The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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you would get into a debt, that would need to be repaid and probably resign, being highly discouraged.

However, if you decide to take the path of the inner desires of soul – the, path-of-power/ #2 (what

you truly feel, believe in – what motivates you, what is appealing to you, because you’re highly

motivated to perform the work, not being worn after performing it – could do it, for the whole day

straight – as it doesn’t drains you, but gives power etc.): when you would pass the sour years, you would become the best of the best and gain all for what you strive, in life. All of the paths, have their

ups and downs, but the only worthy is proactive moral, set with the inner desires of soul – it’s the best,

finest, brings ALL: despite the initial pain involved (which is merely a result of your complete lack of

knowledge, preparedness – the process would learn you that, totally). Your purposeful effort is required.

You’re brought to this reality with a fate (i.e. the inner desires of soul) and if you decide to realize it

consciously and do the best, of you – what is expected: rewards are awaiting already/ but if choose

not to or slip on the immoral track, which might occur in the process: you would be severely punished –

which might even last a lifetime.

51 The Process/ #2: is basically your prison time – if you only follow it, winning/ instead of proactive immoral path.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever






PAIN/ cheating yourself52 (you don’t

like the job – you’re doing it because you

must/ i.e. hate, painfulness),

PAIN & uncertainty first, then – when the

but also:

lessons are passed and a certain level


attained: LOVE.

Emptiness, depression and all the other

associated with a low amount of moral

energy (µ) resulting from the poor work,


You just do them, because you do them.

No effort is felt as in any case of other


Love comes later, but it’s first required to

pass a certain mark and you can’t find

Done to ‘pass by’ or to ‘have a living’53.

another way of living – beyond it (you do,

because you want – as it gives you drive


It’s like going to a hell and everyday is

to wake up everyday, striving always for

such. Today’s concentration camps or


work labors.

They don’t ‘wear you’ in any sense.

‘Work to not work, but to have all – the

money, woman, happiness and

fulfillment/ which can be such

summarized as.’

Takes a job agency/ contacts or work and

Takes time and effort to get on the track,

probably many disappointments to find

takes time and persistent effort to pass and


any: takes effort to perform and pays off

takes time to perfect (usually 5 to 7 year

immediately55 (if employers/ mediators


are moral enough).

Leads to achievement in every sense of

this word and brings all the desired, the

best Life possible for you (with the

effects dependent on your efforts to

Leads usually to nowhere – if no goal

pursue and act along those drives).

behind, is attached.


If you decide to pursue the tasks which

Could be laid off in any moment, also due

involve inner desires of the soul, you

to lack of work. Uncertainty might be

always have ‘the steam’ to continue the


work given – without it: you wouldn’t last

much as you’ve been created for a special

purpose. Know however, that it’s not

always that you do what you like or love:

52 I.e. convincing self, that everyone needs to work/ if not this job, so what?/ coming to a conclusion, that it’s not so bad but in fact – the truth, is never far away.

53 Either from the approach: ‘something has to be done in life’/ i.e. to work – to have the money.

54 Which might seem impossible or unimaginable for some, but it’s how the things are for those – who follow them, in the process/ #2. Yes, work is a pleasure but the hugest one – is sharing it with others, which gives you a sense of fulfillment and power. You would one day understand it, possibly.

55 Taking into an account daily/ weekly or monthly payments, with an option to get the deposit earlier.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

it might be the most of the work, but

you’re destined to do what is required to

be done, at the time it has to be done.

You’ve might not known it – to this point, but you’ve got certainly tasks which you love to do, without

the need to be asked for and you do them fully willingly? Is it drinking vodka/ playing your anticipated

game/ having sex with a beautiful woman/ find-it? If you’re going along the inner desires of soul: your

work is such a willing-fullness, but it’s even easier (as for instance drinking might involve going to a

shop 100m/ 328ft away which might be very draining). In inner desires of the soul, it doesn’t costs

you in the sense, that – it’s appealing to you and you could do it virtually infinitely, forever.

Imagine now, what could be achieved by you if you only were to follow those created for you, paths.

Would be sufficient enough to earn by you a 100M mark and get the most beautiful partner and be

happy/ Nirvana, #1.1 for Life, all doing what you love – not being in any way tired, of doing it:

performing it from your own own will, not by must or from a necessity. It might be impossible for you

now, but it is entirely possible for you as directly as it sounds – accept it, you only need to know how

and have the courage, to just start the process, #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If you’re realizing your fate – you know it, because you feel great in the process. If you were not even to be paid, by doing your job – you would still continue it, because of the pleasure, satisfaction it

gives to you.

