The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson - HTML preview

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Poems No. 700-799


You've seen Balloons set -- Haven't You? So stately they ascend --
It is as Swans -- discarded You,
For Duties Diamond --

Their Liquid Feet go softly out
Upon a Sea of Blonde --
They spurn the Air, as t'were too mean For Creatures so renowned --

Their Ribbons just beyond the eye -- They struggle -- some -- for Breath -- And yet the Crowd applaud, below -- They would not encore -- Death --

The Gilded Creature strains -- and spins -- Trips frantic in a Tree -
Tears open her imperial Veins --
And tumbles in the Sea --

The Crowd -- retire with an Oath -- The Dust in Streets -- go down -- And Clerks in Counting Rooms Observe -- "'Twas only a Balloon" --


A Thought went up my mind today -- That I have had before --
But did not finish -- some way back -- I could not fix the Year --

Nor where it went -- nor why it came The second time to me --
Nor definitely, what it was --
Have I the Art to say --
But somewhere -- in my Soul -- I know -- I've met the Thing before --
It just reminded me -- 'twas all --
And came my way no more --


A first Mute Coming -- In the Stranger's House -- A first fair Going --
When the Bells rejoice -

A first Exchange -- of
What hath mingled -- been -- For Lot -- exhibited to
Faith -- alone --


Out of sight? What of that?
See the Bird -- reach it!
Curve by Curve -- Sweep by Sweep -- Round the Steep Air --
Danger! What is that to Her?
Better 'tis to fail -- there -
Than debate -- here --

Blue is Blue -- the World through -- Amber -- Amber -- Dew -- Dew -- Seek -- Friend -- and see --
Heaven is shy of Earth -- that's all -Bashful Heaven -- thy Lovers small -- Hide -- too -- from thee --


No matter -- now -- Sweet -- But when I'm Earl --
Won't you wish you'd spoken To that dull Girl?

Trivial a Word -- just --
Trivial -- a Smile --
But won't you wish you'd spared one When I'm Earl?

I shan't need it -- then -Crests -- will do --
Eagles on my Buckles -- On my Belt -- too --

Ermine -- my familiar Gown -- Say -- Sweet -- then
Won't you wish you'd smiled -- just -Me upon?


Suspense -- is Hostiler than Death -- Death -- tho'soever Broad,
Is Just Death, and cannot increase -Suspense -- does not conclude --

But perishes -- to live anew -- But just anew to die --
Annihilation -- plated fresh With Immortality --


Life, and Death, and Giants --
Such as These -- are still --
Minor -- Apparatus -- Hopper of the Mill -- Beetle at the Candle --
Or a Fife's Fame --
Maintain -- by Accident that they proclaim -- 707

The Grace -- Myself -- might not obtain -- Confer upon My flower --
Refracted but a Countenance --
For I -- inhabit Her --


I sometimes drop it, for a Quick -- The Thought to be alive --
Anonymous Delight to know -- And Madder -- to conceive --

Consoles a Woe so monstrous That did it tear all Day,
Without an instant's Respite -- 'Twould look too far -- to Die --


Publication -- is the Auction Of the Mind of Man --
Poverty -- be justifying For so foul a thing

Possibly -- but We -- would rather From Our Garret go
White -- Unto the White Creator -- Than invest -- Our Snow --

Thought belong to Him who gave it -- Then -- to Him Who bear
Its Corporeal illustration -- Sell The Royal Air --

In the Parcel -- Be the Merchant Of the Heavenly Grace --
But reduce no Human Spirit To Disgrace of Price --


The Sunrise runs for Both -- The East -- Her Purple Troth Keeps with the Hill --
The Noon unwinds Her Blue Till One Breadth cover Two -- Remotest -- still --

Nor does the Night forget A Lamp for Each -- to set -- Wicks wide away --
The North -- Her blazing Sign Erects in Iodine --
Till Both -- can see --

The Midnight's Dusky Arms
Clasp Hemispheres, and Homes
And so
Upon Her Bosom -- One --
And One upon Her Hem --
Both lie --


Strong Draughts of Their Refreshing Minds To drink -- enables Mine
Through Desert or the Wilderness
As bore it Sealed Wine --

To go elastic -- Or as One The Camel's trait -- attained -- How powerful the Stimulus Of an Hermetic Mind --

712 Because I could not stop for Death -- He kindly stopped for me --
The Carriage held but just Ourselves -- And Immortality.

