The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson - HTML preview

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Poems No. 500-599


Within my Garden, rides a Bird Upon a single Wheel --
Whose spokes a dizzy Music make As 'twere a travelling Mill --

He never stops, but slackens Above the Ripest Rose -Partakes without alighting And praises as he goes,

Till every spice is tasted -- And then his Fairy Gig
Reels in remoter atmospheres -- And I rejoin my Dog,

And He and I, perplex us
If positive, 'twere we --
Or bore the Garden in the Brain This Curiosity --

But He, the best Logician, Refers my clumsy eye -- To just vibrating Blossoms! An Exquisite Reply!


This World is not Conclusion. A Species stands beyond -- Invisible, as Music --
But positive, as Sound --
It beckons, and it baffles --
Philosophy -- don't know --
And through a Riddle, at the last -- Sagacity, must go --
To guess it, puzzles scholars -- To gain it, Men have borne
Contempt of Generations
And Crucifixion, shown -
Faith slips -- and laughs, and rallies -- Blushes, if any see --
Plucks at a twig of Evidence -- And asks a Vane, the way --
Much Gesture, from the Pulpit -- Strong Hallelujahs roll -
Narcotics cannot still the Tooth That nibbles at the soul -


At least -- to pray -- is left -- is left -Oh Jesus -- in the Air -
I know not which thy chamber is -- I'm knocking -- everywhere --

Thou settest Earthquake in the South -- And Maelstrom, in the Sea --
Say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth -- Hast thou no Arm for Me?


Better -- than Music! For I -- who heard it -- I was used -- to the Birds -- before -This -- was different -- 'Twas Translation -- Of all tunes I knew -- and more --

'Twasn't contained -- like other stanza -- No one could play it -- the second time -- But the Composer -- perfect Mozart -- Perish with him -- that Keyless Rhyme!

So -- Children -- told how Brooks in Eden -- Bubbled a better -- Melody --
Quaintly infer -- Eve's great surrender -- Urging the feet -- that would -- not -- fly -- Children -- matured -- are wiser -- mostly -- Eden -- a legend -- dimly told --
Eve -- and the Anguish -- Grandame's story -- But -- I was telling a tune -- I heard --

Not such a strain -- the Church -- baptizes -- When the last Saint -- goes up the Aisles -- Not such a stanza splits the silence -- When the Redemption strikes her Bells --

Let me not spill -- its smallest cadence -- Humming -- for promise -- when alone -- Humming -- until my faint Rehearsal -- Drop into tune -- around the Throne --


You know that Portrait in the Moon -- So tell me who 'tis like -
The very Brow -- the stooping eyes -- A fog for -- Say -- Whose Sake?

The very Pattern of the Cheek --
It varies -- in the Chin --
But -- Ishmael -- since we met -- 'tis long -- And fashions -- intervene --

When Moon's at full -- 'Tis Thou -- I say -- My lips just hold the name --
When crescent -- Thou art worn -- I note -- But -- there -- the Golden Same --

And when -- Some Night -- Bold -- slashing Clouds Cut Thee away from Me --
That's easier -- than the other film
That glazes Holiday --

505 I would not paint -- a picture -- I'd rather be the One
Its bright impossibility
To dwell -- delicious -- on -- And wonder how the fingers feel Whose rare -- celestial -- stir -- Evokes so sweet a Torment -- Such sumptuous -- Despair --

I would not talk, like Cornets -- I'd rather be the One
Raised softly to the Ceilings -- And out, and easy on --
Through Villages of Ether -- Myself endued Balloon
By but a lip of Metal --
The pier to my Pontoon --

Nor would I be a Poet --
It's finer -- own the Ear --
Enamored -- impotent -- content -- The License to revere,
A privilege so awful
What would the Dower be,
Had I the Art to stun myself With Bolts of Melody!


He touched me, so I live to know That such a day, permitted so, I groped upon his breast -- It was a boundless place to me And silenced, as the awful sea Puts minor streams to rest.

