We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Natural Talents of Light

"Where there's a will, there's a way."  –


What is power? Without the ego, it is ever-present within. When we begin to perceive the internal as the external, the imperative becomes to master 'external' influences. As a limb of yoga, this is referred to as pratyhara (Sanskrit: Prati translates as against/away; Ahara means anything we take in from the outside) It involves abstaining from wrong diet, impressions and associations, for the right diet, impressions and associations. To achieve this, we need control over our vital energies, followed by the senses. An effective technique for an intense pratyhara session is Ramana Maharshi method. He is said to have attained self-realisation  at 17 by visualising his death. He envisioned his body withdrawing his vital energies into the mind and the mind into the heart.

What if I told you that you are all-powerful already? The secret to its cultivation hides in plain sight. In oneness, my power is your power, vice versa. That which is controlled is not outside those who control it. They share a deeper connection. For more information, read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This chapter represents a more practical extension of its practices. In our natural state, we are at one with our natural environment, the elements and the cosmos. We do not resonate with one element, but all. Kinetic abilities are just a physical representation of our interconnectedness with people, object as well as the world. They are as natural  to us as breathing. Telepathic abilities reside within both hemispheres at the Corpus Callosum Channel (in connection with both temples). It forms the bridge between normal and 'superconscious' ability. (The cerebellum is the centre of the casual or etheric body.) When this is opened, energy begins to awaken the telekinetic channel that resides in the right hemisphere of the Corpus Callosum. Here we can find our gift for telekinesis, invisibility and levitation.


There are three chakras associated with levitation: the root chakra, heart chakra and the third eye. Choose one of these chakras to meditate on. It will grant you the power. Remember, all systems are interweaved. If you develop one, you also develop others. For instance if you meditate on the Third Eye, you pull energies upward, allowing you to levitate. Also, you will possess a light body, clairvoyant, telepathic as well as telekinetic abilities. Should you decide to you meditate on the Heart chakra, you also cultivate clairsentience. When you meditate on the Root chakra, you develop a deep connection with the planet Earth, including everything in, on or within its bio-electromagnetic field.

Whichever means we use for levitation, we operate through what is know as the Udana Vayu. It is commonly referred to as upward-flowing current of   life-force.

The Udana current begins at the base of the throat, stretching above the top of the head. It connects the 5th, 6th, and 7th energy centres. As the upper section of the central channel, it takes the shape of a vertical cord into which all the energy centres pour their life-force, information and consciousness. Learn to focus on it. Outside of 'special' abilities, it serves other functions. It balances, interlinks, integrates the chakras and maintains their harmonic functions. According to the Vedic scriptures, the Udana is responsible for accurate time, thought as well as memory. It unifies memory in accordance with time, space and causation. Furthermore, it is associated with swallowing, belching, regular sleep-cycles and controlling our hunger. It creates moisture/dampness in the body for it to function in optimal conditions, while strengthening the immune system. Through the upward-flowing current, we may travel through dimensions, teleport or phase through any obstacle. Simply visualise a small cord (golden/white blue in colour) from the base of the throat to the top of the head at the centre of the body. Maintain this image and breathe into it. Imagine the vital energies of every breath flowing into it with its own upward momentum. With practice, the Udana vayu become more perceptible in form as well as colour. This exercise also aids our internal vision (x-ray/auric). After stable practice, envision the Udana Vayu growing larger until it is big enough to carry you upwards. With this exercise,   we do not merely rise physically, we elevate ourselves emotionally, mentally or spiritually. We even elevate ourselves on an energetic level, reflected in our vibrational frequency. It is rumoured, levitation develops concurrently with the ability to perform a phase body shift with the light-body.

The following techniques used to be freely available. Since they are difficult to come by, they've been included as an homage with some minor additions.

Physical Technique Levitation

1. Sit in half or full lotus with the tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Ensure your breath flows evenly through both nostrils. Close your eye. Visualise a golden sun (the size of a volleyball or larger) 4-8 feet above the head. Envision it radiating golden energy in all directions.

