The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The goal

Therefore, ALL the responses received: are merely an expression or the test to prove – whether the partner still retains the desired characteristics and traits/ remember it.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Both genders are built differently – to serve the purpose.






Can’t rather be explained in the logical

terms, but it doesn’t needs to.

A → B (go from point A directly to the

Explanation of logic

point B).

For man: look at her actions, solely (and


Methods preferred

Direct (rather)

Indirect (rather)

Would preferably want to achieve her

goals in a round, indirect way.

Would preferably want to achieve his

goals in the straight way.

For a man: ‘Do you see that restaurant?

In fact, what she’s telling you is rather

For woman: if you ask a man what he

similar to: ‘I’m hungry’ – usually

wants to eat – he would tell you.

followed by ‘I don’t care whether you are

Implications of the

It doesn’t means that: there is no such

hungry, but if you’re so dumb to not get


food in the fridge, where he wants – what

it: go to that restaurant’ (meaning – that

isn’t always there, he don’t likes you or he

she wants to eat there652).

hates you...


He has given you an answer to: what he

It has got also implications in

wants to eat. It’s all.

communication, so understanding is


One task only at a time (at any given




Relations, keeping good contact.

Achievement of the goals.

Raising a child or many of them –

requires multitasking (finding the right

Implications of focus

clothes, cleaning house, checking whether

‘If you focus on many – you would have

thinking & patterns

the last isn’t hungry – all done at one

none or nothing done right.’

of action

time). Mothers know it and it should be


Acceptance in group is very important.

Listens and is guided by the emotions and

Listens to and does what he wants, which

intuition (the heart).

is ruled by the logic or emotions/ desires,

but has a deeper sense in the logical

For man: you won’t logically convince

Voice of listening/ i.e.


her or change her stance – mark always

decision making

for the emotions (bringing back shared

Has a tendency to ignore intuition.

moments, memories, being in a presence

of other women etc.).

652 Which might force you to think/ also: about her & her decisions which is the secret purpose (emotion of Love).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Each of the genders is fully adapted to raise and provide for the children: men to hunt and gather

resources, women – to raise the offspring and deal with any related tasks i.e. cleaning, cooking etc. and

such roles should be preserved.

Every person is born with the innate characteristics, dependent on the birth date – responding to

different stimuli and presenting specific stance to life, partners and relationships.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever














1st line: [VERY GOOD/ BEST WITH:]

2nd line: [GOOD WITH:]

3rd line: [NEUTRAL WITH:]

4th line: [BAD WITH:]










Get favor of a woman it’s not quite an easy task. If you’ve ever conquered her heart and

then lost: then it could be a real trial of the character for a man. Regardless of what the

reasons of split were and why now – your job is to recover ex-girlfriend’s feelings,

remember the words: ‘sea is like the heart of a woman’ and vice versa. Feelings of

females, tend to be unpredictable. Once calm, at other times rough, reactions of woman

might seem illogical. Not at all: they can analyze the situation and draw conclusions

from the fact that their decisions are always marked by the strong feelings. If the

decision had already been taken in her heart, even if you did the craziest thing that is,

you’re without a chance. If however, she also misses you and still hopes you would be

together again, and her dignity does not allow her, to do the first step, even if initially

she would hinder you the way to her heart – it would become open it in the end.

Knowing her zodiac sign, in astrology – you can find some clues. You won’t get ready-

to-do recipes or hints, but you can get the outline in what climate should be maintained

your efforts. You would also find suggestions, what you should avoid and how to do it





The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I am.

The first decade of sign is the most warlike 100% Aries: aggressive, combative and

courageous. The second decade is the combination characteristics of Aries and

Leo, who is less impulsive, warm-hearted, open and generous. The third decade is

in middle Aries and Sagittarius, foreseeing and analyzing situations, likes

traveling, gentle and reflective.

Likes sensitivity and displaying evidence

Is a conqueror and it’s required to show in

Aries, The Ram –

of love, dreams about a superman, desires

his field of vision, slightly cut him down


exclusivity and does not tolerate

to size with a biting wit, be enchanted

deception or betrayal, would appreciate

with his ideas and spend with him some

the sharp tongue and a mordant wit. It’s

time, then gently move to present your

good on the beginning to act as a cold

own opinion. Disallow to be conquered to

bastard, mysterious and uninterested and

the end, participate in crazy ideas and

show up even in the surrounding of other

games, be able to maneuver like a catkin

women. Then she would hunt and when in

once warm and soft, and sometimes to

presence, you’re forbidden to govern her

show claws.

or limit.

