1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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But I still metamorphose into insipidly infinitesimal ash; wailing incessantly towards the corridors of fathomless eternity; without the marvelously majestic radiance

on your bountiful cheeks.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as the Sun took its blazingly fiery toll over the entire Universe; and an unfathomable mountain of responsibility thrust on my shoulders compelled me to slog like a monotonous bull,

But I still shatter into an infinite pieces of meaninglessness; vengefully abhorring even the most gloriously fascinating of my bodily contours; without the unconquerable valley of sacrosanct righteousness; in your silken palms.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as the nights sped into blossoming days; and the insatiably unending pace of life commanded me to safeguard my persona; from the salaciously hostile pack of wolves,

But I still perennially lambaste myself with whiplashes of treacherous suffering; shrinking to a mere whisker of my original self; without your unflinchingly charismatic ideals of divine mankind.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as the fortnights unbelievably accelerated into marathon years; and the burden to replenish my disastrously famished stomach;

so overwhelming that thoughts refrained to enter my ruthlessly tyrannized brain,

But I still remain cripplingly awake all throughout the tenure of the savage night; dreaming of nothing but ghastly death; without your impeccable sky of

blessings that sprouted from your; gloriously immaculate soul.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as the fireball of Sun every dawn sizzled tenaciously; and the inevitable urge to sequester my kin; took astronomically

limitless proportions in my brain,

But I still feel more devastated than the remorsefully sullen corpse; stabbing my persona with knives of desperation at the slightest of excuse; without your

wand of Omnipresently royal humanity.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as the tumultuous intensity of the air outside torrentially caressed me all the time; and the norms of this conventionally mundane society kicked me brutally; if I cried,

But I still feel like a gruesomely decimated piece of shit; wasting each moment of robustly vital life; without your incredulously magnetic and timeless touch.


Tears might have dried from my eyes as I was born again after a countless births; and the horrendously augmenting robotism of this planet; rendering each part of my dwindling body; to just an unemotional machine,

But I still feel like a solitary warrior perennially oozing blood in the midst of the ominously excoriating battlefield; barbarically dying every instant although

possessing fountains of mystical breath; without your aroma of  ingratiating oneness and stupendously ever-pervading charm.


And tears might have dried from my eyes as fleeting minutes sped into wholesomely new civilizations of tomorrow; with each element of my penurious visage extraordinarily busy; in acclimatizing to the devilish dust around,

But I still indefatigably pledged to end priceless life; with each beat of my heart transforming into a skeleton of worthless hatred; without your perpetually poignant principles of humanity; your unassailable belief in the religion of unshakable mankind.
























Forever truth; unassailably enriching the fabric of this sensuously eclectic Universe; with the everlasting inferno of bounteous righteousness,


Forever selflessness; bountifully enlightening the life of every bereaved organism; embracing him in the aisles of symbiotic paradise,


Forever beauty; panoramically enveloping the trajectory of this pricelessly benign planet; with astoundingly vibrant charisma and timeless graciousness,


Forever unity; perpetuating a wave of unconquerably triumphant solidarity; amongst every caste; creed; sect and color of the; marvelously diversified society,


Forever patriotism; irrevocably driving even the most infinitesimal iota of insanely perfidious drudgery from the complexion of this; fathomlessly enchanting globe,


Forever compassion; entrenching every miserably beleaguered entity with the eternally enamoring mantra; of Omnipotent mankind,


Forever enchantment; metamorphosing even the most ethereal speck of aggrieved tyranny; into a cosmos of philanthropically resplendent happiness,


Forever innovation; with the impregnable waves of unendingly spell binding discovery; victoriously transcending over even the most ephemeral gutter of

obsoletely decaying stagnation and treacherous monotony,


Forever heavenliness; with even the most transient insinuations of venomously dastardly crime; perpetually disappearing from the periphery of this gorgeously

vivid earth,


Forever innocence; with every manipulatively prejudiced organism on this unsurpassable planet; miraculously transforming into an insuperably impeccable child; once again,


Forever illumination; the perennially undefeated rainbow of divinely peace; reigning supreme in the hearts and souls of one and all in this world; handsomely alike,