We slowly drove -- He knew no haste And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility --

We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess -- in the Ring --
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain -- We passed the Setting Sun --

Or rather -- He passed Us --
The Dews drew quivering and chill -- For only Gossamer, my Gown -- My Tippet -- only Tulle --

We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground --
The Roof was scarcely visible --
The Cornice -- in the Ground --

Since then -- 'tis Centuries -- and yet Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses' Heads Were toward Eternity --


Fame of Myself, to justify, All other Plaudit be
Superfluous -- An Incense Beyond Necessity --

Fame of Myself to lack -- Although My Name be else Supreme -- This were an Honor honorless -- A futile Diadem --

Rest at Night
The Sun from shining,
Nature -- and some Men -- Rest at Noon -- some Men -- While Nature
And the Sun -- go on --


The World -- feels Dusty When We stop to Die -- We want the Dew -- then -- Honors -- taste dry --

Flags -- vex a Dying face -- But the least Fan
Stirred by a friend's Hand -- Cools -- like the Rain --

Mine be the Ministry
When they Thirst comes -- And Hybla Balms --
Dews of Thessaly, to fetch --


The Day undressed -- Herself -- Her Garter -- was of Gold -- Her Petticoat -- of Purple plain -- Her Dimities -- as old

Exactly -- as the World -
And yet the newest Star -- Enrolled upon the Hemisphere Be wrinkled -- much as Her -- Too near to God -- to pray -- Too near to Heaven -- to fear -- The Lady of the Occident Retired without a care -

Her Candle so expire
The flickering be seen
On Ball of Mast in Bosporus -- And Dome -- and Window Pane --


The Beggar Lad -- dies early -- It's Somewhat in the Cold --
And Somewhat in the Trudging feet -And haply, in the World --

The Cruel -- smiling -- bowing World -- That took its Cambric Way --
Nor heard the timid cry for "Bread" -- "Sweet Lady -- Charity" --

Among Redeemed Children If Trudging feet may stand
The Barefoot time forgotten -- so -- The Sleet -- the bitter Wind --

The Childish Hands that teased for Pence Lifted adoring -- them --
To Him whom never Ragged -- Coat Did supplicate in vain --


I meant to find Her when I came -- Death -- had the same design --
But the Success -- was His -- it seems -- And the Surrender -- Mine --

I meant to tell Her how I longed For just this single time -
But Death had told Her so the first -And she had past, with Him --

To wander -- now -- is my Repose -- To rest -- To rest would be
A privilege of Hurricane
To Memory -- and Me.


A South Wind -- has a pathos Of individual Voice --
As One detect on Landings An Emigrant's address.

A Hint of Ports and Peoples -- And much not understood -- The fairer -- for the farness -- And for the foreignhood.


No Prisoner be --
Where Liberty --
Himself -- abide with Thee --


Behind Me -- dips Eternity -- Before Me -- Immortality --
Myself -- the Term between -- Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray, Dissolving into Dawn away,
Before the West begin --

'Tis Kingdoms -- afterward -- they say --

In perfect -- pauseless Monarchy -- Whose Prince -- is Son of None -- Himself -- His Dateless Dynasty -- Himself -- Himself diversify -- In Duplicate divine --

'Tis Miracle before Me -- then -- 'Tis Miracle behind -- between -- A Crescent in the Sea --
With Midnight to the North of Her -- And Midnight to the South of Her -- And Maelstrom -- in the Sky --


