The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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knowledge and training). Wherever you are or go: be always prepared for the worst and

EM have a ready pre-planned and pre-thought plan in the case, it happens.



It’s not only limited to survival, but to every situation/ circumstance or business problem you


might get into. Think, before you do anything and be always prepared for the very worst, forever.

Adapt it, to you daily thinking and expand – regain the control over your Life/ #2: and circumstances.

It, might save it.

642 Internal – separate memory, with written data of a phone number/ ID on it.

643 Alcohol never solves any problems, but milk also doesn’t/ #3.98A...

644 It’s getting darker/ nobody is in the vicinity, to even help.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Except the plan: you should be maximally protective of your property, health /& your own beliefs.

Imagine, all the below upon reading and find yourself in any of those situations – present. Apply.

T If you’re walking on a grass or a trodden path – watch always under your legs (from this very


same reason, avoid slides in the winter). If you’ve got such opportunity: always walk/ run away

EM and avoid any fights – including any group participation in them. Avoid also any public


gatherings, protests, feasts – they’re often targets for the attacks and people die on them/ you


want to Live. If you’re walking on a sidewalk: do it on its inner side, closer to the street – it


would extend your time of reaction and probably save you in the face of trouble. Be especially

watchful on a narrow sidewalks, when the risks are greater. Travel best on the side of road,

when you face the incoming vehicles in front of you – walking on the same lane, with them.

Orient yourself, forbidden is to walk the city/ any road with worn earphones/ headphones and

music loud, in them as you might not hear the incoming dangers. When you walk the town –

particularly in night: avoid to get close by to gates as you can get drawn there by force. Make

sure you would be always equipped

with some non-lethal weapon of

defense – at least one, legal in your

country (knife/ as a requirement – see

on the right, pepper spray, beating rod/

stick, taser etc.). If you’re walking on

an uncertain surface or walking uphill –

keep your hands in front of you or at

least one of them bent. Avoid to drive a

bicycle on the road with cars – best

avoid it nearly completely (drunk

driving, creates a possibility for

accident, loosing your driver’s license

or even posing a risk of lengthy


When you are swimming: make sure

you’re doing it close to the shore or

you’ve got an assurance. You must

know how to swim and be very good at

it – use inflatables on arms, to learn this

crucial ability: if not, avoid to even stay

near the water. If you’re chased by a

dog: stop, be in state of suspension and

scare the last, make yourself to him

bigger and more powerful – you need

to feel it (it also applies to any other dangerous animals: avoid to run, as they would chase).

When you enter any building – make sure: you know the exit paths. Always run, if you hear any

fire/ other alarm – avoid to look at anyone as your Life is the priciest. Look for dangers always, predict and think – forever, it includes also watching645 for the police. Trust no one, to the

end and always think about their hidden agenda towards your persona.

If you’re leaving your car – always take the keys with you. Never and under no circumstances

borrow or drive somebody’s vehicle i.e. car, yet also lend your car to anyone. Keep always the

belts fastened, even if it’s a very short ride. If you’re a man: forbidden is for you to allow any

woman do you a blowjob in the car, especially if you’re on the side or driving as in the face of a

crash – you would loose your device. The same, it’s forbidden for you also to put any overlays/

rings on penis, as in the case of blood pumping and inability to escape it fast – you’ve might

loose him, forever. If you’re driving a car or any other vehicle and you know that side impact

would occur: turn your head in the direction of it, towards – immediately. Forbidden is to drive

for you people who use drugs and who would use them in your car as you might get high from

the smoke and have a serious problems when checked/ or even they’ve might hide them inside –

it’s absolutely banned for you: to drive under the influence of substances which are prohibited/

in case where they can be positively tested – i.e. common drugs and controlled substances.

645 They might be not the ones: they’re telling you they are/ it’s extended to all authorities.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Phone – if you’ve got it, with you: keep it always as far away from your head as possible/ use

loudspeaker mode only or cable earphones as a headphones set/ charge it always in the furthest

safe distance (more, #3.25). If you’re getting outside: keep it always all-time with you as you

might leave it somewhere or get it stolen. Avoid to ever give it to people who ask for a call or a text message, instead propose to call on loudspeaker or write the message on your own.

Forbidden is for you to talk or use it, when driving – anytime (if you’re in a must to speak

with somebody, drive on the side and perform the call). If you would be forced to use a

phone in a room or building, before doing it: get close to an outer window or the side of it/ or go

out if the signal strength is low. If you’re walking on the street and write on the phone: stop and

look around – what’s happening around you, until you won’t finish. Forbidden is to use

earphones for an extensive time, as they’re might be a factor damaging your hearing, due to

level and intensity of the noise.