Avoid to make him redundant statements, because he looses the conqueror instinct and

ceases to be interested in you.

Clearly, without beating around the bush: daringly looking him into eyes. Appreciates

strength and resoluteness.

Observing the gestures, he says quickly and with gesturing – it’s worth to notice the

expression on his face.

Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn


Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces

Taurus, Cancer and Leo

Gemini and Cancer

Gemini, Virgo, Scorpion and Aquarius

Leo, Libra and Sagittarius

Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces

You’re energetic, incomputable, gifted with lush fantasy. Emanating with sex – when

you meet a woman, you count that she would kindly notice! If she stubbornly pretends

not to – you don’t have the slightest desire to play with her in this banal and useless

game – a complicated love stalking. You expect honesty and natural reactions. The rules

and conventions bore you to death, just like any pretentious attitudes.

There is no better way to interest you, than the pinch of provocation, risk or a mystery.

Your imagination kindles conquering! On the love hunt: you prefer to act as a hunter

character, not the prey. Even the most beautiful woman stops to interest you, if the roles

would invert. And, although you’re very rushed to the goal, too easy victory not enjoys

you, because you prefer to be wounded in the victorious fight, than to take for the

captivity old women and children.

You know, that love can appear suddenly and come to everyday life with a force of a

tornado. Despite appearances however: your emotional life not always resembles a

winning streak. It happens for you to attract aggressive women, which element is a

ceaseless fight for dominance. You lure also women attracted to your fiery temper, who

count on comfortable and champagne life, as they see in you as resourceful and a

courageous man. Alone however, they not intent to exert too much, counting on it, that

you would do it for them. You however, yes – can be caring, and the role of a knight on

a white horse could even correspond to you, yet until one condition. Princess can’t be



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

sleepy! Your ideal is a woman full of energy and joyful of life, ingenious, creative,

Aries, The Ram –

loving movement and changes. Such, who sometimes expects male arm and at the other


times alone, is for his partner a back.

Sex in your issue is a concrete. You don’t like lengthy introductions, wicked games. If

therefore she misleads you and has no intent to keep the promise: it’s better for her to

not show at all to your eyes. If you desire, you truly desire and from the woman you

expect the word “yes”. Impatience causes, that you use cavalry methods in a style “I

want, so I take”. In bedroom you expect initiative and good fun – sex enjoys you and

you don’t treat it with an excessive celebration. On the representatives of the gentle sex

full of prudery and hypocrisy: you look with compassion mixed with disgust. You’re an

ingenious lover: you like to be an explorer, so your partner won’t be bored. Your

erogenous zone are lips. Passionate kisses, sensual touches can trigger a rapid fire!

In love, you can sometimes bring your partner to despair with your impulsiveness and

crazy ideas, one however needs to be attributed to you. Ever, you’re not guided in love

by calculation and for a person, who would win your heart you’re loyal, sincere and

affectionate. In a relationship you demand from the woman faithfulness. Thought, that

you could grow horns leads you to rage. You tend to be also a believer of various men’s

myths and also you belong to men professing romantic fantasies about the beauty of

women. Naively believing, that five centimeter eyelashes of your beloved are quite

natural, but on the sight of a woman getting to bed with curlers you’re able in first

impulse escape with scream. It’s the best method, to discourage you to self for life, as

life with you can be very satisfying. It’s enough to refer for you ambition to be first and

you’re able to stand on the head. It can’t be counted that you would regularly wash after

dinner, but you’ve got plenty of other advantages – inner warmth, fantasy, optimism.

For you to stand in marriage you need to be noticed and praised. However if the clock

strikes the last hours – your affair does not make sense to extend by force. You’re not

able to persevere in a sleepy relationship for the name of past and habit.

