The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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“If none is done or known: everything, is impossible.”

/ as reply

470 However you Live it and think, all the time/ searching continually for a new, important data and experiences –

which might further your cause.

471 Unlocking of the pineal, #3.23: is required for imagination to become available for you.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It might be essential/ core to progress in the process, #2.

Your work is required.

Forever think for yourself and refuse to give any control to anyone over your life/ your

personal matters – things, which are for you: important.

It’s the must: do, investigate it all by yourself and let be self guided by your intuition/ into uncovering

the unknown to you, at the time – important.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


You must to always believe in self. You must forever have an unrelenting attitude towards striving

for your goals. You must be distanced, to self – to your goals, to your character as you exist on a

different layer – you might suffer, but it doesn’t influences you deep within – it’s required and

temporary/ survival, is the most important.

You must always fight to the very end. If you’ve lost, it doesn’t matter: you would win, eventually – if

not today, it is a matter of time. You’ve taken already full control over your life, #2 and personal

responsibility for everything you’ve got control over – and you keep it, this way to the end of your life. If you don’t like something – you change it. You also believe, that everything eventually would

align itself: as you’ve did your best efforts/ in your power – to be as such.

Those, who lack power because of their belief system, #2.51 – 3.26: lack the sense of control and their

life is a misery. You know it.

You’ve prepared enough and continue such efforts everyday to secure your standing, not only in

the financial means but in life as a whole, because it gives you – this powerful inside feeling of

power. You’ve got already the ability to say, do and think whatever is necessary – #0.1/ which pushes

you towards your goals, all-time. Emotions are replaced by the knowledge, which you’re attaining each

and every single day.

You make use, of the below tactics, dependent on the tasks given.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You're only giving power over yourself to the degree you're accepting it and allowing other people

to have on you. You understand, that by not demanding for yourself to be treated with respect: you’re

inviting other people to follow. You demand respect and because of it, you get it. You know, you’re

powerful and people can either love you, but fear when they influence your actions in a

meaningful, interfering manner. You always defend your position and value.

You demand yourself to be treated as a King. You rarely use argument, but demonstrate your

power rather through body language & calm, thoughtful response to events. You’re beyond and

are more important, than anyone – you’re someone special.

The core, of your value is the sense of achievement and power, you have. You’ve got a clear

sense of direction – wants, #2: which you acquire through taking and Living the

constant process. However you rarely reveal your plans and intentions, unless absolutely

necessary or implied by the task, itself. You conceal your wants and desires – hide all your

ego, striving to complete the tasks: with all your power and abilities, being the most

important thing in your whole life experience. You realize, that by showing them to others –

especially those, who have nothing to say or add as they’ve alone – didn’t achieved much or

their expertise is near none: you’re risking stealing them from you, criticism which might

influence your feelings, defenses which could be taken to prepare

against the incoming – loosing a lifetime friend is acceptable and

doesn’t even touches you but to loose a person who might be helpful in

the tasks – is something, unacceptable. You keep people in the dark,

unless it’s absolutely necessary for you, to show little of the project/ if

so, even: you don’t do it to the end, limiting it, to the part or parts/


You always have a plan and strive, everyday – for its

accomplishment. You know, that if you don’t have them long term:

you’re likely to decay and die, because of it. Therefore any free time/

rest – is taken responsibly only for the short period, or if tasked to in

the awaiting for your missions. However, even in such time: you do the

extra work of extending your knowledge in the areas which might

prove important/ including those related, to borrow solutions or which

might be connected.

You’re prepared on every instance, outcome or circumstance –

having all covered and you do it, everyday (repeatedly). It’s of

fundamental value to you, as it allows you to sleep in night. You’re not

satisfied, until you’ve covered everything and ensured – it’s all checked

and verified to work.

You value people based on their worth to your goals. If they loose

it: they become of much less value, but you take care about people.

You treat everyone, as the possible mark to your goal: you treat

everyone with proper respect, accordingly to their contribution.

You always come to somebody with something.

You know yourself and your standards: you don’t accept anything

below it, but use every opportunity to further your own causes.

You mark high – you’re ambitious. You never align to the standards

and plans of others i.e. family, friends or other people: unless they’re

yours/ and, or either advance your agenda. You know what you want

in your Life – you follow the once-selected, chosen path/ #2.

