Three Peaks of Happiness by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The second way of experiencing this bliss came through vibrating positive energy. When I found people living a miserable and negative life, I helped them turn from NEP to PEP – Negative Energy Poison to Positive Energy Power. I showed them to live a life of fulfillment, contentment, joy, cheer, positivity, hope, faith, and enthusiasm. I could see their life transformed. Vibrating positive energy to others gave me more joy than I ever received when I was growing my business or when I made a lot of profit. Of course I was happy, but the kind of joy that came from doing inspirational work was far more fulfilling.

The third aspect of making a difference was making people believers. I myself was a strong believer, and I realized that when people live without the foundation of faith, hope, trust, and enthusiasm, they live in a house that has no steel, no concrete, and no stone. They build their lives on a foundation of sand. Through the temple and my rendition of spiritual songs, I was able to bring a lot of peace and serenity in people's lives by helping them become believers, making a difference, and in the bargain, enjoying a bliss that gave me fulfillment.

Yes, it is my personal experience that when I stopped making money and started making a difference and when I was living the RVM philosophy of Reducing Pain and Suffering, Vibrating Positive Energy, and Making People Believers, the joy that I got was very satisfying and fulfilling. Finally, what mattered is that it made me happy – far happier than I was on the peak of Achievement. Yes, there was a lot of pleasure in achieving success after success, but there was far more peace and far more joy and bliss when I was making a difference in people's life through my Humanitarian, Inspirational, and Spiritual (H.I.S.) work.

What else gave me joy, bliss, and peace that was far more elevating than my Achievement peak? I had the time to do what I loved. I loved to travel. I had this dream of going to different countries – 200 countries that we humans have created on Earth. I wanted to explore all the continents and see what the Creator had made, and so I started travelling. I went to places that I had dreamt of: Iceland, Hawaii, Alaska, New Zealand, Australia, and even up to Antarctica just to see the Penguins. I wanted to experience the bliss of being on a ship for two weeks. I feel blessed and fortunate to be one of those who went on such an experience. But I asked myself the question – what would I do if I did not go to Antarctica and enjoy this bliss of watching the amazing penguins jump out of the ocean on to the ice blocks, playing like little clowns? I would have money after all the success and achievement, but what would I do with it eventually? My game of life would be over, and then the money would be just left for the next generation to do whatever they wished. How would it affect my happiness? I was not being selfish, but just being practical and logical as to why do we human beings just go on in a cycle doing things without meaning and without purpose? I was experiencing bliss like never before. I was past 40. After 25 years of doing business and now in this journey of contentment, from 40 to 48 years of age, I was experiencing bliss each day that was a far higher state of happiness that anybody on the peak of Achievement could ever have reached. Sure, people may have money and they may be wealthier than me, but I believed that I was the happiest man on Earth!

Nobody could be as happy as me! I was travelling month after month from country to country, continent to continent from an airplane to a ship, enjoying the bliss of travelling the world, discovering and exploring different places. This was truly blissful and fulfilling!

Every morning, when I woke up, I was so grateful for the decision I made. I counted my blessings for the 25 years on the first peak and the transformation to the second one.

The journey onward seemed so much more promising and satisfying. Most important of all, I was far happier every new day. My concern about quitting from an active life and giving up my business was laid to rest with my enhanced joy. It was a worthwhile decision. I am glad that I had the guts to leave the ruts, which many people lack. Being creatures of habits and beliefs, we are unable to change and transform our life. But my own story is a testimony to inspire people to evolve and pursue a better and happier life beyond achievement.

I was Fortunate… I am Grateful!

I had left the business world, departed from the peak of achievement, and taken an exit from the highway of pleasure to a path of peace. I looked at those who were struggling through life, my friends, my family, and my relatives. I was appalled to find how they lived each day searching for happiness and chasing pleasure and joy, without any smile on their face. I wondered why people were so obsessed about success? Why were people so passionate about achievement? Why were people giving so much importance to money, wealth, name, and fame? And the words that Jesus said once again came back to me: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”, and I thought what would it profit a man if he lost his life and gained all the money.

I had a realization. It is very strange, but in this world, each one of us comes with time. What do we do? We convert this time into money. And in the end, we have lesser time and lot of money and finally there is no time and the game of life is over. What is the big deal? You have money, but you have no time to live; you have wealth, but you have no health to enjoy your wealth. What is the great achievement of making all the wealth and being the richest in the Forbes list among the billionaires of the world and having jewellery, properties, stocks, shares, and so much money? If you can't convert your money into happiness, you are no better than a bankrupt. This is what I felt when I was blissfully basking on the second peak of happiness – a plateau of not just pleasure but peace, of meaning and purpose, and of love and laughter.

