to never come back to any of the immoral situation// see: #1.12 for how to get out,

permanently349 – you’d be helped, very350 probably financially. Repair the damage done, to your abilities and do

what’s necessary to get straight, accept it. Karma would be repaid by you either way, but know – you would be

helped by the Laws. It’s time to quit, and it’s now.


If you want the money/ the lifestyle/ the all, you’ve ever wanted – there is a Law, which operates in this

reality and allows it, but you firstly have to leave all the immoral activities behind and truly want it: be willing to pay the price for success, in full. It’s the right way, to do it – without an immediate payment, but with a long term, lasting – reward, which is how it should and only can be. It requires you to change your person, so you would be able to get those prizes and manage them in a savvy way – if you think i.e. “and so what, for what I

would live when the money runs out”? It enables you to.

You set the prize in your head, i.e. for a particular/ reasonable for you amount of money/ hold it there

without changing it and you’d awarded with the task – in your thoughts: you have to complete it at your

best, urgently as it’s time-limited// see chapter, #2. It would allow you to live, but it’s wise to take a day-job if

required, #2.31. You’re absolutely guaranteed you would get the prize, because those are the Laws – like a

force of gravity which operates here/ the only question remains: would you be able to deliver it urgently –

being the work done, at your very best – which you’re always able to? It would take you 5 to 7 years time of your life, to get what you’ve dreamed and even beyond.

It’s the prize for success. If you’re not willing to work/ sacrifice your efforts and life, to do what’s necessary and achieve the desired: you would never win, in it.

Wish you luck, pursuing the hard way and always being punished by it.

It’s the choice, you have to take.


If you’re with the immoral lifestyle – ask yourself honestly: is it worth it?

As of experience, it can be told that the process – moral one, is without no comparison in greatness: to an

immoral lifestyle, which ends always only in the disaster. It’s the man’s wet dream, so take it – take the

process, #2 and win the desired, the easy351 way.

There is nothing better, than it.

There is no real alternative to the process, in this reality: if

you’re not willing to pay the price in full – you won’t never


349 Trust it.

350 To leave the immoral, with a face/ forever.

351 It’s the easiest way, but not initially/ i.e. when you’re new, to it.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Your task is to become, the best – at what you do. If you ever refuse to follow the process when

you’re in middle of it and your goals are strategic: be conscious that you’d might have a “Groundhog

day” movie experience – when you would know, more than you ever should. You can die only in

this reality under the very specific conditions (secretive352 knowledge).

Avoid to dread ever anything – if you’ve gained appropriate, large knowledge about the

object of your fear and investigated all the ways through (key 1/ 17).

Trust, in the process.

Know last thing: the prize would be attained by you/ delivered when you only

follow all those lessons to the end – like with the first prize you’ve received.

Persevere forever: independent of what you’d encounter.

It’s a Law – an algorithm which would get353 you where you desire to be/

have or possess.

If you do in this reality what’s expected of you: preparation, perfecting and mastering you and your

abilities – giving a sip of it for others too/ by taking the process, #2 – your life, is a Living dream.

It’s the key to happiness/ achievement, at every level.

Your prize would be delivered – you can deliver, but would you?



If you haven’t took it, yet.

In the end of their lives, 95% admit that they regret they’ve lived their lives the way others wanted them

to live, never to have the courage to do what they’ve always wanted (i.e. to follow inner desires of the

soul – their fate)/ the remaining 5% probably wasn’t able to admit it. Everyone has them, but not

everybody would follow, due to perceived false dangers presented in this chapter.

You’ve got the choice.

352 It’s easy in the principle – when you know, but revealing it won’t even work because it has to be earned, by you.

353 Forever/ if you only input the valid data i.e. believable goal & going to the end for it; overcoming all which plays a role of the necessary preparation (where it would be impossible: with lack of those/ to be attained or to have; to be

repeated, one more time). Everything, is only a symptom of it (of the cause). Just persevere and deliver/ perform

forever, to the very end as the prize awaits, there (directly: it’s already ready – if you are ready).

You’ve might not know it, where you’ve taken it/ #2: initially.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You have to understand one thing: it’s not whether you’ve got or not/ beyond the survival means.

It’s only about the goal: whether you have the required to perform it, in the process/ #2.

Critics would love it, but they’re just screamers/ just ignore them – their faith is known/ #4.49: at end.