2. As you visualise this phantom sun, draw this radiant energy into your soul-seat, throat and head with each inhalation. Visualise this energy collected at the soul-seat, located between the heart/throat chakras.

3. With every inhalation, the energy is collected in the soul-seat area as it slowly turns golden. With every your exhalation, envision the-soul seat rotating with the collected golden light-energy from the phantom sun above your head.

4. With every practice session, the soul-seat begins to appear more like a golden sun, shining its light in all direction. It cultivates and increases inner strength.

5. Repeat process. Inhale, draw energy down into the soul-seat and accumulate it there. Exhale, then rotate it in either direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.

6. The more this exercise is repeated, lighter the body becomes. As the protons, neutrons, and electrons in the body start to flow upward, you technically float automatically. When this happens, continue to breathe and visualise. When you're sure you are ready, open your eyes. Just keep breathing and visualising.

Crazy Theory: If you place a magnet above a superconductor, the magnet will levitate. This is known as the Meissner Effect. As a magnet creates a mirror image of itself in the superconductor, the actual and the phantom magnet repel each other. The magnet is pushed  upward by the repelling force of the superconductor, which causes it to levitate. Now, the human energy system is a multidimensional superconductor, when the Kundalini rises above the head, it should technically replicate the Meissner Effect. It has to be noted the Kundalini cannot rise that high while the three psychological barriers are still in place.


To become invisible, we require the ability to block out light, including its many spectra. Similar to when a cloud obstructs our view and we cannot observe rays of sunlight from the ground...when light is blocked out, objects or lifeforms become 'invisible'. A similar means to achieve a state of invisibility is used in this chapter. As detailed below, what we are going to do here is project fifth force energy from the solar plexus to block the light emitted by our cells and energy system. In essence, we absorb Kundalini energy to draw it upward from the base of the spine. Then, we accumulate fifth force energy and also drawn it into the solar plexus and out through it. We blend the energies in the chakra. Afterwards, we form a photonic cloud around the physical body, tinted in the shade of black. This photonic cloud is designed to acts as a cloak around the physical body.

Light is contained within all objects. However, as we discussed in the last book, photonic energy is constantly absorbed and expelled, until the point where it is not. This leads us to a question I once read, if biophotonic energy surrounds all physical matter, then it would stand to reason, it can be cancelled out, which would turn an object 'invisible'. Do not mistake invisibility for teleportation. When we become invisible, we do not move the body in space-time. The kind of techniques for invisibility detailed here take place in the present. When we play with light to turn objects or ourselves invisible, we (or the object) remain in a solid state. The composition of matter in the body is not affected as such, it is merely concealed. At its core, the process of matter becoming invisible implies that matter is transformed by harnessing its inherent potential. As we have previously discussed, light is the building block of matter, which  means  all matter has the capacity to take more transparent forms.

Fifty Force Energy: (also known as etheric or black matter) Although we may not perceive fifth force energy, it has substance. It is matter, simply not in any way, which we are familiar with. It has been stated, out of all the energies in the universe fifth force is the most powerful energy, as it is in every living thing throughout the universe. In theory, the fifth force binds all molecular structures together. Thus, the larger the object, the greater the fifth force energy within it.

Fifth Force Energy Charging Exercise

Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Concentrate as you visualise clear light energy flowing downward into the crown chakra. Let this clear light reach into every cell of the body. Relax deeper and deeper. Direct the energy into your hand and feet. Feel it flowing out through your palms. Take as long as possible to feel  this energy surging through you.

Historically, invisibility is an integral aspect of ancient mythology. Mankind has always been afraid of that which it cannot see. Who wouldn't be when we're  alone in the dark, surrounded by far more predatorial creatures than we know. As an old story goes, the Greek hero Perseus confronted Medusa, while he wore the helmet of invisibility. The search for means to be invisible has lured countless men to their graves. On the other hand, it has also led us to discover great truths. Plato used invisibility as a metaphor to reason that man is corruptible. If given a chance to steal or murder at will without the risk of prosecution, few would decline the offer. Plato insisted the power of invisibility would cause men to commit great crimes as they already do with a fragment of this power.

