The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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printing press and order to print 5, 10 or best 25 copies – each at cost of ~5EUR (black&white) to be sold for 50/ or

you do it online, without the need to leave home – i.e. 3mm thick hardcover, golden signs, red ribbon and round spine of the book/ for maximum sale value (for massive-volume print, on a side: title original with comma in one line, using

the 16.3pt regular #d1b048 Garamond font/ centered, 90°CW: on a black, #000 background// scale it all – if required).

Advertise it as ‘the most important knowledge in the world’/ to put to the test. When you would sell 10 a day/ you’re

each day +450EUR & sales would go up: with your experience to 20-30 copies sold if you only use your ingenuity. It’s the business in its purest form, simplified – you’re allowed/ leave only ALL the content intact and you’ve encouraged to do it, as it would enable to break the first ice in sales – the highly crucial part of life. The most important lesson, to be learned: is to forever persevere, no matter what – until the goal is completed/ all stock of books cleared, each time.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The process, of making it happen/ #2.


#1. Your task is to prepare the business to a point, where the first sales would be


possible. Then, focus solely on them as they’re the most important.

#2. Do the very best, from the very beginning – as you would fail, loose motivation and

waste your time: if you refuse to pertain such way.

Begin start to see opportunities there, where others see drawbacks or major obstacles. If you

would search how the situation could be turned to your advantage: you would start to feel

more energetic/ alive.

#3. Be honest with yourself/ be honest with the clients – always (they have/ must to

understand and it helps). Think about the way to deal with your problems.

#. The key to survival is the strategic importance: you’re designed to build a product

which would be in customer’s mind, soul and body/ referred by him, to his fellows.


Never expect or require the pay, before the product is ready to be sold or delivered.

If you require it/ as some jobs do: avoid to ever touch the money, unless you’ve performed

the work and sold, the product.

Avoid to approach anybody (Venture Capitals, Seed Funds)764 except FFF (Friends, Family

and Fools) for the money: to fund your project. Use what you’ve got, can acquire/ make it a

success (first/ or have something of value – currently): allow other to come buy it.

Keep it basic: product is your base, sales of it – EVERYTHING. Forever remember and

know about it, as everything is only a mean to the end/ i.e. sales.

The purpose of any business, is to enhance the Life of customers. In order for your product to be

profitable: it has to address a need, burning problem – be important and simple enough for the customer to make a use of it/ buy. Ensure, it would be available for him to buy or get, not only online or through a

complicated procedure.

Make it simple, stupid.


In truth: you can earn on everything – even on being an idiot, today. You do stupid movies, showing

pranks or some kind of laughable material (showing complexes, problems, care, stupidity, cleverness,

idiocy, scaring, making other believe in something unknown – to make them look funny): you put it on

your channel – people watch, as they love to see something original, somebody who is worse (dumber)

than them or it’s just for them a way to relax/ refer it to their friends, as they’re able to understand such

message ‘without the use of their765 brains’. You can follow a step further, i.e. Jackass movie (100M+

profit mark on each). 766

It’s never enough to be honest: you must be guided, by the honesty.

764 Know the rule: nobody would give you cash unless you prove – you don’t need it/ test it, by yourself: first.

765 It’s for everybody/ clearly speaking.

766 Pay somebody i.e. 1,000 or 5,000 to build for you an app/ theme/ etc. (for mobile phones, computers etc. – any,

which has lots of users i.e. leverage): put it on the website, sell a copy for 1; sold million copies. You’re tomorrow a millionaire. It’s forever about the right mindset/ poverty is an illusion of the mind: a result of programming, #0.1.

Be warned: Laws control the experience – you’ve might not be allowed/ #2 if you didn’t took the process/ get the idea.

If you want to earn: get back to the idea from the previous page & execute it (lower from 50 to 40 if they complain).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Two men hiking through the mountains stumbled upon a hungry, six.hundred-pound grizzly bear: one of

them gets his backpack off and rushes to put his running shoes. The other one asks, “What are you

doing? You can’t outrun a bear!” The first hiker responds, “I know, but I only need to outrun you!”

Business is all about being one step ahead of your competition to avoid being eaten. It’s all about

adaptability, flexibility and agility.

However, the story doesn’t ends there: it continues, with the second hiker staying perfectly still767 as the

first takes off. The last gets eaten, because bears only chase the prey that runs away. You have to know

your enemies. Moral of the story is that you’d might get the wrong direction or burn valuable resources, in the process of wanting to increase your business: you have to be very thoughtful, to don’t get yourself

eaten/ also in the expansion of it. You have to understand the marketplace and harness your energies to

focus on what is important.


