Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

fiction or disclosure


There are a few things that so terrified me that my sleep was interrupted. The flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz bothered me. The tornado bothered me. Most of you may not remember this, because media viewing has so changed- but the Wizard of Oz was an annual event. The child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang bothered me more than the flying monkeys. The flying reptilian man in Gargoyles. That was 1972- creature abducts the girl from the car, takes him back to the layer. OMG, that bothered me beyond belief- even now, I have visceral reaction to it. And when it came on, I was compelled and couldn’t look away. It would linger in my mind for a few days and I return to some form of normalcy, even while looking over my shoulders to make sure I wasn’t about to be taken. Without talking about it- not even with school peers. Admitting a fear was not done. The rape scenes in the Entity- that bothered me, and again, I couldn’t look away. I hate this part- I got aroused; I would have flashback to past episodes of sleep paralysis. I have always hated clowns- my hatred for them peaked after the movie poltergeist. That movie bothered me, too, the mom being thrown around on the bed reminds me of the Entity. That may have been intentional. Anyway, everyone knew I hated clowns. For the longest time I dreaded Christmas because my maternal grandmother gifted me ceramic clowns. When I left home, I eventually stopped participating in Christmas because of the fucking clowns. I would tell her, and everyone, please, no clowns. I mean, how clear is that? Nothing with clowns on it.

“You need to collect something,” was grandmother’s collections. Books are nice. You can’t go wrong with a book. Can’t go wrong with Star Trek stuff. Legos are nice. Seriously, I wish my family had listened to this as Lego’s do not lose their value. (If you have old set in the attack and you want to send that to me because of this book- that would be super cool.

Imcomplete sets. Pieces. Don’t send clowns!) “You were a clown in the musical ‘Barnum’ at San Antonio Little Theatre.” And that’s true. I was. My picture made the paper. For a while, that picture was displayed at the Barnum and Bailey museum in San Antonio. Clothing would be nicer than clowns. One day, grandmother visited my apartment and she was perturbed.

Eventually she asked, ‘where are the clowns I gave you.’ “I re-gifted them. You won’t find a single clown in this house.” She told me I was ungrateful, mean person- not verbatim- and left in a husk, and went a moment not speaking to me. She has not the only family member who has taken an intermittent time out from speaking to me. Some of these quiet spells have lasted years. Some of them are still ongoing. Some of them I intend to maintain.

It took that level of energy to stop the incoming clowns. I could have escalated further, threw the damn clown on the ground breaking it and yelling ‘no more fucking clowns.’ I didn’t do that. In my family, that would guaranteed everyone would be bringing me clowns. My room would have been packed shit with clowns, with candles lighting their faces. I said thank you, and re-gifted. I sent the fruitcake, too. Does any of this mean aliens? No. I have met a few ‘experiencers’ who also don’t like clowns. Maybe that’s why “It” is so popular. That’s one book I intentionally didn’t read by King, and will not see the movie. Maybe there is some latent, core universal stuff that can be activated in humans. That’s discussed a lot in psychology. So, there is a physiological and or psychological reason these fear exist, get activated, and amplified. Maybe the aliens activate it, or amplify it, or both, or maybe the aliens are the results of that activation and amplification- the brain does like explanations for things.

But explain this one.

My son and I found a new-favorite-old song. "Yellow Submarine," by the Beatles. My son is 5. It's new for him. It's older for me. Liking the song doesn’t require explanation. It’s a good song. The video of it does, however, require some explaining. Now, if you happen to follow my blog posts, you will know I have a tendency to go off the deep end, but in this instance, I think I have strong argument for the thing.

So, first, the dream. I was in a soup line. Paul McCartney was going to serve some soup to me, but I asked him. "You know that song, yellow submarine?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do," he said. This was delivered in a humorously stoic way, as if I were in a Monty Python skit.

"It's about UFO's and going into space... Were you and the others secretly working for Space Force?" I asked.

"Go to the head of the line," Paul instructed.

I lingered, hoping to talk with Paul more, but woke up. This is my confirmation for the Beatles having participated in the Corey Good '20 years and back" Space Force.

“Okay, you’re reaching on that,” you might be saying to yourself.

But wait! Maybe you know the song. Maybe you know there was a movie for this album.