And now, I'm different from before, As if I breathed superior air -- Or brushed a Royal Gown --
My feet, too, that had wandered so -My Gypsy face -- transfigured now -- To tenderer Renown --
Into this Port, if I might come, Rebecca, to Jerusalem,
Would not so ravished turn -- Nor Persian, baffled at her shrine Lift such a Crucifixial sign
To her imperial Sun.


She sights a Bird -- she chuckles -She flattens -- then she crawls -- She runs without the look of feet -- Her eyes increase to Balls --

Her Jaws stir -- twitching -- hungry -- Her Teeth can hardly stand --
She leaps, but Robin leaped the first -- Ah, Pussy, of the Sand,

The Hopes so juicy ripening --
You almost bather your Tongue -- When Bliss disclosed a hundred Toes -- And fled with every one --


I'm ceded -- I've stopped being Theirs -- The name They dropped upon my face With water, in the country church Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls, My childhood, and the string of spools, I've finished threading -- too --

Baptized, before, without the choice, But this time, consciously, of Grace -- Unto supremest name --
Called to my Full -- The Crescent dropped -- Existence's whole Arc, filled up,
With one small Diadem.

My second Rank -- too small the first -- Crowned -- Crowing -- on my Father's breast -- A half unconscious Queen --
But this time -- Adequate -- Erect,
With Will to choose, or to reject,
And I choose, just a Crown --


If anybody's friend be dead
It's sharpest of the theme
The thinking how they walked alive -At such and such a time --

Their costume, of a Sunday, Some manner of the Hair -- A prank nobody knew but them Lost, in the Sepulchre --

How warm, they were, on such a day, You almost feel the date --
So short way off it seems --
And now -- they're Centuries from that --

How pleased they were, at what you said -- You try to touch the smile
And dip your fingers in the frost --
When was it -- Can you tell --

You asked the Company to tea -- Acquaintance -- just a few --
And chatted close with this Grand Thing That don't remember you --

Past Bows, and Invitations -- Past Interview, and Vow --
Past what Ourself can estimate -- That -- makes the Quick of Woe!

510 It was not Death, for I stood up, And all the Dead, lie down -- It was not Night, for all the Bells Put out their Tongues, for Noon.

It was not Frost, for on my Flesh I felt Siroccos -- crawl -
Nor Fire -- for just my Marble feet Could keep a Chancel, cool --

And yet, it tasted, like them all, The Figures I have seen Set orderly, for Burial,
Reminded me, of mine --

As if my life were shaven,
And fitted to a frame,
And could not breathe without a key, And 'twas like Midnight, some -

When everything that ticked -- has stopped -- And Space stares all around --
Or Grisly frosts -- first Autumn morns, Repeal the Beating Ground --

But, most, like Chaos - Stopless -- cool -- Without a Change, or Spar --
Or even a Report of Land --
To justify -- Despair.


If you were coming in the Fall, I'd brush the Summer by
With half a smile, and half a spurn, As Housewives do, a Fly.

If I could see you in a year,
I'd wind the months in balls --
And put them each in separate Drawers, For fear the numbers fuse --
If only Centuries, delayed,
I'd count them on my Hand, Subtracting, till my fingers dropped Into Van Dieman's Land.

If certain, when this life was out -- That yours and mine, should be I'd toss it yonder, like a Rind, And take Eternity --

But, now, uncertain of the length Of this, that is between,
It goads me, like the Goblin Bee -- That will not state -- its sting.


