The arrival of the extraterrestrials by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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The great dilemma of the story is to consider whether Jesus is a divine or human, perhaps because we tend to confuse ideas with people who transmit, arguably the ideas of Jesus were of divine origin, because all that is true and positive for society is by nature. As for the hypothesis of whether Jesus had a divine origin, my opinion is that it really came from the alien community living on earth, but then reincarnated spirit in an earthly man. Before this mission Jesus in the world would not be different from other beings that form the expedition, this being a mission for which everyone would be equally prepared. In any case the hypothetical divinity of Jesus must not search but as a man in his teachings. The big question is whether the twenty-first century man is really prepared to accept a less divine and more human Jesus.




From my point of view the birth of Jesus took place in a completely natural way, he was not born of a virgin, but was conceived as the rest of the people, in fact virtually nothing is known about the true facts of life Jesus, after things in order to make more compelling stories to a society that was obsessed with the material aspects of life were added. A man trying to save our spirit was not very interesting, when what worried the Hebrews was the struggle against the Romans and earns the daily bread with difficulty.




This is another story that was invented later, in order to give Jesus a divine or most important aspect, relating kings or magi from the east. It is somewhat absurd to think that these three kings were to pay a visit to the scandal that this would and would then march they had come leaving Jesus in his humble manger as if such a visit would have never existed. Even the same date of Jesus' birth is completely unknown and the main reason for that is we know is that in those days and the feast of the winter solstice the shortest day of the year, which is celebrated when the sun starts to rise, and held just a few days before the supposed birth of Jesus, the church simply appropriated the celebration.




In fact, all the miracles of Jesus but one was invented by the apostles after his death. They were desperate to see that the teachings of Jesus did not have much echo in society. Jesus especially among citizens attempted to resurrect the biblical principle of love thy neighbor as thyself as an essential ethical principle, but this was forgotten. This does not mean that we have no right to defend ourselves, to teach him the other cheek was just a gesture to mean that the fact of being arrested does not mean the end of a project. The apostles decided after Jesus' death was preferable Jesus performed miracles before a forgotten Jesus.

The real miracle of Jesus was getting his word would spread throughout the land and its exhortation for good among all human beings was heard. The question is, if the twenty-first century man is willing to accept a Jesus who does not work miracles, that is if you are willing to appreciate Jesus for his teachings and not the ornaments that after all are miracles.




After the death of Jesus Judas was considered by all as a criminal and responsible for the death of Jesus, but this is not entirely true. When Judas joined Jesus did thinking he was joining a kind of band of adventurers who would free Israel from Roman rule, but when Jesus told him his intention not to run anymore and let catch Judas felt betrayed, thought Jesus was abandoning their ideals and as a result he was putting him in an embarrassing situation. Seeking a solution on the fly and found only as betray him escape the Romans who wanted to capture, Judas did not understand that Jesus tried was to save men in a spiritual sense and non-material and be running indefinitely served no purpose, preferred sacrifice his life with the idea that perhaps that the consciences of people would be removed, as indeed it was later. Although it was the Romans who ended the life of Jesus were actually Jewish religious leaders who instigated his death, that is why people say that Jesus was simply a Jew more, they are not very realistic because he had his own way of understanding the religion.




If the human body were a machine, diseases would imbalances caused by the misuse of it. In fact the human body is a machine, but if biological unfortunately people do not treat your body with the care they should arise and because of this disease. The diseases can be divided into two groups: the reversible and irreversible. Reversible arguably are the force that when a person produced your body with unhealthy habits and customs of ignorance or knowingly. These diseases can be eliminated simply by correcting the behavior that causes them. Irreversible diseases are those that are caused by external factors beyond the person as chemical or radioactive substances into contact with the body unknowingly and following a process without worsening habits can remedy the person. That does not mean that these diseases cannot be eradicated, but it depends rather surgery and other treatments. It is unfortunate that being eighty-five percent of diseases reversible type, doctors do not make enough emphasis on changing habits of patients and accommodate easily prescribe a chemical that in many cases the only thing They make it worse diseases, medications should be indicated only in cases where the abandonment of unhealthy or wrong patient behavior is not enough to solve the problem. It is also fair to say that most patients do not want sermons on their lifestyle and virtually require your doctor to prescribe them a drug. This happens because they think that drugs are as miraculous elements that can solve health problems without having to leave their bad habits and unhealthy without suffering side effects, which is a serious error. It would be highly desirable for society in general reflect seriously on this issue, we should consider the utility of a drug is inversely proportional to the amount used, can be very useful in fair quantities, but can be a poison in quantities excessive.




