The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In order to communicate effectively: you must forget about the grammar – it’s irrelevant to the

force of your messages as you’ve learnt – to directly speak with the subconscious mind of the

receiver. Firstly, close your eyes and see what you think, or would appear to you when you would read the below sentences.

Don’t think about the sky.

Don’t think about how the voice of your Mom sounds like.

Don’t think about what potential carries with it, usage of this knowledge.

For the mind, it’s not a difference whether you tell: ‘Don’t think about the sky” or “Think about the

sky”/ usage of negation. If you don’t see it yet: review the below examples to assess – how you sabotage

your own efforts on a daily basis, continually.

Honey, don’t stress. I’ve got something important for you to tell.

Don’t stress before the visit at the dentist, as it won’t hurt.

Don’t miss it.

Don’t allow it to fall.

Don’t forget... etc.

You would probably ask: what is to be used, then? Calm down, as I something important would be told

to you.

Remember about (instead of “don’t forget...”).

Watch this.

Keep it and watch!

You’ve might be now led to believe that negation shouldn’t be used, however it should. “We won’t talk

about the money, even not about the cars or apartments.” Think about it, when to use such phrases to

your personal advantage/ to further your goals.

The next idea, is that in convincing you might find people who respond to negation with success. For

instance they would likely always respond with “NO” when asked directly i.e. “Do you would go today

with me to the cinema?” However when the questions is rephrased i.e. “You won’t go today with me, to

the cinema? Right?” Avoid to be surprised when you would hear the opposite. Don’t think: how you can

start to use it from today with women.


The next word, is ‘try’ and its variations. The last basically programs the speaker on failure. When you

say somebody to do something – it’s likely, it would be done, but if you tell to try something – mind would ‘try’ to do it, yet it won’t be equal to completing it.

Try to do your homework before midnight.

Try to not be late.

Try to buy bread when you would be out.

Try to come to the meeting.

Do you already see where you sabotage your messages? Use instead.

Finish your homework before midnight.

Be punctually at the time.

Buy bread, when you would be out.

Come to this meeting.

It has got many applications in the real life, when e.g. a client complaints or states that competition has

got a better offer/ service i.e. “It’s great, but other companies also sell the same product, of equal quality so why should I choose you as a partner?” Reply, “Yes, it’s true – they’ve got also the same product so try to contact them and find something which would interest you, before you would decide to buy with us.” It’s vital to never reply i.e. “Yes, other services also offer the same product, but those are weak

companies” as to avoid any suspicion to the intents/ it has to be dealt, quickly.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It’s essential for you to know – that those words and techniques have to be used with a sense, as

something natural and appealing. The whole purpose of its usage: it’s the unseen influence they carry.

The third word, is ‘But’. Interpret, how it affects the speaker.

You’re such a handsome man, but...

It’s interesting and smart what you’ve told, but...

All is cool, but...

It focuses the mind, on the second section of the sentence and it could be exchanged with e.g. ‘despite’

or ‘though’.

You’re a very handsome man, despite you’ve could be more wealthy (smile).

It’s interesting and smart what you’ve told, though you could also explain better/ more

profoundly the knowledge contained in the book.

All is cool, despite your friend could already drive to us.

It allows, to change the delivered experience and imply suggestions without the conscious resistance

from the speaker. However, it’s best to avoid any connections with the first segment of the sentence

when implying any – as suggestions.

Other companies have also a good quality product X, but as we talk – we would introduce

you with our new product.

When you start a conversation with anyone: begin to best talk about his experiences, feelings and states,

then imply any thinking (adjusting your energy, thoughts to his current729 ones – to begin, from there).

Confirm his reality, first.

Begin from today, use the negation (‘no’) – ‘try’ and ‘but’ marks to your advantage/

over your goals.

When approaching anybody: get to his state of being, first and then change his

experience to suit your needs.

Throw only challenges which serve your agenda in the long term/ never any alike.

Always speak in a positive730 view about the people, home country – about their

advantages i.e. pros and focus only on them/ ignore the rest.

Citation is also a powerful method to imprint in somebody else’s mind an opportunity, i.e. “I’ve read

once a story about a person, who [say all what you want to do with her or fantasies, in a 3rd person

perspective] however it’s only a story...”

Know: you’ve got more of what you focus on.

If you think about not having/ lack: you get more of not having/ lack.

Form each goal and want/ task in a positive form, i.e. I must to do X, I want X and NOT otherwise.

