The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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Carrier – Woman

wonderful things, which you can experience in life. You’ve got a fantasy! You’re likely

to try new techniques: you’re ready for every, crazy experiment. You like oriental

scents, music – often fascinate you mysterious and exotic love practices. Marital sex

under the cover: you would treat as a joke – but only once. If your partner has got

considerable temperament – you can become a proficient lover: courageous, ingenious,

and even skilled in the secrets of sexual practices of the east, considered the highest

erotic authority. Only such man, who counts on it: that in the act of love you would give

to him completely – still would be left with a feeling of insufficiency. Despite your

body with readiness reacts to caress – soul stays in a remote areas. Where you’ve been?

It’s really hard to find out. You’re an original woman similarly as place: which touching

throws you for a thrill. Those are calves and ankles.

Your element is air, no wonder – that you need a lot of space, freedom and liberty.

You’re a player: you tempt fate and the habituate for constant changes – teaches you to

take risk. Escaping from the boredom: you try not to plan in detail your life, as nothing

diversifies it such as surprises. Also in the partnership issues – you need a sense of

independence, therefore often marriage contract is preceded by a long-time informal

arrangement. Sometimes anyway you stop at it. You’re of the opinion: that more from

the paper counts the desire to be together. If you decide on a steady relationship: you

need to be convinced, that you’ve hit the man – with whom you’re really great. You

don’t feel under this regard coercion, because you can enjoy the charms of freedom.

You think, that living single is also full of attractions and opportunities. In your family

partnership agreements prevail. Fairly you distribute responsibilities, because you don’t

agree with the traditional role of a woman spending time in kitchen, besides more

you’re interested in UFO objects than cookbooks. You’re a suitable wife for a man

curious of world and thirsty of adventures: who hasn’t got an intent to spend life in front

of television. Who has got an intent to lock you in a built-by-him fortress – force to

dinners at mother in law, vacuuming furniture and baking pies, should know – that soon

would be the moment when you would dissolve IN the mist, not leaving even a shade of

memories about good old times.

655 Banal, triviality, commonplace.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

Small partnership misunderstandings will be probably a result of fatigue. Slow the pace:

find time on reflection, and it would appear – that from every situation is an exit and not

only one. Maybe your dearest would will make you a surprise: would buy tickets to

symphony – invite you to a dinner in moody pub. You also could show initiative.

You’re alone? If you long for feeling – it would turn out, that love is like a butterfly. If

you won’t be chasing after him: he will fly to you. Someone interested in you would

dare finally on a clear statement, and maybe you alone – would realize in his intentions?

In July your attention would grab someone: who apparently doesn’t suits you at all.

Despite everything – it’s worth to make this connection. Avoid to prejudice yourself.

It’s the differences which can become a magnet extracting you towards each other, and

to meet in a half way – would be very nice. Since October new connections would enter

more personal tracks. If you won’t loose head for anybody – in vacations there would

appear new people, to whom you would feel something more than a sympathy. It would

turn that in many cases you understand each perfectly, and the physical attractiveness is

equally strong side of the relationship.

Bombard him with the vision of home, family and home-keeping. Encircle him with

phones and text messages. Control his time, what he does, with who and what for?

Independent of how obsessed he is in you: as an Aquarius he won’t take it – he would

want for every price free himself and start to run like hell. Calculate him money and tell

to save – it would work also. Avoid to laugh from his jokes, be serious and jealous: he’s

already in head looking for the exit doors. Limit him and reproach the mistakes and not

welcomed Aquarius is already gone.

If you’ve decided to get back your woman from the Aquarius sign, take care: to ever

take a pose of “in love, melodramatic film lover”. Be yourself and if you absolutely

want to somehow change for her: act as a friend, somebody – who excellently

understand and knows her. She subconsciously receives such signals about “kinship of

souls” and values for herself, when she knows – that except the “chemistry” is also

between her and a man: a thread of true understanding. If you would do something

original and unconventional – it would intrigue her. But avod to show all your cards at

once: Aquarius likes from nature to explore the unknown.

