The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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Take in life always and only: the most moral choices possible.

This way: you’re be able to control your destiny.

Any resource ever, isn’t worth the Life/ #2.


Be always conscious of those hidden-mechanisms and tests, of your moral development – to pass them,

each time successfully.

92 Morality has to progress/ in order for you to be able to – your morality: to be repeated, twice due to its importance.

You would loose all – if you won’t/ i.e. change your in-born nature, to take.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


If you want to become a moral person: you’re required to act in certain situations.

Taking moral choices is hard, because it’s associated with breaking of the invisible field resistance.

Moral choices are always associated with thinking/ the highest intellectual resistance: taking

the way uphill – against all odds.

Moral behavior is characterized by only two properties: it never harms anyone and it’s never

required to correct it or fix. It also brings an increase in the moral energy, #1.1 and possibly

generates Karma, #1.2: which you would willingly accept.

For instance, if you were attacked by a parasite who wanted to provoke an emotional response – your

drain and you’ve got a true desire to punch him in the face/ severely beat – you’re not allowed to do

that, because it’s an immoral response/ as your life isn’t threatened. Keep calm, restrain your nature –

because if you do so: your behavior won’t be moral as you would break those rules – you would harm

him and this action would be required to be corrected as i.e. jail sentence, refund etc. awaits by doing so.

Instead, a more moral solution – as an inverse, of the natural reaction (which is an emotional response):

would be to talk and explain the issue or just to let go/ ignore and leave – saving your time. The first

might bring you an increase in moral energy: if you’ve sensed the intention on drain and caused a

parasite to reply in an emotional manner, by loss of his energy or you’ve done the things required to

defend yourself – second, is probably better – if no direct threat is involved because you show, you

don’t care and you’re additionally saving energy to work on your goals, #2. It might be neutral to the

moral energy – you’re not loosing it to him, yet not gaining also. It’s the choice to take, if the fight isn’t worthy of it/ the last, should be dealt quickly and effectively: to save you most of the time, no further

explaining – just few words and it ends.

Moreover, it leads to taking such choices in life – in larger areas of your life.

You’re always required to think and to view the bigger picture.

Firstly, you must learn to protect yourself – so for instance if a situation happened, where you were

returning back from a birthday party in a car packed with five people: when the driver went out to tank

the gas, left the keys inside and went to the station to pay – your friend took his car, closed the doors and

drunk driven four of you on a crazy ride, breaking few road traffic regulations i.e. double line crossing,

speeding etc., a truck driver closely didn’t hit you in the back and he dumped the car in a ditch, on an

express road – escaping, with three of your friend and you were one to stay – the police arrived, you

didn’t told what’s happened because you were drunk but the truck driver did – telling you were not the

driver, and you’ve been released after alcohol tests on a police station... You’re supposed, to act

always for your own good, first. Therefore, if you were called as a witness days later: you’re rightly to tell the truth, but not all of it as to a) protect self first, [& then] b) didn’t harm anyone or didn’t

require to correct this action perpetrated – you tell, that you only know the people who were in the

car, yet not telling who has drunk-driver/ partially, because you know that if you were to put other

testimony that you don’t remember the whole day in no way – as your friends might require to (which is completely unbelievable and you would harm yourself, if the case was to enter the court and not to be

solved by the police itself), although you know that by doing it – not even saying who perpetrated the

act which was pressed, would cross the line and you’ve lost your neighbor friends, forever and be

harassed by everyone (which might be like a hard choice to take, but remember – you’re not harming

anyone, including self) and besides: tapes, truck witness – people on the station, cameras in the city –

evidence is plentiful and it would be easily to disproof – furthermore, your friend – who has driven, has

got already two suspended sentences from various paragraphs – he goes to jail, immediately and they

would prove it to him. You’re required to put testimony: who is best for you – first & only at the base,

but cares about everyone around – you’re not sure, who has driven, because you’ve drink alcohol and

only know with who you were that day/ all. It’s associated with being bullied, called as an informant –

but it’s the right, hard yet moral choice to be taken. Everyone is responsible for his actions.

