1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Beyond a volley of disdainful abuse hurtling rampantly from mouth; lies sacrosanct preaching,


Beyond parables of venomous hatred; lies compassionate anecdotes of love,


Beyond frivolous dispositions towards alien; lies the life bestowing mother,

And beyond sheer intelligentsia; contemporary inventions of man; lies the  omnipotent Creator. 



















With the footprints of brotherhood that you left when you embraced one  and all-OR  With venomous bellows of nonchalant smoke which diabolically tarnished his pristine atmosphere?

With the song of peace that you hummed from the innermost realms of  our heart-OR With inexplicable misery that you inflicted upon boundless with the hideous noise of bombs exploding on every nook; corner and street?

With the magical wand of your friendship which transcended over every caste; creed; religion and tribe-OR With hurling cacophonic rockets at each other with the angst to kill ostensibly radiating from your bloodshot eyes?

With the ardor in your breath to exist in a perfect symbiosis with your fellow human being and the environment-OR  With umpteen number of your sleazy bedlam bulbs that you stuck to innocent trees to torture their body-on spurious pretext of illuminating the air around?

With a fresh dawn of creativity in your veins to evolve tomorrows of new-found hope-OR With garishly parasitic rolling fire-balls which caused many a car and innocuous life to explode in flames; as it unwittingly trespassed their way?

With a noble spirit to part with your wealth for the assistance of all those rendered roofless- OR With spitting incoherent abuses on his priceless environment as your sinister looking cracker floundered to burst?



With the feeling of being just a piece of nothing infront of his Omnipresent aura- OR  With mercilessly beheading trees left; right and center; in order to pave a clear way to welcome spurious dignitaries who wanted bangs and smoke?

With the sacred vow of eternal companionship you took for every of his created living beings-OR With simmering vindication in your soul as you torched the virgin sands of time with worthless sparklers swaying insidiously in your palms?

With due obeisance in your eyes for his unshakably Omnipotent fragrance-OR With innumerable holes that you'd dug in the belly of his earth; just in order to erect your shops selling bombs and  explosives of the most denigrating degree?

With the oneness of his creation proudly sparkling from every inch of your persona-OR With every of your valiant bone sadistically succumbing to the commands of the devil-who simply couldn't wait for you to ignite his amorphously deafening bomb?

With resolving to make the mantra of 'live and let live' the rhythm of your life-OR With playing the filthiest of politics to burn one sect of the society into flames; and become the sanctimonious unsung hero of others; to leapfrog towards your blood-stained throne?

With being a harbinger of peace to unite every bereaved soul into a valley of love-OR With indulging into vandalism of the highest order; as you banged explosive shells into breathing grass to release the inexplicable frustration of your fists?



With simple 'diyas (lamps)' of love; compassion; truth in your homes and all across your heart- OR With dousing the entire harmless street with petrol and then lighting the matchstick to witness it disintegrate into bits of worthless nothingness and flames?

With a scepter of righteousness in your chest and unflinching stride which shunted all lies- OR With a manipulatively farcical bunch of friends who laughed till death as they viewed millions of bombs produce a diabolical crackle in the heavenly night?

With a mission to conserve and nourish his unbridled environment with
your very own breath and till your death- OR With shooing every helpless bird and animal on the streets as you struck them with misery after misery of demonic smoke and ear-shattering sound?

With a pledge to follow the Religion of Humanity; the only religion he guided you to follow; till the time you existed-OR With dead human bodies and corpses on your shoulders-which you hadn't deliberately killed; but were a victim of your riotously carefree fire-cracker splurge?

With kneeling down to his Omniscient holy spirit and asking for forgiveness for every of your erroneously human misdeed-OR With devastating every bit of his sacrosanct earth with rancid fire-only to show to the world the multiple varieties of bombs and explosives you'd spent on to make merry in the dead?

Well. Well. Well. I'll leave you to answer these questions on your own- as we've all been blessed with a conscience; heart; soul  and spirit to immortally love; by the same God who is one for all of us.

And whilst you do so; All I'll do is pray to him; that you take the right decision this time and everytime; as we gear up to celebrate a very happy Diwali and prosperous New Year.
