As I enjoyed each moment of my life travelling the world and making a difference, I felt sad for those who were struggling on the peak of achievement – climbing then falling, slipping then laughing and crying. I couldn't understand why we humans struggle on the peak of achievement? For what do we go on and on chasing success after success? At the end of it, we just pack up everything like a board game – with all the money and assets that we played with, which are fake. We cannot convert this into happiness.

I must admit that I have been lucky to be able to transform my life. Not everybody is. My family, for instance, could have objected to my decision to shut down my business, but they supported it. I was blessed that everything worked perfectly well in my transformation. It all seemed so magical. Everything went on so perfectly that it seemed to be a seamless transition.

Many people dread a transformation. They worry about how they will be able to shut down their old life and then how would they start a new journey of life. It seems to be a herculean task as it may involve many hassles in both aspects. First of all, it is not easy to shut down “a life”. It has to do with so many people, relationships, and aspects. It is equally difficult to start a new life – a fresh one. People worry of boredom and emptiness. What if they don't have enough to do? What if they become financially unsafe? What if they want to go back to their old life? Most people's doubts stop them from transforming to a new life and thus evolving to a new peak of happiness. When I speak to many people about my transformation, and I can see that while they wish they too could do it, they shudder at the thought of it. I was very fortunate that I made the jump so easily, safely, and successfully.

Of course, you cannot discover the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. Most people do not discover the new treasure of happiness because they cling to the past. They try to have the cake and eat it too, and eventually, they end up with a life that is a compromise. From my own experience, one must have the faith and take a leap to discover something new if one wants to move forward in life.

With the support of my family, my friends, and my mentor and Guru and inspiration from my passion to find a better and happier way to live, I transformed my life. I do believe that my universal connection with the Creator helped me take this important decision. Most important of all, I did not let greed stop me from moving out of making money. Most people are so enamoured by the desire of wanting more that they keep climbing the peak of achievement till one fine day they reach a cliff and fall. That is their end. I am grateful that I took the exit on the achievement highway at the right time towards the second peak.

Post transforming my life from the first peak to the second peak, when I reflect upon the life of Ravi V. Melwani and the life of RVM, what do I see? I see that Ravi V. Melwani was a very successful retailer, he was famous, he was known, his ego was full blown, and he felt very powerful from the success, wealth, property, and money he created. But while Ravi V. Melwani was making more money, was he happier than RVM? Of course not! Who else could say this better than the one who was in the shoes of both Ravi V. Melwani and RVM? It was one person “Me”, who was living two different lives. Making a difference gave RVM far more happiness than what he got when he was Ravi V. Melwani. The joy that came to RVM on the fulfillment peak was far greater than the happiness that Ravi V. Melwani experienced on the achievement journey. If I compare the stress levels, RVM led a much less stressful life. If I compare spending time doing things that I loved, Ravi V. Melwani could never do what he loved as there was no time. If I look at who was more satisfied and fulfilled, Ravi V. Melwani was always greedy and always on a passionate trail wanting more, more, and more, but never satisfied. It was RVM who realized that wanting more and getting more was not the way of happiness because you couldn't get whatever you wanted. Some things you would get and some things you won't, and RVM could see how Ravi V. Melwani used to be miserable when he missed many of the things he wanted and desired. But RVM never felt that misery and pain because RVM lived a life of contentment and fulfillment and therefore there was no disappointment, no sense of defeat, sorrow, and sadness. If I compare the two lives, I could state beyond doubt that RVM – the transformed Ravi V. Melwani – was far more happier than his earlier avatar and his earlier episode in his earlier journey of life, and the transformation gave much more joy and much greater happiness.

Fulfillment – The Second Peak

“Life is not just about chasing millions. It's about achieving happiness and finding fulfillment in what you do.” – RVM

I could now see the second peak of happiness in front of me. I call it – FULFILLMENT; this peak was far greater and far more joyous than the first peak of Achievement. The happiness that this second peak offered was amazing. It was all about being content, being satisfied, and being fulfilled. There was so much joy, peace, bliss, and tranquillity on this peak.

What is fulfillment? Essentially, it is a state of being fully content and satisfied. It is a state of being full and not being hungry for more and more. People who are satisfied on fulfilling their needs may find themselves on this peak. But those who let greed take command of their life may find it difficult to scale this one. The beauty of this peak is that it seems to have no peaks and valleys that make one glad and sad. Unfortunately, less than 20% of the human race pursue this second peak of bliss called Fulfillment.