Advice for Summer

This summer, yet time to time press a break. You’re lead to a consideration and

precaution. You’ve got after you not the best experiences? It’s worth now to get to

know the cause: before you would do the same mistake once again. If your relationship

found itself on the bend, maybe, despite the appearances – is still a chance, to get out of

it unscathed. Sincere talk, open approach to the issue? Hey, try, after all you’re good at

it! Free, yearning for love? Romances you start with great enthusiasm, be careful, so

this time glass of cold water won’t spill on your head! Before you would move any

further: look at your chosen one with the conscious glance, because it might happen,

that something which should last only a moment might unexpectedly (for example due

to pregnancy!) become an element of your life for longer. You can also, nice you –

loose your heart and head in some love skirmish, which from the realities of life not

soon would end with happy end!



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

At the beginning you tend to be difficult to figure out – pretending indifference, like to

play cat and mouse. You’re a good actress, guided by instinct: you know what expects

one, who you’ve put your look upon. You can recklessly play every scene – be a

charming girl, factual woman of interest, provoking devourer of men’s hearts. Despite

it, when you engage, your world of emotion becomes simple and uncomplicated, one

rule applies: ‘love is or is not’. Why all those cardiac mazes? Who wants to win you

must draw your attention, inspire you with something, surprise, arouse your curiosity.

Step two? Date planned sophistically, with fantasy: maybe a contemporary art

exhibition, sport games and after it, dinner in a trendy (but not snobbish) place?

Your specialty is love at the first sight – like a violent summer storm. Inspires

admiration and for a moment overpowers, but sometimes lasts relatively short. Because

you’re quickly disappointed with men who are weak, eternal boys in search of a

mommy. Unfortunately, often your inner strength, dynamism and activity is impressive

for such guys. They count on it, that with you – their value would automatically

increase. It happens, that for a moment attracts you the perspective of dominating in

such system, but quickly sets the feeling of insufficiency and boredom. For you, the

worthy partner is somebody intelligent, endowed with inner warmth and masculine

strength. Somebody, who doesn’t needs constant validation of his value either by

power, who resides in you, or a continual fight with you. Someone, who would accept

your independence and agree, that you both must glisten shine with similar strength.

Sex is for you above all a sensual pleasure! You do love, because you love it, so you’re

Aries, The Ram –

open to everything which can make this pleasure more intense. Your appetite is


undaunted, so you need somebody who would met it. You like to carry out your sexual

fantasies, experiment and provoke. Very often, it’s you that goes with the initiative,

although you don’t expect exclusively following your footstep. If you ‘attack’ you

expect ‘counter-attack’! Your erogenous zones are temples, ears and sensitive areas

behind the ears. Kiss to the ear can make, that you would in one moment find yourself

on the erotic Mount Everest.

For a permanent partner you‘re a continual challenge. You’re impulsive, full of

temperament and in a courageous looks – is hidden the passion of August nights.

Mistaken is one, who has hopes that after spending the night together you would wake

up quieter and waiting, like a conquered fortress. Who dreams about a sensitive bride,

knitting scarves on wires and waiting with a delicious dinners – has mistaken address!

Standing in the kitchen seems to you a tedious task. You will more likely fix the

vacuum cleaner than fry an eggs. Your relationship with a man is composed of

friendship, sensuality and sex – is also full of surprises. There is no talk about

submission, no talk about posting white flag! You don’t like: if he would treat you as a

weak woman. Foreign is for you diplomacy, stalking, waiting for the right moment. You

want it all at once and all what is the best! You don’t resign from career, from your own

interests. During receptions and social gatherings it won’t be enough for you to have a

role of charming addition to his person. You would rapidly gain around you wreath of

friends and admirers.

In a word – in marriage you won’t agree to play a role of the second fiddle. You’re not

interested in a choir performances. The only way for harmonious existence is to create a

harmonious beautifully sounding duo, in which both parties have their own solo parts

and equally deserve the applause. When something goes wrong – after come rather very

loud, not silent days. You prefer open confrontation than tricks and runs. It happens for

you sometimes to start all over again, because life without love and without sex seems

for you to be devoid of any sense, similarly as marriage, in which passions ended.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

This year’s holiday can become a stage of change and breakthroughs. If unresolved

problems tease you: they would end, although at first moment, it might not be too

pleasurable. For instance relationship, which lasted only by the force of habit – would

be broken. Answer as quickly as possible for yourselves: whether you want to be

together? If yes, don’t let anything to split you. Spend more time together, do

yourselves little pleasures, put past misunderstandings into oblivion. If no, it’s probably