We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Time's End

"The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery."

Fred Alan Wolf


According to quantum physics, all is interconnected. Space-time is therefore simultaneous. Space-time is as non-local and non-temporal as the multiverse, which facilitates it. Throughout the entirety of history, humanity has strived to determine the cause behind the existence of our universe, resulting in an infinity of theories. According to the Vedic and Buddhist scriptures, existence is perpetuated by desire. Others have theorised the Big Bang could have been caused by the collapse of the last black hole. Imploding to such a degree that it exploded. Yet, that'd require a specific combination of particles in order for what we call the 'spark of life' to happen, as it may. Without the trigger for the implosion, the universe never is. Nonetheless, each paradigm to explain our existence shares a common denominator: pure thought/energy, in combination with pure intent and/or will-power, can literally alter the outcome of any situation, regardless of prior knowledge or manipulation of space-time.

It is a widely held misconception that the laws of physics prevent time travel, however, in truth they may actually require it. Although we may easily fall into circular reasoning, paradoxes do not usually lead to logical inconsistencies...    For instance, if a future action (A) leads to a consequence (B) in the past that prevents that action A from taking place, then how could action A occur to begin with? This type of inconsistency paradox is also referred to as the grandfather paradox. Contrary to popular opinion, these paradoxes are more easily resolved than expected. Although classical physics has no problem with events appearing in a reversed time order, the classical physicist frequently insists that time and space are immutable. Somehow, he cannot reconcile the sequence of events with his present understanding, often leading to somewhat 'unexpected' cognitive dissonance.

Autonomy Principle:    According to   this   principle, we   may conduct experiments anywhere without concern for the rest of the universe. Since we know, when everything is interconnected as well as interrelated, the likelihood of true autonomy within such a multiverse is zero.

This bring us to the question, what is zero? Some scientists theorise it is the sum of our universe or even the multiverse. Back to the autonomy principle: While this principle has been repeatedly replicated through various scientific methods, we can also prove beyond any doubt that nothing exists an autonomous unit.   We may say our experiments confine themselves to a particular point in space-time without reference to the rest of the world, but this is simply inaccurate. (i.e. Autonomy implies free will. Yet, when all-things are bound by cause & effect,  we restrict our own free will by limiting ourselves with the pre-determined choices available in present-time.) However, where our underlying nature is concerned, this principle takes on an entirely different form. In truth, we are an autonomous unit, which cannot be referenced from within relative existence.

Back to physical time-travel, paradoxes have a way of reconciling themselves. For example, if we were to go backwards in time to an earlier point, the moment we arrive the universe would split into two almost identical copies. Physicist  Fred Alan Wolf proposes that instead of unconnected parallel universes, each containing its own paradoxical closed time-like line and a copy of the time- traveller, there would be two parallel universes threaded by a single closed time- like line. Hence, he concluded that paradoxes do eventually resolve themselves, often by construction two version of a reality, which would seem nearly identical.

Moreover, each parallel world contains a single future event that connects with the present event through the modulation effect. This is seemingly how parallel worlds become separate. Once the modulation takes place, the parallel worlds split off and no longer interfere with each other. It should be also be noted, if both, the possibility wave and the complex conjugate wave, are a part of physical reality, time would not merely be a one way stream. Additionally, it is possible for the brain to naturally tune in with the future and resonate with the past. And for most, this already occurs within the mind without conscious  realisation. Those that are known as visionaries may as well be those who are able to tune into other worlds outside our current one. The past and future are merely reference points on a larger, much more complex amount of timelines. For instance, the present moment can be defined as the sequence of adjacent events, which are most meaningfully connected to a time-wave clash, as it may.

So you see, time-travel occurs on physical and mental levels. Every event within the past, present and future leaves an imprint. It is the nature of causality. Anyone can learn to sense and witness the past, present and future at will. Once that step has been established, it becomes a probability to alter the event itself. Within neuro-linguistic programming, the practice of visualisation is often used to influence behaviour or process unresolved content. Certain NLP techniques involve returning to the past or envision a brighter future. For example, imagine a flashback of a traumatic event. (i.e. a chronically re-surfacing engram triggering  a physical or inwardly emotional reaction) In essence, the practitioner is trained  to return to the scene of the crime, as it may, and re-model the experience. In  NLP, memories are often altered to alleviate pain. Essentially, you lie to yourself about unconscious pain in hope to forget, instead of heal. The very same method can be used to lessen the impressions as a result of the event, process pain and practice loving-kindness toward the self. The therapeutic value of these techniques is well-known, hence they are frequently performed by professional athletes (to envision themselves in peak performance) and PTSD survivors.

