The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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669 To attract the woman you like to your Life: you have to be & look, the part (i.e. clothes, possessions)/ deliver a clear message to the partner – through it (change them: if you want an upper quality women – in your reality).

670 If you’re only after gaining any experience.

671 If any had given it to you with the first message: ignore her i.e. block, on the list.

672 If anybody would threaten you – ignore him: it’s commonly a method use to scare you off and nothing is associated with it/ even if it might possibly be – the attacker would have a serious trouble, #1.2 with you and with the Laws.

Avoid to be ever dreaded by anything or anyone – ever: in your whole Life from now.

673 Never, before// skip also if she has given you a true reason why she won’t meet and in her of lack of response.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Adjust the meeting place: where you’re comfortable – it’s all about you and your safety/

well-being and pleasure, remember. Where you would go or what you would do – it’s up to you: not every woman would also agree on many things on the initial date – it’s worthy to know.

The point is, that in the way – there must be a place: where you would be completely alone,

when the moment of intimacy might occur. It’s vital.

Ejaculate also 2 times before, as it would allow you to keep your cool.


If you’re living in a small city, it’s Sunday and the late hour i.e. 17:00 or 19:00 in Spring, when

it’s all closed and you’re in a want for a beer, so you set the meeting somewhere near, because

it’s comfortable for you: besides, it’s your area and you feel there safe – know everybody. Now,

you must go to that meeting prepared – meet with her, say hello and go with her somewhere

where you would be alone. Avoid to think too much/ you would be probably shaking totally –

fear would be immense, but: do it (know that: everyone passes this stage). Treat her like a dog,

which you can ‘kick’ if it doesn’t wants to follow or get to a mutual agreement where to go/

such mindset helps, at the beginning to overcome your fears – have always prepared plan

B: if the initial one, won’t succeed or something would go wrong as it would ensure your

confidence. Men tend to always have fear on the first dates, because in the past they’ve might

be killed by another men during them – so it’s perfectly normal, embrace it.

When you’d be moving to your destination i.e. a broken home – open space where there is lots

of nature and a wonderful landscape/ no people – she might ask you where you’re going: exploit

her fears, tell her you would rape her/ laugh after and say you’ve joked674 and reveal it’s a safe

place, to trust you. She’s just afraid as you, so ignore all the emotions involved. The destination

should be ideally 15 minutes away from the meeting point, because you won’t have to talk with

her too much and it’s enough for a walk, itself. You have to go and have at least this time to

establish an initial rapport/ mutual connection. Know, that if she’s there – she’s interested in

you/ sex is a possibility, but you have to prove yourself.

In the time of walk: you have to talk – extract from her at least the basic information which are

important for you to know. Be truly interested in her, just talk and ask all about her: of what

interests you. Then, when you would nearly reach the destination – switch the topic to sex, it’s

essential/ ask what is important for you, yet start lightly and progress. Avoid to ask about her

previous boyfriends or any of it, either ask for the type of men she desires, what is driving her in

men etc. etc. do she likes kissing (how? what?) etc./ get the point. Avoid to talk about self any

word, if not asked by her first.

Now, listen carefully: it’s your only chance, so use it wisely – you’ve made her up already and

put the blanket or some sort of towel on the ground, to don’t make yourself dirty/ leave the

booze in the vicinity, take her on the knees – tell her to sit left side/ which you prefer the best,

touch her neck and move a line very gently to her ears: KISS HER with tongue. Then, proceed

as you wish/ do what you want to i.e. some like to grab tits, feel her butt – do what’s appealing

to you. It’s acceptable to put your hand into her panties, rub her pussy – even through

them, even to take your dick out and give it to suck: if you’re comfortable enough but it’s

prohibited for you to675 fuck her.

End it there.

CAUTION! It’s strictly forbidden for you to fuck any woman, who is not spiritually

connected to you. Why? From the very reason you’d be poisoned by the being of her creation/

by her: which is likely to result/ end in a disaster for you.

Know forever. Love is a trap, sex a temptation.

Avoid to fell into it.

Eternally take this lesson and keep it.

674 She knows your identity: it wouldn’t be smart for you to do it/ tell it, her.

675 If it progresses to: either ejaculate on her face first or tell – you’ve lost your drive to fuck her and leave.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If you would receive any text messages or calls for a week or so – ignore them all, avoid to ever

bother and reply. After 7 days write to her: “Let’s become friends” and forget about the whole


Now go away, because it wasn’t the goal.

