1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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as the clock ticked,


He didn’t need a wardrobe inundated with garish clothes; golden cufflinks and chains to adorn his body at the crack of every dawn,


He didn’t need a cruise ride of the Atlantic every night; with stars shimmering in the cosmos propelling him fantasize to the most unprecedented limits and dream,


He didn’t need traditionally attired attendants hovering indefatigably around his demeanor; fanning his face to ruthlessly massacre the last mosquito humming morbid tunes,


He didn’t need slippers lined with resplendent silver to walk in the Bedroom; a bed studded with fabulous diamonds to nestle and blissfully sleep,


He didn’t need a fleet of impeccable priests to engulf him and divulge to him his destiny to unveil; analyze his palms to intricately prognosticate the future life he

had to be lead,


And he didn’t need any glamour and glitteratti; any pomp or gaiety to appease; any spurious propaganda to uplift his soul;


For a single word of his was enough to destroy; and at the same time create this entire planet; a single step of his was enough to give shape to what he had created; a single breath of his was enough to give life to his unfathomable creation; he was the most invincible form of a human being; HE was infact none other THAN OMNIPOTENT ALMIGHTY .





















When the garden of ravishingly crimson roses spoke; the acrimoniously miserly

thorn fell completely silent,


When the colossal dungeon replete with delectable honey spoke; the vial of heinous poison fell completely silent,


When the battalion of mesmerizing nightingales spoke; the hideously soaring wailing vultures fell completely silent,


When the overwhelmingly scintillating diamond spoke; the morbid pond incessantly buzzing with pertinent mosquitoes fell completely silent,


When the sparkling pair of astoundingly fresh vegetables spoke; the decayed bread with fungus coated all over; fell completely silent,


When the gargantuan mountain towering towards the naked patches of sky spoke; the lecherously hidden hole in the ground fell completely silent,


When the boundlessly swirling ocean waters spoke; the horrendously scorching granules of the acrid desert fell completely silent,


When the majestically striped tiger thunderously spoke; the fleet of menacing scorpions and lethal reptiles fell completely silent,


When the incomprehensibly huge fortified ship spoke; the deplorably broken boat sinking inevitably towards the bottom fell completely silent,


When infinite pages profusely blended with literature spoke; the wholesomely abashing fingerprint embodied on the wall fell completely silent,


When the magnificently embellished aircraft zipping into space spoke; the pretentiously dying and lazily crawling worm fell completely silent,


When the well inundated with frosty and sacrosanct cow milk spoke; the glass of profoundly diseased water fell completely silent,


When the insurmountably fragrant leaves of pure saffron spoke; the most ghastliest of stench emanating in the atmosphere fell completely silent,


When the brilliantly flamboyant Sun spoke; the sulking camouflage of appalling darkness fell completely silent,


When the supremely silken conglomerate of royal pearls spoke; the diabolically corrugated skin of the cannibalistic crocodile fell completely silent,


When the blazing cup of ecstatically rejuvenating tea spoke; the snobbishly shivering cold fell completely silent,


When the ingeniously crafted articulate mater key spoke; the countless hurdles and doors blocked beyond the point of despair; fell completely silent,


When the tantalizing aroma of delicious food spoke; the abominable pangs of bizarre starvation fell completely silent,


And when the Omnipotent grace of Almighty Lord spoke; the satanically savage and brutal devil fell completely silent .


















We all must have called someone or the other spuriously as SIR during our lives; in our insatiable desire to reach the zenith of prosperity,
But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably marvelous Creator; on whose divine fingertips; danced the entire planet towards the path of unflinching righteousness .

We all must have called someone or the other lackadaisically as SIR during our lives; in our mission to shrug inexplicable poverty and be the stupendous best,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably majestic Creator; who evolved every bit of mesmerizing beauty; wandering bountifully on this colossal Universe .


We all must have called someone or the other abhorrently as SIR during our lives; in our yearning to catapult to overwhelming stardom and glitterati,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably perennial Creator; on whose sacrosanct decisions; revolved the inevitable chapters of celestial life and death .