Not even an infinitesimal trifle infront of the greatest of  Mountains; the most indomitably towering and unconquerably intrepid of their Herculean epitomes,


Not even a diminutive trifle infront of the greatest of Philosophers; the most sacredly learned and pricelessly inimitable of their sermons on the chapters of symbiotic existence,


Not even a mercurial trifle infront of the greatest of Forests; the most majestically untamed and insuperably parading of their indomitable lions,


Not even an evanescent trifle infront of the greatest of Warriors; the most

scintillatingly patronizing and fearlessly infallible of their impregnable swords,


Not even an ethereal trifle infront of the greatest of Oceans; the most fabulously triumphant and unflinchingly undulating of their glorious waves,


Not even an oblivious trifle infront of the greatest of Roses; the most sensuously inebriating and marvelously unbridled of their pristine scent,


Not even an abstemious trifle infront of the greatest of Seductresses; the most evocatively tantalizing and supremely glistening of their beautifully embellished bellies,


Not even a vespered trifle infront of the greatest of Magicians; the most fantastically resplendent and wonderfully emollient of their intriguing tricks,


Not even an infidel trifle infront of the greatest of Artists; the most poignantly heartfelt and gloriously uninhibited of their boundless creations,


Not even an inconspicuous trifle infront of the greatest of Moon; the most resplendently effervescent and exhilaratingly enlightening of its supernatural shine,


Not even a parsimonious trifle infront of the greatest of Curreny Coin; the most supremely accentuated and royally comforting of its indispensably brilliant glitter,


Not even an oblivious trifle infront of the greatest of Institution; the most splendidly fabulous and unsurpassably eclectic of its innovative teaching patterns,


Not even an obsolete trifle infront of the greatest of Politicians; the most

manipulatively uncanny and unsparingly pulverizing of their brutal ways,


Not even a disappearing trifle infront of the greatest of Castles; the most

gorgeously adorned and indefatigably unassailable of their ardently inimitable thrones,


Not even a vacillating trifle infront of the greatest of Destiny Lines; the most irrefutably unfurling and inevitably emollient of their enigmatic pathways,


Not even a feckless trifle infront of the greatest of Nightingales; the most unbelievably serendipitous and holistically purifying of astounding melodies,


Not even a fugitive trifle infront of the greatest of Hearts; the most Immortally unshakable and passionately mellifluous of their perpetual beats,


Not even an extinguishing trifle infront of the greatest of Lives; the most synergistically truthful and limitlessly altruistic of their vivid ideologies,


Not even an unmentionable trifle infront of the greatest of Tornadoes; the

most unrelentingly unstoppable and timelessly unimpeachable of their virgin winds,


But if ever this head had to bow down infront of anyone of this spell bindingly  fathomless Universe; then it would be and forever be none other than; the invincibly sacred feet of my Mother who bore me in her divinely womb for 9 painstaking months and the grace of the perpetually Omnipotent Almighty Lord; who bestowed upon me breath to live and wholesomely created me.













With every majestic sunset making way for the Immaculate moon; that astoundingly depicted the multifarious shades of this Universe—which was a gift from the  Omnipotent Creator,

With every draught of exuberant wind; that evolved into a whole new mist of rhapsodic excitement; out of sheer and insipid nothingness,

With every dainty petal of the poignant rose; that permeated a scent of oneness in the otherwise monotonously subjugated atmosphere,

With every vivacious stroke of the mesmerizing rainbow; that charmed the entire Universe; fraught with its own inexplicably unsolicited misery,

With every infinitesimal speck of the atmosphere; that invincibly clung to the bodies of us living beings; befriending an entire Universe of solidarity-from its own realms of isolation and despair,

With every step that marched forward to maintain the royal equilibrium of life; ensure that life went on despite anything and everything; but only by the grace of God,

With every flight of unbridled fantasy; that made even the most inconspicuously ordinary of living being; catapult beyond the definitions of desire,

With every squeak that escaped the throat; triumphantly piercing the bizarre sullenness and silence of the atmosphere with a desire to be embraced by one and all,

With every sensuously tantalizing night; that unfurled into the morning of a bountifully optimistic and brilliant dawn,

With every solemn pledge of goodwill in the graveyard; that bedazzled the ghastly silence of remorseful death; with a new found longing to disseminate love and life,

With every rumble of inscrutable thunder in the sky; that brought alongwith it the optimistic promise of rain; an infallible reason to cheer in the aisles of ecstasy,

With every inimitably righteous footprint left on soil; that carved an entire pathway of unflinching goodness; love and peace; as the quintessential elements to lead life with,

With every idea that uninhibitedly germinated from the brain; blossoming into boundless sparks of freshness; to unite the entire planet into the religion of love,

With every affable outgrowth that joyously leapt out of soil; instantaneously engulfed with the blessed rays of the Sun; after an equally compassionate cuddling by mother soil,

