We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Copy & Paste The Universe

"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity." – Henry D.  Thoreau


Time as we perceive it are empty seconds running by. Once they slip away, they are only retrieved in thought or memory. Outside of yoga, kalachakra or perhaps NLP techniques, mental time-travel is practiced far too rarely.

In a multiverse, where all is interconnected, our eyes could stretch over the world from the top of the Kilimanjaro. We could witness an ultracool dwarf star from close up or even stroll along the (liquid) nitrogen lakes on Pluto. Hypothetically, when we share consciousness with every point in space-time, they are a part of us. As one, we are them and they are us. Everything in the universe is connected. Every atom is linked with with other atom. In practice, this implies that nothing  is off limits. Whatever we might focus on, we can gain access to with sufficient skill and protection. Just beware, what we see is rarely what we expect in the beginning. We may open our minds to majestic beauty, but horrors that warp the soul. Both experiences are designed to return our awareness to its natural state, just avoid looking at governmental, military or corporate installations.

Attention is Energy

Absolute Concentration equals Maximum Energy Output

Firstly, observe with foreknowledge about how events will unfold. Secondly, learn how to alter its course. Before we start, it is important to note the less alterations are made to an alternate timeline, the easier it is to manifest. Also, the smaller the change, the less energy is required. It is far less complicated to  'create' an alternate timeline from the present than advertised. Parallel universes come into being every day. To knowingly change a subjective timeline, we must merely discover the unmanifest in the manifest and actualise its potential.

Every decision, we make, appears in every possible form already. Every time that we flip a coin, there is another universe, in which we lose or win. We hardly reflect on this process with every choice made in the multiverse, since every universe seems to function as a self-enclosed unit. A closed-off bubble in space- time in an ocean of consciousness, if you will. Remember, we are not designed to breech the barriers between worlds, until we realise that we already do.

So, we have to push the envelope. We must feel the intangible. We have to hear the inaudible. We must see the imperceptible. We have to conceive the inconceivable and express the inexpressible... In truth, we can sense the ripples  of big or small changes in space-time as easily as we can sense the tides turning inside a storm. Yet, where would be the profit in such endeavours? But do not be fooled, they happen. They have happened for as long as the clocks have begun

ticking...and until the very last tock, they will continue to be a regular  occurrence. The unimaginable and extraordinary is why we are here. Everything exists for the purpose of liberation. Everything exists for the realisation of where it comes from, even our elliptical timeline.

Warning: Playing with elliptical/linear time invariably leads to an understanding of its non-temporal nature. Without standing still or flowing forward, time has infinite potential.

We may influence a quantum system, like our multiverse, solely from outside its individualised components. In other words, we may only manipulate the system as the total sum of its parts. However, from experience, when we reunify with the whole on every level of our being, the whole itself becomes rather non-existent (in the manner that we've become accustomed to perceiving it).

Must We Have Chronological Time?

Life is an optical illusion. Whatever we can imagine may become reality. A floor can be a ceiling. A basement can be in the attic. Left can be right. Up can be down. As M.C. Escher once said "Chaos is multiplicity without rhythm."  Without rhythm, there is no consistency. The phenomenal world becomes a Rubik's cube of relativity in municipal form, where truth is stranger than fiction.

Everything becomes what it is not, when it cannot become what it is...

Time is a continuous sequence of progression interpreted through consciousness. In its linear states, we become. However, within that becoming, what actually takes place? There is chronological time, in which societies function according to the star system, they are located in as well as their basic requirements. It depends on whether the dominant organism on a celestial body is diurnal or nocturnal, or if there is a gravitational heat-source of any kind nearby at all.

Aside from its physiological side-effects, chronological time is inherently psychological, although it is also elliptical due to the nature of time in all its variations. Calendars change, when our understanding evolves or our civilisations fall. How any species measures time is dependent on various factors. (i.e. geographical location, seasonal changes, psycho-physical attributes) Ultimately, it all boils down to their level of consciousness, reflected in their cognitive state. By assessing the level of consciousness via the cognitive state through which it is expressed, we may discern how balanced a particular approach to time is. The rich history of the Gregorian Calendar shows just how deeply synonymous mental and spiritual growth are. For mankind perhaps more than other sentient species due to our propensity toward ideological warfare. In any case, the more understanding of space-time evolves, the less reliant any single species is on measuring it externally.