We all must have called someone or the other malevolently as SIR during our lives; in our greed to holistically survive; extract the optimum from the corridors of the hideously manipulative society,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably immortal Creator; on whose revered shoulders rested the weight of this entire planet; blended with love; compassion

and mystically blooming forest .


We all must have called someone or the other pompously as SIR during our lives; in our relentless struggle to grant the most opulently tantalizing food to our impoverished stomachs,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably invincible Creator; who spawned countless civilizations deluged with brilliant sunlight; within the single wink of his eye .


We all must have called someone or the other sinfully as SIR during our lives; in our unrelenting conquest of attaining astronomical power and fame,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably unconquerable Creator; who gave infinite organisms a chance to exist in symbiotic harmony; with every single of his supremely everlasting breath .


We all must have called someone or the other worthlessly as SIR during our lives; in our intransigently augmenting search for pleasure; seduction and alluring happiness,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably Omnipotent Creator; melanged land with unsurpassably towering mountains as well as tantalizingly tangy sea bed soil .


We all must have called someone or the other viciously as SIR during our lives; in our endless march forward to metamorphose each of our wishes into an absolute reality,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably Omniscient Creator; who created man as the most ingenious being on this enamoring planet; showered stringent thunderbolts of lightening from the sky when the earth headed towards devastating malice .


We all must have called someone or the other baselessly as SIR during our lives; in our never ending aspiration of stuffing our pockets with glittering gold coin,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably impregnable Creator; who instilled the beats of heavenly love in every heart alive; merged every religion named his inconspicuous molecules; into the religion of impeccable humanity .


And we must have called someone or the other lecherously as SIR during our lives; in our  irrevocable urge to sail above the abundantly sparkling skies,

But the ultimate SIR was the irrefutably Omnipresent Creator; who magnificently articulated the destinies of boundless alive; saw to it that the planet perpetually maintained its equilibrium of good and evil; with truth and mankind eventually and forever outnumbering the bad .














Live like an grandiloquent eagle; soaring handsomely through the vivaciously bubbling crimson clouds,


Live like the mountains basking in the glory of perennially shimmering sunlight; intrepidly confronting every obstacle without their head flinching the slightest,


Live like the rhapsodically tangy waves of the ocean; clashing with rejuvenated fervor every instant against the chain of enigmatically mesmerizing rocks,


Live like the impeccable pigeon; retiring for a blissful nights sleep in its delectable nest; under the magnificently resplendent blanket of glittering stars,


Live like the belligerent soldier whose heart was more molten than candle wax; but who preferred to decimate his head; rather than bowing it to anyone other than

his motherland,


Live like the marvelously glowing jewel; that radiated its light full blossom; even in the most satanically gory tunnel of treacherous darkness,


Live like the exuberantly enthralling cloud of dawn; perpetuating every thoroughly dwindling entity with a rejuvenated gusto; to propel tirelessly ahead in life,


Live like the bountifully sprawling fruits of Nature’s creation; proliferating millions of its kind as the hour unveiled to fill the day,


Live like the road that never ends; indefatigably weaving its path towards an island of overwhelming mysticism and astounding enchantment,


Live like the butterfly which stays perpetually ebullient; frolicking into a festoon of smiles even while incarcerated infinite feet beneath the earth,


Live like the Mother who knows nothing but sacrifice; enduring the severest agony conceivable on human planet; to spawn the most wonderful creation of Almighty Lord,


Live like the fire whose flames never die; triggering insurmountable infernos of untamed passion; even as torrential cloudbursts of rain ferociously pelted down,


Live like the leaves that never withered; clinging resiliently to the body of their master; even as the most heinous of devil tried to ruthlessly massacre them with his foot,


Live like the rose which immortally diffused its divinely scent; no matter how hard the acrimonious thorns tried to gobble it in their acerbic swirl,


Live like the irrefutably powerful lion of the jungle; reigning supremely over your priceless conscience for centuries unprecedented,


Live like the immaculately beautiful princess; spreading the most wonderful word of God; from deep within your heart to even the most remotely obsolete corner of this Universe,


Live like the soul which impregnated a wave of ingratiating vitality; in every organism who had reached the premature brink of hopeless extinction,


Live like the blessed couple of true lovers; being wholesomely oblivious to the manipulatively monotonous realms of the spuriously surviving society,


And most importantly live life to the most unfathomable limits; rejoicing and basking in Princely glory till perhaps beyond what your breath could perceive; but always do remember and chant this till the time you die; that live life by the grace of God . 