729 As stated.

730 Draws moral energy, #1.1: particularly if you make somebody to believe/ for his best outcome.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The highest mistake for you to make: is trying to revert somebody to your thinking. It’s never achieved this way. Usually words, aren’t used: actions are what count and presentation, not the

argument matters. Sharing/ if only the speaker is interested, is more than enough.

Share only/ never force or expect.

It only brings, the outcomes desired.

You must know your place at the moment/ which depends or is limited by the group you’re in (as the

‘unspoken agreement’). Never overtake the power unless you’re absolutely sure/ it’s required for your

goals, to advance. For a rich person: he can shit on the center of the road and people would laugh or clap

their hands, but do it without being one and it won’t be funny to nobody. It’s the hard reality,

everywhere. You have to adapt to this play, as it creates an opportunity to rise/ it serves for you as a

protection, because you’re not ready.

Enter: get what you want → leave – it’s the rule to follow.

Avoid to stay for longer.

People seek the powerful731/ those who can contribute to their lives – what they want or desire.

Become, one of them.


Forever do: what732 you fear (first).

/ Stay with this habit.

It would make you more powerful, in time.

There would always be on your path someone or something which would effectively

block your goals or delay them, at best: avoid to ever be concerned about it – take the

lessons and proceed, relentlessly/ forget in the next minute733 about any failures or

drawbacks. Continue// persevere.

Ignore the interferers/ they’re a waste (frustrated of their own734 failure).

731 In their eyes/ i.e. those who have – those who can add and enhance their experience of life.

732 Do it always, against all odds – fake, if it’s required, but do it for the stake of performing it/ to never be defeated, in any terms. Educate before, think/ do it – enter every action with confidence, #2.1 & preferably – boldness: forever.

733 The rule is, that: the more resistance you get – the more moral is the goal itself ( more rewarding).

734 Their hidden purpose: is to make you learn/ make you think.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Lack of knowledge and thinking – laziness: is destroying people, in general/ habits only add to the problem. It’s the spot to be exploited, but only if the speaker realized his effects – i.e. outcomes: are

weak or non-existent. You’re required sometimes to point it out, for him735 to see: without the last –

forget about any dialogue/ effective influence.

You should treat everyone with due respect/ the same, as you’re treated.

Be straight, objective and mirror other people.

If somebody mistreats you: leave.

When you listen – you never interfere736 over anyone’s talk/ if you’re really required to

do it: place a hand – making the ‘stop’ sign between you and the speaker before.

When the last ends to speak: give him additionally 3, 5 up to 15 (depends of the tempo of

his words) or more seconds as he could continue the talk – then, only say your phrase.

Allow the speaker to reveal as much as he wants/ is delighted to (e.g. by suggestions/

questions). You’re subjected to always say the truth/ you don’t have to say just everything: learn to use i.e. ‘as it has to be this way’, ‘please let me go, because I’m in a

hurry’ (reasons, don’t have to be well-grounded/ logical – the first, is enough).

Ask relevant questions and be truly engaged and interested, all737-time.

Allow the speaker to speak without any limits or restraints and encourage him to.

No grudge – based on a daily constant: you like me – I like you. You’re good to me, I’m

good to you etc. It’s the way, to handle everyone738 – through mirroring their moves,

based on the experience they bring to you, on each contact (everyday, is separate – like

a new sheet of paper).

If you want to get the desired results in a person i.e. for him to become interested in you –

you have to first become interested in him. Similarly when we want to bring his attention that

his breath stinks – ask, whether yours smells.

You’re never obliged to reveal anything you’re not comfortable with: use it, to your

advantage/ despise the things you can’t have.

When they push: you pull/ & inverse. You usually get out of the way: to let somebody

disperse the energy/ then you agree or leave. You never argue or want to convince

anybody, unless it’s absolutely required to win the person favor – yet you rather do it,

by the subtle suggestions: pointing weak spots ‘Maybe you should take a closer look at

X’ and/ or asking questions i.e. ‘Why do you think X’ than by being direct and saying

it’s (his) wrong/ unless it’s a necessity to say so, or of the other reasons.

You typically don’t help people – unless you’re asked personally for such information

or they’re required for your goals. You just share your stuff/ and that’s739 it.

Avoid to ever say anything about self740 unless asked or required for the dialogue/

or to pretend somebody who you’re not (other, than the truth)/ be plain-simple with the


You have must to believe that every speaker has got some important piece of information or untapped

amounts of knowledge, which might prove vital to the achievement of your tasks, in the process – #2.

