We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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You Are All-Time

"The image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy." – Ezra Pound


The mind abolishes time through its own history, and thereby realisation of its true nature. It does not need to be told where it comes from, it already knows. It merely rediscovers its origins in every impossible way through our existence.

Imagine the mind as a psychic construct of energy that mediates between the ego, the "I" as the multiversal Self and its underlying foundation, the nothingness of our being. Basically, our subtle energy system turns clear light into the illusion of solidified energy, explained in detail later on. At this point, it is more important  to note, we are rooted into present-time via our connection to the biophotonic matrix on a quantum level.

Envision your timeline as a self-repeating cycle, which begins with the Big-Bang of the multiverse and ceases at its lateral end, containing every temporarily held form until 'now'. Your stream of consciousness that gives you a unique, diverse sense of individuality may lead to the source of all consciousness, but its inherent "nonpareility" is the purpose behind its existence. Your unique experience of eternity is inevitably leading you to realise yourself as the source of all relative experience. Experience can only take place in existence, therefore the sum of all experience is 'Existence' itself. In the light of all-pervading awareness, pure existence is the ultimate, self-sustaining formless state, we must all return to. Beyond description, mind or consciousness, it is our connection to the present moment, in which we shall always be free. All ailments vanish the deeper, we let ourselves fall into it. If you wish to focus your mind on any absolute truth,         let it be that...

In other words, time is a self-closed loop (like a morphogenic field), in which all of time occurs simultaneously. It arises from the quantum vacuum and then returns to it, only to begin again. Until we realise who what we truly are, our freedom is limited by our perception. We shape our reality concordant to it. It is the key to understanding the impermanent, confining nature of the phenomenal. How we interpret the possibilities as well as potential around us determines how much we have expanded our mind to reality...to the simple fact, anything is possible. When we no longer simply think or believe, but know this to be true, then we may get a small glimpse of what it actually means to be free. Our narrow interpretation of liberty is an infetixmal fragment of unabridged freedom. In true freedom, the breath stops as time ceases... Karma becomes an influence left behind in an illusory past. 'We' persists in its absence. It may seem like an all- consuming nothingness from which we cannot escape, but what is nothing, if  not free? Both are timeless constructs, which are deeply interlinked with one another. Once we are something, our state of being has been determined, therefore we cannot truly be free. However, nothing has no distinguishing qualities. It does not take any form. It never enters a state of double consciousness. It is the fourth  state of consciousness, which is interweaved in all others. It is essentially formless and luminous, but naturally aware.

Vortex of Time

Photons spin. So, when we say light vibrates to create space through sound, it is actually more accurately described as a swirling motion. In theory, this could technically create a continuum of space-time...A vortex of space-time, as it may, which contains many intricate dimensions, planes and realities. In all possibility,! we could be just that: A swirling body of clear light in the form space-time, possibly the size of an atom or photon...

In fact, the human energy system is exactly such a swirling vortex, when it flows in quintessential unison. In a state of complete oneness, the lowest chakra, which anchors us into this incarnation merges with the highest energy centre (that connects us to the biophotonic matrix) merge in an upward-flowing momentum. Initially, this is said to present with its own driving force.

Envision your body as an bio-electromagnetic energy conductor with its own  coil. What appears to be twelve swirling vortices is simply one gigantic vortex, segregated into different levels with varying dimensions. It does not merely encompass one timeline of one particular universe, but all elliptical timelines inside all possible existences. The human energy system is simply a smaller representation of a multiversal phenomenon. Essentially, they are both the same. Whereas we perceive psychic barriers circumventing energy in a smaller system, these barriers also exist between universes, planes of existences etc. Contrary to popular belief, the many worlds are deeply interconnected with each another. As stated in 'We are One', they share more than merely information, they are connected through consciousness.

Moreover, on an existential level, their state of being is intertwined. Any one universe could not exist without the one that came before it and so on. Their existence is interdependent, as it results from a supermassive chain reaction of non-local, non-temporal proportions. Without a specific set of events in one universe, its parallel counterpart does not form, nor does the universe succeeding it. However, the further we go back, the more these events begin to become non- existent in themselves. When nothing ever happened and nothing is all that is  ever going to happen, then what remains is the space for the realisation that nothing is something by itself...that 'nothing' is infinite...

Space-Time is a zero-point vacuum with infinite energy potential. It is  completely still and motionless. In its natural state, possibilities don't solidify, the potential for them in every variation just co-exists. Yet, as energy begins to condense, we enter a state of constant vibration. What once was undetermined, solely existing in possibility becomes a manifestation of its inherent potential.

In a unified state, reality is infinite energy-potential. It is all-space, all-time in all forms. So, when I say, 'you are all-time', I mean you are All, because deep inside you are the potential for all and vastly more. Within each one of us lingers the potential to achieve anything and it is awakening. Mankind is rising to the next level, brought about not only by planetary changes, but the sixth mass extinction. Whilst the arctic is melting into the sea, the poles are shifting and our environment is changing drastically. We may not observe these gradual changes, they will permanently alter our planet, unless they are reversed.

Stare Into The Void

When it comes down to spacial or temporal mechanics, we must bear the relationship between space-time in mind. We cannot interfere with one without interfering with the other. For example, by creating a timeline or deviating from the current one, we automatically meddle with space. In addition, by freezing an object or subject in a split-second of time, we also inadvertently 'freeze' space to variant degrees. (Beware violating Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle)

Energy cannot be created, therefore we have the option to either transform energy or draw from available energy reserves. Moreover, we cannot 'create' time without space or space without time. In one way or another, the only means to engineer both is either directly/indirectly through consciousness.