Before we may continue, there are a few ground rules. We are the creator of our reality through perception. Our thoughts, words and actions result in the quality and nature of our experiences. No matter the ignorance or stupidity of society. We are above that. Therefore, it is our time to take our share of the responsibility. More importantly, beware of negative affirmations and hidden suggestions. The subconscious mind learns through repetition, however it deletes the negative aspect of a sentence, including “not” “un-” etc. For instance, “I will stop smoking.”, has actually been shown to result in an increase in the desire to smoke. There are countless clever sales tricks, preying on those too susceptible to suggestion. More importantly, do not underestimate the influence we have over our minds, particularly when we abstain from thought as much as possible. The most effective form of contemplation occurs in silence. When we think or speak, stick with carefully phrased, positive language, but be realistic. Try to alter your way of thinking accordingly. Remember, awakened knowledge is meditation.

If all is mind, time-travel is simply remembering…

According to the special theory of relativity, light travels at a constant speed. Personally, I consider this notion to be somewhat ironic, if not paradoxically truthful. If the speed of light was constant, the speed of time would be also. Conclusively, numerous experiments, involving variant types of clocks, have evidenced just relative time truly is.

Firstly, we do not actually know, if all forms of light travel at a constant speed, since we have not encountered them all. For example, hypothesised anti-photons may vary in speed compared to photons. Secondly, if photons communicate instantaneously, bend space-time and perform other extraordinary feats, then why would they travel at a constant speed? Thirdly, the reason we cannot answer any of these questions conclusively is that we do not exactly know what photons are. When an observer 'at rest' attempts to measure an object in motion at light-speed, their perception of the object may initially be inaccurate. Just as we believed the sun encircles the Earth, which was thought to stands completely still, it can take the gradual accumulation of information to arrive at actual knowledge. It takes immense dedication to realise the bigger picture and truth about all things at  once. This happens spontaneously, when least expected.

On a related note, there are unchanging conclusions we have arrived at through history to clarify the matter: Light possesses a curvature. This can be evidenced by observing a black hole. Photons are affected by its gravitational pull, as is space-time. On closer observation, we noted that light follows the curvature of space-time, but what if it is the other way round? Would it be so impossible for something, which already bends space-time, to precede its localisation? This is solely dependent upon that which is outside of space-time. What is it curbed around, we may ask? Something can never be non-temporal in localised space or non-localised space in a linear or elliptical state. Again, space and time are never separate. One cannot be affected while the other remains unaffected. Our elliptical representations of space-time are a universal phenomena due to its reoccurring nature, as it may. So, what is it, when it has no curvatures? Maybe, this is the equivalence of asking what is time without time? As previously stated, existence precedes non-existence, which is then succeeded by existence in a cyclical fashion. Space-time has a beginning and an end, but its source does not. Bearing all this in mind, we arrive at a distinctive conclusion: We are only just awakening to our true potential through understanding. What we see, hear, feel and know is irreversibly changing. Beyond what we can remember or forget, we are awakened and self-realised. Deep within, we are free to achieve anything  with humble dedication in the here and now.

What is time without time?

Infinity, perhaps...

Now, let us get to the bottom of this chapter. Essentially, time-travel is the ability to move in between different points in time, is one aspect. Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, however, is another. Needless to mention, ingredients include a living consciousness from the 11th dimension that may not wish to participate willingly. A consciousness of this dimension would not be able to process the entirety of space-time internally and therefore externally. It should be noted that travel between dimensions is a different matter. An energy charge that is too high would have to pierce a hole straight through the fabric of reality into another dimension or parallel universe. Yet, there are also the options to create a 'space' outside of space-time or enter a 'state' in the absence of space-time.

We could easily shield ourselves from time from a technological standpoint, thus controlling its flow. We try to do so often enough on a mental level. As theorised many times before, if all is energy, then time consists of energy. In theory, when we attempt to 'shield' ourselves from time, we can reduce its progression. The denser the tachyon field, slower time would progress inside it. Thus, the less the traveller would be affected by the flow of time. Still, time remains ongoing... Even it slows to an imperceptible degree or enters an time-automated stasis field, time is beingness. By shielding ourselves from time, we shielding ourselves from 'being' for the effects, it has. Conversely, when we abolish time in its linear and non-linear states, what we are left with is that from which they arise...