Innovation, is the key to survival: do 1 step forward, to check whether it’s the right one/

continual change, adaptation – expansion of your business and improvement, is

everything. If not, revert and take to account something different – fresh, or new.

You have to focus on a product: what it brings, to the customer/ not the money solely,

i.e. profit itself.

- Why he has to have it, - Why it’s a better solution to his problems or needs than the other


- Why he has to buy from you, - What advantages he would have, by using it (lowered cost,

fixed burning issues, peace of mind etc.), etc.


What worst can happen? Am I able to accept the consequences of it?

If yes. Enter the action.

If no. Either resign: delay it for a time or work your way up to be able/ particularly, if the

idea is worthy to be pursued (working internally on it – in the process, #2).

Embrace & learn from the mistakes. In the end, if you want to truly succeed: you have to at least triple

your failure rate/ which is a result of action. Avoid to be ever dreaded by any of them, however use your

planning and put many thought, to make it happen: to deliver – for you to always be, the achiever.


You’ve got 5768 cows on a field: you milk them everyday morning and evening (they eat grass) and you

travel down the street delivering the product. You’ve got for an hour of work more than a daily wage of

many. Innovation is to cause people get to you and milk those cows for their own: to drink the raw milk/

which is an essential, not-replaceable element of the diet. You achieve it through spreading knowledge

and putting in a state of fear by telling them they would have bone cancer/ kidney stones, etc.769 (i.e.

teeth transparency, #3.21).

You only earn, when you sell.

767 In case of attack – partner/ appropriate weapon lack: stand still, avoid to be dreaded – take your position and

become larger than it – it’s best to seed some distraction i.e. if you’ve got a food in your backpack or something –

throw it and back off slowly; playing dead – taking a fetus position with a hand on your head/ for quite a time might be some salvation if all of the above – fail.

768 They procreate with a bull: you sell the cattle – it’s highly expensive.

769 View the symptoms, #3.98A: use forever those arguments which penetrate, #4.3 and crisscross speaker beliefs.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

10% investment tax, #2.31770 applies also to the companies: top ones, use it wisely.


Use the 10% money of your profit to give-away your products/ on samples, to change

and improve your community, to sponsor a worthy-cause events.


Make the most important use, of it.

It would grow exponentially your market share/ reach and expand the whole business.


Forever think for and perform more than is even expected771 of you.


Always add one-thing – something extra.


Do, what others don’t.


Watch most/ all episodes of series: Dragon’s Den & Shark Tank to get an idea of investable


businesses/ how it is – how to succeed, in general. Complement it with also with any other

business material or a resource, which you could take a hand on – to increase your knowledge in


the subject.

Associate with successful people, who really made it and seek for their advice/ protection: if

only possible.

End it, with: How’d You Get So Rich772 - How I Made My Millions/ CNBC, Undercover

Boss (work, pays off773 – always).

Knowledge, aside: is required. You would learn how to make it, which is simple – if you only follow

the process/ by passing: you would build one – at the time, earning all the expected wealth and it

would be possible through it. Success is in your hands, only – it’s guaranteed, by the Laws if you


Take it, #2.

\ You think once in life and you’ve set, to the end of it.

770 It applies to the company money (if you run the business) and your private money (when you’ve got the profit).

771 Take the responsibility for each and every step of your business/ even the one – you’re not supposed to.

772 Where you would probably find, that those are the same people like you: who believed first, learned and just

executed the ideas/ something, which is real to you: if you only take the first step, #2 & #0.1.

773 Eventually, after significant time/ the process, #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Give this book to somebody for who, it could make a difference.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


It’s commonly thought, that the teacher’s work is more valuable than the one of an actor. It’s not an

issue, in the business terms: it’s ALL about the sales/ leverage. Movie, made with the last is watched by

a broader audience, than the 33-40 students in the class/ where, state pays from the public expense: for

the service. If the listeners in the classroom would pay 100/ each – per hour of a lecture: it would

probably be more worthwhile. The reason, why they don’t – is, because the level of knowledge taught:

can be performed by virtually everyone. The best get only paid the most, as they’ve got abilities, skill

and knowledge which can’t be simply replaced and it makes them, unique. It applies, also to the

products or services.