A cartoon! There is a video for the song. Google it! In this, you will find a broken head with exposed gear parks, reminiscent of Monty Python kind of imagery. Um, evidence for human androids? It’s actually giant head, the submarine flies through it. There be giants here?! Not only does the submarine go into space, but it time travels! No joke! People on the sub age, and their hair turns white and goes long. Then it goes backwards in time and the beards are reversed. They age and then are rejuvenated back to original age! Then, they go further back in time and fight with dinosaurs! Seriously. Watch the video. You don't have to take my word for this. Here, I will even give you the link!


Go watch it, get back to me. See! I am not just crazy for nothing! This stuff has been fermenting in my head how long? Clock starts at 1927? I think it stops at 1955. Right after the clock goes to 1955, it shows the submarine in space juxtaposed to the moon, with a man hidden in the moon wearing a space helmet! Man on the moon rising! It coincides with the Apollo missions

And then it gets weird. Seriously, as if two different forms of time travel wasn’t weird enough. The submarined goes back in time to fight dinosaurs. Hello alien conspiracies theorist! Where are my ancient alien theory guys? Where is Corey Goode! OMG this is like so gold! Duck face guy wearing a striped sock standing next to a green alien with tentacle ears! One of the Beatles gets ejected from the sub, ounces off a dinosaur, and right before he gets eaten a raptor saves him! It gets crazier from there.

Either, Corey is nuts and all of his flights of fantasies can be traced back to the Yellow Submarine, or this shit happened and it happened for lots of folks, and this is soft disclosure. Yeah, maybe there is a psychological resonance that is playing part of this phenomenon. Noetic experiences, transpersonal experiences, poetry from Rumi to Blake, they keep telling us our nature is bigger and time doesn’t exist. Either this is evidence for Jung/Campbell type of collective unconscious archetypal transmission of data, or it’s aliens!

Just saying!

There is a US flag in there with the number 7 on it. That probably means something. Probably. Why put something meaningless in something? Every artifact in the video seems intentional. I suppose this could have envisioned while under the influence. There may be something to that, too- as too many people on DMT come back talking about entity encounters. Yeah, maybe we’re meeting ourselves. I don’t know, but it seems to me- that’s the stuff we should be exploring. The video ends riding into the sunset, going over the rainbow... If you know anything about the Aviary, and UFO lore, this video has it all. Someone, tell me I am wrong. ‘Over the Rainbow’ is a real place.

Notice, I am not saying anything crazy, such as, "I served with the Beatles in Space Force."

No. I wouldn't say that.

"I was served by the Beatles in Space Force!"

“Sorry about your asthma problem, dude. Hope its gets better. You were a promising candidate. Still, there are some things you can do on the sideline. Don’t give up. Hang in there. Oh, here comes the sun…”

Oh, by the way, if you watch that video and then compare it to Corey Good’s report of being part of the 20 and back program… How is that not exactly what you saw? He was a Beatles fan as a child and simply forgot or this is real. I did try contacting him, but I am either crazy, or he gets tons of requests for conversations. I suspect that latter. Who the hell wants to talk to me. I am just some old guy that believes in aliens and grew up watching too much Trek.

If you look into alien lore long enough, you will encounter time travel and reptillians. Land of the Lost, the original. Remember the Pylons? Alien tech that had the potential to unlock time and get Martial, Will, and Holley home? Humans lived with dinosuars. The Philadelphia experiment. Military and time travel. Oh, how about ‘The Final Countdown.’ The USS Nimitz goes back in time through a vortex, and has the potential of changing the war.

Okay, but I am going to now take you back further than 1942, or even the Yellow Submarine’s 1927 reference. We’re going all the way back to 1915. No, that’s not the battle of New Orleans song. That was 1814. In 1915 there was an extraordinary, inexplicable event were thousands of soldier witnesses something over the battle field, dropped their weapons, and walked off the field, refusing to fight. Here is a link to an episode of ‘One Step Beyond: the Vision.’


“In 1915, four French soldiers are on a routine World War I mission, when they are mesmerized by "The Vision" of a blinding light. The men - Pernell Roberts (as Sergeant Vy), Peter Miles (as Private Marsee), H.M. Wynant (as Private Lacoste), and Jerry Oddo (as Private Mollene) - appear to enter a discombobulated state and deserted their posts. Later, they tell disbelieving superior officers they were responding to a vision; but, the four are quickly charged with "cowardice in the face of the enemy."”

