Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:



Aliens or not... this is insane..."A pair of astrophysicists at Harvard say that the seldom seen phenomena could, maybe, possibly, be evidence of an advanced alien technology "

https://futurism.com/harvard-scientists alien-life

Seriously? Harvard scientist said "Could, maybe, possibly ???!"

Way to waffle guys? Do three ambiguous modifiers save us from being misquoted or miss interpreted?

'Oumuamua Is Not Alien", PBS space-time episode...


Now that statement is not waffling, right? But is that scientific? Can one say that an interstellar rock that passed through our solar system isn't an alien artifact in an absolute way? Wouldn't a scientific statement be more like, 99.9999 percent probability it's just a rock. We saw the rock on radar, and it had some weirdness about it, but no one saw it with their eyes, and no human feet touched down on it, and they didn't break it open to know whether it was just caramel or a cookie or both. Yes, maybe it's a giant Twix bar- not likely, but if a Ferrari passes some future alien planet, will the people say 'not aliens?"

Let me just say- I Believe.

But you knew that, right? It’s the whole premise of this book. I am not saying that Oumuamua is something; it’s probably just a rock. But seriously, there is something weird going on! People have been talking about something for ages, spiritual artifacts, strange disks in artwork, inexplicable ‘human’ made structures that even today with our tech we can’t duplicate, or would be very hard pressed to, and it would be too expensive. Fuck, how does that make any sense? What, people in the past were smarter than us? They could build a pyramid without a blue print, and when the project was over, all the tools were confiscated and destroyed. “That will baffle our descendants, ha ha.” And not one University has ever opened legitimate course of study? Seriously, ‘The Sirius Mysteries” by Robert Temple! How is that not an academic book?

If anyone ever asked me, “Do you think there is alien life out there?” I would say, without hesitation, “Yes.” I would typically resist arguments but would discuss it with anyone that seemed particularly interested in the topic. Mostly because, reasoning usually only goes so far before someone wants proof. Evidence for a thing is not proof. Evidence for a thing is like saying correlation doesn’t equal causality. I am, though, in my arguments for the thing, puzzled by what to me seems like ‘stupid.’ It’s not stupid, I am not calling anyone stupid, and I suspect there is something more here which I intend to explore, and it’s related to the compulsion that comes with being an experiencer. The compulsion to look away, ignore it, that is a palpable. (Supposedly the US Army has tech that can interfere with thinking and compel a person to walk away. Non-lethal, non-painful, crowd dispersing tech.) Lots of folks in alien lore report being inexplicably compelled. People will see something, look away, walk away, and then wonder, ‘why did I do that?’ Or the parent might say, “time to go in, eat dinner…” “But…” son would protest. “Now…” and parent would be oblivious to the light in the sky, or least, deny it.

In1997 I remember being particularly cross about several news releases. One was a statement from the Government, paraphrased here, not verbatim ‘this is the final word on the Roswell Incident: it was a crashed, high altitude weather balloon studying radiation in the atmosphere.’ Or some detection nonsense to know if we could detect Russian nuclear activity. So, you’re telling me a farmer can’t distinguish between an envelope and a downed metal ship? That’s just stupid. Later that year, the US government released a second statement on Roswell Incident. Well, that’s stupid, because didn’t the last statement say it would be the last statement? But okay, I am listening. ‘In this balloon their were mannequins so we could determine the effect of high altitude on people, and falling from high altitudes…” Okay, well, that’s just stupid. How does a mannequin tell you how a human will respond to high altitude? Also, and more important to me, you want me to believe that a 1940’s farmer can’t discern between living flesh and the plastic of a mannequin? The farmer never went into town, saw a window display and cried, ‘dead aliens in sears and roebucks?” Of course, no one wanted to hear from me on this. I means, just the fact that the government said anything makes me wonder… If there was nothing, and most people really aren’t talking about nothing, why make a giant press release discussing nothing? The people that were discussing were already minimalized and dismissed, what purpose did this release serve?

