Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

mysticism versus aliens, the language of what to call it


Personality is as important to this phenomenon as flavor is to food. We like to think we are primarily rational. We are not. We are emotional first. The more logical you think you are, the more likely the more emotional you are. The more you push down on emotions, the more enmeshed it becomes with your conversational stream. We communicate with ourselves and others symbolically. Our base language is symbols. Our histories are formulated as stories. Our personalities are collections of stories. Most the time, when we get together, or we meet someone for the first time, we exchange stories. Sometimes time we take short cuts, asking ‘what do you do? Where are you from?’ This is laziness, a level of casualness that suggest you’re not really interested in knowing other. It might be better to ask, what was the last dream you remember, or do you believe in aliens.

We not only like stories, we are compelled to tell them. People who are seeking simple information, like a specific fact will ask very direction questions- and yet, some people feel compelled to tell the story, providing detail and context. Sometimes unnecessary content. “Did you take the apple?” “I haven’t eaten in several days and I….” Well, the answer was yes. Of course, sometimes you just get the single answer responses when you want more details, and in that instance getting information is like pulling teeth. There is an art and balance to providing just enough story to connect with a person. Anything more or less starts to look more ‘pathological,’ or perhaps manipulative. And if we don’t feel understood, which happens with all of us, some of us feel compelled to give more detail to help alleviate that sense of being misunderstood. There are time when the more we try to explain ourselves, the more disconnected we become from the other we wanted to impress.

I don’t believe symbols are universal. Go get a dozen books on dream symbols and your will see deviations and variations. When I discuss dreams with people, I don’t assume they share my meaning. I try and break down what things mean to them. Interpretation can be different from culture to culture, and from person to person, and from age to age, and influenced by education level. Doves do not communicate universal peace, but Judeo Christian beliefs have made that a fairly standard response.

Stories are memes. Memes are not really limited to pictures of angry cat and the original Willy Wonka sitting there smirking at you. A movie from first light/sound till the end is a meme. You need the entirety of it to get the whole message. At some point, you only need a scene, or a song, or a quote, and every time that scene, or song, or quote is invoked, the whole entirety of it is unlocked. ‘Good Will Hunting’ is a great movie for people with past abuse. Lots of people get better in that movie. “Death Wish Three’ is not a viable option for long term health. People like that, society likes that, but seriously, one person against the world, very unrealistic, and unsustainable. Eventually Rambo is not going to win. He is going to get old. You would imagine a person would get tired of holding onto hate, revenge, fear.

How does this relate? The more we share alien stories, the more acceptable the idea of aliens become. More than a few people have suggested Hollywood is a soft disclosure machine. Maybe, but also we like stories, and having common principles. When you examine all the people that have come forwards with alien encounter stories, their personalities are divergent. They’re not all the same. There is evidence for shared elements from story to story. Some people have elements not shared. Different personalities see different things, they have different filters. There is a common message- we are one, we need to love one another and come together take of ourselves and this planet. Aliens do seem to have a philosophy, or spiritual side. Isn’t it interesting that we need an ‘other’ to bring us divine a message? All the religions bring this message and yet, even that paradigm suggest it comes from a source outside of us, other.

Why don’t we trust ourselves? Why don’t we trust the poets? By definition, we have to be a part of all there is. Do we not like ourselves? Is that why we so focus on our differences?

If telepathy is involved, and just based on experiencer report, it is the most common thread, then we’re not communicating just in words- we’re communicating on an emotional- symbolic level. External differences are obvious. Bodies come in all forms and shapes and sizes. Personalities differ. But does the heart of us truly differ? Is there a core us which is indistinguishable from another? Is one soul different than another? Transmission of data telepathically may finally get translated into words, but quite a bit of it comes across as ineffable. Does the soul understand the message? It is that ‘ineffable’ quality that makes it difficult for most people to relate to this as it being a real thing. We like things to be concrete, most of the world is not that. Social fact are not hard objects, but for all their un-realness- they can be impenetrable barriers.

I think there is some parallels with mysticism. We used to believe in the ether. I don’t know why we can’t still have the either. Space-Time continuum is a fabric that can be warped. How is that not ether like? All things exist in, and are given mass, by the Higgs Field… Ether? We are actually enmeshed in the fabric of space-time, by definition, which makes us all one. But let’s say, I just don’t understand space-time and it’s not that. Zero-point energy suggest that all of space-time is a washed with energy and particles pop into and out of existence all the time. How is that not ether?

