We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Into The Loop

"We can easily forgive a child, who is afraid of the  dark.

The real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.”  –  Plato


There's a simple rule, time in motion is fluid. It remains in a constant state of vibration, resultant from its relationship with space as well as consciousness. Time is capable of flowing it all directions: Backwards, Forwards and Sideways. As we well know, time can be segregated it into domains, and consequently units of energy within the realm of cause & effect.

Imagine space-time as a stream, which encapsulates a sequence of events. From the pinnacle point that marks the beginning (of events), until they have run their course, the unfolding of these events cannot be halted. For example, if you dropped a glass, filled with water. From the moment you let go, until it either shatters on the ground or you grab it in mid-air, the events must unravel in accordance with cause & effect. A main governing principle in the multiverse on all spectra of experience. Although it may be effect to cause in a distant universe, due to the forward-flowing passage of time, it is cause to effect in 'here'. However, it must be noted that whichever direction events unfold, the cause always become the effect, just as the means become the end, and vice versa. When we imagine time as a stream, we must remember the stream flows inside a cosmic river. It is but a drop in the sea or a wave in the ocean... It is a event- based sequence, which can only occur as a result of other events. From the Big- Bang of the Multiverse to the Time's End, relative existence is one big chain- reaction that is still unfolding for us. Henceforth, our existence is easily  compared to the light of a dead star... Although we can perceive its light clearly  in the night-sky, it is a mere remnant. Developmentally speaking, some are in a place where we can still see it, while others do not.

Elliptical time is a chain reactions that originated from an existence buried deep within us. There is the nothingness of pure being, an existence in itself. Then, "something" is for a limited time-period. Yet, we invariably return to a state of complete nothingness with its own blinding luminosity. In this light, there is no time or distance. There is no self-consciousness, simply an indescribable sense of being, which may give rise to our vast multiverse. There is no re-affirmation of individuality or false self any longer. Power drawn from this kind of potential is absolute. It does not become, it just is... In such a state, power is ever-present and immutable. It is inherent in all consciousness features or every self-witnessing construct, while it is essentially formless. It is absolute, infinite energy-potential.

Time is Timeless

Timelessness is 'I Am Notness'

In the absence of cause & effect, what is time? It no longer exhibits any distinguishable features, it did before. We commonly associate with elliptical. linear or non-linear time. As we know, space-time is energy. It is being. Without being, there can be no matter. Yet, what we fail to realise is formlessness has substance. It does not merely become all matter, it is matter! Perhaps, such an idea is mind-bogglingly paradoxical, but it is not impossible.

Time can only take shape when it moves as a self-witnessing construct. Without consciousness, there is no movement. Moreover, in the absence of consciousness, time cannot stand still. It violates the uncertainty principle. Also, there can be no uncertainty without consciousness. We are beyond space-time in these  progressive forms. We are prior to becoming. In the non-local and non-temporal, there is no becoming, only unadulterated beingness.

Time is Non-Temporal

Space is Non-Local

Reality is stranger and more beautiful than fiction, but we will never know until we find the truth for ourselves. There is such a thing as non-temporal space and non-localised time, yet both require energy and matter to achieve any state of being. This may lead us to wonder, what is matter? In classical physics, matter is defined as any substance that takes up space. Our very definition of life is limited to its confines, but reality is not. For us, matter is reality, then again what is matter? If nothing is something by itself, perhaps it has substance when it exists by itself. Maybe, the formless has substance in the form of pure potential... Perhaps, it is its own kind of matter...

In Ancient Greek, the term 'matter' was carefully separated from mind or form. Socrates viewed matter as numbers. Aristotle rejected the theory of the atom and attempted to explain composition of matter through the four elements. Philo thought all matter is the source of evil etc...As you see, there are an innumerable theories. Some are stepping stones on the road to knowledge, others not so much. Personally, I used to stand in awe of the theory that a single photon or more created the multiverse. Earlier in this book, I summarised how photons can theoretically create vortices, which contain units of space-time. However, the same applies to anti-photons.

Now, let us rewind a little bit. There is one significant discrepancy with the paradigm that photons created the multiverse...They exist within the finite. They are clearly identifiable units of energy with non-zero mass. They may bend space-time at will and communicate instantaneously across any distance, but they quite clearly exist as particles/waves in the finite. Thus, they cannot be infinite, even if they predate the Big-Bang. They are observable units, infinity is not.