For many years, I struggled to comprehend the qualities of nature. Ironically, this is what has led us here. To you, reading about the time ending. Every time, I thought I understood them, my understanding corrected itself. After numerous attempts, I feel a time of clarity approaching. The time of deep, inner realisation is coming for us. Swami Krishnananda beautifully illustrates a highly significant lesson, associated with the abolishment of time. When time ceases, the three qualities of nature are absorbed. However, nature in Hinduism or Shamanism is not what it represents in the West. Hinduism is a very shamanic religion at its core. Its scriptures speak of nature as cosmic consciousness. Nature is not merely the cosmos, it is that through which it is created, preserved or destroyed.

In any case, when the cosmic dissolution occurs at the lateral end of time, it was once written that the elements of the cosmos enter state of perfect equilibrium, in which nothing can exist. The disharmonious and unequal distribution of energies is vital to our process of 'becoming', not 'being'. To repeat, when we are in a state of harmonious, flawless unison, the world falls away. There is no solar system or universe. There is activity, since there is no space-time for anyone to do anything. Exactly the same happens when time ends. What the Upanishads refer to as 'Mahat' (Cosmic Intelligence/Consciousness) takes the form of the three elements. To be absolutely clear, these elements are not like fire, water, earth, air and aether. They do not describe the physical qualities of the material. They denote the three qualities of energy that constitute matter. However, they do not merely exist on a physical level, but also on an emotional as well as mental level. Yet, they all share a very distinct limitation. In the absence of time, these  qualities cease. Even the qualities of 'light' as we perceive them, are no more. The three qualities, which propel existence, are said to become inactive.

In  meditative  or  cosmic  absorption,    we transcend these three qualities and its sub- qualities. Our consciousness no longer identifies with them, while we remain entirely unaffected by them. At first glance, this seems fairly simple, even though it is far more difficult in practice to behave as if the world does not exist at all in any situation. We must act the same toward all things, people and worlds. For example, our reactions when we are handed a diamond should be the same as when  a rock is placed in our hands. To us, they have to be the same. They must be at one with us as much as we ought to realise they are at one with each other, which can be accomplished in a number ways. Still, they all lead to the same destination. Ultimately, we all return to our natural, featureless state...

Light: (White) the quality of intelligence, virtue and truth. It creates harmony, balance and stability. It feels light, not dense or heavy. It is exhibits an inward and upward-flowing, which encourages the awakening of cosmic consciousness within. It is luminous in essence. It represent clarity, open-mindedness, non-attachment, peace and a universal kind of love draws all things together. (Sattva/Light-Energies)

When this quality is predominant, we are calm. Our mind quiets naturally. When the central channel activates in this state, we become tranquil with an intense desire to meditate

– Corresponds to water and fire elements, (also called Pitta), which govern transformation.

– Increased by: Shining Skull Breathing Exercise, Vipassana Meditation, Abdominal Breathing & Lock

Energy: (Red) suppresses light-qualities that disturbs a pre-existing balance by inspiring self-serving actions, which lead to fragmentation, separation and disintegration. When it predominates, it often creates pleasure, which in turn results in pain shortly after. In the form of desire, it causes distress and conflict due to its inharmonious nature. (Rajas/Activity)

When this quality predominates, we feel as though we are not in a state of double consciousness. Our internal connection to everything else is overridden by our intensive identification with this particular body.

– Corresponds to ether and air elements, (also known as Vata), which governs movement and communication.

Inertia: (Black) the quality of darkness as well as inertia. It acts like a force of gravity on an energetic level. It is downward-flowing, but exerts its own 'downward-dragging' pull that results in decay. It inhibits meditation, festers ignorance and delusion in the mind. It represents the form of unconsciousness, which causes consciousness to become fragmented. (Tamas/Dark) When this quality predominates, a substance, experience, or mental state is infused with the dark/heavy (tamasic) qualities.

– Corresponds to water and earth elements, (otherwise known as Kapha), governing structure and cohesiveness.

Any quality begets more of the same quality. To rise above these three qualities  of consciousness means to transcend them. To go where even 'sattva' (sat: being/ essence/light/truth; tva: your/thy/) is not. The three main qualities are attributes  of consciousness and thereby energy. Bear in mind, energy is inherently active. Overall, they are the underlying characteristics of mind, matter and life. Although they may seem superficial, these are the energies through which the deeper recesses of our 'individual' consciousness functions. On subtle levels, they form the qualities, which propel our cycle of rebirth through our vibrational frequency. The denser the energies, the lower its biophotonic content.

