The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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require learn the respect for money –

not needed for anyone, as this information

you’re likely to be put in a situation

might be easily accessed via other means

when you won’t have them at all, so


without the need of their memorization/

you’d be enabled learn to live without

for which you’re rated and dependent on

financials – it’s all temporary, until the

the score: you either pass or not (which is

lessons are learned fully and when

set with the pre-done scheme, blocking

you’re ready.

any creativity or any answers that go

beyond the pattern).

However, you’re being assisted in an

invisible way: being expected to make

errors and to learn from your example/

the process itself is guided by the higher

intelligence, so you always learn in it

and you’re always successful at it – if

you only willingly continue it (to be

accepted ‘as is’).

Usually there is a teacher or few who look

There is a teacher, although he’s

and guide you through the process of

hidden behind your eyes and guides

listening, memorizing and making sure

you through the invisible hand.


you would learn and repeat the same as

Resources/ materials are always

you were told – often, not to question

already there – found, brought or to be

their authority or methods used. However, attained – they always get into your

knowledge of the (or those) teachers is

hands: you might either spot them in


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

only book-based – rarely being practical/

your area or be guided to. Clues, keys

useful in the real life (they’ve learned in a

and answers to your burning problems

school and are simply repeaters – some do

are passed to you, i.e. you might find a

more with their extra work, but it’s

crucial piece of information when you

usually not based on their experience; as

enter a room – where the TV is on,

an example: unique is for a teacher who

precisely directed to the

teaches business – to be actually a

accomplishment of your goals/

successful businessman himself).

somebody might write to you –

touching an important issue, you might

see it in a dream etc. You’re not forced

to work/ or to do anything. You take

your own tempo, rhythm of attaining.

You choose the ways, which seem viable

for you the best: as Laws, adjust to

your core beliefs/ basically – to you.

You’re only rewarded by the effects of

your actions – if their insufficient: next

lessons are brought to your experience,

or you find clues everywhere which tell

you what you’ve skipped or you’re

directly experiencing the problems.

Laws foresight the events, adjust your

surrounding to serve the purpose of

knowledge increase, so everything what

is thrown at you: is to perfect you,

master your skill and understanding –

provide with the required help to finish

the realization of task. They hold All

the knowledge in this realm – their

effects are absolutely granted.


It might seem for you to be no benefit

as the road is intricate, long and seems

to be complex – because the things

you’re doing might pose an idea: that

they don’t make sense at all or are to be

considered by you as a worthless spent

time. It’s also perceived as a path,

without an end or with a highly delayed

one: where after a certain time – you

loose the track of it. It leads to failure

Perceived benefits

High-paid job.

after failure, commonly without a

noticeable reward, which leads to

frustration. You might succeed after

years of failure, to keep your

motivations afloat – then, to loose it all

over again/ for you, in order to be

persuaded to continue this path. None

or nothing is seen, until the very end/

yet you do the work with pleasure, at

the finish of it – as you know: you’ve

won, because of those hardships.

You become an expert – the real expert,

Lack of job, due to low level of skill or


any other.

not the book-theoretical one, but a true

authority – in all the meaning of it/



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

commonly beyond any understanding

what is marked as possible to be. You

complete the goal, get even more of

what you’ve asked for and are free, to

Live independently – having all the

resources/ everything else, ever wanted.

You’re released (by realizing your fate

and clearing the debt of this reality,

#1.1). Rest is unknown, but you’ve got a

choice to follow the process, which can

last till the end of your life and to

continue your work/ or to do anything,

you desire to. Your life, turns a living

dream, because you’re ready/



You’ve believed in it?

You decide.

If the money would be taken out of the

Are there any better than this choices,

equation and you would hide your fear

completely to closet, never letting it go –

who am I unaware of? What is to be

would you?

known more?

Interesting and the most prolific and


Pain, worst than any.

teaching journey that you would want

/ personal opinion

It’s better to die, really.

to Live and continue forever (that


It never works the other392 way.

The true fact, is that you’d be always treated like a piece of garbage, or at least you would

feel such inside/ others would prove it to you – until you won’t follow your fate. You’re

risking additionally, to be dumped on the elderly years – asking people for a spare change.