You succumb to the highest moral values, in all your striving.

You’re the highest morally perfect person. You know the dangers,

you know how to act right, #1.1. You refuse to w atch on anyone else,

as you’ve got your own way to follow. The more you're in control – the

more powerful you feel.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It’s usually never required to fight anyone on fists – resolve and problems by means of

words/ joint communication. For instance author of this book never fights – he never

provokes, if assaulted – he goes or runs away without returning any punches – maybe at most

sits down and covers his head with arms. He don’t knows how to fight, yet he knows how to

effectively kill and he trained those techniques/ which included defense from escaping

various locks and situations to finish the deal. It might be possible to beat a person easily, but

he’s not interested in it – it’s never his goal, he’s holding and it must always be remembered/

i.e. by slowing time in mind, to 0.1x – using his reserve of moral energy to crush the bones

with a punch, #1.1/ use few basic moves which he472 knows, mainly to dismember joints.

However, if the fight would have to be executed – it would likely be brought to the level,

where the opponent is weak/ or has no knowledge whatsoever about i.e. usage of a poison,

woman, throwing intrigue/ curse etc. as it’s believed by the author: that everyone has got

some weak spot. It’s usually something which is to be handed: few punches mainly from

open hands or a kick on the head, but it’s the price to be paid for the striving/ as he holds no

Karma, #1.2 for physical pain: merely none of it is felt – maybe he has got a scratch, at most.

It’s known to those around them, that he doesn’t fights and it must be acknowledged. No

one, ever knows or even suspects a thing/ would believe it, ever. It hasn’t ever occurred for anybody to really create situation which would require to use any of them and with over half

of the world as his enemy: with nearly everybody in his surrounding – a conclusion has been

drawn, that it’s futile to use force/ it’s for the weak and the weakest, or to react emotionally

which is revealing of the intents and information not to be acquired the other way. Besides,

training something – creates an urge to test it in the real world and it might be dangerous for

somebody else.

If threatened or beaten: escape, or leave the situation – preferably, if your life isn’t

threatened: avoid473 to fight. If the opponent pursues you: tell him to leave, escape one

more time again – tell sorry, just to be left and use everything in your power to

discourage him. If it doesn’t works, use the below.

Use an immediate light,

but decided punch to the

neck/ best, under the

specific bump of Adam’s

apple, to neutralize the


Warning! A real strong

punch to this point –

might kill a person,


Groin area is also very

sensitive, but it has to a

punch delivered to the

testicles/ to crush and

squash them efficiently.

It would give you some


If you’re really in a need of assistance when you’re beaten, yell loud: “it’s burning!

Fire!!’ as maybe there is someone around, who would help you. Count always only on

yourself and what you know/ have with you. Pepper spray is for women/ it might not be

enough474 – beware, never provoke: it’s best to be beaten or completely robbed than to

loose your health. Never fight, with anyone unless your life is threatened.

472 There is more to it as for instance: by exploiting mind’s properties – you can punch such way that the last, i.e.

opponent – won’t see the incoming attacks, which nobody knows or uses/ where you stand solid and move only your

hands. Similarly as the knowledge that you always punch: from the two first knuckles on each hand, from the thumb.

473 If an aggression is made: it’s usually the opponent who is sure of winning/ he’s on his ground, might call for partners etc. (as a sole reason to avoid, any).

474 Mainly, because you would simply have no time to even use it as danger is rarely seen in the case of men/ besides,

it’s a false i.e. none sense of security (more clearly: use the gas, completely = you’ve got a serious problem).



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Wise & smart learn from the mistakes of others/ you learn primarily as such. It’s done

commonly through observation, but also by getting such knowledge from constant education,

i.e. books and movies/ ability to see, spot the patterns and errors of those, who were before.

In order for you to perform at your very best: you’re attaining everyday all the possible

knowledge related to your niche of work/ job or business – you’re also attached to those

highly motivated, knowledgeable and skillful people with experience/ the smarter and

probably wealthier than you (the best people, in the industry/ sharks).

You’ve escaped the lazy/ no-knowledgeable environment and stick,

with doers. You know, that you have to strike oil only once to be rich

for the rest of your lifetime and you pursue the drill, constantly. You’re

someone better.

