1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The ratio of TRAVESTY: TRUTH perhaps on this unending Universe; might have insanely massacred to a indescribably abashing; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of BANE: BLOOM perhaps on this limitless Universe; might have sardonically butchered to a fretfully nonchalant; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of DISASTER: DREAMS perhaps on this unconquerable Universe; might have sordidly slithered to a raunchily beleaguered; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of POVERTY: PROSPERITY perhaps on this unsurpassable Universe; might have gruesomely disappeared to a delinquently despondent; INFINITY:

ZERO; today,


The ratio of UNEMPLOYMENT: UNINHIBITEDNESS perhaps on this gregarious Universe; might have treacherously shattered to a bawdily slavering; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of ABHORRENCE: ABLUTION perhaps on this timeless Universe; might have egregiously crumbled to a uxoriously incarcerated; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of JINX: JUBILATION perhaps on this enchanting Universe; might have disdainfully converted to a disparagingly dastardly; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of BETRAYAL: BREATH perhaps on this boundless Universe; might have painstakingly debilitated to a derogatorily dreary; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


The ratio of LASCIVIOUSNESS: LOVE perhaps on this triumphant Universe; might have tawdrily sunk to a baselessly cannibalistic; INFINITY: ZERO; today,


But the ratio of the CREATURE: CREATOR;  was; is and will forever be an Omnipotently majestic ; ZERO: INFINITY; till the time he commanded this earth to be; and even beyond the most ephemerally fugacious speck of space.















Were you sleeping when countless infants were being ruthlessly orphaned; left to beg on the discordantly hapless streets; with their limbs horrendously maimed by the treacherously barbarous society ?


Were you sleeping when countless soldiers were being invidiously molested; as diabolically castrated traitors imperiled them at their every step; with swords of indescribably macabre corruption?


Were you sleeping when countless trees were being cold-bloodedly slaughtered; as the hell of relentless greed insidiously transcended the paradise of symbiotically amiable bonding ?


Were you sleeping when countless pilgrims were being torturously torched; as maliciously prejudiced perpetrators of mankind uncontrollably assassinated in

the name of spurious religion; caste; creed and tribe ?


Were you sleeping when countless entities were wandering aimlessly unemployed and illiterate; as the bane of dreadfully ignominious condemnation disastrously spread its meaningless roots worldwide ?


Were you sleeping when countless grasslands of exhilarating peace; were being satanically squandered by truculently dictatorial powerhouses of hedonistic bloodshed and vindictively insane savagery?


Were you sleeping when countless consecrations of one God were being salaciously pulverized to morosely inconspicuous ash; as capriciously baseless fanatics erected a citadel of their own God upon the same?


Were you sleeping when countless voices of mellifluously ingratiating innocence; were tyrannically devoured in the grotesque cacophony of remorsefully lambasting commercialism and monotonous malice ?


Were you sleeping when countless woman were being tawdrily traded; as ominously lethal beheaders of flesh weighed them in pans of sinister gold; after deleteriously excoriating every bit of their sacrosanct vermilion ?


Were you sleeping when countless immaculate sheep were being sleazily annihilated in the penalizing abattoirs; as man callously smacked his imbecile lips with replenishments of pricelessly bountiful blood ?


Were you sleeping when countless urchins were being dastardly sodomized; as powerhouses of atrocious weaponry; used helplessly nimble skin a sardonic retreat for their zanily whimsical outbursts ?


Were you sleeping when countless sparkling eyes were being gruesomely blinded; as unfathomable jailhouses of lechery descended upon planet earth; from every

conceivable quarter ?


Were you sleeping when countless inevitably decrepit and invalid were being thrashed left; right and brutal center; as the brazenly impetuously tried to expedite their miserably faltering pace; even at the cost of vivaciously blissful life ?


Were you sleeping when countless tons of abominably abhorrent abuse raunchily crept into the fabric of the civilized world; as man intransigently hunted down his

counterpart man; on the non-existent pretext of survival of the fittest ?


Were you sleeping when countless terrorists licentiously marauded harmoniously holistic households; maniacally looted; squandered; decimated and transformed all harmlessly immaculate; into a corpse of frightfully repugnant blood ?


Were you sleeping when countless diminutive were being indefatigably whipped by the agonizingly aggrieved whip of poverty; as the sanctimoniously rich used biscuits of pure gold to feed their abnormally wild dogs ?