Okay, yes. This was a television show, but it’s starts out with “No shit, this really happened.” (Okay, yes, that usually means, it didn’t happen. But wait wait wait, does that mean that other episode of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Damascus” didn’t happen? Paul didn’t see a light? What’s her name, that French trollop chick, Joan Raiders of the Lost Ark girl didn’t happen? ‘So, Doctor Joan, we meet again…”) Why don’t we hear more about this shit? Why do some people get good voices and some of us tap into some scary ass shit. Why do some of us get an audience and can rally troops once more into the breach, where some of us hear crickets. Or nothing. We are consistently inconsistent, aren’t we? This ‘vision’ was documented, as the Red Cross tried to intervene for all the soldiers that were affected by the event. All Nationalities involved in the war had people walk off the field, and all the people that walked off the field went back to their base and made the same statement: “From this point forwards, I can not kill.” And, consequently, they were charged with treason and scheduled to be executed.

Why can’t grown ass men who have seen battle up and say, “I am done” ?!

‘The Vision’ would have made a better movie than ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ but what? The powers that be don’t want us to stop warring? You have already heard me discussing how if aliens are telepathic, you will do their bidding. If they say stop fighting and walk off the field, you will do that. Alien stories include temporal anomalies, out of body experiences, a sense of timelessness… ‘The Vision’ has elements of an NDE, and this was prior to the term NDE. I would love to see any letters the Red Cross collected on behalf of the soldier they were trying to save from the firing squads. Someone is likely sitting on that.

Well, maybe not. We do like to ‘loose’ things. It irritates me to no end that NASA lost boxes of ‘high definition movies and still pics’ from the moon. How the hell does that happen? They cry about funding all the time. They could have sold that frame by frame on Ebay and met their budget plus some. Loosing high def pics, or simply not distributing that to every college in the US from the word go just reeks of conspiracy to conceal something. It’s that or stupid. I don’t want to believe our people are stupid.

Would you believe “one step beyond,’ ‘the outer limits,’ and ‘the twilight zone’ was not just fun and entertainment, but soft disclosure? Yeah, ghost stories have been around forever, but maybe that because ghosts are real?

If you know anything about UFO lore, and you know Star Trek, you will find unavoidable parallels. The Telosian, a superior humanoid species, almost the size of grays, big brained, telepathic species is no longer able to procreate and needs humans to save their species. Sound familiar? Yeah, same plot line for the Grays in SG1. Also, that’s the number one explanation for aliens wanting our genetic material. Another interesting point on that particular Trek episode, which was scheduled to be the pilot but considered too ‘cerebral’ for prime time television, and eventually became the only TOS two part episode ‘the Menagerie,’ elevated the seriousness of contacting the Telosian to the level of capital punishment. Star Fleet would execute you if you made contact with this species? That just doesn’t make sense when the mission statement explicitly states- we want to meet others! In the episode, they did not want humans to become slaves, entertainment for the telepaths that needed an infusion of raw emotions.

What the hell is that? Our government doesn’t want us enslaved and yet, everything about our economic social life screams slavery? (Quite likely, the most severe example is Japan, where men and women are taking their own lives because the social and economic system is too severe.) What do we do to our young? Give them student loans they will never be able to pay off and give them credit cards with high interest rates- and you wonder why so many come out of college despondent? It’s not just there are no good paying jobs, and the number of good jobs are decreasing BTW, but that more and more, no one can really afford to live. Shows like the Matrix- we’re trying to get out the Matrix. What? Seriously, no, we want in the Matrix. Game play is up, especially for men. Why? The rules are clear. The rewards for participating holds an obtainable, appropriate schedule. The women are hot as fuck. Telosion comes to me and says, John, we need your help. We want to reestablish life on the surface of our planet and we need you. Yes, you will have to let us experience your emotions with you, because we get off on that shit, and you will have to sleep with this girl who is ugly as fuck due to being burned and hobbled, but we can make her look like Raquel Welch wearing a Mary-Ann outfit about to be a cast-away on Gilligan’s island. In fact, if you want to be marooned on the island with all girls, we can make that happen. Sounds fun actually.”

Do I need to explain my answer to that? What if the control the government exercises over us isn’t because they need slaves, but because if we actually knew what was available to us to explore- there would be no one left on Earth to make a buck off of! Let me be very clear, give me a spaceship- I am out of here. Give me a holodeck, I will likely not leave the holodeck. Maybe Space Warden isn’t trying to keep people out, but rather keep us in. When the secret comes out that almost everyone has something in their garage that can make a spaceship- there will be a mass exodus from Earth. Aliens know that shit, and they don’t a mass exodus. They want us to grow up and be reasonable neighbors. The movie ‘Explorers’ where kids get a download and make warp bubble spaceships- what if that were soft disclosure!