To elaborate, when we hide something, it appears almost invisible, but all we have done is obstruct another persons view. Who we show to the world is not necessarily who we are. Despite the fact, we may seem to be superiorly moral, appearances are deceiving. Consequently, for as long as ethics is perceived as an external construct imposed on us, it cannot be an internal construct or vice versa. Our morals do not define us. Yet, they are reflected through our actions. Ultimately, we are prior to the highest moral standard, which we could conceive with our minds. In such a non-externalised state, we are desireless, 'unflinching' and beyond. There is no desire, hence there is no need, vice versa. In addition, whereas the ethical guidelines of society may devolve, be stagnated temporarily or evolve, the consequences on a moral spectrum remain unchanged.

Mental Technique Invisibility

1. Close your eyes. Visualise that your visual body is the standing in front of you. Envision a well of energy at the solar plexus. Within it, there is a golden energy. Picture this golden light trickling out the base, spreading out into the energy centre.

2. Envision the chakra spinning, as it transforms from yellow to golden. Feel it owing radiantly with this powerful energy. With every exhale, feel the solar plexus chakra spinning faster, while its momentum blends the Kundalini energy with the solar plexus. Then, instruct the energy to form a photonic cloud of black light.

3. When the energy trickles out of the top of the energy centre, visualise it flowing into the visual body. Project this photonic cloud by visualising it as a movement of consciousness, encompassing all the layers of your very existence. Focus your mind on the photonic cloud. Visualise, the visual body becoming invisible. More importantly, feel how it is blocking out the light of your being. When you are ready, return your visual body back into a state of visibility. Feel it. See it. Envision the solar plexus chakra reabsorbing the photonic energy.

Physical Technique Invisibility

  1. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply through the diaphragm. Visualise a well of energy at the root chakra. Within it, there is a golden energy. Picture this golden light trickling out the base, spreading out into the energy centre. As the chakra spins, envision the  chakra becoming golden in colour with its radiant light-energy. Feel that energy. Let it become enveloped in this energy.
  2. Focus on the sacral chakra and repeat process. Once you reach the crown chakra, envision this golden energy flowing into all energy centres until begins to flow over into and then through the physical body. Feel it running into and through the auric field, until it reaches the seventh layer. Visualise golden clouds are forming in the auric field. Instruct the clouds to change their colour to black, when you concentrate your mind on turning invisible. The easiest method to practice this method is to position oneself in front of a mirror. As you watch observe your reflection, focus your mind on the photonic clouds. Feel them changing from their natural golden colour to black. When your reflection vanishes, try to hold this state for a moment. After a few minutes focus your mind on the photonic clouds reappearing again and centre yourself.

Wormholes are defined here as a passageway from one point of space-time to another in present-time, but they are also tools for going backwards and forwards in time. As the energy necessary to create them is vast, so it is preferable if we master biophotonic energy absorption beforehand.

Mental Technique Wormhole Construction

1. Close your eyes. Envision your astral body standing in front of you. Charge it with prana and fifth force energy. In your own time, create the clear image of a wormhole. Project your consciousness to form a wormhole the same size as the astral body.

2. Infuse this projection with prana and fifth force energy. When you are ready, continue charging it with these two energies but mentally on opening this wormhole.

Warning: When done correctly this wormhole serves as a doorway between both time and space. So, be very mindful of your thoughts!

3. Envision the astral body approaching the wormhole. Inspect the opening of the wormhole. Ensure that it is solid in construction. Check whether there are any cracks or lines in the wormhole. When you are uncertain, if it will hold, then infuse it with more energy. Eventually, enter the wormhole with your astral body. As you do so, inspect its internal structure. If it is solid in construction, exit the wormhole. On the other side, draw the prana and fifth energy out of the wormhole and back into the astral  body. stop projecting the image of the wormhole.

Mental Technique Wormhole Cloaking

  1. Construct a wormhole as explained above. Charge and infuse your astral body with fifth force energy. Expel this energy out of your right palm and into the astral body and the wormhole. As as you  do this, instruct the fifth force energy to cloak it to shield yourself from unwanted attention.
  2. Approach the wormhole with the astral body. Ensure it remains open. Inspect it for cracks and other irregularities to make certain that it is solid in construction. Exit the wormhole with your astral body. Then, draw the fifth force energy back into the astral body. Close the wormhole.