Be very wary when taking any food from anyone – refuse it. It also includes church and

taking wafer – it might be poisoned. Always carry with you: your own organic food or

starve/ drinking only water if required – you would Live for those first couple days without

any problems, #3.1. Stop to show your wealth (or putting it on the view) for anyone or to ever

create an occasions for anybody (it extends to keeping and hiding your money from the easily

accessed areas – the last should be very hard to reach and sophisticated, unable to be accessed

usually by one person, alone). Keep best, information about your earnings only for self and

abandon completely the need to show it – your friend might be a thief, your own mother rob you

in your own home. Be very thoughtful who you let to the last and who: is there.

Be always prepared on every situation, predominantly mentally and financially. Protect

yourself against all the undesired situations by full preparedness. Know, that in certain countries it might be illegal or punished i.e.: possession of items or behavior which is considered

normal in yours, as i.e. drinking of alcohol, possession of knife/ painkillers/ cold & flu remedies,

public display of affections, kissing, hugging – holding hands, talking with women, photography

of people/ government buildings, inappropriate clothing, sex out-of-marriage. Drugs, #2.2 might

be extended to their possessions in a bloodstream/ they’ve might be detectable up to 3 months –

like in a case of i.e. marijuana/ #2.2. Never accept any gifts or items which you have to

deliver to your home country, as they might contain contraband i.e. drugs, gold – you’ve

might be persecuted because due to avoidance of the high tax imposed/ or go into any

‘deals’ which you would be paid after or seem like a steal, because you would go to jail or

even be hanged for it in certain countries: nobody would care, as it’s your bag. Make sure

you’ve checked additionally the last – wasn’t it switched/ replaced or nothing was added to it,

before flight. Avoid to allow people leave any bags in your home/ for your possession. Avoid to

attach with anyone, who you don’t know on your holidays as they might use you. Be

particularly watchful of anyone: increase the knowledge before as it might only save your

Life – think, forever and be foreseeing always assessing the worst possible scenario. Know

the cultural differences of countries where you travel and follow them. Never go to such places:

where you’re not able to comply.

If you’ve got a poisoning or ‘hard on psychic’ (where you know, that it won’t be either

lethal or dangerous, as you just need to pass this state – hospitalization is not required and it would just simply pass in time): best, go out and walk all the time until it retreats (or lowers to a comfortable level). Make sure, you would select the commonly used path or do it

with a friend/ partner as in the case of consciousness loss: help would be called – it’s got only

usage, if you know that no freezing to death, is possible. It’s best to avoid the usage of any

alcohol if the temperatures outside are below 5°C/ 41°F degrees and you’re forced to drink/ be

drunk, on the open. You must also refrain yourself from sleep, if you’re in a potentially

dangerous situation, where access to you have other people which are unknown to you or

the ones, who you don’t trust enough – particularly: if they’ve got reputation of those who

would steal from you or there are people of low morality, #1.1. Forget also forever about

sliding or swinging from any barriers or other. Be prudent, forever.

If you’re working abroad: make sure you would always send money to your native

country/ to think forever before – having no access to that account/ no access over those funds on the internet. It would allow you to protect self against people who rob those, who

work timely and get back to their countries on a frequent basis (including those, who stay there).



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Be always sure that you’re fully prepared for the incoming of the worst (in a financial

sense)/ on being lost (in the wilderness)/ loss of all your property and fortune/ closest person to you etc. Have always also a food supply, at least – on over a year for self and replace the reserves constantly. Option for the rich, is to have a secret bunker or a shelter, which would

allow you to survive and pass the revolt, war and which is fully immersed, stacked to the limits and self-sufficient for a period of at least couple of years straight. Counting always on anyone, is

risky and problematic – so in the track of increasing your richness, it’s definitely worth to start:

plan, invest and develop such solutions by your own.

Always avoid any confrontation/ particularly if somebody is equipped. In essence, there is no

matter how long you train and what techniques of protection from knife you know: it’s enough

to commit one mistake in Life, to die. Watch out and be on the stand, to prevent such

situations by thinking before they might possibly occur or better: perform suitable

preparations with the highest morality, as the sole foundation of your behavior. If somebody

attacks you – give him what he wants/ health is a priority. Think, before you do anything.

