The arrival of the extraterrestrials by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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From this point the planet reached a great stability and began to consider expansion space. That said, we must clarify that in the cosmos there is only an evolved species that is human, there are not many intelligent species as we see in doing science fiction movies. In the same way that if a stone into the water pulled this down to the bottom to be more dense, just as an evolving planet in the end only the triumph of the human species, because it is the most successful to develop a fully sort mode. It is at this time, when the original planet discovered the land and plans to send an expedition to it were established, they would be mainly two reasons. On the one hand, study the Earth's evolution and compare it with his own. And on the other, contribute as much as possible to human evolution, but without interference, i.e. an indirect way for land to develop itself, a planet would lose his freedom if he will impose the ideas, the earth has to find their own way. For this trip were used so-called generation ships, i.e. ships that the crew would marry and have children, living a normal life until they reach their destination. Contrary to popular belief on earth, is not necessary for a spacecraft to travel very fast through space to reach a planet, the key is not on speed, but on the living conditions on the ship. People on earth cannot conceive of space travel rather than a quick trips and especially in small ships. Actually for interstellar travel required ships of up to several kilometers in size are forming a space community, these ships would not exceed fifteen percent of the speed of light, only energetic particles reach the speed of light, the more inert and material is an object, the slower it, so this speed would be cruising speed of the fastest ships, by using nuclear power, ship an indefinite power supply would be ensured all the way, do not forget that in space this is the only energy that can be used, for being the ship far from the sun, the trip and could last several centuries, still life like on the planet of origin, the expedition could have twenty thousand people in a dozen ships.




As I mentioned before space travel are not characterized by the speed at which ships move in interstellar travel cannot speak for periods of years but generations. Typically, when an expedition reaches its destination, they have passed a minimum of thirty years shorter trips, traveling at cruising speed fifteen percent of the speed of light. To make this possible you cannot use any type of ship, ships large city, with which to carry the same kind of life they would have on earth, a space community of about ten ships whose dimensions as are necessary oscillate between two hundred meters and the kilometer and a half. Of course these ships have a system of artificial gravity that allow them to feel at home planet, they would marry have children on board ships and could travel occasionally to other ships that would form the expedition, to scroll through space is also feasible scales. A ship can start a colony on a distant planet than their own and after a transitional period of a century or two to start again another colonial expedition to another star with some of the descendants who would have developed on this planet, for these journeys use nuclear energy as among the stars is the only energy that can be used because of the remoteness of the sun, thus the possibility of sending expeditions to very large distances becomes a reasonable option. On earth, generations succeed one another without leaving the planet and this is not considered as something strange, then travel in mother ships would be exactly the same. Greater energy savings for all materials be recycled and nothing would be thrown into space, months these ships would accelerate just a few tenths of a G (acceleration force) to acquire the necessary speed without forcing the structure, which would be very slight. In this kind of society would not exist humanoid robots, because as I told before the human form is the sum of a body and a spirit, it makes no sense to wait for a machine that is as a man, unless harbored a spirit, but that is already the man, robots are rather a way of playing with the idea of slavery, which from my point of view is entirely reprehensible.






Obtaining food for these ships need not take plants or animals on board, since this is a primitive way of thinking about supply. Rather this is achieved by producing synthetic form, this does not mean that it is taking pills, food would have the same or similar characteristics as those derived from plants, can be manufactured vitamins, protein or fiber artificially .




All technological devices would be recycled after use without wasting anything, spending the minimum energy in re-building, and some metal or crystal structures could be reused in new equipment thus achieving additional energy savings. In the end no waste product would be thrown into space, since all waste, if necessary, be reduced to its essential chemical principles.




The fission of uranium or other nuclear fuel, ensure the survival of this expedition almost indefinitely, although this dangerous energy in interstellar space is the only one that can be used.




Many people wonder what is the nature of black holes, some think they are inter-dimensional holes, others think that the cosmos is swallowed, the truth is that all this black holes are simpler than we can imagine. The physics of black holes is actually the same as that of the stars and planets i.e. are simply mass super-compressed, the only difference is that having such a huge mass large pressures cause them to lose the atoms layer outer electron therefore arguably a black hole is like a giant atomic nucleus. Furthermore, these objects in the cosmos do not cause any harm to the universal order, since they are necessary to give stability to galaxies. First, there are black holes in the galactic core, then the stars, then planets, lower pivots on a larger mass. Black holes do not emit light or if so is very difficult to detect because of its enormous gravity, of course if a spaceship fell inside would be destroyed immediately and atomic elements would be reduced to its most basic form.

Ultimately these objects far from being monsters they do is stabilize the galactic system. Not make much sense to believe that the enormous gravity of these objects could lead to a tear in the fabric of space, first because space is not a tissue, it is absurd to think that something that is immaterial can be drilled. Secondly because the seriousness of these objects are not applied from the top down but from all points towards the center. It is one thing to explain gravity example a material sphere is used moving on a fabric which encircles another heavy object, and another is that it can be applied to a black hole, since in reality would be rather two positions opposed tissues therefore assumed that pressure on fold space be annulled.