Mental Technique Wormhole Detection

  1. Construct a wormhole, but leave it open. Expel fifth force energy out of your right palm. Push this energy around to your left palm, forming a full circle. Continue to infuse it with energy until feel the difference.
  2. Mentally drawn more energy into it as you expand the circle. Note if it detects the pre-constructed wormhole. Practice until it does. Afterwards, cloak the wormhole and repeat process. If t cannot be detected, keep practicing. In your own time, draw the energy from the circle and wormhole back into your palms.

Physical Technique Wormhole Construction

  1. Focus on drawing energy into your body and down to your right palm. Feel the energy, flowing through you. Be at one with that energy. Inhale this energy, exhale everything that is not this  energy. As the energy composition within the body changes, take a moment to embrace this new energy. Feel how it is becoming you.
  2. Construct a wormhole from your palm. In your own time, expand the wormhole by drawing more energy into and then out from your palm. Hold it there.
  3. Feel the wormhole expand until it is the same size as you. Focus  to keep it steady. When you can do this comfortably, focus your mind to open it on both sides. This may require a few tries. Ensure it is stable before attempting to pass through it. Then, focus on a destination close by. In your own time, draw the energy back into the palm. Note the energy flowing back into and through your body.


Teleportation is defined as moving matter from one point in localised space-time to another (almost) instantaneously. There are numerous different types of teleportation. First things first, when we learn to teleport it is important to study the movement of energy around and within us. All lifeforms and matter are surrounded by an electromagnetic field. Explore and meditate on its structure.

In teleportation, two primary energy systems are used: the Hara Line and Kundalini at the base of the spine. All our hidden powers stem from an awakening or awakened Kundalini. Anything we imagine can become possible through it rising to the crown chakra. However, to channel the amount of energy required, we must transform our bodies into a quantum superconductor. This is a psychological as much as a physical process, which transforms every level of our being by gradually increasing the practice intensity.

Mental Technique Teleportation

  1. Perform light-body meditation. Charge your physical body with prana. Blend your energy with the astral body. Envision prana blending with the astral body. Once you are ready, visualise your astral body standing in front of you. Then, focus on a destination.
  2. In your own time, return to your physical body. Take a moment to observe your physical body in lotus and open your eyes.

Physical Technique Teleportation

  1. Visualise a well of energy at the root chakra. Envision golden light-energy trickling out the base, spreading out into the energy centre. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its radiant light-energy. Feel that energy. Focus on the sacral chakra and repeat process. Once you reach the crown chakra, envision this golden energy flowing into all energy centres until begins to flow over into and then through the physical body. Feel this energy flowing through every part of your body and level of your entire being. Bathe in this light-energy for approximately 20-30 minutes to ensure that your body is light and golden. Ensure that your breaths flows equally through both nostrils.
  2. Focus on breathing through the right nostril. Draw prana through the solar channel into the sacral chakra. Hold your breath for a count of ten at first. Focus on opening the sacral chakra. Then, draw the energy back up through the solar channel into the third eye. Exhale for a count of six, while focusing on a destination. At first, the destination should be nearby. The radius can be expanded gradually with practice.
  3. Focus on breathing though the left nostril. Draw prana through the lunar channel and down into the root chakra. Envision prana flowing down the Hara line into the earth. Infuse the Earth Star with prana, grounding it. Meanwhile, hold your breath for a count of ten. (It is normal to feel the body is trying to jump or shunt.)
  4. In your own time, draw the breath and prana back up the Hara Line, as you pull up the Earth Star. Raise both just above the root chakra. When the energy passes through the lunar channel, focus on the destination in your minds eye and teleport as you exhale. Upon arrival, disorientation is expected. Inhale through the left nostril and infuse the Earth Star with prana. Then, drop it back down into the earth along with the Hara Line. Take a moment to ground yourself back into the physical plane.