The Soul has Bandaged moments -- When too appalled to stir --
She feels some ghastly Fright come up And stop to look at her -

Salute her -- with long fingers -- Caress her freezing hair --
Sip, Goblin, from the very lips The Lover -- hovered -- o'er -- Unworthy, that a thought so mean Accost a Theme -- so -- fair --

The soul has moments of Escape -When bursting all the doors -- She dances like a Bomb, abroad, And swings upon the Hours,

As do the Bee -- delirious borne -- Long Dungeoned from his Rose -- Touch Liberty -- then know no more, But Noon, and Paradise --

The Soul's retaken moments -- When, Felon led along,
With shackles on the plumed feet, And staples, in the Song,
The Horror welcomes her, again, These, are not brayed of Tongue --


Like Flowers, that heard the news of Dews, But never deemed the dripping prize Awaited their -- low Brows --
Or Bees -- that thought the Summer's name Some rumor of Delirium,
No Summer -- could -- for Them --

Or Arctic Creatures, dimly stirred -- By Tropic Hint -- some Travelled Bird Imported to the Wood --

Or Wind's bright signal to the Ear -- Making that homely, and severe, Contented, known, before --

The Heaven -- unexpected come, To Lives that thought the Worshipping A too presumptuous Psalm --


Her smile was shaped like other smiles -- The Dimples ran along -
And still it hurt you, as some Bird
Did hoist herself, to sing,
Then recollect a Ball, she got --
And hold upon the Twig,
Convulsive, while the Music broke -- Like Beads -- among the Bog --
No Crowd that has occurred Exhibit -- I suppose
That General Attendance That Resurrection -- does --

Circumference be full -
The long restricted Grave
Assert her Vital Privilege -- The Dust -- connect -- and live --

On Atoms -- features place -- All Multitudes that were Efface in the Comparison -- As Suns -- dissolve a star --

Solemnity -- prevail --
Its Individual Doom
Possess each separate Consciousness -- August -- Absorbed -- Numb --

What Duplicate -- exist -- What Parallel can be -
Of the Significance of This -- To Universe -- and Me?


Beauty -- be not caused -- It Is -- Chase it, and it ceases -
Chase it not, and it abides --

Overtake the Creases

In the Meadow -- when the Wind Runs his fingers thro' it -
Deity will see to it
That You never do it --
He parts Himself -- like Leaves -- And then -- He closes up -- Then stands upon the Bonnet Of Any Buttercup --

And then He runs against
And oversets a Rose -
And then does Nothing -
Then away upon a Jib -- He goes --

And dangles like a Mote
Suspended in the Noon -- Uncertain -- to return Below -- Or settle in the Moon --

What come of Him -- at Night -- The privilege to say
Be limited by Ignorance --
What come of Him -- That Day --

The Frost -- possess the World -- In Cabinets -- be shown --
A Sepulchre of quaintest Floss -- An Abbey -- a Cocoon --


Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night Had scarcely deigned to lie --
When, stirring, for Belief's delight, My Bride had slipped away --

If 'twas a Dream -- made solid -- just The Heaven to confirm --
Or if Myself were dreamed of Her -- The power to presume --

With Him remain -- who unto Me -- Gave -- even as to All -
A Fiction superseding Faith -- By so much -- as 'twas real -- 519

'Twas warm -- at first -- like Us -- Until there crept upon
A Chill -- like frost upon a Glass -- Till all the scene -- be gone.

The Forehead copied Stone --
The Fingers grew too cold
To ache -- and like a Skater's Brook -- The busy eyes -- congealed --

It straightened -- that was all -- It crowded Cold to Cold -- It multiplied indifference -As Pride were all it could --

And even when with Cords -- 'Twas lowered, like a Weight -- It made no Signal, nor demurred, But dropped like Adamant.


I started Early -- Took my Dog -- And visited the Sea --
The Mermaids in the Basement Came out to look at me --

And Frigates -- in the Upper Floor Extended Hempen Hands -- Presuming Me to be a Mouse -- Aground -- upon the Sands --

But no Man moved Me -- till the Tide Went past my simple Shoe -- And past my Apron -- and my Belt -- And past my Bodice -- too --

And made as He would eat me up -- As wholly as a Dew
Upon a Dandelion's Sleeve -- And then -- I started -- too --

And He -- He followed -- close behind -- I felt his Silver Heel
Upon my Ankle -- Then my Shoes Would overflow with Pearl --

Until We met the Solid Town -- No One He seemed to know -- And bowing -- with a Might look -- At me -- The Sea withdrew --