Take in life always and only: the most moral choices, possible.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It’s required to know, that you’re only subjected to see and interpret the events from your own

perspective i.e. relation – as you’re in this game, alone. For instance, if you’re with a friend and he has stolen on your eyes a nectarine – the best, the hugest, the most tasty – you would eat with eyes, as you’ve been waiting to eat it for three months and which you’ve ordered but it was not available and

didn’t showed in the package, having no money to buy it: you’re not supposed to act, because it hasn’t been stolen from you/ you were not affected by this action – as it only relates to you. You can’t accept the spoils of it, however – #1.12. Although, it might allow you to gain consciousness to not let this

person to your house, watch93 on being e.g. drunk or to be, in the vicinity of him.

Understand, that you’re not subjected to ‘clear all of the evilness’ in this world, but only the one which caused your harm or affected you in any significant94 way – it’s, when the line is crossed and you’re obliged to act, but also: in a smart and thoughtful – effective way.

Another instance, might appear when your friends are beating somebody in the center of a neighborhood

i.e. blocks of flats, where windows are everywhere. Again, this action isn’t involving you directly, but it

affects you because somebody might call the police and the law in your country is such, that if you

passively observing an immoral act – you’re liable, as you were the perpetrator so – it’s your duty, to

stop them and tell to move somewhere else/ possibly providing the reason: ‘ not here/ people are

watching’. However, it’s best for you to stop in the mid-term95 when you would move i.e. to ‘I don’t

want to see it’ respond-type and you can help by saying loud in a commanding tone, with smile on your

face: ‘ESCAPE!’ followed by ‘Oh, there would be a slaughterhouse’, ‘Oh, there would be a

slaughterhouse’ as to give the clue/ instructions to the person attacked. If he does as such, it’s good for

him, either way – he would be caught anyway if the Karma/ #1.2 hangs on him.

You can help those victims, if you want to or your goals involve it, #2 but this help must be

concealed or hidden – best anonymous/ performed in a clever way.


In instance, where you’ve cooked a pack of chickpeas and had a poisoning, #3.29L because the product

has been contaminated by similarly looking yellow GM-beans in it: you’re supposed/ obliged to act –

firstly, to let know the producer he has got a problem as he might not be conscious of it and secondly –

to get a refund of the batch, possibly gain an extra product for the ‘sorry’-type of thing.

You’re required only, to choose those ideas or actions who are benefiting you and

working on your cause – bring towards your goal96 or goals/ #2. It’s all about

effectiveness of the undertakings – understand it.

It requires you to think.

You’re required to correct immoral/ evil behavior which is affecting you.

Know, it’s usually more – you can think of/ responsibility-type-of97 issue.

You’re required to play cleverly for your self-interest. Everyone must protect himself and you’re not like everyone, at least not anymore – if his, not doing it: it’s his problem, he must too start to learn to think by himself as you’ve did.

If you allow yourself to be disrespected/ treated badly or give others the possibility to cause you harm/ influence your actions: others would follow with similar type of treatment.

93 Your possessions/ you have with you.

94 In relation to your goal, taken in the process/ #2: it includes parallel developments.

95 From the very same reason, as in the beginning – as you’re liable in the terms of human laws: if you passively watch without any help – in case if something would happen i.e. they might kill him or permanently disable etc./ you don’t want to see it: stay away (why? because it might affect your goals/ #2: i.e. searching for the perpetrators, witnesses, you’ve might also be charged – it’s problematic to you, etc.).

96 It’s all the moral field is about and ALL the Laws in the Universe.

97 Where: you place too much responsibility and give power over events, to anyone.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You must always use the best tools available for the job, because it’s with no sense not to.

It’s required for your good, self-interest, well-being and peace of mind and if you won’t do so: you’d be severely punished by the Moral Laws.

Forever, to do the work/ you’re required: to do it, in the most effective and best manner – it’s a

necessity. You’re therefore forced to think it all, before you would engage in any type of it. For instance, if you want to dig a large hole in the ground to make a fish pond in your back yard – you’ve got a choice

to a) do it, with a shovel by yourself which would take you at least 200 hours of intensive work labor –

whereas: you live in an area where other more cost-efficient solutions/ tools are available and it’s more

beneficiary to use them, as they would save your time, work and labor – besides, they’re the best

solution to the problem, b) you should pay the specified amount for someone do it, with a mechanical

digger. The catch is, that if you don’t have the money: you either barter, but calculations state – that

you’re able to earn couple times98 more, than by digging it yourself so – it’s not the most effective use of

your time and it’s required from you to abandon the project or get the resources/ you might also want to

find others who might be interested in it like i.e. your family, brother etc. and who do have money and

would possibly provide them/ cover the project.

