Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

the paranormal


Bringing in this chapter will likely throw more people out of this book and give the skeptics even more reason to ridicule it. As if I haven’t given people enough reason to ridicule it, me, and the whole subject. I do hold the belief that skeptic are not just pricks, and have the ability to exercise discernment and compassion. I am speaking, not from an expert perspective, but from a human perspective. Maybe this is a better perspective to come from. The experts who have degrees and military experience are high profile, and highly ridiculed. Their ridiculed because taking them down means someone else can take over. No one is likely going to care what I say, because there is no political or financial gain. This thing I am sharing, because I am literally no one of importance, will likely slide in under the radar, if it gets noticed at all. I suspect the latter. I’m not completely indifferent to that, as I do want a voice I want to participate at some level. Who doesn’t want to contribute to the wellbeing of the planet?

I accept my role will likely be minimal. I had experiences. So what? People have experiences. Sometimes inexplicable things happen to people. Maybe interpretation is flat wrong, but there is still an underlying event that occurred. Maybe I am supposed to share. Maybe I am supposed to listen. I am actually good at that. One of the reasons I wanted to be a counselor was to help military folks recover from trauma. I am partial to our military. I have entertained helping people process alien encounters and NDE’s, or other transpersonal experiences. I think I am qualified to do that, and likely more compassionate due to my experiences. Of course, you can’t really hang a shingle out that says specializing in paranormal. Well, you can. I do need to make enough to eat and contribute to my family. Quite a few people will tell you, there is no money in paranormal- if there was, there would be more people in the game. People do this because it’s a passion.

There seems to be two camps in UFO, it’s aliens, only aliens, no metaphysical or spiritual beliefs need to be applied. There is the other camp that embraces it all. I have wavered between the two camps, sometimes it’s just aliens… Only to be confounded by my own metaphysical experiences. I don’t know why we can’t have both. And maybe it’s not metaphysical. Maybe there is even a scientific explanation for the experiences I have had that suggest metaphysical. I intend to explore some science in the next chapter, if you stick around.

In the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” there is a scene where everything in the kitchen kind of explodes and comes to life. I didn’t understand that scene. That has not been my experience. I wish that had been part of my experience. Having other people in the family witness something like that might have been nice. However, apparently, there appears to be a correlation with increased paranormal activities occurring after UFO encounters. More precisely, there is an increase in what appears to be poltergeist activity.

Now for ‘one of those friend stories.’ I have a friend, FB friend, and she believes she is a star seed. More precisely, she reports she is a reptilian and she is here on a mission, and she communicates with her ship telepathically, she astral travels to various locations, and one of the things that frequently happens, and supposedly others have witnessed, books will inexplicably come off a shelf, or a shelf will collapse. Not useful information for you, more useful for me- at least in terms of how I relate to her. But she isn’t the only one who has experienced this. Carl Jung has experienced a number of ‘synchronicities’ or what might be construed as paranormal. One particularly noteworthy event was witnessed by Freud. One might say, Freud instigated the event by dismissing Jung as being too ‘open minded.’ Jung got mad and stated, “No, you will experience it now’ or something to that effect, and Freud’s book shelf inexplicably rumbled and books slid out of place. But that wasn’t enough, Jung said “and again” It happened again. Satisfied, he left. A few days later, Freud wrote him, and said “You almost convinced me there.”

I like that story. I also am aware that Jung wrote a book implying that the UFO thing was simply a manifestation of consciousness. He retracted that later in life by making a statement to the effect that it may be what it appears, but that is far less well known. People remember what they want to remember.

I used to astral travel a lot. Mostly as a kid. It was spontaneous. Never on command. Hell, as a kid I didn’t even know it was called astral. I thought it was just peculiar dreams in which I was awake, only I was not sleeping or dreaming. I couched it as dreams because that was the only way I could couch it. Did I have them because of childhood trauma? Was it related to the other experiences? I don’t know. They grew less frequent as an adult. I still get them from time to time. I have a theory for why they have diminished. I learned to distinguish between that, day dreaming, and lucid dreaming. I love dreams, I record my dreams on a regular basis, and I have taught myself to lucid dream. I can discern the difference between lucid dreaming and astral traveling. There is distinct difference for me.