Having now 100,000 on the bank account and “tons of bitches” wouldn't help rather my

goal: similarly as living in the capitol city where entertainments and everyday distractions

would probably ruin me. It will come, I know it but I have to complete my work. I've had

other problems than many – you, if you would be in mine situation (i.e. disease): would

likely die, due to it. Efforts were invested and I've succeeded with everything I've took

through the process/ #2, as I've persevered. I might have none of value to you – now in

Adoration, but when I would hit Nirvana/ #1.1 again: I would have everything. You won't

rather never truly know, what I'm speaking354 about as it requires change of your

thinking/ #2 (only to be established through it).

I’ve keep over a year/ belief – in the head, without changing it/ without even touching it or

any sign of slightest sign of a disbelief – as I’d knew, I just knew. I would wait for a decade

for the occasion, but it came after only a year. I’ve showed willingness by realizing ideas

which went to my mind – instantly, giving all of myself at 100% and a cooperation355

occurred. I’ve checked myself performing at other side-tasks with a belief complete in

everything and it progressed...

I’ve had over 100,000 at a time. It’s not what you’ve got that counts, but the development it

causes. Loosing those money learned me more than having them and it was the most valuable. It

served the purpose. Asking myself: would I heal myself from the deadly disease if I were placed

in a 1M+ city, have over 100k+ and NOT a shit-hole city 15k in the center of Poland where the

only attraction (distraction) is “Monopoly” shop356 (liquor store)? Hell no. Maybe you would,

but for me: it won’t happen – I know myself better/ it only counts (going to cinema once357 a

month would ruin me as I would blow the research money on the premiere-movie I must-to-

watch). Temptations. I would see an organic chocolate on the window and I wouldn’t pass it/

just the temptations would destroy me as I wouldn’t stand to not know everything about the city

and all the other. It’s the process/ #2. Here I haven’t got any of it. No organic chocolate (maybe

some bars, introduced recently but ‘1% of chocolate’358 (would see this drug – would start to

sweat walking by – view it everyday more and more, through the glass window...). We’ve got

here a cinema, but there are no new movies to watch. You can watch here ducks in the river that

stinks but even they’ve left (or they’ve eaten them, not sure). Everyone left, except my drinking

buddy who butchered the person I’d known with a knife (he has butchered himself such he

couldn’t walk for a month). Everyone I’d knew left me or leaved the area and because of those

perfect conditions created by the Laws I was able to succeed with my developments as I’m

stripped out of everything (i.e. being focused completely on curing myself & other research).

The only attraction i.e. news: which followed was when my friend Jesus went to the pond

they’ve built recently, took his towel and thongs and left them, because water was too cold – he

changed his mind. They’ve searched the whole area for the body: who could thought it.

Here I’ve got nothing! That’s the point: you just can’t be in a better place for the achievement/

development and Laws know it – you know it. The conditions I’m currently in are perfect for the

realization of goal and it only matters.

354 Understanding that it’s not about where you are now – is what’s important (to be fair: as I’ve been previously set in

‘better’ conditions as viewed by the outsiders and was in a much better financial situation, but it was required for the

necessary preparation in the process/ #2). You won’t see it today or maybe refuse to believe, but you would get to the

same conclusion when you would advance in it.

355 Never questioned everything – just did all, didn’t used any of my breaks in job – to get 1.5h faster to home and

eaten in 10 minute intervals. BEFORE I was handled the task for which I strived. I’ve forever placed 100% of my

efforts: doing the best work possible, setting – establishing everything to it. It continues to this day & would continue...

356 When I enter it: I feel like a woman – I’m getting into a shopping spree (craze). / Imagine what will happen to me

when I would have an unlimited amount of cash to spend on vodka and other liquors.

357 It would progress in my case: I’d spend half of the month there/ knowing myself – it would always be the next thing

I MUST to view/ watch or which is curious to me/ i.e. “I would die, if not”.

358 I would have to have it/ ‘out of sight – out of mind’.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In fact most what I’ve did in the process/ #2: haven’t got any sense at all, but it had to be done

and I’ve willingly followed/ except to show your devotion – at first, then to reinforce your X (it

can be said, that process isn’t for the “smart”359 people initially).


I’ve proven through my ‘long’ i.e. ‘hard’ choices that I’m willing to sacrifice myself for the

cause. That, achievement is more important to me than any of the benefits in the short term

distance and I’m willing to spend with the cause a significant amount of time. Something, which

rarely nobody would do as you’re afraid to take the unknown path. Sitting and ingesting

supplied knowledge 3.5 year in a row isn’t something you would willingly do/ without even ever

a single, one paycheck. I’ve proved I would do everything, what’s only required from me.

I’ve proved it through many choices and because of it: I was able to advance.