I think it’s funny that we have ethernets. I think it’s funny we have ‘the cloud.’ How is the cloud not synonymous with Akashic records? Maybe alchemy wasn’t just magical wards, but is actually a way of logging onto, identification and passwords, a computer system so far superior that anyone with half a brain could log into it from any point in the universe. Not the matrix, but if the computer is telepathic, and could manifest things or move things from one part of space to the next, would we would know the difference? Scientist arbitrarily dismiss spiritual experiences as irrelevant or imagined, but every culture has this, and it’s still persistent even today in the modern cultural. Instead of dismissing, why not explain it in terms of a scientific modality. We know AI is on the way. We know they will be able to read us like we read books. We know all of space time is connected through energy and waves. Gravity waves rock the entire universe. Not just rock- they distort us, stretch us and shrink us. This is measurable. We, our brains, send out signals. You can take a silent video and using computers you can reconstruct sound by looking how elements in the picture vibrated. Everything you have ever done, said, or thought, could be unpacked by sufficiently sophisticated technology. Lasers bounced off a window reveal the conversation inside the room. What if you look at the ripples on the water and unpack every sound?

Magic? Maybe. Metaphysical. Maybe. Maybe it doesn’t matter what we call it. Maybe we need a new word for this. They changed UFO to avoid old baggage, maybe we need a new this word. Quite frankly, I am not fond of changing language to avoid hang ups, because that’s not about the term, but the person who resists the term. Retarded used to mean ‘slow.’ It wasn’t meant to be a disparaging term. It was used by people in the lay to mean something disparaging. We changed the term to handicap. That term was acceptable for a while, except, people used it disparagingly. We changed the term. We keep changing term and running from the fact that some people are stupid and are going to use the term in a disparaging way and we need to address that, not keep inventing new terms. Maybe stupid is too harsh and saying that is me doing the same thing. Truth is, we like labels and we need labels, but there is a difference between lay person using a label and a professional. I diagnoses mental illnesses for a living. The only context where it is appropriate for me to apply label is within the context of my function. People diagnoses themselves- we do that, we should not to that. Family and friends should not diagnose their family or friends. When a person comes to my office, that label is only applicable to communicate to other professionals what is being seen, as it informs treatment plans. Outside of that, the label is useless, and could be actually be used in a way that exasperates condition.

Example: If a person has a diagnosis of Bipolar, and they experienced something that made them angry or sad, and family says, ‘oh, that’s just your bipolar speaking.’ That’s just flat wrong. All of us have emotions and different intensities. Dismissing a person due to a real or perceived bias invalidates the person. Language is important. Energy, which usually flavors intent, is important.

Have you ever heard someone speaking a Star language? There is even a written star language. I guess it’s good to say I am not a linguist. I suck at languages. I have an American ear, plus some hearing loss, and so even though I have an ex-wife that’s Thai and my son speaks fluent Thai, I can’t speak Thai without people laughing at me or finding me completely incomprehensible. I hear these folks, youtube mostly, speak their ‘star language’ and it sounds nice, and they will tell you that you don’t have to understand it to benefit from hearing it. I don’t have enough sense to detect consistency of data transmission. I can recognize some words in Thai, Russian, French, Spanish, but for the most part, if you’re not hitting me up in English, I am lost. Hell, sometimes, I am lost even with English.

CS Lewis and his brother created a language that only he and his brother knew, and the Chronicle of Narnia was established based on that language. Tolkien was compelled to write/learn the language of the book in order to tell ‘Lord of the Rings.’ (Enemy Mine does this, too, and quite well. Read the whole trilogy!) There is symbolic language in ‘Lord of the Rings’ that completely meshes with Jung’s Red Book. They would have had to have written it at the same time, and I am not the only one who saw that. Becca S. Tarnas, Ph.D. scholar, artist, hell- a flat out genius and goddess if there ever was one, connected the dots and used that as her doctorial thesis. "The Red Book and ‘Lord of the Rings;’ Jung, Tolkien, and the Convergence of Images.” The part in this ‘synchronicity’ that I think is missed is that we’re not giving Jung more credit for suggesting the collective unconscious may be more real than we’re paying attention to; there’s evidence for telepathy and we’re ignoring it. And I am open to it not being telepathy: I am making an argument for there is more communicated between two people than what the two operating personalities experience on the surface of things. I think the statistic is that less than 20 percent of communication is verbal. People get angry over text be confused because it lacks significant contextual information- human face.