With every handshake executed between people of all race; religion and color; paving way for the most immortal and unassailable religion of humanity,

With every lump of frigidly asphyxiating snow; that perseveringly labored its way to becoming the most adorable stream of love; as its eventual outcome,

With every step traversing on the road not taken; permeating robotic chunks of the atmosphere with tantalizing splashes of adventure,

With every anecdote of failure that strengthened one's resolve to succeed all the more; metamorphosing every bit of morbid ash into an opportunity to holistically survive,

My faith in God grew; as irrespective of whatever has happened or would happen from now on; I know it would be for the good—

As God is my faith; God is my life-  God gives me the power to symbiotically survive with one and all till the time he commanded-

And whenever he decides to take me away from this earth of his; I sincerely pray from my heart and soul to him; to be able to utter his name in poetry and song; when I felt I was dying.


















Whether you were stinkingly rich; or whether you spent your entire lifetime begging discordantly on the bizarrely impoverished streets; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be majestically equal,

But one thing was for unconquerably sure; that in front of his Omnipotently Supreme grace; you were nothing but a coffin of frigidly crumbling and egregiously disoriented matchsticks.

Whether you were indomitably overpowering; or whether you slithered like a maim dog to catch even the most strident parts of your shadow; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be spell bindingly equal,

But one thing was for immutably sure; that in front of his Royally Unshakable empire; you were nothing but a dustbin orphaned with inconspicuously lackadaisical flies.

Whether you were innovatively brilliant; or whether you slept like a dumb tubelight even under the most flamboyantly exhilarating of Sun; for the Lord Almighty you and other every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be bountifully equal,

But one thing was for irrefutably sure; that in front of his Omnipresently iridescent paradise; you were nothing but a carcass of ethereally rotting bones.


Whether you were as white as a sensuously silken angel; or whether you chugged like hedonistically black charcoal even in the blackness of the wholesomely obfuscated night; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be resplendently equal, But one thing was for unchallangably sure; that in front of his unassailably fathomless aura; you were nothing but a molecule in the mist of nothingness; that was never going to be born.

Whether you were taller than impregnably charismatic Everest peaks; or whether you shorter than the preposterously tiny ant’s eggs; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be inimitably equal,

But one thing was for irrevocably sure; that in front of his unshakably boundless form; you were nothing but a measly droplet of stray water; rapidly drying even before the day could unveil out.


Whether you were an everlasting apostle of blissfully symbiotic peace; or whether you stared in decrepit haplessness all your life towards abysmal sky; for the Lord Almighty you and every other living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be regally equal,

But one thing was for invincibly sure; that in front of his Perpetually Omniscient fragrance; you were nothing but a trashcan of disillusioned invectives; disastrously trembling under your unsavory grave.

Whether you were like a stupendously boisterous bee; or whether you castrated each unraveling instant of your life in the corpses of treacherously remorseful loneliness; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be fantastically equal,

But one thing was for insuperably sure; that in front of his magnanimously bestowing

heart; you were nothing but a gutter of repugnantly untreated sewage; rotting like waif feces without the slightest integrity of your own.


Whether you conversed in the most aristocratically impregnable of English; or whether you dolorously stagnated in the dungeons of illiteracy with belligerent rats; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be celestially equal,

But one thing was for triumphantly sure; that in front of his unlimitedly divine form; you were nothing but a puff of nonchalant dust; disintegrating into a billion particles of meaninglessness with the tiniest draught of breeze.


Whether you were greatest leader of devout religious spirituality; or whether the womb that bore you 9 months was that of a wastrel prostitute; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be harmoniously equal,

But one thing was for unendingly sure; that infront of his Victoriously Ebullient Kingdom; you were nothing but a fecklessly diseased ghost; cadaverously wandering without the slightest of entity or coruscated form.


And whether you were the most immortally cherished lover; or whether you were horribly maimed and blinded since the very first cry of inscrutable life; for the Lord Almighty you and every living being that he had created; was; is and shall forever be beautifully equal,

But one thing was for irretrievably sure; that infront of his Glory of limitless righteousness and truth; you were nothing but a parsimoniously slavering lacunae of dirt; drowning more and more rapidly into the mortuary of hopelessly evaporating hell.










My love for you; was my sole religion; transcending over every other discrepancy of caste; creed; color; tribe and humbly endeavoring to unite the entire planet with the best religion of them all; The Religion of Humanity,

My obeisance towards you; was my sole enrichment to live; imbibe the true fragrance of existence in perfect symbiosis with every speck of your fathomlessly wonderful environment,

My salutat