My mother could never ever become my friend; too busy in her household chores and pursuing the passions of her life; always looking upon me as her newborn child; even though I catapulted to the greatest of heights,


My father could never ever become my friend; able to view nothing else but the colossal edifices of the robotic corporate empire before his eyes all night and day; with an occasional pat here and there on my head; too busy earning for the inevitable needs of the gargantuan family,


My sister could never ever become my friend; profoundly engaged in her own family and the crankiness of impetuous youth; with most of our conversations eventually resulting into the most thunderously demented of squabbles,


My grandfather could never ever become my friend; staunchly following his age old rigidly tyrannical ideologies; which I thoroughly detested and severely shirked to  follow,


My grandmother could never ever become my friend; being the ultimate apostle

of orthodoxy and implementing only what the scriptures said; whilst I was one who solely listened to my passionate heart’s commands,


My brother could never ever become my friend; as pangs of inconsolable jealously radiated in gay abundance from our persona’s; in order to become the favorite child of our revered parents,


My wife could never ever become my friend; as we virtually digressed in every opinion; being the indefatigably scowling and blasphemously blaming north pole and south pole; contained in a single house,


My children could never ever become my friend; as they were just irascible infants; whose unendingly hysterical shrieks made me plead an unfathomable times on my knees; let alone whisper the word sanctity,


My uncle’s and aunts could never ever become my friend; as they were profusely party circuit; those same very sanctimonious shows of meaningless drudgery; that I spat upon even in the wildest of my dreams,


My neighbors could never ever become my friend; as they lead life like a frigidly dysfunctional robotic clock; whilst every instant of my impoverished life; was enshrouded with unabashed sensuousness and spontaneity,


My colleagues could never ever become my friend; timelessly plotting schemes

to bury me alive in my corpse; in their parasitically unceasing quest of escalating to the pinnacle of blood soaked success,


My surroundings could never ever become my friend; as they too in their salaciously inebriated and adulterated state; stabbed me a zillion times to adopt the path of untruthful commercialism; whilst I eternally wanted to mélange each beat of my heart with the rudiments of nature divine,


My countrymen could never ever become my friend; as nearly each one of them

endlessly ran after the currency coin; time and again at the cost of the soil which they inhabited; whilst I perpetually considered the beats of love to be above every dimension and money on this blessed planet,


My teachers could never ever become my friend; because there was always this

stringent definition of respectability that came in between; our openheartedly divulging the innermost secrets of our hearts,


My profession could never ever become my friend; as I couldn’t play even the

most infinitesimal of games with it; had to bow down before it like the ultimate power before granting it that unassailably meticulous touch; so that the world accepted it and I symbiotically survived,


My great ancestors and far off siblings/kin could never ever become my friend; as I hardly knew anything of them other than their names; and it wasn’t my habit to entrust unshakable blind faith; into the most unchartered of territories,


My servants could never ever become my friend; as I never considered them as

servants in the first place; whilst they unstoppably reminded me of the same ghastly discrimination of this barbaric society; by licking dirt right in front of my eyes although I severely reprimanded them,


My very own breath could never ever become my friend; as I had the most insane of panic attacks with each inhalation of mine; overtly skeptical and unsure of whether another of its kind would find way into my nostrils or not,


Yet. I wasn’t ever desperate and alone. Yet I wasn’t ever devastated and betrayed. Yet I wasn’t ever paralyzed and depressed. As I forever had