Star Trek: TOS, ‘What Are Little Girls Made of.’ People are killed replaced by androids. If you follow the UFO lore, that’s been happening. There is talk of aliens being androids. There are aliens. There are androids that are indistinguishable from any organism that they wish to emulate. There is a rush to build AI, and Elon Musk wants to be able to download his (our) consciousness into machine. We are already meshed with machines. More than just pacemakers. How long can you be without your cellphone? That is not an accusation. There is speculative talk human beings are androids. There are UFO stories where people were abducted and or killed and replaced with androids to infiltrate the government. Star Trek: TOS, episode “I, Mudd:” an officer arrives on the bridge, takes over the Enterprise, and turns out he is an android. They beam down and find a planet of cloned androids. Mudd is there, and he had them clone his wife. The mission androids? Implement universal peace.

Episode ‘Arena’ Kirk fights the Gorn, the reptiles, and there is evidence we are invading their territory. Funny that the Gorn is as slow as the Sleestack from Land of the Lost. Much later, Voyager would suggest the Dinosaur fled earth in an ark, and as advanced as they were, they punished anyone who said dinosaurs and humans were related. What if we, the humans, were the alien invaders? We came to Earth, blew up the dinosaurs by redirecting an asteroid into the Earth, and we took over. Again, I wonder if that is why we have a thing called ‘Space Warden.’ We’re in prison because we blew up the dinosaurs and we’re here till we figure out how to be peaceful. Who else would designate our first Space Force Fleet as “Space Warden?’ That’s bizarre. Assume things are meaningful. I don’t really like this idea, but contextually, what if Scientologist have a point. Again, another example of synchronicity in this mad affair we have with aliens.

Star Trek not only had first star gate, it accessed all of space-time. “City on the Edge of Forever.” The Guardian of time allowed the Away Team to view all of time and Spock laments not turning on his tricorder. In Parallel, Aliens have a yellow book, a PADD, that allows people to view all of history on demand. Not just images, but sounds, smells, emotions- you can experience it all from an outside perspective, or from a point in it, immersed in it. Give me that, not the history channel. The only thing I want on the History Channel is Ancient Aliens. Did you ever hear the story that the Germans won the war, took Antarctica and the Moon? Nazi’s in space? Wait wait wait. There’s a Trek episode for that, too! “Patterns of Force.”

‘Hollywood Vs. the Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO’ Bruce Rux is much more detailed than I am being here, and a must read for anyone who wants to see that this may go back much further than most people want to believe. His book is OMG pact full of stuff. Hell, I am somewhat of a Rocky Horror Picture fan guy, and his book opens with explaining how that relates to alien lore. Go read Rux! There is more to that story. Prior to that book, the only connection I would have made was ‘Let’s Do the Time Warp Again.’ And maybe, “Or should I say, Doctor Von’Scott.”

Did you know that the series SG1 not only references with gratitude the US Air Force, but they have episode where actual Pentagon staff do guest appearances? Yeah, it probably doesn’t mean what we think it means, except, in terms of science, SG1 was particularly well scaffolded by legitimate science and academic advisors. Is it an accident that the US’ confirmed ‘psychic’ spy program actually called their program ‘Stargate?” They weren’t just remote viewing. We have portals. You want gate portal addresses? First, you go to your remote viewer ask him to find a gate, you then have him read the address of the gate, and or have them discern it by the feel of the energy signal. You find tune your gate to match that gate and splash, wormhole forms.

People worry about psychic spies. How do you stop them? Well, you can’t. Photons are free, any eye can see. The number of cameras in the world is up. In fact, they’re so ubiquitous that if a person was interested in you, they could follow you as you moved about your day- logging into street cameras and multiple smart devices even your own computer and cell phone. They don’t even need the camera. Any microphone could be used to map out the world in three dimensions around the microphone, a form of echolocation. Privacy is a relatively recent invention. It’s a fad that is about to go away. If telepathy, remote viewing, and psi in general is a part of this- maybe even fundamental to it- then by definition, privacy is an illusion. Maybe the delay in disclosure is because when truth be known causes people they don’t need to watch the news, they can just meditate and discern the truth of it themselves- the world as we know it will change. It will be as if a light came on- and there won’t be any turning that off. What you see, also sees you.