Sweet Mountains -- Ye tell Me no lie -- Never deny Me -- Never fly --
Those same unvarying Eyes
Turn on Me -- when I fail -- or feign, Or take the Royal names in vain -- Their far -- slow -- Violet Gaze --

My Strong Madonnas -- Cherish still -- The Wayward Nun -- beneath the Hill -- Whose service -- is to You --
Her latest Worship -- When the Day Fades from the Firmament away -- To lift Her Brows on You --


It tossed -- and tossed -
A little Brig I knew -- o'ertook by Blast -- It spun -- and spun --
And groped delirious, for Morn --

It slipped -- and slipped -- As One that drunken -- stept -- Its white foot tripped --
Then dropped from sight --

Ah, Brig -- Good Night To Crew and You -- The Ocean's Heart too smooth -- too Blue -- To break for You --


It's easy to invent a Life -- God does it -- every Day -- Creation -- but the Gambol Of His Authority --

It's easy to efface it --
The thrifty Deity
Could scarce afford Eternity To Spontaneity --

The Perished Patterns murmur -- But His Perturbless Plan
Proceed -- inserting Here -- a Sun -- There -- leaving out a Man --


Where Thou art -- that -- is Home -- Cashmere -- or Calvary -- the same -- Degree -- or Shame --
I scarce esteem Location's Name -- So I may Come --

What Thou dost -- is Delight -- Bondage as Play -- be sweet -- Imprisonment -- Content -- And Sentence -- Sacrament -- Just We two -- meet --

Where Thou art not -- is Woe -- Tho' Bands of Spices -- row -- What Thou dost not -- Despair -- Tho' Gabriel -- praise me -- Sire -- 726

We thirst at first -- 'tis Nature's Act -And later -- when we die --
A little Water supplicate --
Of fingers going by --

It intimates the finer want -- Whose adequate supply
Is that Great Water in the West -- Termed Immortality --


Precious to Me -- She still shall be -Though She forget the name I bear -- The fashion of the Gown I wear -- The very Color of My Hair --

So like the Meadows -- now -- I dared to show a Tress of Theirs If haply -- She might not despise A Buttercup's Array --

I know the Whole -- obscures the Part -- The fraction -- that appeased the Heart Till Number's Empery --
Remembered -- as the Millner's flower

When Summer's Everlasting Dower -- Confronts the dazzled Bee.



Let Us play Yesterday -- I -- the Girl at school -- You -- and Eternity -- the Untold Tale --
Easing my famine
At my Lexicon --
Logarithm -- had I -- for Drink -- 'Twas a dry Wine --

Somewhat different -- must be -- Dreams tint the Sleep --
Cunning Reds of Morning
Make the Blind -- leap --

Still at the Egg-life --
Chafing the Shell --
When you troubled the Ellipse -- And the Bird fell --

Manacles be dim -- they say -- To the new Free --
Liberty -- Commoner --
Never could -- to me --

'Twas my last gratitude When I slept -- at night -'Twas the first Miracle Let in -- with Light --

Can the Lark resume the Shell -- Easier -- for the Sky --
Wouldn't Bonds hurt more Than Yesterday?

Wouldn't Dungeons sorer frate On the Man -- free --
Just long enough to taste -- Then -- doomed new --

God of the Manacle As of the Free -- Take not my Liberty Away from Me --


Alter! When the Hills do -- Falter! When the Sun Question if His Glory Be the Perfect One --

Surfeit! When the Daffodil Doth of the Dew --
Even as Herself -- Sir -I will -- of You --



Defrauded I a Butterfly -- The lawful Heir -- for Thee --



"I want" -- it pleaded -- All its life -- I want -- was chief it said
When Skill entreated it -- the last -- And when so newly dead --

I could not deem it late -- to hear That single -- steadfast sigh --
The lips had placed as with a "Please" Toward Eternity --