To the purpose behind this chapter, when space-time reaches its lateral end, the three qualities enter a state of perfect equilibrium. There is no 'energy', simply absolute energy-potential, hence there is no activity. There is complete darkness, but it is radiantly luminous. Swami Krishnananda describes that all living beings, who fail to attain self-realisation, remain in a state of very subtle, non-actualised possibility, outside the dualistic realm of probability. However, "the potency for future creation lies in a latent form", which means the potential for re- manifestation in municipal form is dormant. As the cosmic dissolution includes the dissolution of the body, it borders on losing self-consciousness in sleep as  well as death. The principles to be followed are roughly the same, except it appears to be much more difficult to retain 'memory'.

That which is called absolute existence does not desire any kind of experience. It does not seek to know itself. It does not need to know that ‘it is’. In the nothingness of being, there is a deep 'Amness' or that knows by purely being.     In absolute existence, we are in a permanently non-dual state, regardless of what appears in consciousness. It does not identify with the qualities manifested through consciousness. Its transparent nature transcends them by default.

Let us take a moment to understand the meaning behind this. In a finite world, knowledge is process with its own limitation, but all experience is imagination. The word imagination, originated from old French, which was in turn derived from Latin. In linguistic terms, it means to 'picture to oneself'. In the form of a hologram, images can adopt not only have visual qualities, but they can also exhibit auditory, tactile and/or kinaesthetic qualities. From a spiritual perspective, if every 'thing' is a process, images do not exist in a solitary state. This is most noticeable, when they are in motion (i.e. within the confines of space-time). In other words, images equal actualised potential with pre-determined probabilities. To us, they create the phenomenological world, but they also make up the qualities of consciousness or their perceived identities. Seeing is believing...and when nothing begins or ends, there is nothing to see anywhere. All this leads to another big secret about elliptical time. When energy is unequally distributed, it creates disharmony. We perceive this as chaotic, when in truth this is the   natural order (cause & effect) in the realms of consciousness. In a dualistic existence, the qualities exhibited is energy-potential manifesting through force. Some theorise this force is the spirit of self-witnessing, multiversal consciousness. Yet, what I believe is irrelevant, what I know for certain is this:

The mechanism of what we experience when we die mirrors that which happens at the end of time. As previously mentioned, light transmutation often parallels the dying process. All our experiences demand the presence of a dualistic world in order to take place. Birth, ageing and death are an integral, karmic agreement  in this process. Yet, when we rise above the qualities of consciousness, we realise that our true nature was above them all along. Self-witnessing consciousness requires an observer as well as an object/subject to be observed. As the observed and the observer merge, an inner awakening occurs. When every level of our seemingly dualistic existence gives way to a non-dual existence, worlds collide.

As we rise above the qualities of consciousness,

Light-Energy increases...

To attain liberation before death or the lateral end of time, we must go beyond  our truth, being and essence (sattva) to the highest truth: Absolute Existence (sat) The mind can transcend biophotonic energy as a quality in consciousness, but it has to leave the ego behind. Without it, there is no anger, fear, doubt or attachment. In many ways, this requires us to find the means to trick the ego into becoming an accomplice in its own annihilation. We must become selfless with respect for the sacred essence of our physical body, but be careful not to mistake this for self-destruction. There is a vast difference between non-violent methods to stand up for the equality of all lifeforms and sacrificing democratic values to appear politically correct.

Identifying what quality we are affected by does not mean we are to resist our ego-centred impulses. However, when we ascertain the reason behind our behaviour and unprocessed content associated with it, we can return to our 'natural impulses'. We believe we have an endless supply of time at our disposal, which is partially true, but how much time we have left should not prevent us from living a fully examined life in the here and now.

Time is Being(ness) = Timeless Amness in the Now

We live under a heavy cloud of false impressions, in which we believe our own spirit is hard to grasp or even unknowable, but it is within us at all times. In  spirit, we are free right now. A piece of us deep inside our hearts is at peace right now in a place, where time, space and the breath cease. In order to re-discover our inner, timeless essence, we keep our focus on it. Meditate on 'that' with every breath. Nothing is easier to approach than the loving, all-pervasive force, which draws all things together from a hidden existence already inside you.

