The Salvation of Love And Love as Salvation


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Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description HTML

In our lonely world love heals. But not as often depicted. Kierkegaard worked to reveal. In healing of love we are gifted. Love is life at its very core. So we strive to comprehend. What it means to us and more. By love our world can mend. The poems here are to make accessible. Kierkegaard's longer and complete text. In my hope you'll find them pleasurable. And from an often lonely life give rest. To download these offers an up-building. Of our spirits and of our minds. Within these words experience healing. Of a caring and loving kind.

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Laurence Robert Cohen

This book exists because I care about everyone who reads it even though I will never know them. That means I strive to live by the biblical admonition to love your neighbor as yourself. To strive to do that, I offer readers the best of myself and my life. I worked at many jobs and led many lives. Before I stopped working professionally, I taught all manner of persons and population. My insights into the life I have led may well give the reader a chance to stop and contemplate the nature and meaning of their own lives. Whatever mistakes you made, your becoming self remains healthy and strong and ready to shine on your life. That's the point. These are not techniques, patterns and rules by which you change. You don't need to change. The book works to offer ways of perceiving ourselves in such a way that new choices become possible and allow us to receive outcomes that will work better for us. This book isn't about... Read more

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