She rose to His Requirement -- dropt The Playthings of Her Life
To take the honorable Work
Of Woman, and of Wife --

If ought She missed in Her new Day, Of Amplitude, or Awe --
Or first Prospective -- Or the Gold In using, wear away,
It lay unmentioned -- as the Sea Develop Pearl, and Weed, But only to Himself -- be known The Fathoms they abide --


The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. We actually Hear
When We inspect -- that's audible -That is admitted -- Here --

For other Services -- as Sound -- There hangs a smaller Ear
Outside the Castle -- that Contain -- The other -- only -- Hear --


If He were living -- dare I ask -- And how if He be dead --
And so around the Words I went -- Of meeting them -- afraid --

I hinted Changes -- Lapse of Time -- The Surfaces of Years -
I touched with Caution -- lest they crack -- And show me to my fears --

Reverted to adjoining Lives -- Adroitly turning out
Wherever I suspected Graves -- 'Twas prudenter -- I thought --

And He -- I pushed -- with sudden force -- In face of the Suspense --
"Was buried" -- "Buried"! "He!"
My Life just holds the Trench --

735 Upon Concluded Lives
There's nothing cooler falls -- Than Life's sweet Calculations -- The mixing Bells and Palls --

Make Lacerating Tune -To Ears the Dying Side -- 'Tis Coronal -- and Funeral -- Saluting -- in the Road --


Have any like Myself
Investigating March,
New Houses on the Hill descried -- And possibly a Church --

That were not, We are sure -- As lately as the Snow --
And are Today -- if We exist -- Though how may this be so?

Have any like Myself
Conjectured Who may be
The Occupants of the Adobes -- So easy to the Sky --

'Twould seem that God should be The nearest Neighbor to --
And Heaven -- a convenient Grace For Show, or Company --

Have any like Myself
Preserved the Charm secure By shunning carefully the Place All Seasons of the Year,

Excepting March -- 'Tis then My Villages be seen -- And possibly a Steeple -- Not afterward -- by Men -- The Moon was but a Chin of Gold A Night or two ago --
And now she turns Her perfect Face Upon the World below --

Her Forehead is of Amplest Blonde -Her Cheek -- a Beryl hewn --
Her Eye unto the Summer Dew The likest I have known --

Her Lips of Amber never part -- But what must be the smile Upon Her Friend she could confer Were such Her Silver Will --

And what a privilege to be But the remotest Star --
For Certainty She take Her Way Beside Your Palace Door --

Her Bonnet is the Firmament -- The Universe -- Her Shoe --
The Stars -- the Trinkets at Her Belt -- Her Dimities -- of Blue --


You said that I "was Great" -- one Day -- Then "Great" it be -- if that please Thee -- Or Small -- or any size at all --
Nay -- I'm the size suit Thee --

Tall -- like the Stag -- would that? Or lower -- like the Wren -- Or other heights of Other Ones I've seen?

Tell which -- it's dull to guess -- And I must be Rhinoceros Or Mouse --
At once -- for Thee --

So say -- if Queen it be --
Or Page -- please Thee -
I'm that -- or nought --
Or other thing -- if other thing there be -- With just this Stipulus -
I suit Thee -


I many times thought Peace had come When Peace was far away --
As Wrecked Men -- deem they sight the Land -- At Centre of the Sea --

And struggle slacker -- but to prove As hopelessly as I --
How many the fictitious Shores -- Before the Harbor be --


You taught me Waiting with Myself -- Appointment strictly kept --
You taught me fortitude of Fate -- This -- also -- I have learnt --

An Altitude of Death, that could No bitterer debar
Than Life -- had done -- before it -- Yet -- there is a Science more --

The Heaven you know -- to understand That you be not ashamed
Of Me -- in Christ's bright Audience Upon the further Hand --
Drama's Vitallest Expression is the Common Day That arise and set about Us --
Other Tragedy

