The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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develop by perpetrating new projects, learning new skills and improving yourself to

NA strive for the best, only. Be the best in the world as its entirely possible for you482 – for


Develop yourself constantly, every minute of your Life.

What should motivate you: is what stays – on the end as it only truly matters/ when you die, people

would only remember what you’ve contributed to their lives. In the end, when the play passes: you’re

left with nothing of value, by taking any other approach to life. Moreover, you don’t have to work your

whole life – only those 5, 7 years to be able to Live to the end of it, being independent financially as a

result of this one, single decision with which you’ve stayed/ stuck for this time. Nobody told it would be

easy to start. Keep the faith always with you, to the end and after it – forever.

481 A professional fighter, except information included in #2.59: must use a special mind programming designed for the

purpose of becoming the best – in history/ do obligatory body cleanse, #3 with intestines as priority/ store all-time

sperm inside for up to few months before any battle, #3.95C, test the fight performance in starvation, #3.1 – if only

detoxified fully, breathe a special mix of gases similarly as divers do – before and in the breaks to saturate the body,

use lowering body core temperature device, apply urine on fists – body and add organic oil/ possibly special

pheromones, wear red shorts, rehearse in mind/ watch all the possible fights to study patterns etc.

482 Being limited to areas of the inner desires of soul, which are remarkable & beyond what you can reach in a lifetime.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Life now is easy, because you don’t have to worry about anything – you just work483 your way on a

simple goal/ not require to do anything else, in this one: particular, moment of time. You don’t look future: you take from the past and ensure its delivery. You attain aside any possible

knowledge of use, gain valuable experiences and are in effect: the happiest person in this world/

having only to know, what you want as when you’ve took the process, #2 – everything in this

reality started to work on your advantage.

It’s all to be gained this way, little to none – any other: it’s the code of this reality. You would attain it,

through taking this path. FUN is the process, but it comes later – when you would get the required. It’s

only possible fully, fastest and it’s all about the work, fun and pleasure. It becomes easier: when you

make it fun – are attached emotionally and enjoy, the whole experience.

When you take the process – you stick to the end of it. You can have breaks, but you push it to the end.

Then, you truly win. Moral energy, is the key.

You must have everything own and it’s achieved in/ through the process.

Yet, you have still to take it – #0.1, #2.

The process would lead you eventually, to the prize – it’s a Law, it performs/ make the best efforts, with

urgency: to perform at your part, of the deal. Your success is absolutely guaranteed if you would only

deliver/ which you’re always able to.

Take the path, #2.


// If you won’t do something now with this information i.e. order organic food, #3.21 to prepare it with

the guidelines attached/ any other – throw this book away or give it to someone who would; share it –

either way.

483 It’s not work, either way – it’s just “sitting and doing” which doesn’t feels like any/ pleasure is derived from it.






The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Independent on how low you are, imperfect/ where you are in life – evil, poor or in what trouble,

problems, you-name it etc.: you can always change everything, in an instant. It takes only a split-second

decision with which: you have to stay, #2/ any breaks are included. The rest, would unfold.

It’s how it is, in this reality.

You might perceive process as a journey which takes eternity, but the truth is different. It’s

easy – you just have to TAKE THE FIRST STEP and continue.

In fact, it’s plain – clear: despite, you have to perform your works.

You push, fail, you push another project to its completion – you fail, another one – to fail

again/ you must however do everything to succeed. The beginning is the hardest – the ‘1st

year’ where the most resign. The 3rd year – you usually succeed financially, to loose it: to keep the motivation – to understand how to handle the money. You have to learn fast,

perform your work at your best, urgently and it’s all/ everything would later be covered.

It’s worthy to forget about the time: just enjoy it, in its all completeness. In the end, it’s

only a blink of an eye and you’ve got pockets full of cash, staying with experiences and

financially independent on your current484 level of Living – to the rest of your life.

Who wouldn’t take it, #2?

Your Life would change after those 5 or 7 skinny years, on the very best.

It’s unbelievable more to it. This book is merely an introductory, to inspire you to take the action.

Make it, now – #2.

484 Yes, you see it correctly: you work your way for 5 to 7* years at your best performance – delivering and you’re financially free for the rest of your lifetime/ if your strivings only involve it.

It’s the ultimate goal, of it.

* Conditions might wary due to your preparedness and current level of morality/ #1.1 & performance of work

performed, but if only applied all of those teachings from this document – learned and done everything: it’s granted.

/ As it exploits at max those set-by-God, #1.11xE: algorithms ( value of this work; share it, secure).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Before you would engage: it’s required to quit any pharmaceutics485/ other completely, be at least 18

years old, not pregnant, certain conditions might be a contradiction to it (see agreement on the first page,

for more).


