The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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Your defense must be successful and effective/ i.e. particularly the last.

A) Instruct the person who did wrong – took those harming or interfering

actions. Ensure that he knows what he did wrong and would abandon repeating it

again. Explain more profoundly: if it’s needed and expected truly by the person.

B) If the harm has been done purposely and/ or it’s required: make sure he

would be liable for the damaged property – ask for the payment, refund and

expect an apology. Take an appropriate action, if required: i.e. grabbing him and

removing from the premise etc. Forbidden is however to pass beyond the point of

means absolutely necessary to remove the danger or progress to more (than

continuing to work on your goal requires/ #2) yet also to resolve over any

immoral actions like name-calling, provocation etc. You shouldn’t say also more

than it’s necessary: you would know the limit.

Moral defense involves using steps and methods which are suited for the type

of attack performed. For instance, if somebody has name-called you – you’re

not allowed to e.g. kill him or even beat, yet: you’re required to use a verbal

defense solely, which resembles methods used in the attack (or just to ignore as

you’re able to accomplish your goals/ #2)/ to deal with it. Ask always your

conscience: if only unsure if the item or method of defense – is available to

you, at the time. // It’s all goal-related/ #2: learn it.

Those are basically reactions: who would be followed by a common sense if the fear/ any emotions

i.e. hatred, revenge – would be stripped absolutely. Usually most of people/ you A) predominantly

react emotionally, which causes your transfer of moral energy towards the parasite or B) don’t take any

action at all, commonly also highly punished/ the worst or C) take an immoral one, which is even far

more punishable – loss of moral energy is greater.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Your reactions can’t be emotional and you must react only in a moral manner: if solely attacked

or affected/& moral = firm, confident, thoughtful i.e. best for everyone, including firstly – you,

your self-interest. To be reminded: you’re in this game alone – it’s only between you and the source/

where you receive your moral energy from/ #1.1. Therefore, you should always view it from the

perspective of self: your reactions should always follow – up to the level of requirement, to deal with the threat/ danger – immediately – so you would be able to work on the goals, you’ve took in the

process, #2 – you would understand it fully later, when you would progress with the content.



Your attacks back – should be responsive. Never get into any discussion or fights with


any of the parasites: quickly and nicely handle them. It’s more than just enough to mind



something and leave: to use your energies in a more productive way/ #2.




Mirror always best their moves. For instance if they say to you: “you’re stupid” – reply


something alike “you’re well speaking of yourself” and follow it, whenever they take the


thread i.e. “you are?”, “who, you?”, “yes, you are” and repeat it all the time etc. – basically,


you cut them off by mirroring, so they’re unable to fight and leave (something which is very


annoying and leads to a frustration – their emotional reaction, is your gain). Keep smiling by


the way, when doing so/ show: you’re not affected.

You can’t ever enable anyone to influence you or to treat in any bad way. It’s required

for you – to let the enemy know, that with you: it won’t be easy, from the very beginning

and if he decides to: he would get severe losses (moral energy). Physicality is rarely

involved. Require proofs and evidence: check all – especially if a person is parasitic in

nature// if it’s required for your goals/ #2.

Next, when you encounter anyone who would employ such tactics: be more conscious to what

you’re doing upon yourself because by responding with what he intents – you’re loosing by it, your happiness. Deal with it, the right way – from the very beginning...


It’s important to learn it, because moral energy is your longevity, quality and fullness of life – if you’re

constantly drained from it: the last, is of low value. You’re required obligatorily to learn, how to

successfully and effectively win those battles and as a side effect: increase your level of it, in each and every account, because – it’s the most important thing after the survival means, in this reality/ #1.1.


It’s of the highest importance. Proceed only, when attained/ preliminarily.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


It’s a very important knowledge.

On the beginning – it was suspended an infinite droplet of counter-matter which had only two

properties: motion and intelligence. Through a continuous movement which took more than half an

eternity – a self-conscious programs developed. The one, which seized all the others is called God (UI/

Universal Intelligence) and He gained monopoly over his realm.

After getting to know, what has been possible to be known about His surrounding and the nature of

counter-matter: He faced a burning need to expand His knowledge – to have an advantage over the risk

of being annihilated by other programs/ which might be possibly created beyond His realm or be

unknown. It also served the purpose to get to know Himself better and it allowed – His further


Knowing, to not create any competition in His realm: He perpetuated the creation of physical27 world.

27 The reality you currently live in.






The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Through trial and error a plan was devised and effects achieved, which allowed to be the most effective

in realization of this goal.

A dipolar gravity realm was created, which implicates that everything which exist – is present in the two

parallel worlds, at one time.