Were you sleeping when countless infirm were being poked and ludicrously manhandled; as those with lividly gleaming biceps; fecklessly demonstrated their

frigidly infidel power ?


Were you sleeping when countless children implacably screamed and waved for help from under the drowning waters; as pompously passing politicians showered

garlands of ostentatiously floral sympathy; instead of altruistically plunging in and saving lives ?


And if the answer to the above is yes; then how the hell can you blame the Almighty Creator for inflicting misery upon the trajectory of this mesmerizing earth; how the hell can you blame it on the mortuaries of crippling destiny for heinously puncturing existence; how the hell can you blame today’s modern times for all that was pathetically dwindling ?


For the Omnipotent lord had given you and every other being of your kind enough strength to conquer the most ferocious of devil; incarcerate even the most unforgivably illicit of atrocity; but you still had all the guts to blame him; instead of nimbly admitting it that you were cowardly sleeping ?



Buried under an unfathomable forest of diabolically perpetuating thorns; I still managed to rise up like a handsome prince;  unfettered by the livid bruises gorily fretting on every element of my persona,


Buried under an unsurpassable mountain of truculently asphyxiating dust; I still managed to rise up like a silken butterfly; not bothered even an infinitesimal trifle about the obnoxiously adulterated mud which had now become an integral part of my intestine,


Buried under an unrelenting corpse of macabre ghosts; I still managed to rise up like a resplendently blissful rainbow; blazing like triumphant dynamite through the fathomless expanse of crystalline blue sky,


Buried under a incomprehensibly preposterous dustbin of ungainly shit; I still managed to rise up like a mystically vibrant cloud; unperturbed by the disdainfully slandering slime incorrigibly sticking to my nubile skin,


Buried under a graveyard of coldbloodedly invidious and stinking bones; I still managed to rise up like a royally fragrant rose; disseminating the scent of eternal righteousness to the most fathomless quarter of this rhapsodically heavenly planet,


Buried under a pernicious jailhouse of venomously abhorrent scorpions; I still managed to rise up like an ingratiatingly panoramic cistern; astoundingly pacifying even the most tumultuously aggrieved sorrow; with the sounds of unparalleled optimism,


Buried under an insurmountably feckless cauldron of prurient abuse; I still managed to rise up like a majestically iridescent eagle; engendering an untamed gorge of impregnable exuberance in even the most mercurially fugitive cranny of this; timeless planet,


Buried under an intransigently crippling sea of horrifically miserable blood; I still managed to rise up like a bountifully eclectic whirlwind; harmoniously enlightening incredulous shades of magnificently articulate versatility; in the lives of all those

lunatically shattered,


Buried under an indescribably malignant sandstorm of prejudiced ignominy; I still managed to rise up like a patriotically victorious soldier; instilling an unassailable wave of uninhibited freedom; in every slave being unreasonably lambasted,


Buried under a tyrannically thrashing volcano of scurrilous monotony; I still managed to rise up like a spell bindingly rejuvenated paradise; spreading a wave of insuperably unprecedented happiness; on even the most clandestinely barren path that I tread,


Buried under a crematorium of chauvinistically relentless dictatorship; I still managed to rise up like thunderbolts of enriching lightening; igniting the lugubriously lackadaisical flames of every dwindling abode; with the philanthropically charismatic elixir of my soul,


Buried under an ominously sordid gutter of remorsefully agonizing malice; I still managed to rise up like a brazenly intrepid adventurer; bringing a smile to the lips of countless ruthlessly orphaned; as I drifted with them into an unending entrenchment of fantasy and mesmerizing odyssey,


Buried under a vindictively hedonistic mortuary of abysmally derogatory lies; I still managed to rise up like an ebulliently unconquerable Sun; ubiquitously wafting the rays of timeless happiness; in every despicably estranged life,


Buried under a ballistically frivolous battalion of emaciated panthers; I still managed to rise up like a bountifully blessed dream; fomenting every drearily insipid and baselessly tortured mind to tirelessly fantasize,


Buried under an indiscriminately jinxed battlefield of squelching crime; I still managed to rise up like undauntedly enchanting moonshine; compassionately warming the complexion of the tawdrily blackened night with; magnetically celestial jubilation,


Buried under an endlessly victimizing juggernaut of uncouthly barbarous ghosts; I still managed to rise up like a benign harbinger of glorious humanity; limitlessly spreading the fragrance of an unshakably united existence; in one and all symbiotically alike,