Endow the Living -- with the Tears -You squander on the Dead,
And They were Men and Women -- now, Around Your Fireside -

Instead of Passive Creatures, Denied the Cherishing
Till They -- the Cherishing deny -- With Death's Ethereal Scron --


Had I presumed to hope --
The loss had been to Me
A Value -- for the Greatness' Sake -As Giants -- gone away --

Had I presumed to gain
A Favor so remote --
The failure but confirm the Grace In further Infinite --

'Tis failure -- not of Hope -- But Confident Despair --
Advancing on Celestial Lists -- With faint -- Terrestial power -- 'Tis Honor -- though I die -- For That no Man obtain
Till He be justified by Death -- This -- is the Second Gain --


Sweet -- You forgot -- but I remembered Every time -- for Two --
So that the Sum be never hindered Through Decay of You --

Say if I erred? Accuse my Farthings -- Blame the little Hand
Happy it be for You -- a Beggar's -- Seeking More -- to spend --

Just to be Rich -- to waste my Guineas On so Best a Heart --
Just to be Poor -- for Barefoot Vision You -- Sweet -- Shut me out --


Departed -- to the Judgment --
A Mighty Afternoon --
Great Clouds -- like Ushers -- learning -- Creation -- looking on -

The Flesh -- Surrendered -- Cancelled -- The Bodiless -- begun -
Two Worlds -- like Audiences -- disperse -- And leave the Soul -- alone --

525 I think the Hemlock likes to stand Upon a Marge of Snow --
It suits his own Austerity --
And satisfies an awe

That men, must slake in Wilderness -- And in the Desert -- cloy --
An instinct for the Hoar, the Bald -- Lapland's -- necessity -

The Hemlock's nature thrives -- on cold -- The Gnash of Northern winds
Is sweetest nutriment -- to him --
His best Norwegian Wines --

To satin Races -- he is nought -- But Children on the Don,
Beneath his Tabernacles, play, And Dnieper Wrestlers, run.


To hear an Oriole sing May be a common thing -- Or only a divine.

It is not of the Bird
Who sings the same, unheard, As unto Crowd --

The Fashion of the Ear Attireth that it hear In Dun, or fair --

So whether it be Rune, Or whether it be none Is of within.

The "Tune is in the Tree --" The Skeptic -- showeth me -- "No Sir! In Thee!"

To put this World down, like a Bundle -- And walk steady, away,
Requires Energy -- possibly Agony -- 'Tis the Scarlet way

Trodden with straight renunciation By the Son of God --
Later, his faint Confederates Justify the Road --

Flavors of that old Crucifixion --
Filaments of Bloom, Pontius Pilate sowed -- Strong Clusters, from Barabbas' Tomb --

Sacrament, Saints partook before us -- Patent, every drop,
With the Brand of the Gentile Drinker Who indorsed the Cup --


Mine -- by the Right of the White Election! Mine -- by the Royal Seal!
Mine -- by the Sign in the Scarlet prison -- Bars -- cannot conceal!

Mine -- here -- in Vision -- and in Veto! Mine -- by the Grave's Repeal -- Tilted -- Confirmed --
Delirious Charter!
Mine -- long as Ages steal!


I'm sorry for the Dead -- Today -- It's such congenial times
Old Neighbors have at fences -- It's time o' year for Hay.

And Broad -- Sunburned Acquaintance Discourse between the Toil --
And laugh, a homely species
That makes the Fences smile --

It seems so straight to lie away
From all of the noise of Fields -- The Busy Carts -- the fragrant Cocks -- The Mower's Metre -- Steals --

A Trouble lest they're homesick -- Those Farmers -- and their Wives -- Set separate from the Farming -- And all the Neighbors' lives --

A Wonder if the Sepulchre
Don't feel a lonesome way --
When Men -- and Boys -- and Carts -- and June, Go down the Fields to "Hay" --


You cannot put a Fire out -- A Thing that can ignite
Can go, itself, without a Fan -- Upon the slowest Night --

