The arrival of the extraterrestrials by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Many people wonder if the aliens are here, why not openly presented. The reason is simple because the human being is not prepared for the psychological shock that this would entail. Another reason is that the aliens do not want to interfere with the pace of evolution of the earth rather than in an indirect way, so that the inhabitants of this planet reach maturity for themselves. Many times people say that God does not exist because it allows wars or crimes, but if the higher beings interfere in such matters, which would not be divine justice, but a dictatorship and the price to pay for that kind of peace would be very high it would mean the loss of freedom. Humanity must progress by itself, without outside interference, if the aliens are openly displayed before time, would cause a commotion in the order of values and people would not know what to believe, progress carries with it many changes to these suddenly occur if they did so they would be some unconscious. Many of the principles which now represent modern society would fall with a crash and people would feel embarrassed, progress has to be something gradual as long as humanity is able to assimilate. Meanwhile they perform advisory functions to some people and show themselves occasionally with so-called flying saucers and so are familiarizing people for the final encounter, actually as I said all aliens have human form like us, because this is the most evolved form there in the cosmos, we have proof that it is the only one who has succeeded on earth. On the evolutionary scale first thing that occurs is the progress of technology, that however difficult it is simpler than the moral and philosophical progress only when the technique achieves a high degree of development, begins to complete the spiritual plane it is later. Only then the worlds can be considered really mature, it would be traumatic for many people if aliens came and tell us that half of our most important beliefs are nonsense, this is logical in a system of evolution where there is a process of substitution continuous Ideas it is better than what land will find the truth by itself at the right time.




In 1947 in Roswell New Mexico United States, there was an incident which many saw as proof of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, the military claimed to have captured a flying saucer with their occupants inside. To my mind this is one of the biggest blunders in history how can you think about things that lead us thousands of years of technological advantage, would let the land to capture one of their rugged dishes? with its high technology, not take more than a few seconds to launch a rescue program and the damaged aircraft would be collected quickly.

The truth is that in those years the Cold War was at its peak and the Americans were doing in that region several tests rocket to launch the Gemini space program. They were also experimenting with animals, mainly monkeys, to see the effects they would have space tests on humans.

Possibly an experimental space capsule dropped out of the area allocated carrying inside these animals I mentioned, you would have shaved and put fire suits, but possibly should fail the test parachute reentry. For the military, there were only two possibilities once this incident became public knowledge, say they are testing top secret or divert attention otherwise spontaneous and improvised manner, we chose to say that it was a UFO, leading the imagination, but diverting attention to the facts. At the end of the day if people believe that the United States has alien ships, this would only boost your ego and prestige. The only way this really happening is that the same extraterrestrials delivered one of their ships intentionally and that I consider very difficult. It would be so difficult for land captured a flying saucer as a tribe of Bushmen capture a US aircraft carriers. These activities of the US Air Force would only mission is the development of new prototypes of aircraft and space rockets, but in absolute secrecy.




Some think that extraterrestrial beings have the oversized head, from my point of view this is nonsense because any kind need all the organs of your body enough to be able to unwrap provided. In fact human beings have a brain area larger than the size of his skull what happens is that folds on itself in order to prevent the head acquires an excessive dimension, this is what gives the brain the striking form nut, a possible explanation for the apparent large size of his head would be the use of a helmet. As I explained earlier, it is only possible in the human form of the cosmos evolved species, as this is the most appropriate to express in the best way possible life expectations of an intelligent being. This does not mean they have to be absolutely equal, it is reasonable to think that may occur differences in aspects such as height or corpulence. As for the number of inhabited planets in the universe might have can raise an example of its possibilities.


100,000,000,000 would be the stars that exist in our galaxy.

1,000,000,000 would be the stars that could have planets.

1,000,000 would be inhabited planets.

1000 would be the planets with advanced civilizations.


This means that at this time there could be spaceships flying through the space, from a thousand original planets, which in turn could generate thousands of colonies in the entire galaxy. And do not forget that we've only counted the stars of the Milky Way galaxy, but there are millions of galaxies same. This shows how fleeting that is denying the existence of intelligent life beyond Earth, and as they have come here, we must recognize that they have the whole story to get it, i.e. do they have time on their side. It is also wrong to think that only planets with an atmosphere like Earth can be colonized, who think this is because they underestimate what you can achieve with technology, not try to change the atmosphere of planets to colonize, but well to adapt by building protected cities weather outside.