Perish in the Recitation -
This -- the best enact
When the Audience is scattered And the Boxes shut --

"Hamlet" to Himself were Hamlet -- Had not Shakespeare wrote -- Though the "Romeo" left no Record Of his Juliet,

It were infinite enacted In the Human Heart -- Only Theatre recorded Owner cannot shut --


Four Trees -- upon a solitary Acre -- Without Design
Or Order, or Apparent Action -- Maintain --

The Sun -- upon a Morning meets them -- The Wind --
No nearer Neighbor -- have they -- But God --

The Acre gives them -- Place -- They -- Him -- Attention of Passer by -- Of Shadow, or of Squirrel, haply -- Or Boy -

What Deed is Theirs unto the General Nature -- What Plan
They severally -- retard -- or further --
Unknown --
The Birds reported from the South -- A News express to Me --
A spicy Charge, My little Posts -- But I am deaf -- Today --

The Flowers -- appealed -- a timid Throng -- I reinforced the Door --
Go blossom for the Bees -- I said -
And trouble Me -- no More --

The Summer Grace, for Notice strove -- Remote -- Her best Array --
The Heart -- to stimulate the Eye Refused too utterly --

At length, a Mourner, like Myself, She drew away austere --
Her frosts to ponder -- then it was I recollected Her --

She suffered Me, for I had mourned -- I offered Her no word --
My Witness -- was the Crape I bore -- Her -- Witness -- was Her Dead --

Thenceforward -- We -- together dwelt -- I never questioned Her --
Our Contract
A Wiser Sympathy


Remorse -- is Memory -- awake -- Her Parties all astir --
A Presence of Departed Acts -- At window -- and at Door --

Its Past -- set down before the Soul And lighted with a Match -- Perusal -- to facilitate -And help Belief to stretch --

Remorse is cureless -- the Disease Not even God -- can heal --
For 'tis His institution -- and
The Adequate of Hell --


Renunciation -- is a piercing Virtue -The letting go
A Presence -- for an Expectation -- Not now --
The putting out of Eyes --
Just Sunrise --
Lest Day --
Day's Great Progenitor --
Renunciation -- is the Choosing
Against itself --
Itself to justify
Unto itself -
When larger function --
Make that appear --
Smaller -- that Covered Vision -- Here --


Never for Society
He shall seek in vain -- Who His own acquaintance Cultivate -- Of Men
Wiser Men may weary -- But the Man within

Never knew Satiety --
Better entertain
Than could Border Ballad -- Or Biscayan Hymn -- Neither introduction Need You -- unto Him --


It dropped so low -- in my Regard -- I heard it hit the Ground --
And go to pieces on the Stones At bottom of my Mind --

Yet blamed the Fate that flung it -- less Than I denounced Myself,
For entertaining Plated Wares
Upon my Silver Shelf --


Autumn -- overlooked my Knitting -- Dyes -- said He -- have I --
Could disparage a Flamingo -- Show Me them -- said I --

Cochineal -- I chose -- for deeming It resemble Thee --
And the little Border -- Dusker -- For resembling Me --


All but Death, can be Adjusted -- Dynasties repaired --
Systems -- settled in their Sockets -Citadels -- dissolved --

Wastes of Lives -- resown with Colors By Succeeding Springs -
Death -- unto itself -- Exception -- Is exempt from Change --


Growth of Man -- like Growth of Nature -- Gravitates within --
Atmosphere, and Sun endorse it -Bit it stir -- alone --

Each -- its difficult Ideal
Must achieve -- Itself -
Through the solitary prowess Of a Silent Life --

Effort -- is the sole condition -- Patience of Itself --
Patience of opposing forces -- And intact Belief --

Looking on -- is the Department Of its Audience --
But Transaction -- is assisted By no Countenance --


My Worthiness is all my Doubt -- His Merit -- all my fear -
Contrasting which, my quality Do lowlier -- appear --