While the dictionary defines Fulfillment as achievement of desires or needs, the real meaning of Fulfillment in the happiness dictionary is quite different. Fulfillment is a joy beyond the pleasure of Achievement. It is a state of contentment. When one feels full or content with all needs being filled, one is fulfilled. A fulfilled person doesn't live a life of craving and desires. A fulfilled person is satisfied, content, peaceful, and happy. Therefore, Fulfillment is beyond the Achievement peak on the happiness journey. The fulfilled person is content with success and wealth. The word Fulfillment itself describes what it is:

F - Full Satisfaction and Contentment U - Universal Connection

L - Living with Meaning and Purpose

F - Faith, Hope, and Trust

I - Inspiration, Energy, and Enthusiasm L - Liberation and Freedom L - Laughter and Love M - Making a Difference

E - Emotionally Positive N - Noteworthy Success and Achievement T - Tranquillity and Peace

Fulfillment is a combination of all the above. It is a joy that gives peace along with pleasure. It is a state where there are few disappointments, and therefore, people are happier in a state of Fulfillment. Those who are climbing the peak of Achievement keep on climbing till the end, but those who reach the peak of Fulfillment arrive at a plateau of peace and joy. These are the hallmarks of Fulfillment. Let us look at each one of them.

F - Full Satisfaction and Contentment

One on the Fulfillment peak is fully satisfied and content. It is not normal for people to become content as by nature, we human beings are greedy. We go on seeking more and more. Sometimes we get what we seek and become happy, but still we are never content. We want more! A person who has full satisfaction and contentment stops craving and starts counting his blessings on the Fulfillment journey.

U - Universal Connection

A person on the Fulfillment journey builds a connection with the Universal Power – the Creator who is beyond human comprehension or definition. We do know that there must be a Creator who created this universe, but we are unaware of this Power – a Power that gives us life; it controls everything. Fulfillment is accepting the Power and connecting with it. Connecting with the Universal Power leads one to live powerfully. One on the Fulfillment peak bows down to the Creator – the Power that made the sun, moon, stars, birds, animals, and flowers. A connection with this Power gives one peace, confidence, and hope.

L - Living with Meaning and Purpose

One on the journey of Fulfillment lives with meaning and purpose. One doesn't just exist. Achievers believe that the purpose of life is to make money and be happy, but those on the Fulfillment journey try to find the true meaning of life – the true purpose. This gives them happiness beyond pleasure; it gives them Fulfillment. They live life with meaning and purpose. Their life is inspired by a cause.

F - Faith, Hope, and Trust

Fulfillment is about living with FAITH (Full Assurance In The Heart), with HOPE (Having Only Positive

Expectations), and TRUST (Total Reliance

Unconditional Surrender to a Power) Fulfillment is built on these pillars, and together, Faith, Hope, and Trust create joy and bliss.

I - Inspiration, Energy, and Enthusiasm

Fulfillment is about living with inspiration, with energy, and with enthusiasm. Those who are fulfilled don't need a motive. They are energized by their own enthusiasm that leads them to dance through life. It makes them glow and shine. It inspires them.

L - Liberation and Freedom

The key virtue of Fulfillment is Liberation – the freedom to live. It is this freedom that pushes one up to the Fulfillment peak – the second peak of happiness. Unlike those on the Achievement peak who are often prisoners to fences, farces, faces, and forces, the pilgrims on the path of Fulfillment live with their own choice and their own freedom, and this creates tremendous joy.

L - Laughter and Love

Another characteristic of the Fulfillment peak is that people on this path live with love and laughter. They learn to love everybody with affection and compassion, and this creates joy. They laugh cheerfully, accepting whatever happens in life with a smile.

M - Making a Difference

Those on the fulfillment peak live life making a difference. They try to reach out to those whose lives they can touch and transform. Making a difference is magical! It makes one happy instantly. Try it and you will experience a joy that you have never experienced before!

E - Emotionally Positive

Negativity is eliminated from the Fulfillment path. This means flipping over every negative to positive, and positivity is a direct source for happiness. Positive emotions are the foundation of Fulfillment. Instead of living with negative emotions like fear, worry, hate, anger, revenge, and jealousy, Fulfillment leads one to flip over and live a life with positive emotions that create power like faith, hope, love, courage, confidence, forgiveness, and compassion. Can one living an emotionally positive life ever be unhappy?