The closest I have come to a potential thesis is a tiny paper I wrote for an English professor at UNT. I stated in very clear ways, compare and contrast piece, that Star Trek: TOS episode “City on the Edge of Forever” is actually Virgil’s “The Aeneid.” I think the parallels are for that as poignant as Becca’s parallels for Jung and Tolkein. The Professor at least said it was worthy of a doctoral thesis. That may have been a kindness. I had managed to avoid English Lit and took it as a senior in order to graduate. The intern that read that flunked me and I nearly quit; from that day forward, the professor graciously read my work. It is my intent to get a PhD, and maybe I will, but for now, I am still in process. One of the points of this connection with Trek and Virgil was that our stories haven’t changed in 2000 years. That’s significant. Prior to Rome, there were strong women. Warrior women. Women ‘ahead of their time?’ Women of vision. The Gods chastise Aeneas and, essentially ask him to put some pants on and go found Rome. Dido must die for Rome to come into being. Joan Rivers plays Edith Keeler, a woman ahead of her time, and in order for the Federation to come into existence, she must die. We are trying to change the story, to bring back the Goddess. Maybe it’s possible, but not if we keep using the same paradigm! Wonder Woman 2017 is the story of Aeneas! Only this time, Aeneas dies and the Warrior woman, played by the Goddess Gal Gadot lives. Seriously! Aeneas, in this story line, is Chris Pine! Yes, that’s right, I said it, Captain Kirk! Kirk dies so we can move forwards. That doesn’t sound like a step forwards- that’s a step back.

Here is the fucking point that seems to be lost on everyone! We need stop dying and being martyrs! We need to stop killing people and attacking others when they’re not in agreement with us. The new paradigm can’t come about because someone sacrifices self. Black Panther, brother loses at the end and states, “I can’t live in this world!” Or some such nonsense? Really, give me everything my way or death? That’s not the speech. Give me liberty or give me death. There’s a difference. And so, essentially he suicides because he can’t have it his way? Yeah, in Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor sacrifices his life so the love of his life could win. Aeneas could not move forward until the love of his life died. In ‘City on the Edge of Forever,’ Kirk pines away, (Chris Pine joke here?) because the ‘love of my life’ died. So, are we to believe Kirk is fated to be a perpetual James Bond womanizer because Joan Rivers died? There is a solution set that doesn’t compromise the time line and allows Eidth/Dido to live- fucking take her with you! Seriously, take her back to the Enterprise, she is thereby ‘dead’ to the timeline of origin, and it maps out the way it is supposed to. Or, I don’t know, I mean the only evidence that we have that Edith is ahead of her time is Spock actually saying as much, that and all of her dialogue- so, pull her aside and say, Edith, I love you, but you need to sit this one out. Dido committed suicide. That’s just nonsense men write to flatter ego, ‘oh wow she couldn’t live without me,’ nonsense. That’s the kind of poetry that come out of high school or teenage fluff movies like Twilight. Dido’s suicide perpetuates man’s quest for the ideal. The problem is, she was the ideal! Our fate is to go and find that which we lost and can’t ever have again. The act of coming together for sex is an act of founding something new, and at the same time- it is a loss. The people you were before that act are now gone. Summarize Aeneas ‘you can’t be a man (or warrior woman) and love.’ Someone has to die, literally or figuratively. And that’s just nuts.

Language is important. Some language needs to change. We need both men and women working together without sacrificing who they fundamentally are. It needs to be win win. Star Trek Discovery gets it wrong. You can’t mutiny and come back from that. Star Wars: Last Jedi gets it wrong. The man can’t throw a tantrum because he doesn’t get his way; in this instant, man gets stun and women in charge laugh it off saying ‘boys will boys.’ That’s not right. And if a man stunned a woman to have some peace in quiet, you can bet your ass there would have been some protests. Further, you can’t have the top remaining admiral (female or not) self-sacrificing herself in a kamikaze maneuver- when she’s the last fricking admiral and her expertise is needed to save the cause! (Did they hire Twilight fans to write this?) No, you assign that duty to the man who threw the tantrum. Also, given the severity of situation, waiting till there was only one ship left prior to doing a kamikaze, well… stupid. Kamikaze was forgone conclusion and should have been executed before the first ship ran out of fuel. Men aren’t stupid. Women aren’t stupid. Anyone that has earned the rank of admiral is definitely not stupid- unless you’re Pakled. The scripts we are assigned, well- some of it is just… Written by journalism major fresh out of school with no life experience and hasn’t been in a ‘real’ relationship and so therefore doesn’t have any true conflict resolution dialogue?