You’ve gained your676 experience.


With contacts with women, remember and implement always.

#1. Always think about self, with relations to women: avoid to ever think about

her, what would be great for her – think what would be great for you – it’s

crucial, to shift the point677 of reference.

#2. Know, it’s only a woman – nothing happens if you loose an opportunity/

there would be always the next ‘the only one’. Keep it cool.

Be always true with women and with yourself.

If this method isn’t aligned with your conscience – ignore it. Know you’re not cheating anyone,

so why it shouldn’t be moral?

Hints. Watch on girls with tattoos/ particularly: those exposed – they’re a sign of low morality,

#1.1 of the woman678 ( trouble, to avoid).

You’re not interested in her and she has to accept it/ you’re the man and it’s only your Life.

Choose wisely/ with mind, based on sexuality i.e. the physical appearance (attractiveness).

/ Be thoughtful.

The last: know, that you don’t must anything – if you don’t like anything, just back any minute/

tell you’re not interested and go away, anytime (particularly: if she insists or wants you – stalks,

not giving rest/ in a relationship or anywhere else).

It would be left for you: to find the answers why/ if you’re not agreeing with some of them or they seem

to you wrong – it’s the winners formula, so be or become one/ by adapting or ejaculate in the loneliness

of your home.

676 If you’ve haven’t stopped to fear women – repeat it, with another one/ yet, limit it to three such approaches only.

677 It’s actually what they’re after. Know it, seriously.

678 Indicating also: a troublesome experiences in the past – to avoid/ forever.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In this realm – you have to be wary and thoughtful: what partner you accept and let into your Life.

Levels of attraction


You just like what you see and you want to have sex/ maybe more with a person –

purely (I)

you’re not suited to self, you won’t be with this person because the desire is purely

physical/ for pleasure.

You would never be with this person.


Is characterized usually by the slow of the time – when the partner is suited to you,

purely +

on a genetic level i.e. resembles a desired face, figure and other characteristics of


your ideal match.



You would easily fell in love with such person, although if it’s not your soul partner –

when, the love would end: you won’t be ever happy/ risking the worst, i.e. name-it.


Is experienced on the level behind the eyes and can be described as a connection on the

purely +

deeper level, some kind of a metaphysical ‘pull’ to the person, yet not680 physical –


purely spiritual. When such attraction occurs: it’s nearly always accompanied by the


full-blown physical lust/ it’s the best partner.

+) Soul


You would be with this person, even to the end of your Life681 – love would be


mutual, shared and you would be the happiest person in the World.

It’s vital for you to recognize the three levels of attraction.

Be wary about those three levels of attraction and accept what your goals require.

/ It’s however advised, to: accept only partner accompanied by the spiritual connection as it

would provide you with ALL the sought.

It is futile to seek for a new partner on your own, by yourself – unless you want to be truly happy.

Below, it would be demonstrated why.

679 It’s a possibility/ however first which comes to the mind, is an ‘object of worship’ because it’s a rather different, spiritual experience – a person ‘to search with a candle’/ i.e. something ‘non-existing’ yet so real.

680 Like something would want to connect with you, but on the hidden level: completely behind the eyes – exerted over your heart, within/ which is immediate and present from the first sight.

681 Nothing to be truly afraid, in reality: as it’s your dream-like i.e. “impossible” partner/ in match (imagine-it).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Everyone holds an attractiveness value in his mind, of his own person – based, on an established

data which he gained 682 throughout life, or of his own knowing. You might think for instance, you’re 10.5 out of 11 at the time and based on it: won’t accept anything less than a 10 partner, in your eyes.

This value can change, circumstantially or through effort.

For a perfect match, who would resemble a soul partner and everything ever desired, not only the

attractiveness value (V) has to be of similar value. Morality/ moral development (M) of a partner

holding similar level of moral energy, #1.1 has to be on a like-level – it’s known, that if you were in the

last relationship the less moral person – now: your partner would be of less morality. Zodiac (Z) has to

be matched also, #4.1 to provide the compatibility of characters. A person must preferentially also

represent the same pattern of thinking (P) as yours: he must, be similarly683 as you – either an

introvert (takes energy, out of silence/ being alone – his own world of thoughts and inspirations)

or an extrovert (draws energy from being with other people). Besides, similarity of goals and

thinking (S) is essential. However, worth of the soul itself counted by the number of experiences,

knowledge resulting from it and skill counts the most and it’s the core (SV) of the value. Many other

variables add to it like looks/ confidence, age, nationality, etc., so portrayed – it’s not something which

can be found or handled, on your own.