Philosophically speaking, a calendar is a socially-binding agreement, which is more revealing about the species itself than the universe than they are in. At first glance, it shows how any life-form fares against exposure to the natural elements present in their environment. Whether a species adapts to their surroundings or modifies them according to their immediate needs speaks to their presence of mind. No species can maintain an artificial environment indefinitely without affecting the planet, on which it is located. In the absence of any countermeasures, smaller changes turn into larger ones, until they become permanent modifications to the environment. This is how habitable planets become inhabitable through habitation, and vice versa.

Every planet undergoes seasonal changes. Although we commonly associated these changes with temperature fluctuations, this is not always the case. For example, although Venus has annual seasons, its temperature does not vary by much. Since the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contains all the thermal  energy, heat is distributed around the planet on a constant cycle, keeping the temperature roughly at a crackling 460°C. Amongst other things, Venus rotates very slowly, which means large regions are covered in darkness for 50 day in a row. Venus also suffers from severe magnetic storms with such extreme solar winds, the sheer velocity strips bare layer after layer of the volcanic plains.

Take a moment to imagine such immense magnetic pressure and force that it generates gigantic electric currents in complete darkness (with perhaps the occasional shimmer of light in the distance). Envision long-stretches of seemingly barren terrain where lava flows, as far as the eye can reach. Shrouded in a thick atmosphere, envision frequent bursts of magma into the stratosphere from active volcanoes...This is what Earth may become.

A species capable of living on the surface would have to be able to survive in these conditions or shield themselves from them. Underneath the ground, this turn into an entirely different conversation. (When space under the surface is hollowed out, close enough to the possibly magnetic core currently in flux, the conditions should become stable enough to maintain an artificial environment.) Any species acclimatised to the surface conditions on Venus would not be comfortable on Earth. Although there is little difference in surface gravity, Earth would be too cold and humid in comparison. Our harshest storms would be a mere breeze. For what it is worth, the air could be about just as breathable as in our most polluted areas.

On an unrelated note, to terra-form Venus would be hard in comparison to Mars. Both is not recommended. Despite this, Venus has vast potential for a rich and wide-ranging agriculture. Volcanic soil is amongst the most fertile. In combination with its ash, our civilisations have thrived on nutrient-dense produce from volcanic soil for millennia. Moreover, the bio-domes created by our rain-forests, which we are currently stripping bare, could be established on Venus in a period of under 100 years. Despite its harsh conditions, plant-life could develop freely on the surface, once the poles stabilise. After a fixed point in their development, a wide array of trees would be able to thrive in these conditions unaided. (Again, hemp is the most sustainable option, since it has the fastest turnover rate. More importantly, materials with quick turnover rate and countless potential uses are a vital necessity on extra-planetary soil, they exhibit greater effects on the atmosphere at a swifter pace.)

A solar day lasts exactly 24 hours. On Earth, a sidereal day is approximately 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. A Venusian calendar would be strikingly different compared to ours. Except for 50 days of darkness in various locations, it has the longest rotation period. On Venus, a year is 225 days in length, one day lasts 116 days and 18 hours. This means one rotation takes 5,832 hours. Mercury takes 1,408 hours. On Mars, it takes 25 hours. As gas giants rotate faster, Jupiter completes one rotation in about 10 hours. 11 hours for Saturn. 17 hours for a day on Uranus and Neptune takes 16 hours.

So, you see, sidereal time is relative. It is a psychological construct to document and measure change based on the planetary rotations. However, the progression of time is simply our becoming. In linear time, we must become in order to be, as paradoxical as this may sound. Today is the foundation for yesterday, which then becomes tomorrow. Yet, all this time...Our future is right here and now in the present moment, if we dare to realise it.

How we deal with challenges and handle change reveals who we truly are. It can either define us on every level or it can free us from all conditioning. In the  words of Krishnamurti, we are caught in this circle, which we call living, time and thought. We associate our identity with our memories, conditioning, ideas, hopes, despair or even the utter loneliness of existence. To  us, all this is 'time'.  He reasons that in this individualised state, we create tomorrow. If there was no tomorrow, there would be no experience of the fact. All forms of experience require space-time to take place. Conclusively, in the absence of tomorrow, the 'now' that is today never ends...

Free from all experience, the law of gradualness relinquishes its hold. We enter a timeless, void-like state beyond consciousness. This is easily accessible through deep awareness as well as meditation. Nevertheless, for a stable or prolonged sequence of experiences, the main objective to operate in Theta and then proceed to Delta by deepening the previous state. The following techniques should be performed with a clear mind, confidence in your natural abilities and a playful attitude. After all, if you cannot be easy-going, relaxed or enjoy yourself, then what is the point?