The human energy system currently presents as the best model on how to achieve this, since it already performs the necessary functions, we would need to  replicate through technology. When all the energy currents flow in unison, the energy field should technically unify in an upward-flowing/inward-flowing movement with its own driving momentum. In theory, it can be absorbed into the highest energy centre, which is coincidentally referred to as the grand wormhole network (also called the centre of universal consciousness) or the heart chakra.

Every energy centre directly corresponds to a specific state of consciousness. In turn, every state of consciousness is an entirely different, but related, dimension of experience. (Considering our knowledge about 11th and 12th dimension is still in its infancy, where M-Theory is concerned...As stated repeatedly in almost every published work, a unified theory cannot be found without the inclusion of concepts in direct association with self-realisation. Not merely consciousness transmigration, but the practical equivalence of the 'God'/Spirit Equation.)

Almost all levels of consciousness or dimensions of experience are maintained  by the three psychological barriers, since they circumvent energy to sustain psychic constructs, such as the ego. These are otherwise known as psychic knots or granthis. As long as the barriers are firmly in place, they obstruct the upward energy flow through lack of understanding. Each broken barrier in the confines  of space-time leads us closer to Self-Realisation, a unified reality, in which All is One...every person, every geographical location in relative space and every moment in every timeline. However, for this to occur, we must transcend ourselves,  even  our  individuality,  to  reach  the  universality  of  our  being:   An Unchanging Kind of Universal Individuality.

In truth, nothing is impossible for an awakened mind. If we dare to solemnly believe in ourselves, we can achieve anything. If we wish to feel the inner life of a loved one or if we desire to see the world through their eyes, then we can. If we wish to take a peak underneath the Pyramid of Giza to uncover its secret pathways, nobody except you can stop you from opening your mind. When all is interconnected throughout the vast totality of elliptical space-time, we can reach anywhere, but beware we'll invariably end up nowhere...

Before we can harness a fragment of the dormant potential within us, the direct route is to align the Hara Line manually, cleanse the energy centres and practice certain other meditative exercises, which are conducive to self-realisation. This can be done automatically through mantra recitation, but the process may be more intense or time-consuming.

Beware, as cosmic energy awakens in the base of the spine, it rises up the spinal column through each chakra. If an energy centre has not been unblocked, purified or opened sufficiently, vital force as well as cosmic energy can be prevented from rising to the higher chakras. For example, amongst other methods, the Bija seed sounds are an efficient means to awaken the dormant potential of a particular energy centre to its fullest extent.

The following techniques used to be freely available. However, since they have become difficult to come by, they are included in this book as an homage.

Technique Raise The Earth Star

1. Focus your mind to draw in the Hara Line and Earth Star slowly. It is normal to experience some sensations when you unground. If they become overwhelming, drop the Earth Star back down into the earth. As the Earth Star rises, draw it up to the point just below the root chakra. Hold it there as long as you can. Then, drop both back down into the earth. Learn to feel the difference.

2. Form a downward-pointing triangle with your hands, hold this directly in front of the Dan Tien. Feel the link between the Earths core and the Dan Tien. Visualise a red colour in the Dan Tien (laser line of light/Hara Line) connecting the Dan Tien with the molten core of the earth. Place the fingertips of your right hand into the Dan Tien, point the left palm to the right side of the body, fingers-down. Hold the left hand directly in front of the Dan Tien. Hold this until you are stable. Bring your awareness to the upper chest. (approx. 3in below the jugular notch on the midline) Place the fingertips of both hands into the soul-seat, as you did before in the Dan Tien. Expand a purple-blue light at this spot. Place the fingertips of the right hand into the soul seat and the fingertips of the left hand pointed down to the  earth, directly over the Dan Tien. The flat, open palm of the left hand facing the right side of the body. Feel the Hara Line running down from the soul seat through the Dan Tien, flowing down into Earth Star. When you can feel this clearly, you may proceed to the next step.

3. Leave the left hand, where it is, but raise the fingers of the right hand over your head. Let the middle finger of the right hand point at the chakra 3.5 feet above your head. Aim to feel the Hara Line, which extends from the soul seat up through the head to a small upside-down funnel. This a small vortex. When you are able to get the Hara Line through the ID point, it suddenly disappears into formlessness and you instantly feel the difference as it disappears into the tunnel. As soon as you connect it, you will have  thousands of times more power. Suddenly everything will get quiet inside, and you will feel like a bridge of power. You have aligned your Hara Line. Wait a few minutes in silent meditation, until it stabilises. (You may feel a jarring like someone has left on the hand-break, if you rush into other exercises too soon.) Then, lower the right hand with fingers pointed up and palm to the left side of the body over the soul seat. Keep the left hand  pointed down, palm to the right side of your body, held over the Dan Tien. Feel the Hara Line and these three points. Mentally straighten it. Intend for it to be straight, luminous and strong.

4. Focus all your energies until you feel it is straight and strong. Straighten your body again so that it is as if you were hanging from a hair on the middle top of your head. Tuck your buttocks under a bit, and deeply bend your knees, keeping your feet three feet apart and splayed out a bit to protect your knees. As you bend your knees they should come down directly over your feet. Check to see, feel, and hear if the points are strong, firm, and charged. If  there is weakness in any area, note which area it is. This is an area that needs healing work. Concentrate on it longer. Align the Hara Line and enhance the points the best you can.