735 Usually in a non-invasive way i.e. as an idea of improvement of his/ yours: current situation.

736 Unless, it’s absolutely required to i.e. in a situation of danger.

737 Move the topic to matters of interest to you/ if you’re not able to.

738 They have to be taught, that your behavior is the same – as their and it’s solely from them responsible on how you would behave/ without telling it to anyone (there is no past, there is no future/ yet, you take into account the past knowledge and experiences).

739 Maybe link it/ mention, if only viable at most.

740 In the sense: who you would like to be/ not who you currently are; what are your plans that you would achieve (as you were already to have, do or be there). Focus only in talk on what you have today: maybe say you’re going in the direction, but no more.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The GOAL in communication is to really help people.

Refuse any lower measures.

Strategy of a parasite, #1.1741/ really sophisticated one: would be to offer you goods, i.e. a high-end,

expensive ‘gift’ of your choosing which you would get after X time/ on this occasion, in an unspoken

agreement: that you would succumb to him, diminishing your values. Speaking more clearly: you’d

might be asked what you would want for your birthday (and you’ve might be asked additionally, what

you want for Christmas – which is a month after). Typically you get gift for a 100 – maybe 200 at most

each year, but now it might result that you would get something for 350/ it’s something really wanted by

you... If you compromise you values, because of it: you’re unworthy/ won’t receive anything or

something of less value as it’s only an742 illusion (like with the immorality). Avoid743 to believe it/ ever.

Giving: is the most744 dangerous strategy – use it, wisely.

Refuse any gifts from anyone, unless they’ve earned or paid first/ rare exemption.

You want to be always on the giving side.

Additionally remember to.

Learn to save and respect everyone’s time: if you’re asking, be prepared – you’ve got

up to 3 minutes of anyone’s time. Be efficient at what you do/ get to the point, use the

minimal knowledge.

Everyone wants the same: get the most, with the least effort/ i.e. resistance.

Deliver it, then – forever/ make a habit of efficiency.

Adjust it, to your ways as it’s crucial to be vigilant and strive for the best of your speakers.

741 Your strategy, on the contrary: would be to show him that in his interest lies listening to you as he would faster rid off you, either gain something of real value – to him/ i.e. for real.

The next stage in protection, #1.11X attributes: implementing various and many baits which are irresistible for a

parasite to pass by – something which might serve as a reason for him to attack you first/ so he would want to fix it, i.e.

a smelly room, being a little dirty – purposefully: to engage in the fights and annihilate him, in each one of them – yet, it requires skill – knowledge, experience and toughness/ all in the moral boundaries.

You know, you’ve won – when they run away scared or avoid to come in the vicinity of you or either start to act very nicely – serving you. Always however: keep to remember, that they’re enemies for your Life and death – literally and

they would destroy, rob you etc. – if they would only get an occasion/ avoid to associate with them, unless forced to.

The best way to ever deal with the danger – the one your fear, is to defeat it – forever.

The even last: involves turning inversed parasitic techniques, #1.1X – against those, who effectively block the realization of your goals/ efficiently: ALL, only in the moral boundaries (beware: you’ve might get yourself burnt/ #1).

742 It has been confirmed/ received 100 (avoid to ever believe anyone: require proofs, evidence). None on Christmas.

743 You have to also understand that anybody who requires from you something which is good for his purpose, but not pushing you towards the goals: doesn’t matters. It’s only another attempt to take you from the goal/ do you like it or not – or do you see, perceive it – was mindful enough, to spot it. For instance: you’ve might be asked to get for a 3rd-mass for your dead grandmother and might be externally pressurized ‘go there to have a respect’ (which is false, as you don’t need nobody or anything/ or do none: to be respected) or any other demand/ threat, loosing anything. Either way she’s dead: probably in another body continuing walking of the soul – it doesn’t matters to your goals anyway (such & similar situations pose a threat and delay the receiving of prize under the guise – you have to be vigilant and constantly question yourself: does it pushes me towards). It ALL doesn’t matter, in the end/ none of those actions & it’s the thing of which: you should must care. Waste your time on more of such events: and you’ve never get to the prize/ accept it.

744 Approaching somebody with gift or something of value/ particularly who’s not known to you is the way to take it.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


T When you’re going to somebody: approach him with something, i.e. a gift/ alcohol etc.


EM Avoid to ever criticize anybody ( unconditional acceptance) yet if you’re bound to: do it in a


subtle way i.e. “It’s good, however I would see it this way.../ you’ve might improve X etc.”


and refer to your own mistakes when doing so, best – first i.e. “Look, I’ve made those


mistakes too/ I’m not an ideal/ I’ve started similar way... etc.”

To know, whether the other person listens to you – look at his eyes, if his blinking: his

interested/ use it wisely, to know when to switch the topic or raise interest.