MEST Replication

When we copy and paste content, we do not have the choice make any corrections. We copy what is there, store it and then deposit it on a blank page. (By that reasoning, every new parallel universe is very much like a new page, in which fixed sets of events represent chapters, creating new pages.) However, to copy what is present, we must first have a blank page. Then, we must be either (a) intimately familiar with what there is or (b) at least display an all-pervasive awareness in a non-ordinary state of consciousness to copy an (etheric) blueprint of the content. (Merely altering a single planet requires time, space, energy and resources, replicating one even more so. Hence, the energy expenditure in replicating a universal quantum system with a set mass and varying density may be unprecedented.)

Crazy Theory: The more people are involved, when an alternate timeline manifests through intent, the more energy is available to maintain its stability, as it may. Hypothetically, the amount of energy involved appears  to make the difference between creating a parallel or pocket universe. When the alternative timeline begins from an earlier or later point, that is where the real work begins. Intense preparation is necessary, before deviating  from a pre-established timeline (i.e. the ability to travel backwards in time)

Mental Technique Groundhog Day

  1. Close your eyes. Perform Light-Body Meditation. Charge the auric layers  and every centres with prana and fifth force energy. Draw up the Hara Line and Earth Star upward through the the Dan Tiens and energy centres out through the crown chakra. Secure the Hara Line in the Stellar Gateway or Grand Network. When performed correctly, you will feel an universal link with a vast network. Then, make sure you've cleared your mind sufficiently.
  2. Envision a transparent clock-face on its closed front. Look behind it and examine the visual representation of the lineal timeline. When you can see  the timeline clearly, you'll notice it starts exactly 24 hours from this moment. Now, feel free to reset the clock to a specific time within the 24h window.
  3. In your own time, connect the beginning with the end or vice versa. When it appears as though the lineal timeline has been short-circuited to be elliptical and self-repeating, then you've created a closed time-loop.
  4. When in doubt as to whether it worked, infuse with more prana, fifth force and additional instructions. As soon as you're ready, open the vortex. Inspect it for flaws in construction. When these are sealed, walk into it and examine the inside. When it is stable, exit on the other side. When it works, you'll arrive approx. 24 hours from the pre-set point to re-initiate the day.

In case you get stuck, it should be noted it is possible to manually disconnect the beginning from the end of the lineal timeline. Through the 12th energy centre, you are able to return to the physical body at any moment. If you are concerned that you may not be able to come back at will, connect to the vortex mentally and imprint it with the instruction to drop back you in present-time at short notice.

Experimental Technique 12th Chakra Time-Loop

1. Close your eyes. Stand or lie down, but keep the spine and neck in  alignment. Perform Light-Body and Core Star Meditation. Charge the body prana and fifth force energy. Ensure the breath flows evenly from both nostrils. In any case, practice alternate nostril breathing with breath retention.

2. Focus on breathing though your left nostril. As you do so, draw prana up through the lunar and solar channel into the Root Chakra. Envision prana flowing along the Hara Line down to the Earth Star. Inhale deeply,  then  retain the breath for 10 seconds. This will arouse vital force with which you can infuse the Root Chakra, Hara Line and Earth Star. Slowly raise up both along with your breath just above the Root Chakra. Hold it there. Secure it there temporarily, if necessary. You may feel the body trying to jump, as though you left the handbrake on. Don't be alarmed, this is normal.

3. Now, keep your mind empty. Be very precise: Take your time to travel up the central channel to the 12th Chakra. Breathe though right nostril, drawing the prana through the solar channel into the Sacral Chakra hold the breath for about a count of 10. Open the Sacral Chakra. Drawn prana back up through the Solar Channel pass the Third Eye and exhale through the nostrils for a count of six. Repeat process: When the energy passes through the Ida, the Lunar channel on inhalation, exhale while you focus on a destination within  a timespan of 24 hours .

4. Upon arrival, disorientation is normal in the beginning. Switch to the Lunar Channel. Inhale through the left nostril for the last time. When prana flows in Ida again, lower the Earth Star into the ground along with the Hara Line.

5. Take sufficient time to ground yourself in the physical plane, but hold onto the Earth Star in the ground. When ready, exhale and release.