Let’s say, for the sake of argument, no part of Hollywood has ever been about disclosure, and, just for fun, let’s say it’s not aliens. The Rendlesham Forest incident, the binary message Penniston received suggest no aliens; it’s human activity and time travel. The aliens are us. That makes a little sense, assuming there is no one else in the entire Universe but us, and we’re not only moving into the galaxy, but we’re moving back in time. (I find it completely unacceptable that we’re alone in the Universe. If we evolved here through natural mechanism, there has to be others by definition. (It is possible we aren’t evolved here, but placed here.)) Hypothetically, though, if time travel is possible, I personally would go back and time and collect samples of every species that ever lived and repopulate them in zoos or on worlds. If life evolved here, you really do want to go back to the beginning and start with what started, and then terraform worlds in a way similar to how it mapped out here. One could actually terraform a world almost instantly, from the perspective of a present bystander, by sending probes back and dropping samples. If it doesn’t take, do it again. But you also colonize the entire universe easier by going back in time, as opposed to traveling in a straight line to another galaxy. Shortest path isn’t always a straight line. Planes going from LA to Japan go over Alaska. If we could fly through the earth, Texas to Thailand would be faster going through the earth. The fastest way to the edge of the Universe, go back in time to when the Universe was much smaller, and then ride the wave forwards.

Time travel might also explain why we haven’t seen evidence of other civilization, even our own. Assuming time travel is possible, then at all cost, the origin point of life must be preserved. You could, in theory, erase yourself from the time line. Space Force is known as Solar Warden. Earth is not a prison, it’s a protected life preserve. To maintain the sanctity of it all, Earth’s time line, from cradle to grave, all of it must be preserved- the good and bad must be preserved. Mosquitos must be preserved. Your presence here, whether you like it or not, whether you like your life or not, is fundamentally and profoundly important to all that is and will be, from the perspective of a time traveling descendent. Coming back to collect genetic samples so they can clone you and provide you a new body might be why they are here.

From the perspective of a time traveler, they could need our reproductive material and offspring to help populate other planets. If there is anything we humans have demonstrated, we are great at adapting environments to meet our needs. Harsh, alien landscape might require humans. At the same time, all environments lead to adaptations. Maybe the future adaptations of some planets are so peculiar they lose their adaptability. They’re smart, they have tech, but they still need us.

Telepathy is still on the table. It explains synchronicity- provided there is over reach AI guardian, and or the Universe itself hold sentience. If Carl Jung is right, there is a collective unconscious, then there is more to us than we realize. Now, either this is soul to soul communication and there is a larger reality beyond physicality, or, at some point our tech is so powerful that not only do we travel in time, but the meshing of AI intelligence with human intelligence has divined a way to see all of history with tech, and so when you die, you are uploaded into a computer because you have value to our decedents. You tarry awhile in the computer’s virtual world and eventually get downloaded into a clone, or take on a new body. It’s not an ancestor simulator; it’s their way of saving us. There is really not too many options. Either its aliens, either it us, only us, evolved us with temporal technology wanting to preserve us, or it’s metaphysical, or it’s a combination.

People often wonder why aliens crash ships especially if they so far advance. Maybe they’re not more advanced. Maybe jumping solar systems through wormholes is easier than we’re making it and they got her just a little bit ahead of us. Or, they’re giving us stuff to see what we will do with it. Or, they weren’t authorized to help us and someone went against orders and crashed a ships and said, oops. Sorry, cause they did want to help us. Or, and again, I turn to Star Trek for this one: “A Private Little War.” The Klingon’s gave us flint locks and suddenly the Federation has to drop it and balance out the terror. We’re in arms race because our women are hotter and more demanding. (That’s an episode reference.)

I could see another argument for it being only us- no aliens. Some of us like modifying ourselves. The Broadway Musical Cats is fun. There are some people that think they are cats. There are furrys. I like these folks. I like weird. There are people who want to be the characters from movies. Some of us want to be aliens. Some of us want to be hybrids. Some of us play characters, or avatars in games, which are not human. There is a day in the future when manipulating our own genetics and body structure may be as common place as people getting tattoos, ear rings, or gauges- maybe even as easy as putting on clothing. If I close this with Star Trek, the number one complaint were aliens were all human in appearance, with some makeup or plastic slapped on their face. What if that was actually the case. What if humans, in their desire to be more separate and distinct modified themselves? Maybe to live on a planet, you adopt the look of the planet. Earth has a wide diversity of people, but there is projected time in the future where we might be blended. There is no right or wrong anger to this. I am for blending. My son is the best of two worlds, Texas-Thai Fusion. Ideally, the Vulcan philosophy of IDIC, infinite diversity and infinite combinations can be embraced. I hope so.