The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer - HTML preview

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The Doctor's Tale




["YEA, let that passe," quoth our Host, "as now.

Sir Doctor of Physik, I praye you,

Tell us a tale of some honest mattere."

"It shall be done, if that ye will it hear,"

Said this Doctor; and his tale gan anon.

"Now, good men," quoth he, "hearken everyone."]




There was, as telleth Titus Livius, <1>

A knight, that called was Virginius,

Full filled of honour and worthiness,

And strong of friendes, and of great richess.

This knight one daughter hadde by his wife;

No children had he more in all his life.

Fair was this maid in excellent beauty

Aboven ev'ry wight that man may see:

For nature had with sov'reign diligence

Y-formed her in so great excellence,

As though she woulde say, "Lo, I, Nature,

Thus can I form and paint a creature,

When that me list; who can me counterfeit?

Pygmalion? not though he aye forge and beat,

Or grave or painte: for I dare well sayn,

Apelles, Zeuxis, shoulde work in vain,

Either to grave, or paint, or forge, or beat,

If they presumed me to counterfeit.

For he that is the former principal,

Hath made me his vicar-general

To form and painten earthly creatures

Right as me list, and all thing in my cure* is,                   *care

Under the moone, that may wane and wax.

And for my work right nothing will I ax*                           *ask

My lord and I be full of one accord.

I made her to the worship* of my lord;

So do I all mine other creatures,

What colour that they have, or what figures."

Thus seemeth me that Nature woulde say.

This maiden was of age twelve year and tway,*                      *two

In which that Nature hadde such delight.

For right as she can paint a lily white,

And red a rose, right with such painture

She painted had this noble creature,

Ere she was born, upon her limbes free,

Where as by right such colours shoulde be:

And Phoebus dyed had her tresses great,

Like to the streames* of his burned heat.                   *beams, rays

And if that excellent was her beauty,

A thousand-fold more virtuous was she.

In her there lacked no condition,

That is to praise, as by discretion.

As well in ghost* as body chaste was she:                *mind, spirit

For which she flower'd in virginity,

With all humility and abstinence,

With alle temperance and patience,

With measure* eke of bearing and array.                     *moderation

Discreet she was in answering alway,

Though she were wise as Pallas, dare I sayn;

Her faconde* eke full womanly and plain,                   *speech <2>

No counterfeited termes hadde she

To seeme wise; but after her degree

She spake, and all her worde's more and less

Sounding in virtue and in gentleness.

Shamefast she was in maiden's shamefastness,

Constant in heart, and ever *in business*            *diligent, eager*

To drive her out of idle sluggardy:

Bacchus had of her mouth right no mast'ry.

For wine and slothe <3> do Venus increase,

As men in fire will casten oil and grease.

And of her owen virtue, unconstrain'd,

She had herself full often sick y-feign'd,

For that she woulde flee the company,

Where likely was to treaten of folly,

As is at feasts, at revels, and at dances,

That be occasions of dalliances.

Such thinges make children for to be

Too soone ripe and bold, as men may see,

Which is full perilous, and hath been yore;*                    *of old

For all too soone may she learne lore

Of boldeness, when that she is a wife.

And ye mistresses,* in your olde life              *governesses, duennas

That lordes' daughters have in governance,

Take not of my wordes displeasance

Thinke that ye be set in governings

Of lordes' daughters only for two things;

Either for ye have kept your honesty,

Or else for ye have fallen in frailty

And knowe well enough the olde dance,

And have forsaken fully such meschance*                *wickedness <4>

For evermore; therefore, for Christe's sake,

To teach them virtue look that ye not slake.*          *be slack, fail

A thief of venison, that hath forlaft*                 *forsaken, left

His lik'rousness,* and all his olde craft,                    *gluttony

Can keep a forest best of any man;

Now keep them well, for if ye will ye can.

Look well, that ye unto no vice assent,

Lest ye be damned for your wick'* intent,               *wicked, evil

For whoso doth, a traitor is certain;

And take keep* of that I shall you sayn;                          *heed

Of alle treason, sov'reign pestilence

Is when a wight betrayeth innocence.

Ye fathers, and ye mothers eke also,

Though ye have children, be it one or mo',

Yours is the charge of all their surveyance,*             *supervision

While that they be under your governance.

Beware, that by example of your living,

Or by your negligence in chastising,

That they not perish for I dare well say,

If that they do, ye shall it dear abeye.*         *pay for, suffer for

Under a shepherd soft and negligent

The wolf hath many a sheep and lamb to-rent.

Suffice this example now as here,

For I must turn again to my mattere.


This maid, of which I tell my tale express,

She kept herself, her needed no mistress;

For in her living maidens mighte read,

As in a book, ev'ry good word and deed

That longeth to a maiden virtuous;

She was so prudent and so bounteous.

For which the fame out sprang on every side

Both of her beauty and her bounte* wide:                      *goodness

That through the land they praised her each one

That loved virtue, save envy alone,

That sorry is of other manne's weal,

And glad is of his sorrow and unheal* --                    *misfortune

The Doctor maketh this descriptioun. -- <5>

This maiden on a day went in the town

Toward a temple, with her mother dear,

As is of younge maidens the mannere.

Now was there then a justice in that town,

\That governor was of that regioun:

And so befell, this judge his eyen cast

Upon this maid, avising*<