We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Probability:             measure of the likelihood that an event will occur.

Improbability:          measure of the unlikelihood an event will occur

Possibility:               the potential an unlikely or likely event happens

Non-Probability:    the absence of likelihood, devoid of all odds in the absence of    their perimeters

Targeted Probability: a process, in which all possibilities do not have equal chances of becoming manifest.

Vertical Timeline:   Time  that passes between dimensions/planes of existences. It's   only when we reach the 12th plane of existence that we enter into the elliptical timeline So, the vertical timeline is used  mainly in dimensional travel and is the timeline that runs along the Hara Line.

Universal Timeline:  Also known as Elliptical timeline

Rotational Timeline: The rotational time continuum has a barrier of 100 years, hence we can only travel in a timespan of 100 years (backwards or forwards) at one time.

Horizontal Timeline: This is the time continuum of the physical plane. It is only possible to travel along the physical plane within the distance of a one year period. This technique is known as sliding.

Linear Timeline:    The linear time continuum has a time barrier of one month. It is  only travel within that one-month period.

Lineal Timeline:       The lineal time continuum has a barrier of 24hours


Hidden Meaning of Cover Designs

Cats Paw Nebula: Cover of 'We Are  One',  Metaphorical  representation  of  its  content, which explains why we are Schrödinger's cat

Elephants Trunk N.: Cover of  'We Are Awakening',  metaphorical  representation  of the minds restless nature. Our minds are like the elephants trunk. They wanders aimlessly, moving ceaselessly. The Hong-Sau mantra is like a stick for the mind. It replaces our wayward thoughts, our mind ceases wandering incessantly and slowly inner peace, then bliss emerges. As our thoughts subside, bliss shines through.

Pismis 24-1:         Cover of 'We Come Back', also known as HD 319718 in the nebula NGC 6357. Amongst the most luminous, massive stars, it is a metaphorical representation of what comes back.