I have been hypnotically regressed to a past life. I had an experience of a past life. Now, I will also say that I went out of my way to find a hypnotist to regress me after watching an Opra show about past lives. I was so incredibly open to the idea that I got what I went looking for. I am absolutely convinced that the brain can do that, give you what you’re are looking for. And I read quite bit. Everything. I remember reading Chariots of the Gods in the late 70s, maybe the 80s. Definitely in El Paso, cause my grandfather didn’t want the conversation about UFO’s possibly explaining some of the old testament encounters…

But here’s something I connected, and I don’t know if anyone else has made the same connection. I am interested in knowing what others think, again, purpose for sharing. Michael Newton’s book, Journey of Souls, has a description of what souls look like. The prominent feature is the eyes. A picture I saw, and I don’t know if it came from that book, or another source, but it fit that description well enough that my first thought was, “Fuck me if that’s not them!” (Grays!)

If you follow UFO lore, you will hear that we were made as slaves. There are a couple of guys that are translating the Summarian text to say we are children, not slaves. Other groups have suggested they come from another dimension. What if that’s true and we are children? Maybe being human is the equivalent of the larvae stage, or more apt, the cocoon stage?! We die and go back to that dimension. We return to being the grays with big eyes. They’re us! They’re the adults. Maybe it’s not just reincarnation, but this is the training ground for children, for souls, which echoes Thomas Campbell’s theories. We need this sandbox like place to slow us down so that we learn to recognize how our decisions affect us, others, and the environment.

Hypothetically, let’s say your every thought could be manifested into an action; every thought creates a physical thing or energy to do work. It creates an emotional field that disturbs your particular sphere of influence- people entering your sphere are either attracted to, repelled from, or otherwise influenced by the field you radiate. Do you suppose if you live in a house with others that you would never use your thoughts to harm or hurt someone? Even by accident? Ever had a bad day and were so frustrated you just wanted to smack someone? Or worse. Had you ever wanted to heal someone who was hurting, without considering that sometimes hurting is good for us? Seriously, if you never get exposed to a virus, you don’t get immunity. If you don’t scrape your knee as a kid, you’ll have a very low pain threshold. If you never experience emotional pain, you don’t learn to cope when the big stuff happens. Big stuff happens. Single parents, helicopter parents, and schools pushing zero tolerance on any perceived bad thing humans do is making a generation of folks that can’t tolerate the hard truth of reality. Bad shit happens. But the real question is: Would you never use your powers against another, for good or bad? I couldn’t. That’s dead honest. Not at my present state of maturity. I am curious about this and this is related to this phenomena.

If aliens are parental in nature, then it explains some things. Like, sometimes they’re scary as fuck, and sometimes they’re angelic. Maybe we get what we need. How often do you imagine parents have heard a child lamenting about fairness? “You never do that to (sibling.)” Well, that probably an accurate assessment from a child: parent’s treat each child different because children are different! What works with one kid, doesn’t work with all kids, even in the same family, and it would insane trying to make one rule to rule them all. Seriously, the people that actually try to do that for simplicity end up with family drama and discord. People, especially children, need to be heard- not pushed through cookie cutters. Picard, Star Trek, said this very well- first season episode, ‘Justice.’ “There can be no JUSTICE if laws are absolute.”

Let me give you a great example of that. We do, as humans, try to streamline social policies to save money. We try to make laws simple so they apply universally. California came up with a policy called “Three Strikes and you’re out.” People loved that idea. Let’s be harsh on criminals. Take them down. How many chances should a person get?! Fuck them. So, it became law. Judges no longer had the power or the authority to exercise discernment. You don’t need judges or lawyers when laws are absolute. Now, guy stealing bread is the equivalent of someone committing murder. Guy commits murder, goes to jail, get out, does it two more times, he goes to jail for life. Guy steals bread, three separate occasion, cause he homeless and hungry. He goes to jail for life. Not the same crime! It should not have the same level of punishment. Consequently, California jails are full. Repercussion, the minimum amount of value threshold for when law enforcement would intervene went up. It used to be, a loaf of bread resulted in arrest. (Not precisely. I am being a little absurd.) Jails are full, cops have to slow the rate of arrest; any reported theft of a thousand dollars or less is now a misdemeanor. Police are not going to show up to give someone a ticket. People now know this. They can walk into a store and steal a dozen pair of Nikes without consequence. Theft rate is escalating. Boldness is escalating. People walk in with guns and mace and if employee tries to stop the theft, they get hurt. And still, police don’t come. In the old days, pawn shops would be the first place investigators would go to build a case against persons engaging in theft. Now, people sale stolen goods on Ebay and it’s gone and out of state within in an hour. The United States postal service is now complicit with grand larceny. Go figure.

Aliens are definitely not helicopter parents. But we may be as different from them as caterpillars are from butterflies. Butterfly could land on the leaf and try to hold a conversation with the larvae, but it’s likely going to keep on eating. Wings? Pretty leaf! Funny, we have teeth and eat leaves. Grays don’t seem to have teeth. Maybe they’re afraid we’ll eat them. Seriously, butterflies leave eggs and fly away.