Forever goodness; with even the most parsimonious footprints of the maliciously decrepit devil; vanquishing in the mortuaries of insipidly feckless nothingness,


Forever prosperity; with every human and animal beautifully existing in a spell of egalitarian synergism; without the tiniest trace of derogatory politics; and for infinite more births yet to unfurl,

Forever camaraderie; bonding even the most acrimoniously belligerent and alien entities; in the spirit of immaculately godly friendship,


Forever freedom; with the wings of majestically ebullient uninhibitedness; wholesomely replacing every graveyard of ignominious incarceration and debasingly

depraving slavery,


Forever tranquility; with the garden of fantastically fascinating serenity; wonderfully paving its way through every iota of bedraggled bedlam on this endlessly enigmatic Universe,


Forever desire; with the penalizing coffin of forlorn loneliness extinguishing from its very non-existent roots; to make way for effulgently mischievous flirtation all day and opalescent night,


Forever rhapsody; with the clouds of astoundingly synergistic virility always ensuring; that the chapter of sacrosanct proliferation blossomed tirelessly and even beyond the end of veritable time,


And if this list of forever goodness and humanity continued till infinite infinity; then forever there will be coruscated unity; then forever there will be unshakable harmony; then forever there will be blessedly pristine paradise; then forever there will be victorious belonging; O! Yes then forever there will be Omnipresent God.












If you truly consider life to be an extraordinarily tangy ocean of profound mysticism; feasting in its panoramically bounteous essence for times immemorial,

Then for you to condemn veritable death; was the greatest insult to the insuperable Lord Almighty; infact the most derogatorily appalling sin.


If you truly consider life to be an iridescent bed of roses; spawning into an entrenchment of stupendously enthralling newness every unfurling minute of the day,

Then for you to castigate veritable death; was the greatest insult to the perpetual Lord Almighty; infact the most ignominiously gruesome sin.


If you truly consider life to be a vivaciously versatile artist; majestically paving each of your way to drift you towards the clouds of insatiably untamed prosperity,

Then you for you to lambaste veritable death; was the greatest insult to the Omniscient Lord Almighty; infact the most insidiously decrepit sin.


If you truly consider life to be a marvelously magical civilization of happiness; ebulliently metamorphosing your every unfinished dream into an unconquerably

eternal reality,

Then for you to crucify veritable death; was the greatest insult to the ever-pervading Lord Almighty; infact the most unimaginably dastardly sin.


If you truly consider life to be an unending festoon of glorious enchantment; enlightening every ingredient of your countenance with its immortal graciousness,

Then for you to abuse veritable death; was the greatest insult to the everlastingly proliferating Lord Almighty; infact the most flagrantly truculent sin.


If you truly consider life to be an exhilarating odyssey to limitless enchantment; basking in its benevolently timeless splendor every time you had an impulse to magnificently breathe,

Then for you to frown at veritable death; was the greatest insult to the unshakable Lord Almighty; infact the most hedonistically savage sin.


If you truly consider life to be a flower blossoming into profusely magical happiness; miraculously healing the agonies of one and all alike on this boundless planet; with the chivalrous elixir of humanity,

Then for you to shirk from veritable death; was the greatest insult to the impregnable Lord Almighty; infact the most treacherously bellicose sin.

If you truly consider life to be a seductively embellished fairy; tantalizing you towards an unassailable paradise of benign heavenliness and the divine,

Then for you to spit at veritable death; was the greatest insult to the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; infact the most venomously maligned sin.

If you truly consider life to be the ultimate blessing; the most fructifying symbolism of every entity trespassing on this enchantingly triumphant earth,

Then for you to bludgeon death; was the greatest insult to the Omnipresent Lord Almighty; infact the most baselessly prejudiced sin.


If you truly consider life to be a patriotically blistering success; the most uninhibitedly royal mission that every organism was sent on the Universe to wholeheartedly achieve,

Then for you to massacre veritable death; was the greatest insult to the perennial Lord Almighty; infact the most grotesquely pugnacious sin.