There is no observer or object to be observed in the absence of space-time. So, if I am correct, between photons and anti-photons, there is another kind of light...

The clear light of the biophotonic matrix. (Not its artificial post-mortem equivalent. Seriously, stay away from that!) Light in all its forms on the electromagnetic spectrum are waves of radiation. They are a minor piece in a large puzzle. They are a fragment in vast indivisible whole of clear light.

As stated previously, the formless has substance. Although it may seem massless, this is not the case. It is not that the massless does not have mass. Mass is simply incalculable, when potential is infinite...

Right now, we are looking at water and think we have found the source of all liquid. However, this is unlikely. Either photons and anti-photons are not what we think they are, for the reason that we cannot perceive reality at a speed faster than light...or the answer we seek is an amalgamation of both.

Bear with me, as we venture deep inside unknown territory here: White is amalgamation of all colours. Black is the absence of colour. When all light is absorbed, we end up with black. Now, if you were light, would it be more likely you would perceive yourself as all colours? (i.e. white) Or would you, as light, epitomise their absorption into you? (i.e. is clear light black?)

Crazy Fact: According to Swami Krishnananda, infinite space is dark, but luminous. Light does not blind itself. How we perceive clear light is different than how it perceives itself.

Imagine, you are floating through an endless space without time. After a while, when you are floating, you notice you are actually standing still. You realise, it is not you, who is floating and then it dawns: It is this illusion of infinite space moving by itself that is our many finite worlds. When it and you stand still you are this infinite space...

As we have discussed, there is no space without time. This begs to question, whether infinite space requires infinite time to exist (or vice versa). You may ask, what is infinite time? The deepest, darkest inch of being that remains, when all else falls away. It is the nothingness of being. It is an indescribable sense of being that becomes all-time. In motion, the essence of time is diluted, as it may. It sacrifices stability for 'continuity'...

Pure time equals pure awareness, which implies complete, single-minded presence in the moment. A moment, which never dies or changes. In the absence of consciousness, time does not progress and space does not localise. Although awareness does not cease, there is no mind. Without mind, there can be no thought, memory or 'self-consciousness'. In such a state, there can be no body. There is no matter that can be understood through non-experiential means or in any  terms  we  are  familiar  with.  Infinite  space-time  equals  infinite     energy, therefore it cannot be devoid of substance. It is formlessness that is all-matter. When something is all-things, it is not nothing, but it is not anything. Between being and non-being, becoming and the uncreated, there is an entire existence. There is the infinite energy-potential that just is. Words cannot describe what is surpassed by the mind or what it boggles to conceive. Words cannot describe where only the heart can go...into a reality of itself...

Technique Only After Light Meditation

Practice First: Focus on breathing though your left nostril. Draw Prana through the Ida Channel down into the Root Chakra. Visualise Prana flowing through the Hara Line down into the Earth. Ground it into the Earth- Star and hold your breath for a count of 10. Drop it, anchor it deep in the Earth. (Repeat process.)

1. Close your eyes. Picture your visual body standing in front of you. Blend your energy with it. Focus on the Hara Line running through your astral body from the higher point above the head down through the crown chakra, passing through the sixth and  fifth chakra into the soul-seat. Focus on it flowing down through the lower chakras, the Dan Tien, out of the root chakra and down into the earth. Ground your visual body. Take long, deep breaths. Feel your connection with the physical plane.

2. Now, focus on the point just above your head. Draw energy from the Earth and push this energy through the Hara Line. Make sure  it passes through the higher chakras (8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th) The 12th Chakra is our link with the grand wormhole network, yet it is also referred or as the elliptical timeline. Ground the top-end of the Hara Line into the elliptical timeline and try to feel that connection. Make sure you are linked correctly. Then, raise the Earth-Star, hold it at the Root Chakra.

3. Focus on a destination of your choice. Move your visual body along the Hara Line. When you arrive at the destination, drop the Hara Line and Earth-Star back down into the Earth. Feel this ground, as you link back into the physical plane. Wait for the Hara Line to stabilise. Be careful to ensure you are grounded properly.

4. Draw the Earth Star and Hara Line back into the Root Chakra. Teleport the visual body along the Hara Line back in front of your physical body. Drop the Hara Line and Earth-Star back down into the Earth. Wait for it to stabilise before drawing the visual body back into your physical body. In your own time, open your eyes.