The other thing is, if they’re coming at us telepathically, and they are not just superior in tech, but in authority due to parental status, and or due to maturity of intellect- we’re not going to be able to resist following instructions. My original theory was that we are pets. By god, if I want my cat to have a bath, the cats getting a bath. If I want it to be checked out by the vet, it’s going in the kennel. If I want it bred or neutered, that’s going to happen. That’s it. I might get scratched in the process, but my will be done. I have wondered if hybrids are making a friendlier human, the way we turned wolves into dogs. I don’t like dogs less because they’re not wolves. Wild animals tend to avoid humans. They’re afraid. I am afraid of aliens. Maybe there is a descendant that isn’t afraid of aliens because it’s seven generations removed from wild humans. Don’t think for a moment that being technological advanced is the equivalent of being civilized. You only have to look history and see what humans did to other humans to know, tech equal moral interaction. Superior intelligence and or superior tech, in terms of human history, has more often been used as a means of manipulating or subjugating others.

I have also wondered about hybrids being a bridge building process. Whether they are a form of us, or completely alien, if they’re hundred percent telepathic all the time, and we are mostly verbal most the time, then there will be a disconnect. A hybrid would be the best of both worlds. Hybrids raised on a ship will not be able to interact with us, because communication is not all verbal. Most people can recognize when a person was homeschooled versus public schooled because they lack appropriate social nuances. They also miss gestures and looks and jokes. You can’t learn to be human watching television. At best, you will be caricature. Sheldon is funny because we know he’s not normal. Real life Sheldon, people suffering from severe ASD, they don’t get a laugh track and family relationships are strained.

If you want ambassadors, you need people in the trenches. You don’t elevate societies by yelling down from the high ground. You have to go down, get dirty, empathize, show compassion, and walk the walk. If you ask Koko’s handlers, I bet you everyone who had encounters with Koko would tell you, she was a person; there is more going on than what anyone imagines. The world didn’t change because of her to the degree it needed to. Hell, when Mr. Rogers, of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood fame learned Koko like watching his program, he requested to go see her. He was granted the wish, of course, and he visited. Koko immediately recognized him, hugged him, and then sat him down and removed his shoes. Tell me there isn’t something else going on. If we can’t make the leap that there is sentience among us with other creatures, like Koko, like dolphins, then is it any wonder we can’t accept the premise of aliens? Or that aliens wouldn’t recognize us as sentient? We don’t even recognize each other as sentient and sovereign. We don’t even recognize how complicated our own cognitive conscious experiences are. Plato’s cave analogy is more than metaphor! We know, scientifically, dolphins have names for themselves. There are individual names, and group names. They hunt cooperatively. One will be assigned a task, called out by name, and swim off, and another group will be called out and go in another direction. They identify self and others. They recognize us and will rescue a drowning sailor. Evidence for a thing?

Alien telepathy, though, needs to be discussed as a an artifact of reality- paranormal or not. Dean Radin’s book “Real Magic,” reveals overwhelming evidence for psy. Good evidence. Statistically significant. There is evidence we have abilities, latent, or suppressed.

Assume for a moment that Shamans are real, in both ability to affect the health of their people, and in their abilities to navigate a ‘non-real’ environment. Something not imagination, but it’s a place we all access in the same manner in which we access information. People with trauma have been known to experience the paranormal, talk to dead people, or access information that was not available to them prior. People with NDE’s, and if nearly dying isn’t a trauma, I don’t what is, experience things. Things compatible with what Shamans report. Maybe this is the same place that Robert Monroe, Tom Campbell, and even Carl Jung were all accessing. People who experience aliens reports getting downloads. There are levels of this.

Let’s explore some reals science before I take you there, though.


Before we get to the real science, I also want to mention my crazy uncle. He wasn’t crazy. He was insanely intelligent, and eccentric as all get out. Thomas Vanderveer. I most wanted to be like him growing up. He built the coolest gadgets. He built one that had randomly flashing diodes that he was using to gauge psychic abilities. He built strobe lights to make things that are moving seem to be still; he used strobes to alter consciousness. He was a licensed, ham radio operator. He was in the Navy. To be more precise, he met my father in the Navy, they became friends, he introduced my father to my mother and that’s how he became my uncle. He was the dive master on National Geographic’s search for Atlantis Project. He was the Mayor of Temple Texas. He had connections in the government with both FBI and CIA. Mind you, these were alleged contacts. He knew about UFOs. He knew about astral traveling…

Now, I told you I had no one to talk to about astral traveling growing up. Here he was, doing all of this stuff as an adult, and yet he didn’t talk to me about his ‘experiences’ until 2001. My wife at the time wanted to meet family. He still intrigued me and if there was anyone I wanted her to meet, it was him. At the time, he was a making Jewelry in Temple. On introducing him to first wife, he and started talking on a regular basis.