For when God made earth and organism; he irretrievably swung the pendulum of life and death in unrestrictedly egalitarian unison; spell bindingly replacing withering death with sparkling life every instant; yet inevitably ensuring that there was death every now and again; so that his Universe symbiotically existed,

Therefore take  both life and veritable death in your stride O! penurious Human; let forever everything on this globe exist as the most fantastically vibrant rhythm of the Creator Divine.

























All disdainfully salacious lechery assassinated forever and ever and ever; not even a minuscule speck of it on the trajectory of this wonderfully gifted planet,


All acrimoniously bawdy prejudice decimated forever and ever and ever; not even a parsimonious speck of it on the complexion of this marvelously panoramic planet,


All derogatorily baseless lies pulverized forever and ever and ever; not even an ethereal speck of it on the periphery of this majestically unassailable planet,


All raunchily egregious indiscrimination swiped forever and ever and ever; not even an evanescent speck of it on the circumference of this regally exotic planet,


All truculently hedonistic insanity thrashed forever and ever and ever; not even an ephemeral speck of it on the fabric of this benevolently tranquil planet,


All stupidly fretful obsessions massacred forever and ever and ever; not even an obsolete speck of them on the cradle of this fantastically blessed planet,


All mercilessly lambasting crime extinguished forever and ever and ever; not

even a transient speck of it on the garden of this beautifully enchanting planet,


All remorsefully nonchalant laziness eradicated forever and ever and ever; not even a fugitive speck of it on the citadel of this invincibly proliferating planet,


All diabolically marauding politics vanquished forever and ever and ever; not even an inconspicuous speck of it on the mirror of this resplendently arcane planet,


All horrendously maiming pain liberated forever and ever and ever; not even

an insipid speck of it on the playground of this iridescently scented planet,


All venomously lethal rampaging extradited forever and ever and ever; not

even an infidel speck of it on the leaf of this pristinely burgeoning planet,


All tyrannically barbarous imprisonment exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even a feckless speck of it on the entrenchment of this marvelously glorious planet,


All brutally maniacal idiosyncrasies exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even an oblivious speck of them on the lap of this sacredly gorgeous planet,


All invidiously ghastly poverty expurgated forever and ever and ever; not even a disappearing speck of it on the borders of this triumphantly ebullient planet,


All meaninglessly ominous perversions trampled forever and ever and ever; not even a dingy speck of them on the pathways of this spell bindingly spectacular planet,


All depravingly ignominious cowardice squelched forever and ever and ever; not even a vanishing speck of it on the turnstiles of this astoundingly unfathomable planet,


All coldbloodedly abhorrent disease torched forever and ever and ever; not even an invisible speck of it on the waves of this rhythmically benign planet,


All disastrously despicable slavery removed forever and ever and ever; not even an infinitesimal speck of it on the meadows of this convivially bonding planet,


All miserably asphyxiating drudgery trounced forever and ever and ever; not even a measly speck of it on the pedestal of this timelessly bestowing planet,


All threadbarely incarcerating monotony defeated forever and ever and ever; not even a remote speck of it on the grasslands of this indomitably towering planet,


All nonsensically vindictive pompousness exonerated forever and ever and ever; not even a fleeting speck of it on the winds of this aristocratically fabulous planet,


And if you had commenced to think that the above and infinite more was because the God’s from the cosmos had exclusively descended from the cosmos to do the needful; then you’re in for the most rudest shock of your life,


For it was none other than the flame of eternal truth in each of our soul’s; that the Lord had so congenitally gifted us with; which if we started to wholeheartedly use; then the devil would hide its tail and disappear from the entrenchment of this vibrantly miraculous planet; forever and ever and ever.










Intriguingly great ideas usually might happen in the bathroom; with the tranquilly expurgating experience; triggering the very best of the boundless human brain,


Exotically enigmatic mysteries usually might happen in the forests; with the unfathomably resplendent camouflage; casting a spell of unconquerable excitement upon the dolorous atmosphere,


Unbelievably handsome fantasies usually might happen on the mountaintops; with the panoramically vivacious cistern of clouds; surreally enchanting on