Buried under an ever augmenting web of disdainfully heinous corruption; I still managed to rise up like an unflinchingly blessing wind; wholesomely silencing the

most dogmatic voices of sinfully penalizing atrocity; with the sounds of irrefutably sparkling truth,


Buried under an insane mortuary of bellicose lifelessness; I still managed to rise up like an arrow of perennial bravery; handsomely inculcating the virtue of innocuously embellished solidarity in all those chopping necks; on spurious pretexts of religion

and tribe,


But buried under the worthless plank of insidiously maiming betrayal O! Lord; I had not even the most capricious of strength left in me to survive; as without the immortal love of my priceless beloved; I died; I died; I inevitably and inconsolably died.























Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to diffuse resplendent shade; was the gregariously blooming and enchantingly exuberant tree,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to disseminate Omnipotent light; was the aristocratically flamboyant and blisteringly blossoming Sun,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to generate rhapsodically unlimited tanginess; was the boundlessly ebullient and triumphantly undulating Ocean,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to fulminate into a paradise of eternal sensuousness; was the ravishingly titillating and celestially egalitarian dewdrop,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to mystically enthrall even the most alien creature; was the enigmatically uncanny and convivially compassionate forest,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to spawn into a civilization of sacrosanct vivaciousness; was impeccably invincible and blessed mother’s milk,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to waft into stupendously enamoring redolence; was the poignantly crimson petal and unconquerably majestic rose,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to effulgently bond one and all in the bonds of humanity alike; was the everlastingly perpetual spirit of timeless camaraderie and companionship,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to stand as the most unflinching citadel even as hell gorily reverberated from each cranny of this fathomless planet; was the blissfully melanging and unassailably fragrant religion of mankind,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to expunge a valley of vivid boisterousness; was the astoundingly sweet and eclectically buzzing honey bee,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to culminate into regally inebriating melody; was the beautifully emerald crested and innocuously mellifluous nightingale,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to radiate into peacefully mesmerizing rhythm; was the marvelously cavorting and miraculously cascading waterfall,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to pulverize even the most diminutive trace of devil into insipidly worthless nothingness; was the voice of pricelessly unconquerable and victoriously unfettered truth,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to seductively dance with the beats of the moonlit night; was the panoramically animated and ingratiatingly nimble footed peacock,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to rejuvenate even the most sordidly dreary soles; was the unsurpassably tranquil and gloriously placating grass meadow,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to magnificently quell all lunatically prejudiced bloodshed; was the ubiquitously shimmering and timelessly bountiful wand of; simplicity and peace,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to sustain impregnably sparkling life; was the whirlwind of eloquently endless and perennially bestowing breath,


Programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to indefatigably coalesce with the beats of profoundly magical love; was the passionately thundering and innocently volatile heart,


And programmed since birth by Lord Almighty to unrelentingly write altruistic poetry; was the inconspicuously nimble palm that protruded from my impoverished body; was the 2 centimeters of brain that lay placidly in my skull; was my every ingredient of humble blood; breath and soul; was; is and will always remain by his Omnipotent grace; only me.












Be it the grandiloquently colossal castle; or the fetidly stinking gutter hosting a fleet of obnoxious cockroaches,


Be it the mystically shimmering Moon; or the sweltering sands of the mammoth desert,


Be it the fathomless expanse of the azure blue sky; or the minuscule nest of the piquant beaked woodpecker,


Be it the stupendously scented rose; or the yellow mushroom decaying to oblivion in the heart of the hills,


Be it the enigmatically deep and uncannily marvelous dungeon; or the contemporary match box shaped town square,


Be it the festoon of resplendently twinkling stars in the cosmos; or the clammy interiors of the dingy little and sordid hut,


Be it the electric paced stallion galloping through rubicund farmlands; or the potbellied tortoise traversing with Herculean effort on the hard ground,


Be it the astronomically huge ocean impregnated with flocks of blue whales; or the small trace of saliva lying desolate in the obsolete attic,


Be it the tumultuous streaks of pugnacious white lightening; or the diminutive beehive camouflaged sedately amidst the trees,


Be it the conventionally advanced computer; or the clerk who hardly knew how to sign,


Be it the impeccable tufts of cotton sprouting in blissful tandem from the fields; or the solitary rope suspended morbidly from the ceiling,


Be it the incr