E = FS + Ση(µ/µr)frsr

It’s an equation for happiness. However also for all the other searched values it brings (easily could be

referred to: as the most important equation in the world this realm).

Energy (E) is equal to the output of strength of feelings (F) multiplied by the motivations (S) invested in

the performed work, being dependent of the observers: it’s a sum (Σ) of receiver feelings (fr) multiplied

by his motivations (sr), which are caused in any of the receivers, multiplied by the efficiency factor (η)

of the telepathic exchange of thoughts between you and the last, multiplied by co-efficiency (µ/µr) of

moral compatibility between you (µ) and the receivers (µr).

Explanation of the equation. It might seem complicated, but it’s really not.

Increase in the moral energy is associated with having the highest motivations (S): those, are only to be

found by following your fate, with which – you were brought to this reality. Everyone has it, but not

everybody goes after it – those are merely types of jobs, for which you’ve been created for: to suit them

best and nobody without such inner desires of the soul, can’t even match your abilities to perform on

such level possible for you. It provides you the drive, because motivations aren’t external, but internal –

lie deep within you. When you follow them – time disappears, maximum of the moral energy can be


Strength of feelings (F): is the amount of physical pain, tiredness etc. and engagement of emotions

particular job involves. Those are typically feelings known as the negative side of the emotions –

unpleasant, because those positive i.e. satisfaction, are felt when the moral energy is released (in time of

rest, relax). The last is compressed/ generated when you invest your wits and perform the highly moral

job. It’s typically known, that physical work is capable to provide about fives times more moral energy

than a mental work, due to amount of feelings attached.

Your amount of moral energy generated, is also dependent on the observers. If you for instance do a

particular job to just show up yourself – except lower motivations which would result from it, those who

watch your efforts – might spoil your amount of the moral energy generated due to emotions felt i.e.

jealously/ hatred – the last is being dependent on the strength of emotions felt (fr) and motivation of the

observer (sr) to punish you, where the co-efficiency factor might be affected by the e.g. distance from

which you’ve seen from (η). Either parasites or people who feel towards you e.g. antipathy/ reluctance –

your work for them, might cause loss of your moral energy. The same is observed, where you’re

wanting to help those who don’t want it/ i.e. your enemies. Therefore, an additional effort in thinking is

required to even mind for who this work/ help is to be supplied. Those who highly want, desire –

welcome it and hold a sufficient moral energy level (µr) to appreciate – are your usual target group.

Interpretation of the equation in your daily life.

It has got many repercussions in everyday use. It’s best surely to do works, who benefit you/ others

directly in an anonymous way, where there are no observers. Therefore if you’re building e.g. a body

mass, #4.2 – it’s best for you to train possibly alone, yet only if acquired – the required skill and

experience to do it safely: as the increase of moral energy would be the greatest, along with your

motivations and focus to perform the job (moreover, it brings many more advantages: as you’re

attention is entirely focused on your muscles, not being distracted by any of the talk with anyone/ by

anyone etc.). Not to help those, who don’t require help/ not anticipate it and aren’t truly thankful for it –

refuse it to any of the parasites, who only wait to drain you, #1.1. Not get with any of your jobs, in

places/ force it to people – where you’re not welcomed.

Highly moral, altruistic56 – anonymous work, typically of whose efforts invested nobody sees: is

rewarded the most. Work aligned to the inner desires of soul/ fate is what’s rewarding – and

sharing it with others. It leads to fulfillment and all the desired, in life.

It’s a personal belief wisdom i.e. understanding of the author, that Nirvana and the knowledge on

how to attain it: is the ever-searched Holy57 Grail (it’s not an object, as wrongly referred to – but the highest-kept information/ in essence: revealed in this book).

56 Where you get no personal benefits/ do it: voluntarily from your own good will (aimed at helping others).

57 Being not the singularity device/ the Ark of the Covenant/ for you it would be too – if you experience it one day.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If there is a reason, why you haven’t yet reached the dreamed success in life – it’s only the one cause:

you’re not following your fate.






MAKE IT/ #2.


Proactive moral

You think, Live and speak about the goal

and DO actions required to achieve it,

which is the most important thing to you/

Primary object

You think, live and speak about

its realization. In later terms: the last

of interest/

everything, but not the goal itself (you’ve

might be concealed, due to lack of people


got no goal).

supporting it or the requirement for

secrecy, but it’s constantly on your


You talk, but not do anything towards.

You aren’t able to force yourself to think

and act purposely (either due to beliefs,

escaping, choosing the easy ways – which


You talk and do (or do without the talk).

all leads to parasitism and failure). Not


You think and do.

taking the responsibility: control over life

due to lack of discipline/ other issues yet

also the fear to start, is the primary reason

for not following the inner desires and

attaching to the surrounding reality.