Language and scripts affect us. Have you ever heard people speaking in tongues? I can listen to Star Seed languages and not be annoyed. These guys that are jumping pews, handling snakes, and speaking in tongues- they irritate me. I suspect it’s because my interpretation of what it means to speak in tongues is different than their presentation. Speaking in tongues to me meant that a person delivering a message to a diverse audience could speak one language, but everyone heard the message loud and clear in their own language. My experience of tongue speakers is it’s loud, incoherent, and annoying. I like bagpipe music just fine, but I would prefer to be on the other side of the stadium because it’s too loud. I mentioned I have hearing loss? Well, I also have a condition known as hyperacusic. I perceive things louder than they are. I retreat from noise. It’s got so bad I almost stopped going to the theatre because it’s just too loud. And if any of you are movie producers out there, when you release the blue ray, if you could add feature to turn down the music and sound affects and turn up the volume on the dialogue- I would love you. I can’t hear the actors speaking unless I turn it up, but then the music starts and I have to run away. Fix that. We have the tech, right? You record the sound and dialogue separately. Leave dialogue track separate from the other tracks. (I bet lots of people would like this feature.)

Anyway, star seed languages may be communicating messages even if you don’t understand. (Maybe true for the tongue speakers, too, but if you’re annoyed- what message are you getting?) A thing doesn’t have to hold obvious meaning for it to have actual meaning or affect. Ever heard the term ‘Millenial Whoop?’ Nonsense sound applied in rhythmically, stimulating ways can motivate us to dance, sing, and go into an abstract frame of mind. It helps us break from the logic centers of our brain, and there is evidence that that is actually healthy. We’re supposed to be balanced, not logical all the time, not abstract all the time. The western approach to health is to become more rational and logical. (Death of Dido.) Too much logic is insanity. I work for a company that is state sponsored and we do insane things because they think it’s logical. I can absolutely demonstrate how we are not being logical, we’re not being economical, and we’re not helping folks when we do this thing, and that voice and appeal to reason will be shut down either because I am trying to be logical and my appeal to logic is to emotional, or my logic actually makes more sense and implementing it would result in the loss of state funding because someone else in authority disagrees with actually making sense. Politics doesn’t care about science, efficiency, or improved economy. Giving you either one of my favorite two example of that will feel like a rant and that’s not the point of this, and the above Edith Keeler is Dido is Wonder Woman came very close to being an actual rant. I imagine you can find lots of illogical things going on where you work or live in society.

I can give you an example of a song, prior to the millennial whoop that has nonsense in it. I might reveal more meaning than you ever imagined.

“Ba, baba ba, baba baba ba,ba baba ba ba…” (The sound a sheep make?) “I’m sleeping…” (Counting sheep!) “And right in the middle of a good dream….” (Do you know the song already?) “Like all at once I wake up…” (A symbolic conversation with our inner self resulting in an epiphany?) “…from something that keeps knocking at my brain…” (How often is knocking used in a song? Knock three times… ‘Open the door and let him in…’) “Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head…” (Been there done that…) “And spring up in my bed screaming out the words I dread…” (Why do we dread these next words?) “I THINK I LOVE YOU.”

Do you realize how simple this song appears, and it gets in your head and you carry it and you never unpack it, but you can so unpack it for days.

Let’s go older than this. Everything you ever needed to know you learned from this song: row, row, row your boat. How do you row? Gently. Don’t splash other people! How do you row? Merrily! You don’t have to row, but you really kind of have to if you want direction, stay in the sweet spot not get bogged down on the shore; so don’t be grumpy, just row, gently, and merrily. In what direction? Downstream. Why? At best, if you try to go against the current you will stay in place, but most important, this is not a river of water, it is a river of time. Time is the dream. It’s not real. You can’t go backwards in time. Time will advance whether you row, resist the stream, or go merrily or not. You have been singing that forever, did you know it had meaning?

Alien encounters in which ships were witnessed, inevitably people notice writing on the walls, on the door frames, on the undersides of the ships, on instrument clusters. Remote viewing people use symbols. Depending on who you learn it from, you either make up your own symbols and own them, or you learn the symbols given to you by the instructor and you use them until you’re so sick of them you own them by irritation. Aliens have transmitted symbols and images for us to decipher.

The search for the philosopher stone, ah, yes, the story that just won’t die. Did you know the periodic table came about due a dream? It came together like music. It had a musical, frequency feel, and when it came together, it left blanks where Dmitri Mendeleev said we would find missing elements. He was right, too. The Periodic table is the alphabet of the Universe, and if we consider that the secret goal of alchemy- not just to find the philosopher’s stone, but to understand the very language of God, then we are composed of these musical notes. More than one scientist is saying we are not things, atoms are not things, we are information. Atoms, the particles they are comprised of is information.

Maybe all of this is just our ways of trying to connect? We sort of have a story, and it’s becoming larger than life. It’s likely to emerge in our life time on grander scale than anything anyone has ever imagined, and maybe that is why there is evidence that the tide is turning- More and more people want to come out, maybe have always wanted to, they just didn’t know how or when. Well, now is always a good time. Later will actually become now, and so ‘now’ will always be a good time to disclose or to change, but sometimes delaying the inevitable actually causes more harm.