In the market place: if an employer is able to find a person, who would do the same work as you, i.e. the

physical one – he pays, the usual minimal allowed salary as there is no requirement for any other. Your

value and pay tends to increase, when the work you perform – with the experience you’ve got: can’t be

simply replaced, because there is lack/ low amount of people who would agree to a certain salary.

Exchanging your time for the money, is a way to earn the payment but it’s associated with one

drawback: you have to be in it/ do the work, to get paid.

If your inner desires of the soul, #1.11xF/ fate, involves certain work: increase

continually your worth/ experience.

Establish your own company and get the clients directly.

There is always job, for the best in every sector.


If you’re asking: what to do, to have constantly the money – how to be, thriving financially all-time/

take a close look and apply.




AD You have to be, the best – not only in terms of your work, but about time of delivery – all the


handling, of the client (the last, might be even sometimes more important than all the other: the

peace of mind for the customer).

For a shop: it might be the lowest prices/ going on volume and giving to each order a sample of

other products i.e. a shampoo, anything (use your 10% give-away, #4.41: to be spent either

way). It might be sometimes required to change the location, in order to get those clients/ high

enough sales: usually, the capitol city of the state is a choice, to be.

Lack of irrefutable offer/ service – durable competitive advantage might be the primary source of

your downfall.


You don’t advertise, clients don’t know how you can be reached.

Online presence is usually not enough, if no one can find you – advertise in your local TV

station, be highly – preferable #1: in the search engines under specific quotes, i.e. your_service

your_city – establish yourself as the best i.e. ‘the best kebab in the town!’ type of advertisement

and deliver the promise.


Morality is at price and essential, to any success. You wouldn’t give your money to a crook or

somebody who has got reputation of cheating their clients/ usage of cheaper replacements which

brake after time or performing the work low, to have a returning-clients? Would you?


Your personal, #2.31 – the costs have to be kept all-time low, #2.52/& the profits would come.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


AMASSING WEALTH, #2.51/ #3.26.

You might believe that only rich can have the money and you’re not rich – it has must to be

changed, #0.1. The same, is when you resent rich – you can’t become one, because in your mind

you can’t be a person, who you hate as every change starts first, within.


If the cost of a new pair of boots is lower or the same, than their repair: why to bother.

Be on a constant watch: for the industry development and insightful about the clients/ what

choices, do they take.


You have to impress people, by providing an ad which is memorable for longer – which lasts.

When somebody will have a problem in the future or his friend – would have one: they would

tell about you, because of it/ it’s vital.


Visit businesses personally and ask whether they’re not interested in your services/ products.

Hire and sell your representatives to scout the country for new sales.

/ Increase the reach: set out for new places, markets where your products can be bought:

increasing revenue by serving more to & of your customers.


If you charge far more than your competitors and bring the same or only slightly better service

than them – it’s usually not worth for the client/ to pay for it. He would likely choose the best/ at

the best cost. Either offer something really worthy, which covers the money value of the service

or product and brings i.e. a unique opportunity – finding lost person as a private detective, where

everyone failed etc.



If you don’t bring what’s told or advertised: nobody would rather come back. If you ship a

product for instance 3-weeks, not adding something extra: client won’t rather return (possibly,

only from the necessity – lack of others, where he can go with his problems, orders etc.).


Make a lasting impression that the client has really received more for what he’s paid.

Ex. in a case of food: be bold, add much more he can possibly eat. Make it be the XXXXL-best

kebab, in the town and they would return, for more.


You delay/ you don’t tell the truth – your reputation fails: you don’t care about the clients/ you don’t offer them by staying with you an appropriate motivation: discounts, gifts – advantage

systems etc. You must constantly keep the clients satisfied, well-cared and loved, by your

company: impression and emotions you cause over them are paramount to your success.



Services you bring, can be done by others – at a cheaper price. Why somebody would have to

select you? You have to constantly: be interested in what you do – to be, become the best and

keep the leading role, in a state – nation or the world, itself. Everyday, systematical work counts.


You’re not expanding by other locations – you don’t increase your revenue through a sustained

growth: it’s a precondition for disaster. You must save for the times, where there would be no

clients: the times of financial collapses, out-of-season etc.

There is always work to be done/ on your business, on yourself.

Avoid to ever stop at it, as the last would cease to exist/ same as you, #1.1

i.e. development over ALL.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Rich become those: who introduce products sold to the masses in high volume (millions).

Making others, to work for you.

When, you would increase your expertise: create a variety-range of your products i.e.

education materials, movies etc. which can be sold.

It’s required for you, to progress.