You’re able to work without any payment,

because you understand that earning the

really desired money – requires skill and

You aren’t able to work without a

knowledge which is to be gained only,


paycheck for extended amounts of time –

through experience. You have the

you require payment, instantaneous.

motivation for voluntary work, if it’s

purposeful and if possibly you can rip the

benefits from it, in future.

Usually slim to none, due to level of taken

You have got some experience due to


risk or limited to jobs: where everyone

works performed at your projects – either


can be hired or the low level of skill

successful or not, towards the directions

required to perform those tasks.

of your dreams.

You work for the best outcome in each

You take steps, to better your situation

and every project or task taken/ you

handle, but if you fail – it’s always

using the known or real (believable,

realistic) for you, using the opportunities

accepted and of little importance,


presented or acting based on an acquired

because you believe that due to the lvl

of work invested: you finally would

already knowledge (rather short term


acquire required traits, experience –

skill and knowledge, essential to be

successful (long term thinking).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It’s not required for you, to know your motives/ motivations of the soul as they’re known by the

Laws and activating the mechanism/ #2: would bring to you the work – where last, would be

aligned to it (as being, the person to do this particular job). However, you can find them by asking

the right questions or you would just know: if you invest efforts and would hold an appropriate


For instance, one’s desires59 of the soul might be that he is interested in all which is important, but there

is always attached an additional – emotional reason for the striving: it may be, to be high all the time

(so, you’ve got the purpose and the real goal, for which the continual realization of your purpose brings

you as a side effect – similarly, as to the Creation of this60 reality/ God’s intents).

It might appear, that the area is wide but if you would only, take a look closer: it’s not. Those are the

key specific areas, which you’ve got only the desire to work and educate in: they only consist about 150

fundamental areas of specialization – where you’re able to master each one of them on more than an

expert level, in the period of your lifetime.

Expecting to know, what it means to be important – as for each one of us, it’s different: might be an

issue to anyone, who is not holding them. Although, pattern of power arises and it includes areas, who

might prove important in the future to further your own survival: topic of business (money – resources,

with all the important elements involved), health, knowledge of achievement, this reality (hidden Laws,

how to take advantage) etc., in short: basically the contents of this book.

The drives are always there, attaining knowledge – skill and mastering those abilities is relatively easy

as you’re highly motivated, to continue the work: each and every single day. It doesn’t cost you, your

Life has got a purpose, sense and the deeper meaning – you’re living a dream, in Nirvana/ #1.1 through

work you’re performing all-time.


Whether you would choose to follow your fate, is up to you but if you won’t – you would be forced to,

by an increasing amount of events which would unfold in your life to force you for your own

development. If you would consciously follow them: your Life would become worthy of living,

pleasurable and meaningful/ for which probably everyone strives – money would follow as a result of

your highly-motivated work.

Prepare for that.

58 Intention, in thought: to unravel or reach the desired – where you’ve attached to it, for a specific period of time.

59 Birth Tarot cards describe them in partial/ look for the right – many interpretations. It has been confirmed that you

can find them on your own also through self-observation/ to better understand yourself.

60 They’re different for everyone – emotional reasons for most, might for instance include: fucking beautiful women and everyone has them, not to necessarily to tell them anyone but to know for self.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Due to your high motivations, which are able to be achieved for works only following fate: you would

increase drastically your moral energy levels, because now – work, would become a pleasure to you (an

initial 5 to 7 year mark is required, to reach freedom – usually, including the financial one: in your areas

of motivations). Take a look below.

feeling like God


µ > 0.6

Godlike state – the immense feeling61 of power/ love/ happiness/ belonging etc.62

∆ full disappearance of any negative traits of character ⁄ explosion of happiness,

/ being protected and cared of, by others – treated as the VIP without anything required,

by the moral members of a society,

/ attraction and admiration of others – including irresistible drawing of sexual attraction

of the opposite-sex,

/ opens a burst of unstoppable creativity and unlimited access to the counter-matter in

its completeness,

/ full happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction of whatever you’ve got already (turning

every experience/ moment into the most pleasurable sensation ever),

& many more also, #2.2 (end).

+ you don’t feel any pain, as it’s masked by the overwhelming happiness

µ > 0.35


being happy


Fulfillment and satisfaction,

↑ progressing with rise – predominantly moral, helpful behavior and gains from it.

µ < 0.35

↓ progressing with downfall – also immoral, parasitic behavior and suffering,

Chronic depression,

Suicidal63 tendencies,

‘Emptiness’ inside,


pain, constant pain

Nirvana/ #1.1: is the