Three Peaks of Happiness by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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But the most important question is “Is everyone happy?” No doubt people are happy, but not everybody is happy all the time. While some people are happy most of the time, there are others who are unhappy.

There are many people who live a life of misery. To them, life is full of problems and difficulties, and it is so difficult to smile. There are others who are cheerful and enthusiastic; they live life as if it is a game, enjoying each day. Some people believe that their happiness depends on their past actions, while others believe that it is their present actions that decide their joy index. Some surrender their happiness to luck, but others who believe that luck doesn't control happiness prefer to pluck happiness with their own efforts. Different people believe in different philosophies of life. But one thing does not change – everybody wants to be happy.

Everybody wants to be happy, but everyone is not truly happy – why? Because happiness is elusive; it comes and goes. There is no standard formula to be happy. Of course, if we go for a comedy movie, we would laugh. But deep down in the heart if somebody is sorrowful, soon after the movie they will be drowned in misery.

Happiness is not exclusively for the rich. If wealth created happiness, then the rich would be glad, not sad. Why is it that many millionaires live a life of depression, sorrow, and misery? Sometimes the poor are very happy, but at other times, the poor are struggling with problems and monetary challenges. Rich or poor, everybody has a common goal: the goal to be happy!

My happiness journey began 35 years ago. I started a small business, made money, bought a car, and was on the first peak of happiness. I achieved success after success, just as my happiness went from peak to peak.

In this book, I share my happiness journey and how I scaled the peaks of happiness. From one peak to another, I was passionate to get to the top. Most of humanity don't know that there are Three Peaks of happiness. About 20% of people are lucky. They take an exit to the Second Peak of Happiness. Less than 1% of humanity even know that there is a Third Peak.

I was fortunate to go from peak to peak. Through this book, I share my experiences that first gave me happiness through pleasures on the first peak and then what led me to bliss that was surrounded by peace and tranquility on the second peak. Finally, I was led on a quest that was seeking the purpose of life. I started the final journey and was fortunate to discover the Third Ultimate Peak of Happiness!

For a seeker of happiness, there is a path, just like there is a highway that takes you from one place to another.

Unfortunately, we wander and do not follow the roadmap that will lead us to our destination – Happiness. If you want to go to Mount Everest, there is a right way to get there. If we decide to walk our way without a proper plan and without adequate preparation, chances are we won't get to our destination. Such is the peak of happiness, the ultimate peak. We must follow the prescribed path to reach the top.

If you want to climb that ultimate peak of happiness, then follow the path, seek the truth, and find out what will lead you to the third peak of happiness. Evolve from peak to peak until you finally find yourself to be in an ocean of happiness – a state of everlasting joy, eternal bliss, peace, and tranquility.

Is it possible for everybody to get to this ocean of happiness? No. Only a rare few are lucky to go on a quest. Less than 1% of humanity attempt to climb the third peak. And a very small fraction of these people are further lucky to find the Third and Ultimate peak of Happiness.

In this book, I share my journey to the three peaks of happiness. Just like I trekked from one peak to the other and finally reached the summit of happiness, you too can scale the happiness peaks. But are you committed to being happy? Are you passionate to find true bliss and joy? Is happiness an obsession in your life? If you are truly seeking happiness, then start the journey and chances are you can reach the final peak!