The Salvation of Love And Love as Salvation by Laurence Robert Cohen - HTML preview

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Works of Love


Table of Contents


Part One


(19) Kierkegaard's Works of Love—Forward

(20 )Kierkegaard's Works of Love—Prayer

Works of Love Part One--I--Love's Hidden Life and Its Recognizability by Its Fruits (23)


(34) Works of Love Part II A You Shall Love

(40) Works of Love Your Shall Love The Royal Law

(41) Works of Love Your Shall Love The Royal Law “All things are made new”

(70) Works of Love II B To love one’s neighbor is therefore eternal equality in loving

(73—80)Works of Love II C You Shall Love Your Neighbor

(84-89)Works of Love II C You Shall Love Your Neighbor—Distinctions

(85-89) Works of Love II C You Shall Love Your Neighbor—Distinctions Power and Position

(88) Works of Love II C You Shall Love Your Neighbor "For loving one's neighbor is a thankless task!"

(99) Works of Love  III A  Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law  (Romans 13: 10)

(107) Works of Love III A  Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law

(112-113) Works of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law God is the Middle Term in Love

(119) Works of Love III A Love is the fulfilling of the law God is the Middle Term and the Beloved

(119) Works of Love III A God is the Middle Term and When I See My Love

(123) Works of Love , Love is the fulfilling of the law, Number One in Love

(123) Works of Love Love is the Fulfilling of the Law The World Detests Love

(122—123) Works of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law Unequivocal Love and the Uncertain Law

(127—129) Works of Love Love is the Fulfillment of the Law Illusions of Love

(129) Works of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law Love and the Eternal Will

(130-131) Works of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law "Mortgaging Oneself to Evil...  Power, Honor, the Satisfaction of Desires"

(132—133) Works Of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law Love Is Inwardness

(134-135) Works of Love Love is the fulfilling of the law Endurance in Time Space and the Mundane

(138-152) Works Of Love Love Is A Matter Of Conscience God, Love, Conscience And The Middle Term

(153-154) Works of Love IV Our Duty to Love Those We See

(155-156) Works Of Love IV Our Duty To Love Those We See "Love Grounded In The Nature Of Man"

(156-157) Works Of Love IV Our Duty To Love Those We See Fastidiousness Is Not Love

(158-159) Works Of Love Our Duty To Love Those We See The Structure For Loving God

(160-170) Works Of Love IV Our Duty To Love Those We See Limitless Love In Our Time

(171-172) Works Of Love IV Our Duty To Be In The Debt Of Love To Each Other "Owe No One Anything, Except To Love One Another." (Romans 13:8)

(172-173) Works of Love Our Duty to Be in The Debt of Love Love Is Not Bookkeeping

(172-174) Works of Love Our Duty to Be in The Debt of Love The Infinite Value of Debt

(174-181) Works Of Love Our Duty To Be In The Debt Of Love Love Has No Comparison

(186) Works of Love Our Duty to be in the Debt of Love Works of Love Hated and Despised

(196) Works of Love Our Duty To Be in the Debt Of Love Kierkegaard and Self-renunciation in the Debt Of Love


Part Two


(197) Works Of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up Introduction

(199-200) Works of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up "But Love Builds Up." (I Corinthians 8:1)

(202-204) Works Of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up "Do Everything For The Sake Of Building Up"

(206-207) Works of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up The Lover Presupposes

(208-212)  Works of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up "Love hopes all things"

(208-212)  Works Of Love Part Two I Love Builds Up "Wherever up-building is, there love is"

(214-217)  Works Of Love Part Two II Love Believes All Things Love Can't be Deceived

(218-219)  Works Of Love Part Two II Love Believes All Things Our Fear Of Error

(220-221) Works Of Love Part Two II Mistrust And Evil

(220-221) Works Of Love Part Two II Love Believes All Things Mistrust As Judgment

(224-230) Works Of Love Part Two II Love Believes All Things Love Is The Highest Good

(235-240) Works of Love III  Love Hopes All Things and Yet Is Never Put to Shame Love . . . hopes all things.  (I Corinthians 13 : 7) Hope and the Eternal

(240-243) Works Of Love Part Two III Love Hopes All Things and Yet Is Never Put To Shame Hope, Love, And The Eternal

(244-245) Works of Love Part III Love Hopes All Things and Yet Is Never Put to Shame Love . . . hopes all things. (I Corinthians 13:7)

(245-246) Works of Love Part III Love Hopes All Things and Yet Is Never Put to Shame Believing and Hoping

(248) Works Of Love IV Love Seeks Not Its Own Charity Seeketh Not Her Own.  (I Corinthians 13: 5)

(251) Works Of Love IV Love Seeks Not Its Own Language of Possession

(251-253) Works Of Love IV Love Seeks Not Its Own Yours and Mine as Domination

(254-255) Works of Love IV Love Seeks Not Its Own Small-mindedness

(255-260) Works of Love IV Love Seeks Not Its Own The Lover's Unspoken Gift

(261-262) Works of Love V Love Hides the Multiplicity of Sins Love and Confidence

(263-268) Works of Love V That Love Hides the Multiplicity of Sins

(268-270) Works of Love V Love Hides the Multiplicity In Silence

(271-273) Works of Love V The lover hides the multiplicity of sins in a mitigating explanation

(273-276) Works of Love V Love hides the multiplicity of sins by forgiveness

(276-278) Works of Love V For Love Prevents it from Coming into Being, Smothers it at Birth

(279-280) Works of Love VI Love Abides  So ...  love abide{s}.  (I Corinthians 13: 13)

 (281-282) Works of Love VI Love Abides "Love never fails"—it abides

(286-289) Works of Love VI Love Abides Love abides—It never wastes away

(290-291) Works of Love VI Love Abides—It never wastes away

(292-294) Works of Love VII Mercifulness, a Work of Love, Even if it Can Give Nothing and Is Capable of Doing Nothing “Mercifulness has nothing to give”

(301-305) Works of Love VII Mercifulness, a Work of Love Mercifulness is able to do nothing

(306-308) Works of Love VIII The Victory of Reconciliation in Love Which Wins the Vanquished

(308-310 ) Works of Love VIII The Victory of Reconciliation in Love Which Wins the Vanquished

Reconciliation in love

(310-314 ) Works of Love VIII The Victory of Reconciliation in Love Which Wins the Vanquished

To win one vanquished


(317-320) Works of Love IX The Works of Love in Remembering One Dead

(320-329) Works of Love IX The Works of Love in Remembering One Dead

A work of love the most unselfish, free, and faithful

(330-331) The Works of Love X The Work of Love in Praising Love

(331-335) The Works of Love X The Work of Love in Praising Love . . . Must be done inwardly in self-renunciation

(336-343) The Works of Love X The Work of Love in Praising Love . . . must OUTWARDLY be done in sacrificial disinterestedness

(344-353) The Works of Love Conclusion "Beloved, let us love one another"

(344-353) The Works of Love X Conclusion God's Love


Related Poems


Anna and the Divine and Love

Eternal Debt of Love--Works of Love

Kierkegaardian Inspiration and Action

Love as Advantage or Sacrifice--Works of Love

The Many Voices of the Works of Love

The Middle Term Mathematic

The Middle Term, Illumination, and Loneliness

The Mind and Body Connection and Love

Technological Purpose and the Middle Term

Who Abandons Whom?

You Shall Love