Never also let yourself to be separated from your belongings (items, valuables). Always keep

them and exclusively wear with you (it’s particularly attached to any bags). Avoid to ever use

any drugs/ if only possible: know that heroin might look like a cocaine – be white i.e. you can

get addicted and it’s not without consequences/ ingesting646 cocaine might prove lethal, but do

the same with amphetamine and you would survive. Drugs are dangerous and destroy lives –

stick with alcohol only, if you must to intoxicate yourself, #3.21 – #2.2. Never also give to

anyone or handle i.e. bring/ deal, any drugs, medicine or a weed, herb/ anything: especially

if he’s unknown to you, but even then retreat (he could be a cop, snitch – could die as a

result, because he have taken other substances before & it might prove fatal – it’s more to

it, but it’s never worthy: avoid, at ALL cost & forever). It applies also to giving women any

drugs except alcohol/ resign from it. Never also tell to anybody about any drugs, keep it all a

secret – this person might not be directly a threat, but he would say and repeat it to someone,

who would: it’s a problem, always. Be particularly very wary what you do and about what you

speak, with who – tell the best: little or the non-important. Watch yourself, especially under the influence of drugs i.e. alcohol. It’s best to avoid however any drugs at all, because you loose

control in Life, by doing them. Forbidden is for you to completely praise yourself about your

achievements or others, as it results in the opposite – particularly if your goals don’t require it.

If you use alcohol: it’s forbidden for you to drink any, of ‘own production’/ one which comes

from smuggling ( unknown source)/ without a sign of excise. Watch yourself especially when

somebody puts such alcohol on the table and you’re drunk. Information that it contains

barley malt: doesn’t means it can’t be built from GE/ Genetically Modified sources – read more

about it, #3.21: end (select preferably only those who have the full ingredient list, supplied). It’s

important. You always must be ready to fight: even if you’re drunk. If alcohol would be

consumed by you, use it little less so you would be fully conscious. If you’re going back to

home, make sure that after return: you would sit still about 2 hours and drink 1-1.5 liter of water.

Ask yourself forever and always: what is the worst thing, which can happen if I take X

action and if you’re not able to deal with the consequences – skip it, search for the new

solution (all, needs to be moral)/ or change the circumstances and events which might lead

to its acceptance. Use this rule everywhere, in Life – with the exception of survival situations, where the risks have to be taken. Estimate that everything you’ve told, would be passed further –

limit yourself only to say, what you’re comfortable to be known by more people.

Make always sure: you’ve got the necessary tools,

knowledge, equipment and resources to safely return to

your place of operations. It might be achieved by

having one or two – secret hidings, on you (see the

picture on right). An example of it, might be a bag

concealed in the inner side of your boxer shorts:

containing money, two or three golden rings and other

which might prove useful/ increase your safety.

646 To swallow it/ i.e. as a result of mistake.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

When eating: make sure that you’ve smashed the food very precisely in a goal full digestion &

avoidance of choking. Reject to swallow foods frozen & toxic. Always start from the minimal

amount of new food, to assess your body reactions, #3.29A. Know that, if you would eat

GMO’s – you’d die. If you would eat conventional food, farmed with the usage of

pesticides – you’re likely to die faster/ you would be very probably sick on some conditions, including cancer. Eat organic foods only & you would Live the longest: feel and perform at

your best, #3.2 (although the last might also contain GMO’s e.g. single seeds or other, so be

very wary with every bit). Therefore, choose organic foods only and allow yourself to eat only

those, forever. Know that if something is on the shelf – it doesn’t means, its safe. Watch on

items, which might prove harmful like e.g. sunglasses without the required UV filters: if your

eyesight is in pain – they would harm you. If you use a computer for work: never allow to use it

to anyone. Always investigate and gain more knowledge, on any topic you would hold to.

Be very watchful on women, particularly those newly met or prostitutes (also in the clubs) as a

possibility exists that to your drink would be added a tranquilizer i.e. scopolamine, which can

also be supplied in a form of a chocolate, chewing gum or a candy, so avoid to take anything

from anyone. Amnesia and unconsciousness strikes fast, therefore avoid at all cost to be tempted

into an unpaid sex or something which doesn’t happens, as everyone has their own agenda. It

might lead to your death, you might also get raped and obviously pillaged. Always have a close

eye on your drinks. If you’re going to the public places – take a group of moral/ i.e. trusted

friends who would watch your back. If you’ve left any beer or drink without a 24h/ eye on it –

leave it i.e. for somebody else to drink: it’s also viable for you, to never touch the drinks of

others. If you don’t have your own money – stay better/ best at home, never beg anyone for anything. Be always wary and question the intentions of people around you, not being

limited to strangers but of your own surrounding – starting from family and ending on

every single person: you’re in the vicinity of. Question what have people: who offer you

something for free or who give to you anything, even a kiss or hug. Always keep with you

only the minimal amount of cash and spend it wisely, when needed or wanted. Throwing out

money might be the cause for a problem, as it attracts interest. Keep away from dangerous

places. Watch on yourself, all-time.

If you would be a new mother, being pregnant – it’s forbidden for you to drink alcohol or use

any drugs, herbs or other as commonly those substances enter the fetus and they’ve might cause

harm or even