You cannot fold a Flood --
And put it in a Drawer --
Because the Winds would find it out -And tell your Cedar Floor --


We dream -- it is good we are dreaming -- It would hurt us -- were we awake -- But since it is playing -- kill us,
And we are playing -- shriek --

What harm? Men die -- externally -- It is a truth -- of Blood --
But we -- are dying in Drama -- And Drama -- is never dead --

Cautious -- We jar each other --
And either -- open the eyes --
Lest the Phantasm -- prove the Mistake -- And the livid Surprise

Cool us to Shafts of Granite -- With just an Age -- and Name -- And perhaps a phrase in Egyptian -- It's prudenter -- to dream --


I tried to think a lonelier Thing
Than any I had seen --
Some Polar Expiation -- An Omen in the Bone Of Death's tremendous nearness --

I probed Retrieverless things My Duplicate -- to borrow -- A Haggard Comfort springs

From the belief that Somewhere -- Within the Clutch of Thought -- There dwells one other Creature Of Heavenly Love -- forgot --

I plucked at our Partition
As One should pry the Walls --
Between Himself -- and Horror's Twin -- Within Opposing Cells -

I almost strove to clasp his Hand, Such Luxury -- it grew --
That as Myself -- could pity Him -- Perhaps he -- pitied me --
Two butterflies went out at Noon --
And waltzed upon a Farm --
Then stepped straight through the Firmament And rested, on a Beam --

And then -- together bore away Upon a shining Sea --
Though never yet, in any Port -- Their coming, mentioned -- be --

If spoken by the distant Bird -- If met in Ether Sea
By Frigate, or by Merchantman -- No notice -- was -- to me --


We see -- Comparatively -- The Thing so towering high We could not grasp its segment Unaided -- Yesterday --

This Morning's finer Verdict -- Makes scarcely worth the toil -- A furrow -- Our Cordillera -- Our Apennine -- a Knoll --

Perhaps 'tis kindly -- done us -- The Anguish -- and the loss -- The wrenching -- for His Firmament The Thing belonged to us --

To spare these Striding Spirits Some Morning of Chagrin --
The waking in a Gnat's -- embrace -- Our Giants -- further on --
She's happy, with a new Content -- That feels to her -- like Sacrament -- She's busy -- with an altered Care -- As just apprenticed to the Air --

She's tearful -- if she weep at all -- For blissful Causes -- Most of all That Heaven permit so meek as her -- To such a Fate -- to Minister.


The Heart asks Pleasure -- first -- And then -- Excuse from Pain -- And then -- those little Anodyness That deaden suffering -

And then -- to go to sleep -- And then -- if it should be The will of its Inquisitor The privilege to die --


Me prove it now -- Whoever doubt
Me stop to prove it -- now --
Make haste -- the Scruple! Death be scant For Opportunity --

The River reaches to my feet -- As yet -- My Heart be dry --
Oh Lover -- Life could not convince -- Might Death -- enable Thee --

The River reaches to My Breast -- Still -- still -- My Hands above
Proclaim with their remaining Might -- Dost recognize the Love?

The River reaches to my Mouth -- Remember -- when the Sea
Swept by my searching eyes -- the last -- Themselves were quick -- with Thee!


'Tis true -- They shut me in the Cold -- But then -- Themselves were warm And could not know the feeling 'twas -- Forget it -- Lord -- of Them --

Let not my Witness hinder Them In Heavenly esteem --
No Paradise could be -- Conferred Through Their beloved Blame --

The Harm They did -- was short -- And since Myself -- who bore it -- do --
Forgive Them -- Even as Myself --
Or else -- forgive not me --


The Province of the Saved
Should be the Art -- To save --
Through Skill obtained in Themselves -- The Science of the Grave

No Man can understand
But He that hath endured The Dissolution -- in Himself -- That Man -- be qualified

To qualify Despair
To Those who failing new --
Mistake Defeat for Death -- Each time -- Till acclimated -- to --
I took my Power in my Hand -- And went against the World -- 'Twas not so much as David -- had -- But I -- was twice as bold --

I aimed by Pebble -- but Myself Was all the one that fell --
Was it Goliath -- was too large -- Or was myself -- too small?