You would discourage her: if you would try to impose her anything or persuade to. This

intelligent woman alone knows well: what she needs to think, so let go the pose of all-

knowing guru, of what is best for her. You can’t also get impatient or urge her. Much

more you can gain by being tolerant and forgiving.

Usually in nature original and has a good taste. Enjoys gifts which are original and

modern. Suitable for him would be a computer equipment or a mobile phone. Has got

many interests, so he would be glad from a good book or CD.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I believe.

The first decade of sign is the 100% Pisces: personification of sensitivity, subtlety

and spiritual wealth, which unfortunately rarely goes in hand with material riches.

It’s a man not from this world, able to daydream: who experiences states of

melancholy – excessive 656exaltation. Despite this seemingly lifeless attitude, they

cope well in difficult situations. The second decade, is a combination of Pisces with

Cancer. Well organized, resourceful and effective in action figure often involved in

social activities, friendly and relating with sympathy to people. The third decade, is

Pisces with the features of a Scorpio: most feisty representative of the sign.

Sensitive and emotional, but won’t allow to be pushed around and when the

situation requires it – can fight. Often stands in the defense of weaker, is sensitive

to suffering and injustice.

Pisces, The Fish –


Needs tenderness and warmth, dedication

Exceptionally sensitive and desires a

and care. He likes testimonials and noble

strong and very male partner. You need to

gestures. Appreciates discretion and

constantly ensure her about your feelings,

willingness to sacrifice. Not always is

with the need to inhabit her imaginary

faithful. If you’ve got an angels patience –

world. Requires a sense of security: hates

you would gain in him a partner.

vulgarity and coarseness.

Be always close, but never impose your presence or the overwhelming urge to help.

Carefully choosing words, because she attaches great importance to the meaning of

them and tone. Hears far more than the average person, but usually what she wants to.

Avoid to try: you would never make it. It’s rather Pisces who would decipher you

without effort, if she would only have the desire to.

Virgo and Taurus


Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and

Aries, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces


Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius

Leo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and



You’re emotional, romantic and full of fantasy – you rarely look in life for everyday

things. You’ve got in you a magnet especially strongly working on women. You attract

them like a metal filings. You’re however attracted by what’s extraordinary – not

entirely discovered: you like to rearrange in the surrounding of ladies with an intriguing

character. You seek for an everlasting femininity – intangible dream. Incorrigible

romantic: if you were to be mistaken again – you won’t resign. On the first date, she

should be airy and ethereal. You’re sensitive to any sign of aggression or vulgarity. For

the relationship to be continued: your chosen must demonstrate forbearance to a specific

rhythm in which you live. It’s consisted of burst of enthusiasm and discouragement.

Rarely ever you start a relation openly, in a decisive manner.

At least once: you’ve felt in love unhappily – you’ve took the fantasy as an honest truth.

When you would hit your alter ego: the one who was born in order – to wait for you,

you would be happy. Unfortunately! Rarely which woman, is able to meet your

exorbitant expectations. You’ve got a tendency: to idealize the object of your sighs.

Yes, in life happen magic moments. You’re however trying to believe, that you’re able

656 Difficult word: excessive demonstrating of feelings and artificiality in externalizing thoughts.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

to live in an enchanted world. So when a morning pure-gold carriage turns back again

Pisces, The Fish –

into a pumpkin – you’re disappointed one more time. Exit from this situation would be


to accept love as it is – with runny nose, puffy eyes. If you would finally decide on it:

you would find happiness and emotional fulfillment in a warmth, quiet cove, if not –

current would eternally abolish you.

Sex with you is attractive for those women – who expect not only a physical act, but

also a romantic desire, sensual contact of the souls. Intuition lets you read in their eyes

and hearts. You guess hidden needs – fall on a trail of the deeply hidden desires. You’re

very sensual: you like to introduce an atmosphere of vice and mystery. You’re

fascinated by a provocative female lingerie – garters, corsets, silk stockings. Nothing

would discourage more than a warm panties. Attention: in such case she highly risks,

that you would change your plans and would take her to the cinema, and it’s too bad!