Lest I should insufficient prove For His beloved Need --
The Chiefest Apprehension Upon my thronging Mind --

'Tis true -- that Deity to stoop Inherently incline --
For nothing higher than Itself Itself can rest upon --

So I -- the undivine abode
Of His Elect Content --
Conform my Soul -- as 'twere a Church, Unto Her Sacrament --


So the Eyes accost -- and sunder In an Audience --
Stamped -- occasionally -- forever -- So may Countenance

Entertain -- without addressing Countenance of One
In a Neighboring Horizon -- Gone -- as soon as known --


My Soul -- accused me -- And I quailed -- As Tongue of Diamond had reviled All else accused me -- and I smiled -- My Soul -- that Morning -- was My friend --

Her favor -- is the best Disdain Toward Artifice of Time -- or Men -- But Her Disdain -- 'twere lighter bear A finger of Enamelled Fire --


My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun -- In Corners -- till a Day
The Owner passed -- identified -- And carried Me away --

And now We roam in Sovereign Woods -- And now We hunt the Doe --
And every time I speak for Him -- The Mountains straight reply --

And do I smile, such cordial light Upon the Valley glow --
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let its pleasure through --

And when at Night -- Our good Day done -- I guard My Master's Head --
'Tis better than the Eider-Duck's
Deep Pillow -- to have shared --

To foe of His -- I'm deadly foe -- None stir the second time -- On whom I lay a Yellow Eye -- Or an emphatic Thumb --

Though I than He -- may longer live He longer must -- than I --
For I have but the power to kill, Without -- the power to die --


No Bobolink -- reverse His Singing When the only Tree
Ever He minded occupying
By the Farmer be --

Clove to the Root -- His Spacious Future -- Best Horizon -- gone -- Whose Music be His Only Anodyne --
Brave Bobolink --


One Blessing had I than the rest So larger to my Eyes
That I stopped gauging -- satisfied -- For this enchanted size --

It was the limit of my Dream -- The focus of my Prayer -- A perfect -- paralyzing Bliss -- Contented as Despair -

I knew no more of Want -- or Cold -- Phantasms both become
For this new Value in the Soul -- Supremest Earthly Sum --

The Heaven below the Heaven above -- Obscured with ruddier Blue --
Life's Latitudes leant over -- full -- The Judgment perished -- too --

Why Bliss so scantily disburse --
Why Paradise defer --
Why Floods be served to Us -- in Bowls -- I speculate no more --


The Mountains -- grow unnoticed -- Their Purple figures rise
Without attempt -- Exhaustion -- Assistance -- or Applause --

In Their Eternal Faces
The Sun -- with just delight
Looks long -- and last -- and golden -For fellowship -- at night --


These -- saw Visions -Latch them softly -- These -- held Dimples -- Smooth them slow --
This -- addressed departing accents -- Quick -- Sweet Mouth -- to miss thee so --

This -- We stroked --
Unnumbered Satin --
These -- we held among our own -- Fingers of the Slim Aurora -- Not so arrogant -- this Noon --

These -- adjust -- that ran to meet us -- Pearl -- for Stocking -- Pearl for Shoe -- Paradise -- the only Palace
Fit for Her reception -- now --


He fought like those Who've nought to lose -- Bestowed Himself to Balls
As One who for a further Life
Had not a further Use --

Invited Death -- with bold attempt -- But Death was Coy of Him
As Other Men, were Coy of Death -- To Him -- to live -- was Doom --

His Comrades, shifted like the Flakes When Gusts reverse the Snow -- But He -- was left alive Because Of Greediness to die --


Most she touched me by her muteness -- Most she won me by the way
She presented her small figure -- Plea itself -- for Charity -

Were a Crumb my whole possession -- Were there famine in the land -- Were it my resource from starving -- Could I such a plea withstand --

Not upon her knee to thank me Sank this Beggar from the Sky -- But the Crumb partook -- departed -- And returned On High --

I supposed -- when su