Mental Technique Light-Energy Wormhole

  1. Perform light-body meditation for 30-60 minutes. Afterward, Envision your astral body standing in front of the physical body. Expand light-energy from your core and transform the astral body into luminous clear light. The astral body may vanish and  reappear in the form of light. Feel the powerful energy of this light within you. Feel it cursing through the auric layers of your being.
  2. In your own time, draw a four-dimensional holographic image of the astral body into the palm of the right hand, where you will infuse it with light-energy and then hold it there.
  3. Draw light-energy from the palm of the right hand to approx. one metre before the astral body. Meanwhile, focus on accumulating enough light-energy to form a dimensional wormhole in front of the astral body still in your right palm.
  4. When ready, expand the astral body to the size of the physical body. Envision seeing through its eyes. Afterwards, walk up to the wormhole. Ensure that the opening is solid in construction.  Inspect it for cracks or lines. If uncertain, let light-energy flow over the inner as well as outer opening, filling any possible small or almost unrecognisable hair-line fractures.
  5. In time, enter the wormhole with your astral body. Again, inspect the inner dimensions of the wormhole. When you are sure that it is solid, exit the wormhole.
  6. On the other side, project light-energy from the right palm (on the astral body through astral vision). Focus on surrounding the wormhole with a cloak. When done right, the wormhole should become invisible and you can wandering off exploring...
  7. When you are ready to come back, draw light-energy back into the astral body from the right palm. Charge and hold it, as you instruct the light-energy to open a wormhole each time you stretch out your palm out, while project this type of wormhole. When you are quite finished, return the astral body back to the physical body and merge them. Open your eyes.


Mental & Physical Time-Travel

"The place where knowledge occurs is the  present.

That which recognises the present is mind." Fred Alan Wolf

Conventionally, time is defined as a non-spatial continuum, in which events  occur in an apparently irreversible succession according to cause & effect.

It has been theorised, once we set an event in motion, its effects cannot be halted. However, in the absence of consciousness, cause & effect merge. Matter incl. space-time lingers in a state of undetermined probability. It feels as though there is infinite (while incredibly subtle) energy-potential for elliptical space-time.

Einstein described space-time as a rather persistent illusion. We may argue, time is merely an illusion produced through the manner, in which our consciousness interprets passing sequences of moments. Time only flows in regions, where consciousness is present, in order for the illusion to be produced. Yet, it often lies dormant. Time is merely a mathematical line that severs a sequence of events, which we categorise as the past, present or future. In actuality, all of time occurs simultaneously. Therefore, space is also...

Crazy Fact: Quantum foam, the proposed foundation to the fabric of  reality, for instance, is considered to be created by virtual particles of exponential high energy. According to the holographic principle, the description of a volume of space can be regarded as being encoded on a boundary to the region. In a larger view, the paradigm proposes that the entire universe can be viewed as a two-dimensional information structure upon the cosmological horizon. the macroscopic scales and low energies experienced would facilitate the illusion of three or even more dimensions.

Although I would personally suggest an multi-dimensional information structure, which is ordered according to the particular universe affected, there are countless ways to give the impression of matter, energy, space and time.

On a related note, when the holographic principle was inspired by black hole thermodynamics, it was discovered the informational content of all the objects that had fallen into the hole could be entirely contained in surface fluctuations of the event horizon. With this, the holographic principle resolved the black hole information paradox within the framework of string theory. It means not just matter or physical information permanently disappears into a black hole. It also swallows space, time, energy and thereby consciousness. Theoretically, this implies all states devolve into the same state. Truth be told, there is still much  that we do not know conclusively about the different types of black/white  holes.

We may estimate the process anyone would have to endure, when entering a  black hole without sufficient shielding. There are numerous suggestions, but one specifically caught my eye: the proposition that consciousness can be 'trapped' on the other end of a black hole. Disregarding any covert scientific experiments, the energy, which makes up an 'individual' would most likely be dissolved by the black hole itself. Presumably, only consciousness would emerge on the other side. Probably without a physical body or worse. Yet, the chance is that the surface fluctuations at the event horizon would show an intriguing informational content, which would differ in comparison to inanimate objects.

Warning: S