If Jesus knew what later became his followers would surely have scandalized because create all this mythology around the apostles and others is just the opposite that Jesus wanted to preach, worship of saints and virgins is nothing more than a form of revive the old custom of polytheism, God alone is to be worshiped, because only God is different to everyone else after all are human beings and divinize only leads to polytheism.




I believe Jesus was born like all other human beings and their death was not different after death his spirit left his body, because the spirit is immortal, but not only appropriate, but in every living creature of the cosmos, because life is eternal for every living creature and matter. Life in its essence is spiritual energy and as a matter neither created nor destroyed only transformed. Possibly after the death of Jesus's body was removed from the grave by the apostles in order to prevent it from being profaned.




As I said, the true nature of God is not an old bearded as many people believe, God is actually the set of laws that govern the universe, laws which also act through every living being, when a person does something for the progress of society, then we can say that being a representative of God, for everything that contributes to the progress has a divine nature, the devil does not have a material existence, since it is not a living being as such but exists through people. Evil is but a disease of the spirit that occurs when you believe you can do without consequences what should not. The devil is therefore merely the expression of the mistakes made by humans when they are driven by a despotic behavior, the cure is easy, give them a punishment in the same magnitude of the crime, because if not, the criminal is increased. In this context hell it would be only the negative consequences of our own mistakes and not a world apart as the myths say.




For centuries there has been controversy over what are ghosts. Actually, it is what we become after the death of the physical body. As I said earlier the spirit has eternal life and after death the body leaves him and remains for a transitional period in a spiritual environment that can vary from case to case. Depending on the events that occurred before death the spirit can feel connected to the world he left behind, because it is not an insensitive being, this is the cause of the visions of ghosts, sometimes the spirit after death refuses to leave the place where he lived, because he believes that in fact your body is still alive, this process could end with reincarnation in a new body, by this being. This would not happen if the society from which it comes out not as materialistic and children are taught from childhood eternal existence of the spirit. Clairvoyance has nothing mysterious, it comes from the inertia of nature, just as a car that acquires a certain speed tends to follow in the same direction he had, human events too, do not change just because there people who are more sensitive than others and can get to intuit the coming events in a way that may seem surprising, but simply follows the events because of their special sensitivity. We are used to seeing the weather forecast in the media and it seems normal, but it's just another form of clairvoyance, the difference is that in this case technical means are used and in the other case sensitivity, but it is based on the same, the ability to infer the coming events. Astrology however is less convincing since its origin born in worshiping the planets as gods, really just the sun and the moon influence us, the sun by its mass and energy, and the moon by the weak attraction exerted on the earth, it is true that something can disrupt the rhythm of life of human beings, but not the way they say astrologers.




One of the great current controversies is whether a democratic system should teach religion in schools. The main cause is that statesmen considered to be private organizations such religious should take care of moral education. But this is a big mistake, since the philosophical and moral education is as important as the others. Rather it is the contrary, are private religious organizations that are not necessary in a modern society since these lessons can be learned in school and through books, therefore, necessary that teaching in schools is free the interference of religious organizations, and associations organized between parents and the education ministry.




Modern democracy began with the English Civil War of 1642, but this attempt at democracy did not really have the interest of giving power to the people, but rather take it from the feudal lords and landlords and grant the emerging bourgeois class power as they corresponded. Thus came the partnership between the bourgeoisie and the working class that eventually led to a model of democracy half, in which citizens simply are consulted once every four years, with virtually no more power of decision. A true democracy is a system in which citizens elect not just the rulers, but decide every one of the laws through a form that would be filled each month. This procedure would lead to a genuine democracy in society that had. By using methods such as internet citizens they could be communicated continuously with state and cast their vote. So only the laws that would meet the approval of the majority would come out ahead.