This process would restore your health in 100%. It means that any symptom, sickness and disease

would be healed, when applied completely. In particular sections an additional time might be required

to do so, until the symptoms retreat fully.

Health is probably the most crucial factor in life, as it dictates – the energy levels, clear thinking

and many other important in the process/ #2. Therefore it’s a duty, independent of the current

health status – to introduce and perform all the steps required, to win yourself those qualities: for

most, beyond any idea what is achieved due to it. When you would complete this procedure: you

would be in terms of thinking, well-being and energy levels – transcendent to anyone and the last would

pay by itself with great benefit.

Independent of the current health level: by passing this process you would get an unimaginable

boost when all the body functions – would be restored, the last cleansed out of parasites, toxins

and all pathogens. Imagine yourself to be 10x more – it’s what’s achieved, for everyone who had

successfully completed it – it’s unbelievable more.

All needs to be applied in order set, as changes to it might cause severe consequences (none of the

stages can be skipped, if not written otherwise). The last can be only altered when having a confirmed

cancer or a Lyme disease (suspicion is enough, #3.95A & #3.95B).

If you won’t complete the full body cleanse: your state and health would stay on the same level, with the

tendency to decrease (and with the increasing consumption of GMO foods: to indirectly die/ put

yourself on the brink of death and with the notice, that – the damage done might be irreversible beyond

certain point). Nobody can or would do it for you – so you would either do them and become healthy or

die in the process of avoiding.

If you would follow and Live accordingly to those rules – you would be healthy. If not – you won’t (or

be partially, with the tendency to decrease at max.)486. It needs to be noticed out loudly, that if you

haven’t implemented them fully: you have no knowledge whatsoever, what this word actually means.

Completion of the whole process is required to experience the full health and all stages are

necessary/ only natural foods, herbs and minerals including electricity are used, to bring it back –

it’s completely safe.

485 As combination of them with herbs/ chemicals used in treatment might be lethal.

486 Little variations in diet are possible like e.g. full raw diet, no cooked, no meats etc. but the solution proposed are the best existing, including also your comfort and are also cost-effective.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If you’ve had shared this book already: you’d probably found someone already who is willing to do

cleanses – parallel to yours. It would be probably helpful, for some/ decision is already made.

For your own stake and well-being – share this document now.

Begin the treatment, now/ drop of any pharmaceuticals, others – is required before.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Starvation is probably the easiest and the most pleasurable procedure existing, only human beliefs based

on prejudice and implemented beliefs are telling to think different. It’s easy, as you just drink only water

all the time/ you might have additionally a need only, to leave when other people are around: cooking

and also – skip to see any foods. When you drink pure water: the hunger actually disappears after

completely and you’re ‘fully eaten’ to the limits – the last is really present for the 3 first days only.

Then, the pleasurable state sets in – peace of mind and a feeling in which probably you would love to be

permanently – beautiful sense of world is around, as you’re clear with everything: have got an

outstanding thinking – not interrupted by any, of the non-important/ i.e. later, read further. It’s also the

best487 method to drop any addictions, #2.2 as organisms forgets the old.

In time of starvation: please order organic foods – mentioned in, #3.21 and after


completing the first – start to apply eating those guidelines, immediately.

When you start the starvation you must ensure, that you would acquire organic food in the

end of its completion as it’s forbidden to touch anything except it (which is not BIO/ organic/

ecological). If you don’t live in the vicinity of such ECO shops or they’re not available at

your place – you should place an order at the start of this process ( now) and wait for the

shipment near the end of it (details are in next section, #3.21).

In any other instance, skip this step.

Organism periodically needs to clean itself, from deposits that were held by years of intoxication (food,

air and environmental). The only viable way, that can’t be skipped and replaced by any other

means: is allowing it to do it alone, by actually giving the time to perform the work – achieved

only, when refraining completely from eating. Starvation brings balance and harmony to the body.

It’s the time, which is used to normalize its functions and to heal – fix organs, burn and/ or expel toxins.

Analogically your body: can be summarized to a hoarder house, which is cleaned of all the unusable/

dangerous trash, dropping all the redundant and toxic (see pictures on next page).

487 It includes predominantly addiction to the previous, chemical/ pesticide-infested, processed ‘foods’/ i.e. particularly perhaps your old diet.