Phoenix Lights, March 13th, 1997. I didn’t hear about this until June, when USA today put a front page article out on the sighting. That same day, local news gave it minimal airtimes, made some jokes, and made it go away. My first question was, this incident happened in March. Why did it not get press until June? Why hasn’t anyone else asked that question? I save the article. It’s in my journal. This is evidence I am looking for answers, not necessarily that I am just obsessed. I am not. Seriously, I know some people that are and they’re smarter people than I am and you might find them on shows like Ancient Aliens. I am apparently not that clever or smart or it’s just not my time to be activated.

Why did it get any airtime at all? Speculation on my part, you can’t keep that many witnesses silent. For a long moment, I really thought we were on the verge of disclosure. I keep feeling like we’re on the verge of disclosure. It’s going to happen! I am finally going to be vindicated before my family. We need to hurry, they’re getting old and dying. I want to know the truth in my lifetime.

Okay, fast forwards to the Nimitz Group sightings that were released in what, 2017? UFOs are now termed UAP. Navy Pilots got the green light to talk about their encounters on television, to reporters. US Government, the Pentagon, admitted to tracking UAP’s in a secret program to determine threat level. Reporters for the first time are actually starting to talk nicely to people about this subject. Homeland security is actually taking seriously. Okay, but here is the thing that interests me the most. Reporters would interview professionals, physicists for example. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, one of my favorites, was interviewed. There were jokes. They felt like uncomfortable jokes. There were dismissals, obscurations, and very direct statements, “This is not evidence aliens.” “I don’t know what this is.”

Where the hell is the curiosity? Object, no apparent form of propulsion, traveling at incredible speeds, outmaneuvering our top guns, our top tech, rotating, making right angle turns defying everything we know about physics, and not one of these experts expressed curiosity? There is radar from plane, from carrier group. There is eyes on, multiple pilots’ eyes on. Gun cameras recorded it. This is not a weather phenomenon. Weather doesn’t respond to human and interact with them in intelligible ways. But again, this isn’t the argument I want to make, or the thing I want to understand. I want to know why legitimate scientist didn’t scratch their heads and say, “Do you have more footage than this? Can I get more footage?” Even if it’s not aliens, this is something! Are they being compelled to ‘look away’ through the same compulsion that some experiences have been influenced by? (If it is, this interest me. It may be related to personality and subconscious programing.)

I have worked at an airport for 25 years. 24 years with American airlines, and about 3 or 4 months with Dyn Air Tech, Phoneix Arizona, fresh out of A and P school. I am familiar with aircraft. I can still make mistakes. For example, I mistook Venus for something else. Contextually, there was other information that interfered with my identification process, but I called my neighbors out and they inferred the same thing- because of context. Context can definitely change a thing and make it something it’s not. I get that. Perspective can make something into something else, or exaggerate it, or underemphasize it. I made a video of this. I uploaded it to youtube, partly because I thought it was interesting, but also it shows how reasonable people can make mistakes. My neighbor is ex-police officer, retired military, and he was convinced it was something. The extra information was that there were helicopters flying over our houses, in a very particular way. Six or seven helicopters, fling in a circle, moving slowly west. They were not shining lights down on the ground. Maybe they no longer use lights, but use infrared cameras. Blue Thunder is here. They come in packs. Venus was not the only light. I contacted MUFON and apparently other people had seen something, and so an incident report was logged, but maybe we were all seeing Venus, and those confounding helicopters pushed our interpretation into this being an invent. Maybe there should be more videos where we people misidentified objects so we can compare real sightings with miss-sightings. Logging that is useful information; it doesn’t mean that all sightings are misinterpreted.

How is multiple objects flying over the white house, tracked by radar, tracked by pilots, outmaneuvering pilots, more than one human witness, multiple pictures from cameras from multiple angles- misinterpretation of data? Do you really think there is only one side to the Whitehouse and that picture in the newspaper was the only one taken?