The substance from our physical world is characterized by mass, inertia, friction and lack of

intelligence/ the one existing in the counter-matter has the inverse features: is weightless, self-mobile,

super-slippery and possesses a natural intelligence i.e. capable of thinking in its natural state (where the

lines of gravity force converge to one border point: to disappear from our world through some sort of

unseen barrier to show up in the separate from ours – parallel world). Tapping to this force gives an

immense power (it’s a knowledge about the nature of matter).






The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

More precisely, it’s a dynamic system of expansion and contraction, bound by its own equilibrium,

creating infinite potential within a finite boundary. All set into motion by a central black hole which by

force of torque creates a two equal and opposite polarized magnetic fields (positive, negative). Atoms28

are not pushed together, but rather pulled together by the “negative” contracting force of sub-atomic

black holes, which is why protons (positive) are attracted to center and electrons (negative) are repelled

outward. The resulting convergence of two opposite polar charges creates smaller fields of equilibrium

known as neutron particles. The convergence of three separate planes creates the perception of a three

dimensional reality.

28 Atoms are & represent those ‘ultra-tiny’: unseen to the naked eye, little building blocks from which everything in

this reality – is built from, including you.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Entities were created to help to unravel the unknown – from the black vastness of knowledge. They

were allowed to use the counter-matter to think for themselves – similarly as God, but being bound to

reality which was created.

However, the purpose for creation resulted from the requirement for survival so an additional plan was

brought into this reality. Implications of it are vast and allow to explain all, that is.

Realm of ours, is not the only one. God, is not alone however we populate His world. He is not perfect, He doesn’t knows everything and it’s not about being good or evil for the people – understand that.

It’s all29 about the purpose.

29 It’s only about the purpose/ to be more precise.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If other realm enters ours – it would mean an immediate war.

Counter-matter forces such pressure on the self-conscious programs which developed in it – God:

to cause the development and to WIN those battles or to be annihilated and perish, forever/ i.e.

imagine blackness or nothing.

Therefore, to meet the demands and insure His survival: an additional plan was introduced to

create also a very-varied, versatile and unique gods which were prepared to deal with the danger

– on their own.

Think about it: a specie procreates to cause the combinations of his many genes, so if a virus/ bacteria

would penetrate the defenses – it would kill only a part of the whole specie (organism) as there would be

certain units (parts) who are resistant to it.

The same is, with the plan.


The thing is, that when those two worlds collide – the fight would be perpetrated very probably on the

enemy’s grounds, so there would be no protective30 arm of God with perhaps only access to the counter-

matter. It’s possible that such fight takes already place, somewhere in the Universe.

The current version of this reality features a software-reversible31 time.

30 Laws, set by Him in this reality/ i.e. in a form of.

31 It’s forever required for you to understand that you’re living in His realm: therefore you’re obliged to act in a way consistent with the rules set, #1/ if not: you absurdly suffer – to be destroyed as a soul if you won’t met the criteria/

#4.49: ending. It can be compared to living in somebody’s home where rules have to be met, in order to stay & Live.

Adapt/ #2: or die.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’re in this game alone, although cooperation of others is vital to your survival. It’s only between you and the source. A varieties of souls32 have been created and are residing in the register (the virtual

world) with experiences and attained knowledge33 imprinted in them. Physical34 world, is a merely a

testing ground for the preparation of those gods and expansion of the existing knowledge. It’s

nothing more.

Settings of this world – reflect the God’s intents. It must resemble on one hand properties of the

survival, deeply embedded into it, but the last usually didn’t realizes the purpose of knowledge increase

– so morality is imposed. Creatures populating it – must also have a free will, so they would be enabled

to use the counter-matter for themselves: to learn the ability of thinking (where, on the last characteristic

– an immense pressure is placed). Besides, certain actions need to be rewarded, with some heavily

punished. It creates an array of problems, troubles and issues which need to be self-imposed,

furthermore God’s presence needs to be hidden because religious people – ‘God would give to them’/

‘God help’ which is a waste.

To serve the purpose and to realize the plan...

You were created maximally imperfect, because usually only stupid and ill-dumb create a

variety of problems and the most mistakes: which serves the need for development, brings

new knowledge at best. However it couldn’t be below the level of anarchy, because it won’t

bring much development at all, as most wouldn’t be able to realize the goals of Creation. To

suit it best: genders were introduced, where a man was created slightly above the level of

anarchy and woman – as a very important motivator for the first, even below it (therefore a

woman needs upbringing, by a strong man which she deeply desires, #4.1 – those who do not

posses confidence/ #2.1: as the primary requirement for their development, intelligence and

success: are typically exploited by the last, that use those weaknesses).