So many interesting stories about him. He, my brother, and Jessica were at his apartment after the divorce watching him scuba dive in the pool- that was the coolest thing ever and I wanted to do that! I was an asthmatic, there was no way in hell he was going to take me under. He talked about the Dogon tribe with my dad and their knowledge of Sirius prior to the ‘In Search of” episode in 1979. He and my father talked about the UFO that shut down a Texas highway and they sat there and watched it until it left. Authorities, military, were present blocking the road. What else could they do? On one occasion, he was discussing a firearm with my father and my aunt asked him to put it away before someone accidentally got shot. He corrected her, saying the safety was on and nothing could happen. He demonstrated by putting it to the palm of his hand and pulling on the trigger. The firearm, with safety on, discharged. I was present. Jessica screamed. There was a nice round hole in his hand. It did not bleed. He looked at it as if confused and asked my dad, “Would you mind driving me to the ER?’ “No, not at all.

Does it hurt?” “No.” Just bizarre casual. I would later hear the rest of the story: the doctor observed, ‘it’s not bleeding…’ Tommy said, “It’s going to now,” and here came the blood. And the pain. “Now I need that pain killer…”

Part of me was a little angry with him for a long a while. I really liked him. I wanted to spend time with him as a kid. Even as a young adult. He was always busy and off having adventures. Uncle Tommy makes the Dos Equis guy look like a couch potato. He knew stuff and people and I wanted in. He also didn’t think I was listening. On one occasion he and a ‘guest’ were talking and the man said, “You were at Norad during the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

He said, ‘Yes.” (Damn Stargate connection?!) “I am curious about something,” friend said. “You were there?”

“Briefly. We went to DEFCON one and before I was shuffle out, all these screens dropped down from the ceiling. The entire world was represented on these screens and everything of significance had a target. Every major city on Earth was targeted. Why?”

“They wanted to make sure that while we were recovering from the war with Russia that the Mexicans didn’t roll in and take over our property. If we were going back to the Stone Age, everyone was going back to the Stone Age,” Uncle Tommy stated.

Did I mention I have been fearful all my life? Nuclear war was one of those things I feared. Anyway, my uncle was the most interesting man in the world and he wanted nothing to do with me growing up, and on introducing him to Pearl, he was suddenly all in my life, calling me and talking to me.

“Why the hell do you want to talk to me now? I wanted to talk to you as a kid and learn stuff from you…”

“Honestly?” Uncle T asked. “I have only now just discovered how interesting you are…” “Oh. Okay,” I said. And that was it. We talked regularly. I reminded him of the Cuban Crisis thing.

“You remember that conversation?”

“There’s another explanation for nuking the whole planet,” I told him. “What’s that?”

“The Doomsday scenario is a last ditch effort to get the aliens to pay attention to us. If they invade, we blow up the planet,” I offered. Seriously, you can’t watch ‘Doctor Strangelove’ and not realize how seriously insane humanity is. My explanation sounded more plausible.

“What do you know about aliens…” and off to the races we went.

In our talks, he did not use the language “I was involved in the Stargate program.” This is what he said: “I worked with the CIA teaching operatives to be psychic spies at Scott and White Hospital.” He would go on to describe isolation tanks, floating tanks like in the movie ‘altered states.’ (Soft disclosure!) They didn’t just ‘float’ people. They injected LSD.

He talked about exploring under the Sphinx through an out of body experience and reported there was undisclosed chamber below the Sphinx where humans and aliens interacted and was at one time connected to a river and that it is much, much older than the ‘experts’ want to believe. He talked about trying to explore the moon through astral body, but each time he arrived in orbit, he was blocked by an entity that would state, “It is not your time. Return.”

Tommy died of prostate cancer. He declined modern medicines, preferring natural herbs.

I visited once while he was in the hospital, and he had a family face, where he was just as cheerful as he ever was, but the moment I was alone with him, he cried. I have never seen him more humbled, more… something. ‘Real’ is not the right word. We connected more in that small window of time than ever in my life. He got up, wanting to walk, and used me as support and then returned to bed, and when family came in, he was solid normal Tommy.

He believed in ghosts, souls, aliens, he knew about the grays… My relationship with him was just becoming interesting when it was too soon ended. I have wondered if he was telling me more because he knew his time was drawing near. It’s too near for us all.