Flying saucers are the main instrument for the movement of the Earth extraterrestrial beings and are designed primarily for this exclusive use. A representative characteristic of them is its great luminosity, this is not a coincidence but is caused deliberately so that people see it and become familiar with them. In some models, for weightlessness, the inner density of the ship is lowered using high temperatures; this is one of the causes of its luminosity. These ships do not use nuclear energy for propulsion, would be absurd for having the sun as close as a source of energy, they were to use this medium as dangerous to propel their ships. Solar energy is converted into hydrogen and oxygen and then used as fuel hereby; these vessels are all vertical takeoff, carrying their camouflaged fuselage engines. It is common in all advanced worlds the disappearance of the wings as a source of elevator drive and the land will soon follow the same path in the design of its aircraft. There is also the model ships named cigar, which are mother ships about two hundred meters long, these ships float among the clouds along the routes of atmospheric currents almost without expending energy, are coated with a photosensitive material that allows them to collect solar energy.

In case you want to go up into space need not carry large amounts of fuel, as they are hoisted from space by laser ships trucks, these ships are placed on the plates about a hundred kilometers altitude and when the plate reaches fifteen thousand meters high emits an infrared laser beam high power that supplies the energy to go into space, turbines absorb air and expel accelerating to reach high altitudes, shortly before leaving the atmosphere off the laser propulsion and use chemistry for the final stage. Another feature that sets them apart is the ability to become invisible, this is achieved by using a micro cameras that carry distributed by the fuselage these cameras are responsible for issuing the one hand the pictures captured by the other, with the help of a computer, thus the illusory feeling that they are not in front is achieved.




The main activity of aliens on earth is primarily the study of the planet, its people and its living beings in general. It is interesting to study the differences in the progress of the two civilizations. Upon arrival to the solar system installed bases in some planets Earth and the moon on the earth even submarine bases, ships observation type cigar can function as flying vehicle as submarine, by varying the inner density, as they are almost empty, although its outer shell is almost impenetrable. Scientific research and monopolize most of his time, also they study the effect of new technologies on the human body. The results of these investigations are sent by radio to the planet. The second main activity of this expedition is in the guide plane to humans, he is trying to orient toward progress without direct interference, in order to take these developments as something natural. You cannot say however that all calls Abductions can be attributed to this activity, since the secret intelligence services of some states may be behind some cases, it is not ruled out that any pharmaceutical company to have participated in it. Alien activity on earth is peaceful in nature, it makes no sense to think that want to invade the planet, because if so they would have done for millennia, and there are thousands of inhabited planets in the cosmos and for them it is easy to adapt to the atmosphere with its technology. Missionary activity is an important but discrete activity, being the most representative biblical facts of this activity. When the planet is morally and technically prepared, there will be the final contact between the two civilizations.




Many leaders of sects attempt to gain control of people through fear, scare putting them end dates assumptions of the world that never arrive. This purpose has only one block is its ability to reason by this tactic. But the real goal of these sects is the economic profit and the acquisition of power, and is not that in the future cannot be wars and disasters, but that does not mean that the world will continue its march natural evolution. The progress of society is characterized by a slow rate of evolution, which is followed by a much faster, when to end an evolutionary stage. Then it becomes to slow the pace of technological progress, until the end of the cosmic cycle. Once a planet reaches maturity, goes through a phase compared to a human life correspond to his adolescence, and at this stage the planet suffers many ideological and social convulsions, once passed, the planet acquires great stability and when undertakes the most appropriate way interstellar travel. Consequently, this has nothing to do with an end of the world, but rather a profound change in society, to make it more mature in the cosmos. It is at this time, when extraterrestrial beings will decide to descend to earth openly because then may be considered as equal to the inhabitants of this planet.




It has also been much controversy about whether there is intelligent life in space and how much, it is surprising that even those who consider themselves scientists doubt this, just in our galaxy there are over a hundred billion stars, but only one in a hundred thousand had an inhabited planet would be a million planets and just one of them reaches the space stage before the land to expand its colonies and exploration expeditions throughout the universe, it is necessary to leave the conceited attitudes that deny this reality and accept this fact without fear and normality.