Although by nature unfaithful: you don’t let on your way disappointed women, and the

memories of shared night – often provide for each of them a reason to reverie. If your

lover would do you a sensual massage of the feet, using for it an aromatic oil – in

bedroom you would go over self...

It’s not easy to place on your finger a marriage ring. Like a real fish: you can escape

from the net! Who so, could immobilize the arrow of your erotic compass, pointing ever

so new direction? An extraordinary woman with a stronger personality. Is she convinces

you, that your unreal desires have already fulfilled with interest: with joy you would

believe her. Common life with you can be interesting and happy, but she shouldn’t

forget, that she has at her side a dreamer. Assume, that after wedding you would

become a practical man of the house: that your hobby would become tinkering – it’s a

significant exaggeration. Lots of space in your everyday life takes art: music, cinema,

theater. It would be good – if the second half would want to participate in those

entertainments, share with you her experiences. From wife: you expect creating an

atmosphere full of warmth, of true understanding, support, interest. You’re able to do a

lot for someone: for who you care for. A lot, but giving your time and care you expect –

that it would be appreciated. Moment, in which a warm gestures would be treated as

something most ordinary under the sun – might be a signal, that between you a routine

sneaks in. And it can be beginning of the end. After all in the tales about life: princess

and the knight are always living long and happily, about boredom can’t be even a talk.

Woman-realist, who long ago grew out of dreams as like from the children’s clothes,

shouldn’t arrange with you life. It can’t succeed!

Advice for Summer

For those bonded: this summer, is a time of inner peace – emotional balance. Apart

from a few exceptions: most of you would tell yourselves that lack of news, is good

news. Aura promotes stabilization – as well as enlarging family. In August pace would

increase: social life would revive – you would desire experiences. It’s worth to go on a

vacation! You’re still a single? In June and July you should be satisfied with Sun, wind,

emerald water. Give heart a break. Affairs established in a hurry won’t give you

happiness: feelings will prove superficial – acquaintances trivial. But in August intuition

would prompt you – which heart to trust. Summer slowly ends, but love just starts. You

would start to more often see people. They would appear opportunities for meetings,

short trips, outdoor excursions. Someone: who would appeal to you – you would be able

to get to know her better, as you’d be encouraged to common entertainments and

discussions. More than one sympathy would transform into something much more

serious – you would meet also completely new people. What you think about the love at

first sight? Be prepared on such revelations, and despite proposing dates point-blank –

isn’t in your style: it’s worthy to have a reflex! Meetings under the starry sky – you will

both still remember for a long time, because aura would let grow the flirt and outlast the

affairs. Some of you in autumn – would made an oath, which would want to keep.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’ve got a big prosperity. You’re the type of woman-child, who at first glance –

vulnerable and fragile: triggers in men caring instincts. And you easily fell in love –

unfortunately you’ve got tendencies to emotional complications: something tempts you,

to get in a dangerous affair. He, if he wants to get your attention: should prove a strong

and determined man – having a clear sense of direction. You, get lost sometimes

between conflicting aspirations, human expectations, own needs – like two fish

symbolizing your sign, which swim in opposed directions.

The innate sense of poetry causes, that you live in a known for you world of revelations,

dreams and wonderful memories, and your affectivity is a story full of dreams and

colorful stories about princesses and knights in a bright armor. So what you’re looking

for in a difficult affairs without the future? For love to flourish: you need a stable

relationship – a lot of assurances and love evidence. You need a sense of security! You

expect support: relations between man and woman are for you a peaceful co-existence,

and not a war. It happens that under the cover of confidence – your partner hides

complexes and fear of intimacy. You should mentally mature – stop to attract “little

boys” playing in love. As a woman conscious of self: you’ve got in you the heat,

unbridled fantasy and that something, which causes – that prosper comes itself.

