The arrival of the extraterrestrials by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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When the expedition reached the solar system, installing bases are organized, both the planets and the earth and the moon. From this moment it is when really begin its mission, beginning to take samples of plants and animals and also the study of human beings if any. With respect to humans also exist the added task of carrying out follow-up work and guidance in the process of evolution. That does not mean they were to violate the interests of these, rather it would seek to provide a stimulus in progress in order to learn what they are able to assimilate.




On the banks of the Nile River was formed from time immemorial a farming community together that summer were the first societies of the earth to form a civilization around a control policy harvests in a stable manner, and in 2000 BC these two communities were the vanguard of progress on earth and evolved in a calm manner. But in a relatively short period everything changed, the planet had several thousand years out of the last ice age which meant that the temperature of the ground was rising steadily every century. Because of this, all North Africa began to desertizarse quickly, leading to thousands of small ranchers and farmers to migrate to Egypt as the only way to survive, it was used by successive pharaohs to get a cheap labor and to thus develop his delusional idea of building the giant graves that were the pyramids. This climate change is the main reason that civilization has been gradually moving from south to north and has been the main cause of historical changes and was first in Mesopotamia and Egypt, then Greece and Rome then in Spain and France and finally in England and the United States, for civilization I mean the forefront of this, not all civilization, progress is always greater where the climate is more balanced.




Approximately fifteen hundred years before Christ, one of the most advanced civilizations was the Minoan on the island of Crete. He owed its high level of development mainly to being a strategic point for trade between Egypt and primitive Greece. But a geological event changed all of a sudden, a huge volcanic eruption on a nearby island called Tera caused an ash cloud that deposited in Crete and other islands damage irreparably crops and livestock, in some cases there were layers ash up to several meters thick. Hundreds of inhabitants of these islands fled in the few boats that might get the last memory left with was the sight of their island disappearing under the waters of the sea, of course this was just an optical phenomenon caused by the curvature of the earth, for those not accustomed to navigating the sight of their island away from the base to the tip could lead to the idea that the island had sunk beneath the sea. The settlers who came to Greece after the disaster gave rise to the story of Atlantis transmitted to us by the philosopher Plato. Today we tend to think of Atlantis as such an advanced society that would spaceships among other technological objects. Nothing is further from reality. This civilization was indeed very advanced, but only from the point of view of the time in which it existed.




Like many other communities in North Africa, the Jewish people was also forced to emigrate to Egypt for the progressive impoverishment of the earth. But the problem of desertification was compounded by the volcanic disaster in the Mediterranean, the serious damage caused in agriculture rain laden with volcanic ash. This situation became increasingly untenable concentration of populations on the banks of the Nile. The alien community installed on the ground saw this as a good opportunity to start a training project philosophically of earthly society and the Jewish people was the ideal for achieving this end. It is the alien community would guide and protect the Jews and in return acquire these were their protectors commitment to follow his teachings. It is from this moment when they began to manifest to Moses and made a covenant with him, epidemics, hunger and climatic disturbances did the rest, although the aliens had nothing to do with it. From there the Jewish people was guided and protected by they called angels and change began to develop the commandments that they gave them, although many give and take between these two communities, it is very difficult to coordinate two companies that carry an evolutionary difference seventeen thousand years. At night they are lit up with what they called a luminous cloud, but it was actually an aircraft camouflaged behind a cloud of steam.




In all societies it is common to some form of belief in a Creator God, this was excellent for extraterrestrials and found ways to communicate with Jews in a way that they would normally appear. The true nature of God is not an old, bearded man as many believe, rather God is the set of universal laws that govern the universe. God is just because the universal laws are also, God is in all of us because the universal laws are also expressed through us. Equal universal law is observed by the fact that even the most distant galaxies share the same rules as ours.




Is a grave error to take the Bible literally, because who does that is put into the hands of manipulators by altering the writings available from the weak mind what they want, the progress of humanity has only a true path and is suspicious of everything and not accept anything just because. You can have faith in something, but that does not mean you should lose the ability to reason, even those that take us fifteen thousand years ahead are wrong sometimes, the true expression of freedom is to subject all views to logical reasoning, however divine that those views are proclaimed, handlers always resort to argue that their claims are of divine origin in order to block the minds and prevent free logical reasoning, the progress of ideas must go hand in hand with the ability to dissent. Arguably, for example in Genesis it is basically a compilation of ideas and old beliefs that probably will not approach reality more than thirty percent. The Bible today, could not be more than sixty percent of the events that actually occurred, not only because they were able to manipulate written later, but from the very beginning this is possible then how can distinguish I truth from falsehood? That is where the capacity of reasoning and scientific evidence. Although you should keep in mind that philosophy does not have a process demonstration as the classical physical evidence, so it is more difficult than other science. The main interest of the aliens was to promote the idea of justice and coexistence as the main element of their religion, it is essential to coordinate large groups of population element. It was also important to promote monotheism as an instrument of progress towards the idea of a coordinator god, because it is the closest thing there is to the features that make the universal laws in the cosmos. Through the prophets like Ezekiel, the extraterrestrials were shaping the culture that later became Christianity.






The day the dwelling was erected, the cloud covered this, i.e. the tabernacle of witness, appearing on the dwelling like fire from evening until morning. So always happened (day) cloud covered it night and something that looked like fire. And when the cloud rose over the tabernacle, the children of Israel were put in place, and the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Israel encamped. At the command of the Lord the Israelites would set out, and the order of Yahweh they encamped, and were encamped all the time remaining on the cloud abode. Even when the cloud tarried many days over the dwelling, the Israelites watched the provisions of Yahweh and not break camp. So they did when the cloud was a few days on the dwelling. At the command of the Lord encamp and the order of the Lord they set out. When the cloud stopped only from evening till morning, and rose in the morning, they set out. Or if he stood one day and one night and then up, they also undertook the march. If the cloud remained two days or a month or a year on the dwelling, while remaining on it, still the Israelites camped and did not move; more by winning the cloud, they set out. At the command of Yahweh they encamped, and the order of the Lord they set out; keeping the provisions Lord, according to the order given by Lord bassinet. (Numbers 9:15)


Although the activities of aliens with the Jewish people are the most notorious who have survived to this day, also maintain discreet contacts with other human populations, may be these contacts the origin of some ancient beliefs. These contacts could have influenced the origin of religions such as Buddhism or Zoroastrianism.






In the thirtieth year, the fifth day of the fourth month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, the heavens opened, and I had visions of God. The fifth day of the month in the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin and the word of Yahweh came to the priest Ezekiel son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and was there upon him the hand of Yahweh. I looked and saw a whirlwind coming from the north, a great cloud and a fire which turned into himself. Around it there was a glow and at its center something like a shiny metal coming out of the fire.




In the middle was the likeness of four living creatures, whose appearance was this: they had the likeness of men; And every one had four faces, and each four wings. His feet were straight, and the soles of his feet as the sole of a calf; and which gave off sparks burnished bronze. They had human hands under their wings on all four sides; and (each) of the four had the (same) face and the (same) wings. Their wings touched one another. As they walked not moved from the front; each went face forward. Their faces were as follows: a human face (ahead) also had, each of the four face of a lion, on the right; bull's face to the left; and Eagle face (back). Their faces and their wings stretched upward; each had two (wings) that touched with another, and two covered their bodies. And walking, each face forward; where there took them the spirit went; they not moved from in front of the walk. These animals had the appearance of burning, like torches as glowing fire ran through the middle of these living beings coals; and fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures ran and returned that glare of lightning. (Ezekiel 1:5)


At first glance one might say that he is referring to a device similar to a helicopter, but it's hard to tell.