1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 3 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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incarcerate you in its immortal swirl for times immemorial; even if you miserably failed to hear beyond your own voice; even if you were completely blind in the 
most Omnipotent of light.


























When you wholeheartedly smiled; you resembled the unconquerably Omnipotent rays of Sun; in poignantly fathomless sky,


When you mischievously cavorted; you resembled the enigmatically spell binding rustle of the majestic forests; profusely soaked in resplendently enchanting moonlight,


When you relentlessly fantasized; you resembled shades of compassionate crimson; prolifically abounding the voluptuously rain bearing cloud,


When you uninhibitedly danced; you resembled the waterfalls perennially cascading from the pristine slopes of the Himalayas; miraculously placating every traumatically dreary throat with their untainted exuberance,


When you uncannily slithered; you resembled the mystically sacrosanct serpents; devoutly guarding the timelessly sparkling treasuries; abreast the statue of the Omniscient Lord,


When you flirtatiously philandered; you resembled the ebulliently bubbling bumble bee; gloriously playing hide-n-seek with the marvelously outstretched petals; of

the fabulously inebriating lotus,


When you inscrutably hummed; you resembled the bountiful blades of grass ingratiatingly embellished with golden dew; peerlessly gazing under pricelessrays of the beautiful afternoon,


When you royally winked; you resembled the unbelievably impeccable festoon of twinkling stars in the cosmos; profoundly enlightening the trajectory of morbidly monotonous and indiscriminating earth,


When you altruistically embraced; you resembled the infernos of unassailably righteous patriotism; fearlessly blazing their way through a world of acrimoniously vindictive and cold-blooded hostility,


When you ardently yearned; you resembled the absolute epitome of impregnable Everest; uncontrollably trembling all night; to be handsomely kissed by the first beams of tantalizing dawn,


When you celestially snored; you resembled fantastically virgin shores laden with immaculately charismatic pearls; brilliantly shimmering in the unparalleled elixir of life,


When you restlessly discovered; you resembled the amazingly proliferating fields of hazel corn; sprouting into an unprecedented gorge of freshness; every unraveling minute of the blessed day,


When you philanthropically mitigated; you resembled a heavenly flower disseminating its fragrance to one and all; irrespective of caste; creed; tribe; religion; regally and alike,


When you nimbly shied; you resembled the divinely adorned bride; trying to hide her blushing cheeks; deeper and deeper into her innocuously silken veil,


When you inadvertently yawned; you resembled the satiny carpet of languidly ambling autumn wind; symbiotically quenching the disastrously frazzled nerves of

the decrepitly staggering traveler,


When you ingeniously proliferated; you resembled the magnetically undulating waves of emerald sea; indefatigably dancing to the tunes of inimitable freshness; till infinite more births yet to unveil,


When you iridescently sang; you resembled the unfathomably seductive cluster of blissful nightingales; mollifying even the most diabolically dreaded of monsters; with the fervently untamed effervescence in their voice,


When you passionately breathed; you resembled the ultimate gifts of vividly exhilarating life; eternally spawning into a civilization of oneness and peace; as every morning wonderfully transcended over sonorous night,


But when you perpetually loved; you resembled the Omnipresent Creator Divine; who knew of no religion other than the religion of oneness; unity and invincible mankind; who knew of no other power greater on this planet of his except love; to love; love and timelessly bless in its indomitable shine.















If you thought that the entire world was your majestic stage; and you could exuberantly dance on its enigmatically marvelous platform; for centuries immemorial,


If you thought that the entire world was your resplendent stage; and you could  uninhibitedly frolic on its bountifully fantastic  landscape; till even beyond the

aisles of infinite infinity,


If you thought that the entire world was your priceless stage; and you could unrestrictedly sleep in its celestially spell binding cradle; till infinite more births of yours yet to unveil,


If you thought that the entire world was your vivacious stage; and you could indefatigably learn in its philanthropically symbiotic lap; for decades unprecedented,


If you thought that the entire world was your eclectic stage; and you could unrelentingly fantasize in its blessed mists; for a zillion minutes,


If you thought that the entire world was your proliferating stage; and you could unstoppably kiss in its compassionate embrace; till the time mother earth synergistically existed,


If you thought that the entire world was your mesmerizing stage; and you could artistically discover on its incredibly tantalizing trajectory; for an unfathomable gorge of endless hours which none had the power to conceive,


If you thought that the entire world was your royal stage; and you could uncontrollably rejoice in its waterfalls of perennially enchanting love; for as long

as the clock of life inscrutably ticked,


If you thought that the entire world was your patriotic stage; and you could unflinchingly adventure in its ship of intrepidly limitless ecstasy; till tireless fortnights galore,


