We Are Awakening by Anita B. Sulser - HTML preview

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Final Note:

Awakening Begets Annihilation


"The whole purpose of true exercise is to awaken the inner source of energy which we have ignored throughout our lives." – Paramhansa  Yogananda

What does it mean to awaken? Have been asleep for so long we do remember what it feels like to be conscious? Have we become soulless automatons, whose sole function it is to preserve the present power-structures until billions perish right before our eyes? Because that is where we are headed...and as long as this is true, our awakening is but transitory. It has taken place before, which means it will happen again. We are caught in this million year cycle of remembering and forgetting. We know our recorded history is a lie to cultivate compliance from bare ignorance. Yet, we cannot quite place where it all went wrong. Truth be told, if we wish to know when, then we must return to the scene of the crime. We must travel back to just before prehistoric times. It is the only way to witness the fall  of the comparatively more advanced and globally networked civilisation, born at Adams Calendar in South Africa. Perhaps the cloning chambers underneath the Pyramids of Giza, Bosnia and others may shine a light on our forbidden history.

We have awoken previously, then the majority was killed. Now, we remember yet again and guess what's on the agenda next? When a species awakens their dormant potential beyond rebirth, it becomes uncontrollable or even dangerous. You may ask, dangerous to whom? Except to ourselves, we present a substantial threat to the establishment. Ironically, we have forgotten support is only selfless, when it seeks to remove the need for any additional help from that point forward. We have forgotten that nothing is free, when it is orchestrated to maintain complacency based on perpetuating our ignorance. It comes at the highest cost: Our Infinite Potential.

There is an ancient concept known as the four types of destruction. In Sanskrit, we refer to this as Pralaya, which means dissolution. We will discuss this in greater depth in the last book. For now, you must only know that awakening follows dissolution and vice versa. On a universal scale, destruction can  be natural or induced. On a planetary scale, this process depends on the class of planet involved. For a habitable planet, such as Terra, it implies water, crop and oxygen shortage and so forth. The process itself follows the same parameters as the dissolution of the physical body. Changes in the atmospheric composition create lower/higher temperatures, affecting the water and soil. Once a molten  core has been drawn together at a specific point in space, the surface layers are easily modifiable. In other terms, they can be removed and replaced, when they are no longer viable. Some suggest it might even more cost-effective than   terraforming a Venus-like environment. Yet, it is a mere excuse to disguise a deeper reason with a more sinister motive. Is it likely to be a coincidence that our souls are imprisoned on a planet about 2 billion years away from getting sucked into a supermassive black hole? Or it is merely disposing 'evidence' in manners through which it cannot recovered along with any witnesses? We shall see soon enough, considering this is not the only prison planet...

This book is nothing. It is a blip on an endless spectrum compared to what we are capable of...We are omnipresent at every point in space-time. Prior to which, we are source of the multiverse. Look around, everything here emanated from an existence deep within, where can no longer discern when 'you' begin or 'I' end... In actuality, We are One. Inevitably, we shall awaken to how deeply our thoughts, dreams and desires are intertwined. They have always been since before recorded history. Our sixth sense may seem dormant, but if we listen carefully...you can sense, feel, know or even hear anything. Nothing becomes unknowable, and for a while that is rather exciting, but we must be mindful not to lose ourselves in whatever we may experience. The more experiential knowledge, we accumulate, the further we drift from the world. Until the knowledge gap is so vast, very few dare to cross it. The more knowledge that we gain, the darker the world can become. Compassion prevents us from cold-hearted detachment, yet it equally keeps us bound to everything around us. I was once told a person as dead inside as me could see or know what I know. Sure, I'm right far too often than I'd like, but at what cost? There are still so many things I do not know or understand. Although I can feel the last stage of my journey approaching, I can sense there will be no coming back from the absolute. As I've stated before, facts change until we arrive at unchanging knowledge. Conversely, there is no such thing as unchanging facts in the many worlds. Information changes in accordance to causation and its correlated factors, dependent on the universe it is in. In truth, nothing is unchanging, except the pure existence, from which all existences arise.

'We are', until 'I Am' and then neither 'We' or 'I' are not...

Imagine yourself inside a closed room without doors or windows. Although walls may seem to separate you and the outside world. Deep within, they are thinner than paper. There are no walls. There are no borders or bridges. As solid as they may seem, they solely exist in the mind. Our many worlds emanate from an existence inside ourselves. They take shape from that which does not recognise our differences, as it is the source of our unending diversity. Once we awaken to our innermost spirit, the many worlds disappear. Whether they are destroyed or remain intact, they cease simultaneously as though they never existed...