You can’t fight the whole Universe: only align to it, so it’s always better to give up to it

completely and win all what’s desired, as so.

It’s a personal belief of the author, that you’re always kicked and trashed – you’re always

nobody: unless you take the process, #2. After/ near its completion: you’re becoming

somebody really important, cared for.

It’s always hard to start, but easy to continue.

Take the process, #2.

392 The time the process takes: you spend more time wasting your time in the school/ which is even harder to pass.

You’re additionally rewarded in the break-even points, of it/ #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’ve got the choice: make it now.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


It’s possibly the most crucial attribute in any achievement. Would cause interest of women, when

attained (along with the high level of moral energy, #1.1 and definitely money & resourcefulness, #2.3

yet also #4.2 & #4.1).


Now, begin to feel just confident. Take immediately a stance which would prove that: push

your chest to the front, straighten your back, place the head little above the horizon level,


slower your movements and speech, talk from the deep-chest only (to lower your voice)

WO and keep it this way. When sitting, do it in a relaxed way – take more space (do it all,


intentionally: fake it until it becomes your second nature). Act from now on – similarly as

people, who are confident: believe you are too –/ in the process of becoming. Keep it, this


way for at least another six months.


TC Avoid to look ever upon anyone or anything. Refuse to conform over your more confident


friends or others. It has got nothing to do with the violence or aggression – avoid the last,

always. Be confident – nobody would notice.


Additionally, begin to talk in your inner393 dialogue: “I’m starting to feel confident” for a

period of at least two months – do it, with the inner conviction (remind yourself constantly,

by repeating the phrase at least a dozen times daily with the pressure on a first hour after

wake up and an hour before falling asleep). When it would become a truth to you – switch

to the phrase: “I’m feeling confident” and repeat it the same way as previous – for a

similar period of time. Then, when you would start to feel as such – take another two to

three months, using the phrase: “I’m feeling powerfully confident” in rotation, with: “I’m

powerfully confident” for the latter period, until it becomes your reality.

Confidence is how you feel about yourself and no material possessions or achievements/ lack of them:

should dictate or influence it – in any way. It’s the only and simplest way: to become your true self so

follow it – by believing in yourself, first.

An illusion, became the reality.


It’s so easy to start...

393 In your thoughts.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



Drugs limit your possibilities and they do it in both ways: first, by increasing your loss of moral energy,

#1.1 (the stronger the drug – the more is lost) and secondly – by disrupting thinking due to the

introduction of toxins to your body. It has got consequence as such, that you’re: unable to engage in a

clear process of acting and planning until the damage done – is cleared by the last, which takes

significant time and delays the whole progress, #2.

Sober state of mind is necessary for any achievement, so it would be a fight against you and your inner

nature only. By using those substances – you’re virtually cutting yourself out of the chance for change.

Every drug, even if seemingly not harmful – destroys and interferes with the process of thinking and

time is required to restore it, which can only be achieved by becoming and staying clean. It’s a part of it

to let go, but for instance one-time use of alcohol ‘disables’ you from your actions towards success, until

effects of it pass and it lasts usually up to the next few days. Your amount of free will is reduced and the

possibilities attached, to it. Therefore by using or taking drugs, which also include most pharmaceuticals

– you consciously lower and temporarily loose your opportunity for change.

Addictions and habits considered as bad: result from the lack of purpose in life. Everyone has got

motivations, but not everybody has got still the will, courage and knows what to do, to make his

life an enjoyable journey. Drugs seem to fill this need – emptiness, which results from: lack of

going along the inner desires of soul, #1.11xF. The last might be also an addition to/ or a result of

an immoral394 lifestyle which overtakes you gradually, #1.14.

All in life, is brought to a process/ #2. You’re changing your nature – i.e. take the journey, you

have to start the work – feel the pleasure by doing it, so you must have the responsibility to finish

it and you can’t e.g. drink or eat drugs. Your boredom is killed, all takes a purpose and you’re

overdrawn by the process and nothing else matters. Your work, that causes no pain but pleasure as

it’s set with the inner desires of soul – meaning that you can do it forever, without being or

becoming tired until death: sets you apart from others in a very short amount of lifespan and/ by

putting a purposeful effort into it and maximizing your efforts to create the best, that is possible –

you earn continuously lots of moral energy, #1.1 (µ). Which, eventually leads you to reaching the

state of Adoration: on which drugs cease to taste, be desired or a need for them disappears

completely (other people with whom you associate are merely a reflection of you – being similar,

so in case of subconscious change of thoughts: you would be naturally separated from those who

take drugs and they, from you). It’s the only escape, refuge or way to take and to leave the old

completely behind: changing your life on the very best possible for yourself.