You would be severely punished by using the tools which are not the most effective, dependent on the

impact of your actions/ the ‘strong but stupid’ people approach. It applies to all the choices and thinking

always is essential (before taking, either entering any action).

Weight your options – make always only the best/ the most effective selections.

Moral field is forever about the right choices for you – the last involves preceded thinking before

taking any action. It’s not about, being the easy selection of the immoral actions, but about taking

the right ones for you – usually, the hard choices i.e. telling the truth, not harming anyone, serving

in a clever way: all of those – which serve you, the best. If you don’t do so – you’re severely

punished by taking any other decisions.

98 In this time.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

The reason why disasters in your life strike – always the worst occurrences happen: it’s because –

you lack preparation. You haven’t thought through and prepared/ secured for all the options and possibilities which might lead to your downfall: even higher loss of your property – if they

wouldn’t struck. They’re there, to either show you the lack in your thinking: which leads to unsecured projects, works and to reinforce the change – of your defects in planning in each and every instance –

even to the last, smallest detail.

For instance: if you’ve build a home, secured every detail of it – it’s fully safe, it’s hurricane-proof and

it’s just a diamond in the crown. Yes, it might be – but you’ve again: didn’t thought99 it to the end, as

you’ve built it, in an area where flood is possible and it would be taken by the water in the next event.

The same, applies also: when securing food, water and all the other requirements to live – including

knowledge, for the times when the system would collapse.

It would be exploited to the very last drop. It’s only for your good, so you’d be prepared next time fully and won’t do the same mistake again, and it’s usually achieved through the destruction of your work or

a major accident/ as it imprints an everlasting memory – something, which can’t be ignored. It also

reinforces your morality, to show you where you truly are: how you lack preparedness and how hollow

is your thinking.

Forever prepare totally on any occurrence and secure every last possible smallest issue

OR face the risk of permanent loss, which would happen because of it.

/ Prepare forever such, like you’d prepare for the End of the World/ take it very100 seriously.

It applies to every each work, project or undertaking.

Total preparation to any circumstances causes, that those catastrophic events might be not brought

to your reality, due to lack of need.

99 You’ve focused on one particular area, ignored the other.

100 Disasters in your life would likely cease/ confirmed.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Everything in this reality has a reason and you’re required to seek for the last, always and forever/

to find the truth. You’re probably also acting this way: saying an official reason why, but hide deep –

the real motivations and drive. The same way of acting is prevalent and the true ability, is to see beyond those smoking mirrors and always think, independently of who or what is involved.

Cigarettes are firstly marked as harmful/ if somebody haven’t found it yet, then – when the time passes,

producers are forced to put a clear sign: ‘SMOKING KILLS’ on every package of them and even in a

certain countries – place photos, of the damage caused through the usage of this product. Then, the

public ban passes for smoking in public, closed places (before it – lots of books/ tools might be inspired

to disdain people from the drug: allowing them to throw it once and forever). The era ends, when GM-

tobacco is introduced and cigarettes become deliberately101 poisoned, as they burn/ roast the tongue yet

the side-brands102 are also influenced through the introduction of additional poisons which might not

cause such an effect/ #2.2. All done, in a very extensive time delay, so you have time – if you’ve gave

in: you won’t know the real reason behind – i.e. hidden agenda, if didn’t seen it all the way through.

Your thinking is required.

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Expand your knowledge in the topics – you perform any work in.

Reinforce thinking, plan and be prepared – always.

Be conscious.

101 Most of the brand cigarettes – with excise and available in every shop/ store/ gas station, etc.

102 Government-released fakes/ i.e. without an excise, etc.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever



Negative Karma could block any of your achievement, until it’s cleared. The last is brought

always in a most teaching way for you. It’s essential, to start act the right way towards others: to

experience the desired outcome.

The Karma Law.

The feelings, either good or bad – you cause upon others: would come103 to you back, in a time

delay. /

As you sow, you shall reap. /

Feelings that you cause in others: come back to you.

If you’ve for instance: beaten somebody or many people without their initial aggression: you would

experience exactly the same pain – you’ve caused upon them104 in a significant time delay/ it extends to

any other feelings105 either good or bad, caused.

Moreover, what you’re experiencing today – is a direct result of actions: you’ve took in the past.

You’re required to act always morally towards others/ with respect.

From now on.

Understanding, that by acting moral – i.e. taking the right choices for self: y