The perfect and knowledgeable: use and apply their understanding and skill to the tasks,

which brings little or no new knowledge contribution (as there is no need or way for

improvement, usually).

Everyone is born pain-stupid and imperfect. He needs to work his way up and conquer his

limitations (e.g. comfort zone, habits etc.).

Using the ‘inverse rule’ to prepare you. Character and desired abilities are shaped

through adversity and hardship. If it’s good – there is no reason for change. The last forces you primarily to increase and seek for the new knowledge – to solve your constant problems

and threats, which serves the higher purpose. Therefore, it’s vital to know that there would

always be the next step in the way: where you would be obligated to handle it and which

might be bothering only to you (for instance if your desire is to become a millionaire – you’d

be faced with poverty, e.g. in the childhood). Even, the very rich – they’ve got problems and

issues – way beyond what’s known to those who have financially little, as they’re constantly

faced with the imminent threats (financial loss, bankruptcy, competition, money allocation,

investing risks etc.).

Enforcing survival of the fittest, promoting immorality however silently rewarding only

the moral. This double-dealings, can be only understood if you would see it from the bigger

picture: you need to be prepared, fight for yourself to become a hardened soldier in the

process/ #2 and life – although without attacking and destroying others who might not have

stood the chance to grow or reach a certain level of skill (in the battle for life and death,

which is to come – it’s an obligatory requirement).

32 If a person or an animal dies – it looses immediately after: about couple hundred grams in weight. It can’t be

explained by any other conventional or physical means: soul, escapes through the pineal gland from the body which it

previously incarnated.

33 You’re born with a certain talents – those are virtually skills and knowledge: which you’ve attained through

persistent work and experience though previous incarnations (it’s also extended to ‘knowing’ certain things and being sure of them, possibly being troubled to explain). All always passes to the next reincarnation, but might be blocked to a certain point on purpose ( very rare occurrence – usually something is introduced like e.g. sickness in the early age which has a task to limit those abilities).

34 The world: you live in now.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Saving those evil, engaged in immoral activities people from the death/ rescuing you.

Knowledge, in order to be attained fully: needs to be followed from the both sides. It’s never

enough to read or have an education about anything from the books or from those who even

did it – to become an expert in the field. One has to acquire the knowledge in practice, by

committing those actions. Your value is judged by the ability to learn, on your mistakes/

which is following of the immoral. Besides, it allows you to gain more wisdom/ up to a

point, #1.12 and from the purpose: it’s the most valuable.

Passing the line of the ‘highest learning effect’ also known as the ‘path of highest error/

resistance’ – associated with taking the initiatives, paying back the Karma/ #1.2 – which

also is brought when such the best learning effect takes a place/ or any progress. A persistent

effort, with high quality work and decent, high motivations – is required to establish and gain

anything/ usually 10,000 hours or more. It does not also imply, that the counter-matter is

controlled along the intents, but your thoughts are too (the quality, progress and

understanding you’ve reached at a given time and ability – to do more).

Promotion of untruths, funny ‘soapy experts’ for instance e.g. in television or other

media: who promote falsehood and knowledge which is useless and not even reaching

any far beyond anything. It’s all to cause you to search and think for yourself. Those

people are often taking high positions and are marked as an experts: having quite an

influence of spreading the harm, blocking the development or not doing anything. Truth is

being punished, and all the untruths are promoted i.e. relativity theory, expanding cosmos,

evolution from an Ape etc./ it won’t be even touched.

It’s to promote the soldiers, who are created to avoid listening to anyone and to think for

yourself: as your enemy would strive to put a fear in you, decrease morale or get you into

various thinking traps etc.

Exerting distorted truth. Everything is being changed or modified, so the original meaning

isn’t preserved – which changes the whole message. It forces you to rethink: everything – all

again. Even this work might be distorted in the future, if the text in its original form – won’t

be preserved/ spread. Nothing is immune to it. It serves the same purpose, but with the very

important notice: your holy books are not guide-written in a stone, as when the time passed,

even if they were accurate – they were distorted, by the Laws. It forces you to constantly

question all: even if your commands were given from the top.

Promotion and subjective rewarding of the immoral characters. Your friend or

somebody who’d you know went on the dark side. He received a huge support, financial

bonuses and all from ‘the Devil’ as most would perceive. Why you, too – wouldn’t take

them, if it’s only your signature?

If your enemy is able to buy you with favors or a wealth given: you’re unworthy – it’s the

end, for you. You won’t get to the Kingdom, as if you were participate in a war of the