Until you won’t find the purpose and decide to go after it, #2: you would always take and continue to

spend/ waste your time with the usage of those substances.

Take your time now, independently of what time it would take – as it would rule your


whole future life experience: to find what you really want and put the Laws to the work for

you, #2395. Implement immediately programming, #0.1: if you’ve haven’t done it, yet.

Proceed only, if you’re seeking for a greater understanding, dangers involved with drugs or techniques

to deal itself with addictions (which might prove valuable to your other goals and needs). Yet also to

make sure: you’ve made consciously the right decision by choosing the full freedom and control over

you life (as it sounds, because it’s how it is).

394 Parasitic/ miserable i.e. no goal, no purpose due to lack of will or followed leniency, by you.

395 In combination, with the #0.1 programming: it would cease erratic drug usage/ bad habits, by implementing an

appropriate drives and installing all the other important/ involved (at this moment, first effects should already set or would do as such in another month: removing, in time – all the addictions and other immersing behavior that interferes

with the process of change).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It all comes, to the shift of perspective. Instead of looking as an addiction substance as something which

makes you happy: kills your boredom, introduces journey and fun to your life – even if temporarily,

look instead beyond those short-term benefits and see i.e.

vision of the next day hangover by actually experiencing now all the tomorrow symptoms/

emotions associated with it,

huge muscle loss by looking and getting to experience now bicep size decreased by -2cm/

-0.8” less in circuit (in case of women: to experience now the gain of +1kg of fat on your

stomach) as all, by getting into your tomorrow – new body as the result of such choice,

seeing yourself as a junkie/ alcoholic in the mirror, by experiencing now the looks of people

and comments it would arouse396 in your environment – similarly, as the point above,

loss of significant amount of money, by actually experiencing now – feeling in mind, tasting

and satisfying your senses by e.g. eating those 5 or 9 tastiest organic chocolates existing in

this world, which could be exchanged for those funds – or an item desired for so long, that

could be bought for the last: by feeling the happiness it would bring/ would be derived from

it, in your life – let/ allow this feeling to be much stronger/ focus on gains (or losses –

dependent of what motivates you, the most) and stay focused.

It depends, what motivates you. In fact, additional items should be added and used, best – in stacks by

seeing, feeling and experiencing it all at once (loss of cash/ buying x by allowing the emotions to

surface, loss of muscle, experiencing the next day crash by intensifying things that could be attained by

resigning today, etc.). However, probably the best would work specific items e.g. vision and the actual

experience of a sleepless night, tiredness and extreme fatigue, night sweats and psychical disaster

experienced at this current moment – seeing the consequence, leading long term – to the financial ruin,

failure, prison397 or worse – psychiatric hospital, increased feeling of being empty and loss – and the

even harder way of getting out/ i.e. depression, disastrous mood – moral hangover as a result of the

action which was to be taken. In the case of harder drugs: sense of paranoia, wasted time and lost life.

You would always come back to your habits until you won’t change feelings towards them.

In case of the milder drugs, which are not such devastating – your focus should be rather pointed on

various other, which might still be important for you, as e.g.: loss of a partner due to your habits,

including financial ruin which might influence or cause it (as drugs still, cost), pain of the future when

you would collapse on lungs (visiting hospital and seeing the people in-self, who caught those diseases

caused by those habits would be a striking moment) etc. Usually wasted time, effort and money doesn’t

count, but if you were only to know that your state of health might be drastically experienced in

happiness and being free, from any of the substances involved – it might trigger a different thinking, #3.

Poisoning or intoxication with the drug, despite dangerous – is usually effective enough to


change those feelings towards the substance, of abuse (with it, begin to self-talk to yourself: ‘I

start to hate –X