Some such Butterfly be seen On Brazilian Pampas --
Just at noon -- no later -- Sweet -- Then -- the License closes --

Some such Spice -- express and pass -- Subject to Your Plucking --
As the Stars -- You knew last Night -- Foreigners -- This Morning --


I had no Cause to be awake -- My Best -- was gone to sleep -- And Morn a new politeness took -- And failed to wake them up --

But called the others -- clear -- And passed their Curtains by -- Sweet Morning -- when I oversleep -- Knock -- Recollect -- to Me --

I looked at Sunrise -- Once -- And then I looked at Them -- And wishfulness in me arose -- For Circumstance the same -- 'Twas such an Ample Peace --
It could not hold a Sigh --
'Twas Sabbath -- with the Bells divorced -- 'Twas Sunset -- all the Day --

So choosing but a Gown --
And taking but a Prayer --
The only Raiment I should need -- I struggled -- and was There --


I fear a Man of frugal Speech -- I fear a Silent Man --
Haranguer -- I can overtake -- Or Babbler -- entertain -

But He who weigheth -- While the Rest -- Expend their furthest pound --
Of this Man -- I am wary --
I fear that He is Grand --


The Martyr Poets -- did not tell -- But wrought their Pang in syllable -That when their mortal name be numb -- Their mortal fate -- encourage Some --

The Martyr Painters -- never spoke -- Bequeathing -- rather -- to their Work -- That when their conscious fingers cease -- Some seek in Art -- the Art of Peace --

545 'Tis One by One -- the Father counts -- And then a Tract between
Set Cypherless -- to teach the Eye The Value of its Ten --

Until the peevish Student
Acquire the Quick of Skill --
Then Numerals are dowered back -Adorning all the Rule --

'Tis mostly Slate and Pencil -- And Darkness on the School Distracts the Children's fingers -- Still the Eternal Rule

Regards least Cypherer alike With Leader of the Band --
And every separate Urchin's Sum -- Is fashioned for his hand --


To fill a Gap
Insert the Thing that caused it -- Block it up
With Other -- and 'twill yawn the more -- You cannot solder an Abyss
With Air.


I've seen a Dying Eye
Run round and round a Room --
In search of Something -- as it seemed -- Then Cloudier become --
And then -- obscure with Fog --
And then -- be soldered down
Without disclosing what it be
'Twere blessed to have seen --

Death is potential to that Man Who dies -- and to his friend -- Beyond that -- unconspicuous To Anyone but God --

Of these Two -- God remembers The longest -- for the friend -- Is integral -- and therefore Itself dissolved -- of God --


That I did always love I bring thee Proof
That till I loved
I never lived -- Enough --

That I shall love alway -- I argue thee
That love is life --
And life hath Immortality --

This -- dost thou doubt -- Sweet -- Then have I
Nothing to show
But Calvary --


I cross till I am weary
A Mountain -- in my mind -- More Mountains -- then a Sea -- More Seas -- And then
A Desert -- find --

And My Horizon blocks With steady -- drifting -- Grains Of unconjectured quantity -- As Asiatic Rains --

Nor this -- defeat my Pace -- It hinder from the West But as an Enemy's Salute One hurrying to Rest --

What merit had the Goal --
Except there intervene
Faint Doubt -- and far Competitor -- To jeopardize the Gain?

At last -- the Grace in sight -- I shout unto my feet --
I offer them the Whole of Heaven The instant that we meet --

They strive -- and yet delay -- They perish -- Do we die -- Or is this Death's Experiment -- Reversed -- in Victory?


There is a Shame of Nobleness -- Confronting Sudden Pelf --
A finer Shame of Ecstasy -- Convicted of Itself --

A best Disgrace -- a Brave Man feels -- Acknowledged -- of the Brave --
One More -- "Ye Blessed" -- to be told -- But that's -- Behind the Grave --