You use a priori/ a posteriori approach, i.e. from cause to effect/

and from effect to cause: which leads you to finding the sought

after answers. However you know, it might sometimes be not simply

enough: therefore you proceed at expanding your knowledge and daily

understanding, to always fight up to the very end – getting the answer,

if the matter is only of importance.

Your primary goal/ want, in life is to attain as much money as

possible – to achieve financial independence for the rest of your

days here/ meaning: you don’t ever need to work again, in it. You

firstly strive to the first, then increase the wealth – by taking and living

the constant process, #2.

Adaptability is for you paramount. You know, you would persevere

– any conditions, get through any obstacles or circumstances. You

value this skill, work on it everyday and develop. You do basically

what has to be done and thrive, by it.

Boldness is like your second nature. You’re big in every undertaking,

you value your ability to be seen and admired. Popularity is everything/

what’s unseen – counts for nothing. You’re the master of a spectacle,

generating interest and King of the task. Quantity, not the quality is

essential to build a momentum. You know how to cause people speak

about you, your projects or businesses – it’s by playing to score big,

through boldness: you really win.

You always do the work first, because it’s the most important thing

in your life to deliver tasks taken in the process, #2 and/ where you

can rest after – each day.

Except being a moral person – it’s important, what your friend475

does/ if he’s involved in immoral: after getting knowledge from him

– you’re likely to end relationship (by withdrawal). You however

understand that people are imperfect and do mistakes, so you offer

advice to get out of the enterprise – and it’s known, to the subject.

What you do today: would really pay itself in 5 to 7 year time in the future. It’s the

secret to this illusion/ it’s deliberately known and accepted, by you.

You strive for power and you get it.

475 Any of them, with whom you associate.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Inverse paranoia, is the way to handle things/ looking what or who, might help or be used – in the

situation: as there is always a way out or it is created, by the Laws. You know it, embrace and turn

everything to your advantage/ as you know, that it works for you as you’ve took the process, #2.

Ability to make money, is rather more crucial than having them. Price of the commodity

might go down for a decade/ product or a line of them: become obsolete in the face of new

solutions or clients become more educated to just stop buying and you’re bust/ particularly, if

took any debt for the development of your company (bank can ask to repay the debts

immediately and you’re broke without even a need for the previous).

You watch your matters/ keep an eye on any dates of payments for things important to you.

Fail at them and you’ve might lost – lots of work and value. Negligence is a serious crime for

which you pay daringly/ to forever, avoid.

You invest money in the tasks, #2 and accept if they would be lost/ because, you’re

really not about the investment itself – rather than in your experience: which you would

gain because of it – that really do matters for you. You know, everything/ most would pay

itself back – in time/ only possible due to it.

You’ve might get repossessed, all wealth might be nationalized – you might loose all due to

disaster i.e. nuclear or any other/ through toxins. You’re aware that if you live in a major city

like New York: it would be destroyed by the wave caused by a nuclear strike operation etc.

like many other. Therefore the only thing, which really does matters to you – is your survival

and the knowledge attained in this life experience: which can set you free as it provides the

ability to deal with the unknown and all, which might endanger your well-being and


You know it – you’re aware of such situation. Therefore, you prepare for the incoming – in

all its aspects, including the financial. However, you acknowledge that money are a life-

blood to the company – your Life and you’ve got them secured, kept hidden for the future/

along with the stacked resources and others – like a secured shelter: which would insure your

very living and provide with an immense sense of security.

You’re forever in control.

Always those who are weak, on the basis of the soul value476 itself – who don’t develop themselves: die, usually in477 agony. It’s a gene race, where those less intelligent/ those who didn’t learned to use their brains: clear the genetic material.

Avoid to be, one of them.

476 Built upon a set of variety experiences/ knowledge and skill: developed during this and previous lives.

477 Which is for them, their life: a never-ending struggle.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Your Life is how you expect and agree for it, to be. If you don’t like something – take an action, to

change it. You have to forever persevere, up to reaching the desired result. In order for you to

become: you have to change your ways or re-invent yourself to successfully adapt to the environment –

partially of your own creation/ which is a continual process.