What we seek lingers in plain sight. To 'That', we have or do not 'exist' as one,  We are One. The illusion of separation cannot change this. Whether our planet is decimated through another world war or mass extinction...Beneath the surface, who we truly are remains unchanged. The entirety of space could dissolve like a whirlwind before our eyes. We could witness time ending right now...Our deepest Self cannot be affected by any experience. It cannot be phased, subordinated or corrupted. The worlds literally bend at its beck and call. It is Existence itself. 'Truth', 'Freedom' or 'Peace' are not concepts with which it is familiar. They are not its qualities. The sole quality of 'Existence' (in an absolute form) is existence. What could be more honest, blissful or liberating? In its midst, what feels real to us pales in comparison. Any emotion, we have felt before, is but a fragment to that which they originate from. Upon contact, the mind bypasses itself to realise its origin on a superconscious level. In such a state of pure existence, no thought can enter, no word can be spoken or breath is drawn. Hence, without thought, there is no memory. Cause & effect coalesce in glorious majesty. The observed is no longer discernible from the observed, nor can a predator be distinguished from its prey. Conceptualisations, rationalisations as well as reference points vanish into the ether. Being and non-being merges into a singular state, in which there are no individualised entities. What seemingly separates the past from the future is unified in a timeless, infinite 'Nowness'.

When I first experienced bliss, my mind opened. What I never understood before became amazingly easy to learn. Like many others, I have no idea as to why yet. What I know beyond doubt is this...Present-time is simply a diluted drop of 'All- Time'. Its unadulterated essence makes the sum of all change appear unreal.

As we know, the world has radically changed since before prehistoric times. Despite its gradual transformation, everything still remains the same. We still revolve around the Sun. There are still positive and negative elements in our societies. We've evolved in certain areas, while devolving in others. Poverty remains an issue until present day. Inequality persists. Underside the belly of the beast, nothing changes... No object or person emerged from the Self, nor did it emerge from anything. In the form of clear light, it is undying and ever-present. Despite the persistent hindrance that each time when mankind is on the verge of changing for the better, preventative measures are set in motion. We have experienced a collective awakening on multiple occasions. Although we were not at a level of consciousness that would facilitate success regardless, this time is approaching. There will be yet another 'induced destruction' with precisely the same intent. Within, we know the truth. We know this has happened before and it will happen again. We may try to forget through superficial means, but engrams reassert themselves. Who we are surfaces with ferocious, unyielding force. It bursts through every obstacle, leading us from the transitory to the unchanging. Our awakening cannot be halted, no matter the corruption. It will simply burn itself out through genocidal violence, if we continue on our current course. What will happen in the coming years determines the fate of our species, not our spirit. We are awakening to that which is prior to the conditions of the many worlds...


...Awaken, Rise & Realise..

As we awaken, we are overcoming death in its countless forms. The children  with past-life memories and 'special abilities' are surging, while the distrust in the system is at an all-time high. Our interconnectedness is beginning to show again in ways, which cannot be suppressed, controlled or regulated. Once we awaken  to our spirit, our journey begins and we reach the point of no return. We may stumble down a bumpy road half-asleep, but this implies we are also half-awake. Our natural abilities accessed via meditative practice are a mere byproduct, if not a distraction. They can prolong our affection for the idea of a 'fragmented self'. With just a sense that 'We are One', we do not fully realise the implications of our natural talents. In oneness, we are whole. We are the manifest and the unmanifest combined, but we are truly neither. We do not begin or end. Our true nature is so blissfully peaceful, it does not flinch at anything transitory, no matter how painful. When we feel such deep bliss, peace becomes an all-pervasive reality from which we cannot avert our hearts. In clear light, it is a mere remnant of the pure, unconditional love from which it ensures.

We perceive the world in terms of what we would like it to be, not for what it actually is. Fear blinds us. Envy binds us. Greed divides us. Comfort lulls us into a sense of false security...Otherwise, our hearts would shatter beyond repair with every passing minute. If we let ourselves feel what others are going through, we leave ourselves vulnerable. It is as though the ego dies by a thousand paper-cuts. Ask yourself, are we here to delude ourselves or are we here for the good of all? When we do not adhere to fact (whether absolute or relative), we begin to deceive ourselves with a pleasant lie over the brutal truth. Whose to say, we will not suffer the consequences? Love is not what we believe it to be. It may be forgiving, kind and willing to turn the other cheek at every opportunity. Yet, it is also patient with multiversal understanding for all beings from within. In truth,   it is the blinding light, which shines incandescently, when the all-consuming nothingness of the soul falls upon you...


" It moves and moves not.

It is far and also near.

It is within and without.

It is near to those who have the power to understand it,

For it dwells in the heart of everyone."