The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Your body, after using glycogen from muscles and liver – is forced to go deeper to burn fat and

accumulated in it toxins but also all the useless and sick (where the first lasts to three days, after which

the healing process starts and starvation takes place). A general review is conducted, in which all the

bodily functions are restored, including metabolism, cleaning all of organs and also those connected

with the immune and nervous system. In those conditions: your body is able to work very well, using

only reserves which were accumulated for all the years before (fat only is burned in such period and all

the unusable, toxic, redundant so it’s completely safe – a typical person is able to drop up to 7-10kg/

15.4-22lbs488 in this time or more of pure fat, without touching any muscles).

488 It depends, but it’s advised to begin with short-term hunger strikes like in this cleanse (all fat can be dropped in

starvations: the most effectively and totally safe). In order to burn it completely: it’s enough to extend the time of days when you stay completely out of any food/ i.e. you prolong those recommended 7 days by 3, 7 next days (if only fat is

present on the belly, for it to be safe). It can also be done, by taking two 7 or more day starvations.






The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In the first instance, artery & veins are cleaned where the cholesterol (fat) has been deposited, as it’s a

good source of fuel and all deposits which are unnecessary and which gathered as: cysts, bumps,

outbreaks of purulent e.g. under teeth, brown senile dye, calcium salts, pimples etc. but also bacteria,

dead or abnormal cells. Diseased tissues are burned quite fast. A thorough cleanse of the body happens,

from toxins which are known for causing extensive damage after certain time and accumulation. What’s

more, organs such as brain, heart: keep their weight, whether subcutaneous tissue looses it up to 95%.

Nothing is touched, until fat is burned nearly completely, so there is absolutely no possibility of death

during the sequence, when the above rule is preserved. In this period symptoms like headache, increased

sweating, rapid or irregular heartbeat, periods of lowered well-being could arise and they’re normal and

expected, as they imply that toxins or sources of a disease are burned, being simply a manifestations of

the healing process – you would feel weak until the body won’t detoxify itself.

Therefore: you should start the starvation now as it’s very simple/ it’s the only way to pass it.

STOP to eat now: at this moment you’re allowed to drink only pure water for the next

7-days (remember that consuming anything, like e.g. sip of a drink or a tiny chunk of food, OW!

medicine – breaks the starvation completely; it takes the next three days again – to restart

NT it, after the body: would switch to internal nutrition – starting the real, 4-day hunger

CA strike). You’re allowed then to drink only pure water.

You won’t die, as nothing is touched except redundant, toxic waste and fat in your body.

It’s easy. It’s safe.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

After completing the full term starvation: please make sure you would resize your stomach properly by

eating very small portions of single, un-mixed food (as it shrinks and it might cause pain to eat at full,

immediately after). It’s forbidden to touch any other foods, than organic and to eat in any different

way, than the sample diet from #3.21 (with the guidelines included).

Avoid to think about it, just do it – it’s something which obligatorily needs to be done.

Cease to eat now/ drink only pure water.





You should perform at least three 7-day starvations to clean yourself completely.

Do one best in early spring, each consecutive year.

489 When the programming from #0.1 would set in: it would be easy to pass. However, complete it at this time as it’s plain-easy. You shouldn’t eat additionally at all, when sick.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



Certain elements are required to function properly and at your best. Therefore, a set of rules of hidden

very often knowledge: needs to be applied, as it gives the incomprehensible results.


If you still feel that GM490 is imaginary – take a look in your past experiences: you’ve probably eaten a

banana, pineapple or a corn/ any other food491 after which your stomach was in pain: you’ve felt unwell

at best or cooked lentils, that after over four hours or more caused such discomfort. You’ve probably

ingested chips or any other foods, with canola or sunflower oil – that caused similar reactions (no, it

wasn’t food poisoning in the sense what it used to mean – the food/ oil was poisonous and it would happen all the time when you would consume it). Those foods are GM and are deadly – harm the body

leading to organ malfunction and failure – permanently decreasing energy and plunging your health,

causing infertility – so you won’t be able to have children/ pass your genes – forever, intoxicating you –

lowering all your well-being and taking away satisfaction from your life (which might be not known to

you, as you’ve never had the chance to experience what means to be healthy).

Yes, the last might look normally but they’re a potent poisons – those foods, so understand it once

or die (by continuing to eat them like many, who died before you due to this one, single selection).

It’s not anymore a question of choice, but rather one of death or life (as serious, as it is). It’s only

your life and you would bear the consequences of your decisions only: refuse to deny that you didn’t

know it – as now you do. The only question is whether you would something about it or not –

choosing to ignore this information, as ‘later’ might be too late and for sure it would be (as the

damage done is extensive and in many cases – irreversible). Time to act is now and if choose to eat