I don’t understand I can’t have something at least when it comes to the things I know – I just can

have (believe in). I’ve got a beton-personality: I won’t bend unless I check it for myself.

When I’m testing something: I don’t know I can die (I although secure everything to

survive). I know I’m immortal and it has proven right – true/ #2. We’re all in our lives faced

with a different sets of problems/ you have to learn how to deal with them, the right way.

Similarly as wouldn’t it be possible to find that training with closed eyes/ #4.2 is better for the

muscles, as I was directed to some obscure gym where floor was tilted and this bulb just burned

my eyes, so I’ve had to train with them closed (with sauna-like temperature in it and it was

impossible to don’t face this light bulb training). Understand it.

You have to accept all the conditions imposed on you by the process. Learn: it’s not about

having, but about learning which would advance you to Have. You’ve got probably currently

none skill at the point you want to (even if you think it’s much: it’s likely – zero or slightly less

in reality). You have to pass those experiences in those conditions and circumstances to be able

learn through them (in them). They wouldn’t be possible if you were to live in a 100M mansion

with 199 sexy women tanning (as you may think you want). This life would ruin and decay you:

in reality – if you were to think about it more deeply.


You’d be probably let by the Laws to earn a lot/ fast, similarly as I did361 (never had

anyone who would help me or guide or even backed financially – i.e. ‘beyond a thousand’,

except the unseen Laws). You’d probably earn a lot in the first years of process/ #2: if you only

strive for it, despite you would soon learn on your own example as those are not the money

which are important, but what you do and think with them (buying everything or putting it on a

savings account – is never a solution).

359 As they would constantly question everything, fear to do things, think too much – speak with others about it.

It’s basically for those lazy – who don’t care/ they would do: what’s told – i.e. formed, in the mind.

Who don’t like to work are disgusted by anything which isn’t for free/ or that somebody requires, imposes on them.

360 “Maybe the Laws are wrong?” “What if they ...” // basically: they don’t care – they don’t give a fuck for such type

of people – directly speaking (won’t let to the vicinity of tasks – if you want to play to ‘check out’ what they hold for

you or name-it). It’s an order which you have to follow: realizing it URGENTLY at your PERSONAL BEST.

You’d better die – if you won’t. Well: you probably won’t be allowed to – it also has been tested. You’re fucked until

you won’t deliver what you’ve took/ learn responsibility, once and forever. I’m basically trapped in the process/ #2 and

it won’t let go, but I receive my prizes so I’m comfortable with it (to anything else I don’t suit/ would fail, too hard and work for 1,000-10,000 x 8 hours, 5 days a month). I’m far from crazy as much. Day is too much, personally. I wake up

when I want want – prefer nights/ do what I want, to only deliver and the rest is dealt.

If I would be required to get to such job to build a skill or would be required to by the process/ #2: I will comply.

I could have nothing, but it’s irrelevant because it serves my purpose. When they would change: I would have. It’s a

Law. It delivers (delivered everything – up to this point)/ would move me to other experiences, environment when I

would get or attain the required. The message is clear: those items which most ‘wants’ to have would compromise all

my research, peace of mind and spoil me. I trust the invisible Laws.

What if it’s true (for real)? For me – it is. Look at the effects, only/ they’re clearly visible.

I’m basically the person who would perform without questioning all the works which are unimaginable, unthinkable or

nobody would accept them due to their belief system/ the last, is the core.

361 A lot for me, at age of 19 – first financial goal (see prev. page): being born and raised in poverty/ & never had none.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The point is that in the process/ #2: you’d be led rather through frustration and inability to

reach for your goal (at least in the initial period)/ but you have to persevere. You’d might

build everything 100% perfect to this limits, cover everything, but it would fail and the next

stage is cleared. It might drive you to madness that it’s not it, but persevere. You’d get the next

idea, it would fail – you would do everything and even beyond and again it would fail... (XX-

attempts later).

Website exchanging currencies between the users directly i.e. USD/ EUR, GBP (as intent;

skipping banks/ cantors provisions)/ short-term tiny-loans through SMS (directly on your

account)/ many more/ they’ve all done their purpose of knowledge increase and prepared me for

the realization of final venture which would allow me to realize my striving.

In fact: you open an organic food shop/ take product on the consumer credit (credo) and sell it in

your location and you’ve achieved your dream of few “thousands” a month/ which you may

have. You have to grow morally: to have (and it’s the lesson provided by the Laws).

You learn through those362 experiences.

Then you become prepared.


High is futile as it passes after those years (Nirvana/ #1.1). I’