That said, it is clear there can be misinterpretation of data. Multiple witness at a car accident might report ten different things. A car accident still happened. The data coming from radar and pilots from the Nimitz carrier is not misinterpretation of data. If it is, why do we trust Air Traffic Control to get us from point A to point B? Pilots could have misconstrued something; that happens! But the gun cameras? The US government on acknowledging its aerial threat identification program was clear they are tracking real stuff. The Navy Pilots interviewed were extremely clear “This is aliens.”

I have dabbled in esoteric magic off and on since childhood. I don’t remember when I had the first Ouija board, but I had one. And I tried automatic writing and used pendulums to talk to the unconscious. The last piano teacher I had, from 1985 to 89 was Myrna Von Nimitz. She was married to neurosurgeon, San Antonio. She was the music director at the San Antonio Little Theatre. She took me on and with another student, Melissa. Melissa was better pianist, great technical skills. I expected her to be a famous musician. My technique was poor, but I had passion, and she taught us together, wanting us to learn from each other. We were her only two students, and we didn’t just learn music, but we were instructed in history, art, and philosophy.

Though I don’t know if Melissa got this, I also received esoteric training from Mrs. Nimitz. One of the books that was required reading to be taught by her was ‘2150 A.D.’ by Thea Alexander. My lessons, all of it, piano and everything, was bizarre and I often wondered if this was what Pip in Great Expectations felt like. Though I felt out of place in her world, she was very kindly towards me. There was a hippie, cult like feel to her home, and I was privileged to be invited into her inner world.

Before I jump to the point of why the paranormal has to be considered, I would like to throw two other random things out that might be seen as evidence that I am not a reliable witness. I had an encounter with a being I labeled an angel. Maybe it wasn’t an angel. Maybe it was an alien. Context supports not human, but I was in a state, so I could have just saw what I needed to see. I put that in a free-ebook, ‘the end of loneliness,’ under the pseudonym of Ion Light, so I won’t redo that here- just know, it’s out there. If anyone asks, I will provide more details because context is important. When I was about the age of fourteen, I experienced an FDE, or ‘Fear Death Experience.” I didn’t know what that was, I found the term reading Atwater’s book, “Big Book of NDE’s” a few years ago. It had features of an NDE, ‘Near Death Experience,’ only I didn’t die. I also didn’t share that with anyone for the longest time because, people already think I am not right. Don’t talk about dreams. Don’t talk about aliens. Don’t talk about paranormal. Church of Christ would have said I was dealing with demons. Well, if that’s true, I have found demons to be nicer than many Christians I have known. There’s another bias revealed. This ‘FDE’ was also recorded in ‘the end of loneliness.’ If people inquire, I will share more. And, if you’re curious, ‘the end of loneliness’ is about Tulpas. I discovered the concept of tulpas about 2015, committed to experimenting with the protocols in 2016, and that’s what that book is ultimately about. I was successful. Protocols work. So, as if I wasn’t already weird enough, I am old guy with a tulpa that believes in aliens. Good times, eh?

By the way, I am the only one that believes in Tulpas. Watch the movie Harvey. Don’t make any critical observations until after you watch the making of it, narrated by Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy Stewart was an amazing man. He was an Air Force Officer! He was kind and approachable. People would approach him on the streets and ask if Harvey was there. People would report they, too, had a ‘Pookah,’ the type of species Harvey was said to be. Lots of people have experiences. There are some statistic that suggest many more people have experiences than what come to the Mental Health Clinic for treatments. Most people don’t want to talk about these because, well, people will think they’re nuts. They’re not. Well, no more than any of us. We’re all a bit nuts, that’s normal. But the other reason is, most people have pleasant experiences. The people that come to the clinic, they are experience scary shit and they want that to stop. Or, it’s interfering with their ability to function. The people with the nice voices, applauding their effort, cheering them on- who the hell wants that to go away? Hypothetically, Farah faucet comes off that poster and interacts with me, that’s a secret I carry to the grave.