Pisces, The Fish –


You lead a life full of secrets, so nobody knows really when you’ve transformed from a

good girl into a fiery lover. Unusual atmosphere, this special mysterious climate –

always accompanies your love escapades. It’s a pinch of hedonism – a drop of

masochism and desire. Sex in your issue becomes a fascinating spectacle, in which

every gesture, every movement – raises erotic temperature. You use sophisticated tricks,

play in a masquerade ball, hide in a dimness... Like an exotic dancer you attain mastery,

igniting desire. Sometimes however you catch yourself on it, that: you still only give,

being afraid to get something in return. If false shame can’t be tamed: you won’t find –

what means a real passion. Your feet are extremely sensitive to kisses. This caress

should help you overcome any resistance.

You get married from love, but sometimes it happens for you to fall in love with the

image – which your imagination has created. Watch out for it! As fire you should avoid

type of “macho” and guys thinking of romantic love as an error of the youth, from

which – fortunately, you grow. Nothing worse can happen to you, the more – that

difficult is for you to extricate from the poisonous arrangement. You would prove a

perfect wife for a warm – solid man who values himself: peace and family. With

someone as such: you make an unusual, spiritual bond – it happens, that you call

yourselves at the same moment or say the same words. You’ve got the ability to cause,

that he feels with you more manly, strong and caring! He becomes more patient: loves

to pamper you and fulfill your whims. You’re in need of each other – you look over

each in eyes and you see in them – how you’re beautiful, how loving. You can also be a

sensitive and caring mother – you like to care after the closest ones (not once you’re

even overly attentive): yet who expects from you pedantry in orders and conducting of a

domestic accounts – hit badly. You couldn’t live in an orderly, organized underworld.

You’re an artist! Life without dreams, pleasant surprises, romantic travels is not life!


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

Take a breath: especially when walking with head in the clouds – you’ve neglected a

little work or other duties. Despite summer: the smell of flowers and romantic, long

nights working on the imagination – it won’t happen now anything special. In making

new connection might interfere your shyness. Unfortunately, everything points on it –

that you won’t find yourself in such favorable situation: which would allow you to get

closer to the beloved, without a bit of risk. But in August: heart issues would again

accelerate. Aura would make easier for you to realize the plan. Maybe you would find

yourselves on a mutual party or it would appear that you’ve got a shared friends? And

maybe, nice Pisces – would change the object of your sighs? Aura foresees a variety of

scenarios. Their common feature is however a happy ending. September would allow

without obstacles to mature new acquaintances – would bring also a new chance to

people constantly looking for their ideal. Romance attitude will attract somebody: who

broadcasts on the same wavelength, and when you decide to reveal more sensual and

hot piece of your nature – you would nicely surprise recently met partner. It’s possible,

that you would be surprised by a matrimonial proposal, but even if the affair pace seems

for you a bit too fast – it’s worthy to think over it. For the already bonded: it

foreshadows a moderately hot, but pleasantly passing summer.

Give him to understand, that freedom is your primary need. Show on each step, that

you’re independent, that you like to roam the world and do it with a whole group of

friends. Pisces are sensitive, delicate and they require a subtle relationship, in which are

only he and her. Therefore: if you present him a vision of the relation, in which you

would enter it – with all your group, he would surrender. It’s not his fable. Pisces are

sensitive and sharp tongue and blunt comments would hurt sensitive and romantic

nature of the Fish, and thus deter him for good. Keep for him a reserve. Zero of

romanticism and sexual rejection – it’s also a way to definitely discourage to you a man

from the Pisces sign.

When she sees that you trying to be a strong man, but at the same time sensitive – you

would gain a few points in her eyes. She would like every manifestation of romance. Be

her prince from a fairy-tale: courageous, brave, manly but subtle, sensitive to the beauty

of the world, on art, on feelings. Alone very delicate: with favorable eye would look at

subtle allusions from your side. Cease pretend to be someone – who you’re not, stop to

convince her that you’ve changed beyond recognition. She has a radar called intuition –

any bluff won’t pass by. Instead of acting as someone reworked: convince her, that

you’re the same man – which appealed to he