Use both of them.



I. The partner is introduced, when taking the process/ #2: as it’s required or helpful in


the period of testing i.e. after your mother dies/ you’d be somewhere, where – nobody


would clean or wash your laundry, so you’d be wasting your time: not working on the TC

goals at full – in your way, would be placed a perfectly-matched soul-partner, who

would enhance the time you’re spending on the realization of the tasks.


The last, might involve you also to extend the topic in this section of knowledge at the


required time/ being brought, when essential – which is, the best way to get as it’s ‘free’.



II. It might be, a prize you would set for the completion of the task – taken, in the


process, #2/ it has to be believable for you – if not, you have to build your way up: so it


would become, possible for you to believe (as it’s more costly).




Laws, would deliver a perfectly-matched soul-partner for you – it’s absolutely

guaranteed/ the highest guarantee – you can get in this realm.

Question is only: whether you would be able684 to deliver?

As you see: everything in this realm, has685 to be earned.

Better: start the process, #2 – now.

682 Including ALL the previous incarnations of the soul/ #1.11xE...

683 As in relationships: introvert is sucked out of energy by an extrovert partner (as he ‘charges’ when he’s left alone,

sometimes only wanting to socialize or be with others – extrovert/ expects to be all the time with people, because he is charged by those contacts).

684 You’re always able – if your prize is only believable for you/ #2: although, would you deliver? It’s the true question.

685 Believe it or not, but women – especially those beautiful: seek for somebody different/ than the whole.

Follow the process/ #2: and you’d become one; it’s the secret of attraction.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Sex/ love has a potential to sink your Life and waste it all – and in essence: it’s all about putting your

dick into the vagina. Everyone, who thinks differently: makes only a smoking mirrors/ outer reason to

disguise the real one – under the name of something imagined, because it’s only about the sex686 for a

man/ maybe then, something more. However, it presents the highest danger to the process, #2 as you would waste your time. Best, is to fell in love to prove yourself – escape when, the selected partner

wants a date, having a very good reason to forget about her yet only few are tough enough to

perpetrate such/ forgetting about the goal – their purpose.

You have to first understand one crucial rule: when she’s a girl/ woman – it doesn’t means, she

deserves anything because of it. Your respect has to be earned, it’s not free and more or even equally

she has to deliver, you. Her genes, are only valuable to the point of somebody wanting her and they’re

loosing on value each day. It’s hard, but it has to be this way.

It’s not of the fact, where if you put more value to the relationship or start to treat her more than a

queen: the last would fail – your self-perseverance would drop and all the attached, but about how

women are treated and perceived in the society.

Each and every action of her, should be either punished or reinforced with appraisal, because you

have to condition her to serve your needs – like a dog, who is trained by his master. It’s harsh, but

it’s the way it has to be.

If it doesn’t aligns, with your morals – you’ve lost.


If you’ve found a soul687 partner: felt in love with him – be faithful. If you’re not willing to – don’t engage in the first place. Use your time, if necessary until you would grow up to such decision.

If not: you would face a disaster – both on your side, and on the partner’s track. It’s a 5-minute pleasure,

not worth it – in any case. Giving to suck your penis, it’s like a woman gives to lick her vagina for

somebody – so understand – it’s a betrayal also. Avoid to engage with any of the women. It’s never

your fault – she’s the whore: understand it, leave her immediately if confirmed/ without thought – when

violated this unspoken agreement. If you desire the change, split up with your partner first: on paper/

usually, if it’s required688 to.

Refuse to let her anywhere on vacation with friends, particularly in the first decade of relationship,

because it’s the time when laziness and lack of passion might get in and women employ two techniques of passing their genes: first, husband which is the best and second, a model who looks sexy – is

talking good... alcohol and done deal. Men, on the contrary – employ only one and the same: best sex/

love partner. Avoid to get also too on such vacation, because you’d might be tempted.

686 At least, on the very beginning – until ejaculation/ up to few of them – it’s the purpose. Losers/ those who allow to brainwash themselves by women – believing in something else: typically won’t get any fucking/ hard to grasp, you...

687 Avoid to seek it.

688 S