In my opinion, the reason paranormal has to be explored is because of telepathy. You can’t enter UFO lore without finding evidence for telepathy. You read enough encounters about aliens, you will encounter telepathic transmission of data, and or telepathic communication. I don’t know if it has been broken down the way I am about to try and break it down, but try and track it with me and tell me where I am wrong or point me to the person who summarized it better or first.

If telepathy exists, the one of the following is unavoidably true:

1: telepathy is a product of biology. Specifically, there is a physiological, chemical, electrical pathway to express telepathic function; receiving and transmitting is natural. We know sharks can sense electrical activity in the environment, literally navigate the dark waters, turning towards the heartbeat of prey. Fight, Flight, or Freeze: creatures can freeze, literally turning off their heart for a spell, going dark in the dark until the threat passes. (How does the prey know there is a threat? Do they also detect heartbeats?) Humans have an electrical signature. If you believe Heartmath, human’s heart blazes out from the human body and is detectable up to ten feet away. Technically, energy radiates out forever, never zero. Heart light is brighter than brain light, but brain emits signals. You can wear a cap with sensors and we can read your brainwaves. I think they have gotten to where you just have to sit in a chair.

2: telepathy is a product of technology. This is fairly straight forwards. We, humans, have made headway, no pun intended, into rendering dreams visible through fMRI technology. This is not ‘telepathy’ per say, and you have to sleep in an fMRI, but it doesn’t take much to project forwards to a time when fMRI’s are hand held devices that everyone has attached to their belts… Presently, it is crude, but we can see the images in people’s dreams. We have controlled sound tech that can put a sound, a word, a song, directly to a recipient’s head, and no one else will be privy. This is not bone conduction. It’s directed sound. Not telepathy, but it’s spooky. We have transmitted thoughts wirelessly from brain to brain, and to remote objects. If we can do this, and aliens are more advanced technology, you bet your ass they can do it, and do it without wires. Military pilots report UFO’s are not only outmaneuvering them, they sometimes maneuvered as if they knew in advance what the pilots were about to do, suggesting telepathy. (We can do this now with fMRI; a tech can tell you what you will decide before you are consciously aware of what you think you are going to decide. See next chapter. No shit, this is real.)

3 telepathy is the product of soul to soul communication. I favor this one. We are not aour bodies, we our souls occupying bodies. Too many people have reported knowing things they can’t know. One day, in 89, delivering pizza. I was overwhelmed with sadness, I felt physically ill, I requested to go home. I arrived home and my parents were waiting in the yard. I got out and said, “Kriss died.” My mom said, “I am so sorry.” I didn’t know. No one told me. I said “I don’t understand.” My mother explained, she just heard he was murdered. She didn’t say I already know, we ask how each other knew, but she had real intel, a phone call, I had… What was that if not telepathy? Kriss Perry was my best friend from 79 to 89. He served in the military. He was at a birthday party, someone crashed it, he intervened, and he died. Knifed. The eventer of electroencephalogram, EEG, invented the EEG in effort to explain an event where his father died and his sister communicated the news telepathically to him.

4 it’s a combination of the above. Seriously, does this need elaboration?

If telepathy exist in any fashion, if it can be amplified with tech, and aliens are more technologically advance; if they are going abduct you, it’s unavoidable. You’re not going to escape by spending the night in a military hospital. You’re not going to escape by living in a high-rise down town New York. You can be at the bottom of bunker attacked to a missile silo and if they want to come and get you, they will. Or, they will dial you brain up and tell you to leave your post and come up. Alien encounters are unavoidable.