What happens to us after the dissolution of space-time and/or the body is a very important question we can answer for ourselves. The time in a finite universe is limited. What we do NOW greatly affects what happens after in the absence of self-realisation. In absolute existence, there is no coming or going consciousness. Here, there are higher, but still relative, existences in other quadrants of space. Yet, ultimately we return to Earth. This may be due to the nature of this prison- planet or it may be the natural end-result of the supermassive black-hole that will swallow us in approx 1.2-2 billion years. Regardless of the reason why we continue to gravitate to a planet hidden behind a rather dense clouds of dust known as the Horsehead Nebula or what we may believe will happen to us, reincarnation does not cease until the shackles of karma have been broken. Why should we get what we want in death, when we don't get it in life? What makes  us believe death is any different from the death-orientated culture we have established in life? Our ignorance to simply believe in life-after-death or life- outside-time on simple faith is mind-boggling. It is a heart-breaking fantasy that can never become reality. There is no meeting 'God' or reunion with loved ones  in the ways that we may wish. Truth be told, we can experience visitations or witness apparitions. We simply cannot spend eternity in a heavenly realm with them as independent individuals. This may be hard to accept. We do not return after we attain a state of absolute, timeless existence. From this state we cannot re-enter any time-riddled, spatially-limited worlds...

The Three Bio-Elements Made From The Five Elements

We are awakening to purely be. There is a point in this process of 'becoming', where we transcend the qualities of consciousness and constitution of the body  by realising they are illusory. Truth be told, we choose our bodies at a higher spiritual level than mankind is led to believe. Stay away from the artificial, clear light and the next book will tell you why...

Spoiler-Alert: When clear light does not emanate from within you, then it is designed to keep you imprisoned on Earth indefinitely. It erases memories, sows confusion and erects a psychic barrier between this life and the following through layers of perceived trauma.

There are forces, which define the constitution of the body. Contrary to what we think in connection to alien races, the human constitution is rare. Carbon lifeforms are semi-rare in a quadrant of space, which has less carbon than, for example, hydrogen. We have to master very specific obstacles in order to explore other planets by design. Moreover, whereas we perceive the five elements in physical  terms. They  are  multi-faceted,  physical  representation  that  appear in consciousness. Hence, their inherent nature is again self-witnessing. Everything  is self-witnessingly conscious, gravitating toward its true essence: Nothingness.

The following bio-elements are the qualities of consciousness in the body that constitute its composition, and vice versa (thereby, also its unique requirements). When the three qualities of consciousness are in balance, we are supposed to be  in decent mental as well as physical health. The same applies to the bio-elements. Our processed, modified diet compares to feeding a motorcycle, which runs on clean water, nothing but petrol. We become what we eat, unless we single- mindedly aim to transcend the limitations brought about by our basic requirements. Overcome the limitation of sattva and the three consciousness- qualities have no hold. Overcome your bodily constitution in order to gain mastery over the doshas in your daily life. Still, before we embark on the path to become 'Master of the Multiverse', she wrote surreptitiously, we must understand how these bio-elements as well as the consciousness-qualities affect our physical constitution in order to balance them to a sufficient extent.

Wind:          Internal   movements   of   energy   and thereby consciousness. Primarily consists of space and air elements. Its features are cold, dry, light and rough. According to the Ayurveda, it represents the subtle energy of movement as it governs all movement. (i.e. flow of breath, circulation, heart-beat, muscle contraction, nervous system and so on) Hence, its symbolic association with wind. When in balance, it's a source of creativity and flexibility. (Vata)

– Corresponds to Vital Breath and Currents

– Increased by Breath Awareness, Abdominal Breathing

– Pacified by Sweet, Warm, Moist, Smooth, Sour Tastes

– Imbalance: Sleep Difficulty, Menstrual Problems

– Aggravated by Spicy, Bitter, Astringent Tastes

Earth/Water:  Predominantly consists of the earth/water elements. It governs  the cohesiveness requires to maintain a form. Its characteristics are heavy, slow, cool, oily, soft, dense and stable. It is the force, which provides the structure to all things. Yet, it is also said to maintain their solid-state. In balance, it aids anti-ageing. It hydrates and detoxes all cells and systems. It lubricates the joints and strengthens our immunity. (Kapha)

– Corresponds to Earth Star

– Increased by Compassion, Loving-Kindness Meditation

– Pacified by Honey, Milk, Beans, Barley,