Three Peaks of Happiness by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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A Metamorphosis

As a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, it undergoes a typically marked developmental change in its form.

As a human being, to metamorphose means to undergo a striking change and an irreversible transformation in one’s character or nature, especially by supernatural means.

RVM first transformed his life from Ravi V. Melwani to

RVM. After embarking on a Talaash or a search for the true meaning of Life, RVM metamorphosed his life to

AiR (or Atman in RVM) on realization of the truth of who we truly are.

Like AiR, you too can metamorphose your Life!



A Metamorphosis

As a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, it undergoes a typically marked developmental change in its form.

As a human being, to metamorphose means to undergo a striking change and an irreversible transformation in one’s character or nature, especially by supernatural means.

RVM first transformed his life from Ravi V. Melwani to

RVM. After embarking on a Talaash or a search for the true meaning of Life, RVM metamorphosed his life to

AiR (or Atman in RVM) on realization of the truth of who we truly are.

Like AiR, you too can metamorphose your Life!


Who doesn't want to be happy?

Is there anybody in this world who doesn't want to be happy? The whole world is seeking happiness.

Different people are seeking different things. But if one goes into a research as to why people seek what they are seeking, the ultimate objective of what everybody seeks is “Happiness”.

Everybody in this world is seeking joy and bliss, be it a little child who wants to be happy with his toys or a young adult who is enamoured by the pleasures of this world. Whether it is a person who has grown old or one who is young, everybody wants to be happy. It doesn't matter which country we come from, it doesn't matter which religion or race we belong to, and it doesn't matter which gender we are, we all want to be happy.

While everybody wants to be happy, different things make different people happy. There are different happiness triggers that trigger happiness in people's life. Something that makes me very happy may not make you happy. Since we human beings seek happiness, we are always pursuing pleasures. In fact, the whole world seems to be living by the “pleasure pain” principle – this principle states that we all are attracted towards pleasure and we all shun pain. We will always do things that make us happy just as we will distance ourselves from anything that makes us unhappy. We all want to be happy!