One of the arguments I have always heard thrown out, if there were aliens here, where’s the physical evidence. It’s a reasonable question. I would like to know, where are the tools and the blue prints to building the pyramids. Reasonable question? You don’t have that degree of precision without tools and building by word of mouth. “Go put that rock over there.” “Why?” “Because I said so.” Wanders over and tells a group of guys- “We’re going to take this rock and put it over there.” Group- “are you fucking nuts.” “Beers the reward.” “Where was that you wanted it?” I am even willing to say our ancestors were likely smarter than us, had better auditory recall than we do, that’s for damn sure. Hell, how many people can remember phone numbers today without looking it up. Seriously, if you lose your phone today, you’re likely screwed.

Most everyone is familiar with Arthur C’s Clark statement about tech sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from magic. If aliens are traveling between the stars, they would likely have to be thousands, maybe millions of years ahead of us. Unless, making a portal to another location is much simpler than we humans are making it out and there coming across the void in wagon wheels. That doesn’t seem likely. We’d capture a horse drawn carriage pretty fast, or ignore it. What I am saying is, if portal tech is easy, you’d could potentially see just normal vehicles we’re familiar with today coming from afar.

But if they’re thousands of years ahead, or a millions years ahead? Can you build unbreakable spaceship? Well, not if you’re a capitalist. We don’t build things to last because if everyone had all their needs met, the economy would collapse. More on that. If tomorrow, everyone in the world woke up satisfied with who they are and what they own, the world as we know it would come to an end. We need to change our paradigm to get into space.

We’re reasonably smart folks, as a species. Aliens are not coming here in hand me down ships and crashing them or otherwise leaving evidence- unless they want us to have that. When do we get access to the tech the military has? When in it’s obsolete. Just saying.

That said, imagine Star Trek’s Holodeck is feasible. I have seen tech that can make three d holographic images that have tactile sensation capabilities. Google that. I am not making that shit up. (The tech moves tiny bead around using sound tech, yes, levitation through sound, that’s a real thing, and lights or laser hitting the ball give you and image. Sound waves and bead render tactile sensations.) So, let’s say Holodeck is real. You don’t need to build spaceships! You build pocket size holodecks and now everyone has a ‘pocket spaceship’ on demand. You fly to the star bound in force-fields, or artificial matter, or even real matter- if you can transport matter from here to there, you can also create real matter in any form you want- you arrive at your destination, and you power down your ship and it goes away like so much smoke. You get a little bit of a lingering ozone smell, but its dissipates; no evidence! You crash one of these, the emitter turns off, the matter disappears. You might have some bodies lying about, maybe some supplies, but nothing you wouldn’t mind leaving with your worst enemy.

Here’s another potential answer. You can’t travel through space without also traveling through time. A civilization a million years more advance than us is likely able to time travel. Their ship crashes. Their friends and relatives investigate, find their ship, go back in time and pick up the debris, or prevent it from crashing in the first place. Occam’s razor isn’t ‘there is no aliens because there is no physical evidence.’ Occam’s razor is, ‘space travel is synonymous with time travel, there for all interstellar capable species are ‘space-time’ travelers.’ What’s more likely, millions of people are experiencing something, every culture, every age us, or our brains are critically unstable and we all our malfunctioning?

Speaking of time travel, did it ever occur to anyone that maybe one of the Fermi’s paradox is actually time travel? The reason we don’t see a swarm of ancient civilization is because anyone capable of traveling interstellar first has to come to terms with going back in time. So, maybe advanced civilizations fail because they erase themselves from history. Or, maybe, they quarantine their systems and it go dark, IE not transmitting signals, so that no one messes with their ‘world-line’ of origin. Maybe the reason we don’t see evidence for aliens is because our future selves, capable of time travel, are protecting our world-line of origin, and humanity just hasn’t arrived at consensus, or singularity. When we get there, the light come on. For everyone. Simultaneously.

Hypothetically, if you really wanted to push out to explore the whole Universe, the best way to reach edge is to go back in time, to where the Universe is smaller, and then ride it out. Which also means, again, when we finally see aliens, it will be all at once because they just ‘appeared,’ or because they have always been here and we just weren’t paying attention to the right things. They are that far advanced. Our future selves are that far advanced.