If you thought that the entire world was your ingratiating stage; and you could harmoniously mélange in its swirl of invincibly unshakable brotherhood;

till even beyond the veritable definitions of time,


If you thought that the entire world was your scintillating stage; and you could victoriously blaze in its spirit of sacrosanct mankind; for instants unsurpassable,


If you thought that the entire world was your pristine stage; and you could unceasingly exult in its rainbow of untainted desire; for a fathomlessly more euphoric



If you thought that the entire world was your undefeated stage; and you could sensuously fulminate in its mountain of ardently unparalleled yearning; till entrenchments beyond the construable reach of voice,


If you thought that the entire world was your divinely stage; and you could titillate every slavering ingredient of your skin in its fountain of unblemished happiness; for as long as breath remained as the sole panacea for leading life,


If you thought that the entire world was your emollient stage; and you could quench your every benign yearning in its Sun of Omnipotent success; till even after the last trace of strength had extradited from your bones,


If you thought that the entire world was your inimitable stage; and you could ecstatically innovate in its fabric of supreme selflessness; till even the most mercurial decibel of sound palpitated in the atmosphere,


If you thought that the entire world was your unconquerable stage; and you could innocuously paint its vividly flocculent canvas; as long as there was Sun and Moon with equal equanimity in sapphire sky,


If you thought that the entire world was your miraculous stage; and you could immortally bond in its romantically impeccable paradise; for days and nights



Then what you are thinking is unassailably right; if only you could add BY THE GRACE OF GOD to each of your holistically Samaritan thoughts; O! Yes all that you are thinking is more than a 100 % true reflection of your humanitarian soul; by the grace of the Creator Divine.
















Every maelstrom of unendingly truculent misery was whiplashed upon you by the hedonistic devil; as he salaciously marauded with his fingers soaked in innocent blood,

God was irrefutably a beam of Omnipotent righteousness; who not only blessed you with the insurmountable power to conquer all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving supreme liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be pathetically decimated to inconspicuous ash; and victory shall forever be of unassailably majestic truth.


Every corpse of ghoulishly ungainly torture and invidiousness was thrusted upon you by the parasitic devil; as he indiscriminately trampled left; right and center; with brutally lascivious hunger lingering in his eyes,

God was irrefutably a Sun of unconquerably princely hope; who not only blessed you with the unsurpassable power to behead all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving uninhibited liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be transformed into wisps of insipid nothingness; and victory shall forever be of invincibly glorious truth.


Every spirit of cadaverous desperation and malice was jinxed upon you by the savage devil; as he unsparingly plodded forward to devour all organisms alive,

God was irrefutably the sky of fathomless beauty and ingratiating enchantment; who not only blessed you with the unflinching power to vanquish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unrestricted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would crumble into disdainful oblivion; and victory shall forever be of altruistically patriotic truth.


Every hell of preposterously raunchy sin and bawdiness was thrashed upon you by the hideous devil; as he dogmatically barked the tunes of abhorrently despicable lies,

God was irrefutably a religion of symbiotically Omnipresent mankind; who not only blessed you with the peerless power to destroy all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unparalleled liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would wholesomely reduce into graveyards of parsimonious nothingness; and victory shall forever be of pristinely unblemished truth.


Every whirlwind of indescribably penalizing lechery and sodomizing torment was slapped upon you by the devastating devil; as he insanely burnt till the last

bone of his spine in the coffins of unrelenting hatred,

God was irrefutably an Omniscient harbinger of everlasting peace; who not only blessed you with inimitable fortitude to blow away all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving undaunted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be charred to inconsequential ash; and victory

shall forever be of gloriously immortal truth.

Every speck of acrimoniously cancerous and destructive disease was stabbed upon you by the incarcerating devil; as he intransigently sulked in the gallows of coldbloodedly rotten death,

God was irrefutably the priceless cosmos of perpetually royal fructification; who not only blessed you with the unchallengeable prowess to massacre all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving unstoppable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would dissolve into the dustbins of extinction; and victory shall forever be of blazingly impeccable truth.


Every trace of orphaned wailing and hapless loneliness was tainted upon you by the ignominious devil; as he exhaled scorpions of remorseful prejudice even in deep


God was irrefutably a timelessly vivacious rainbow of desire and fearless hope; who not only blessed you with the insuperable ardor to finish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind every unfurling minute of the night and day,

Giving uncontrollable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would lose every element of his existence; and victory shall forever be of immaculately bountiful truth.





















Child of the Omnipotently everlasting Sun; was the gloriously ecstatic and flamboyantly pristine ray,


Child of the blissfully voluptuous cloud; was the ecstatically mesmerizing and seductively fragrant globule of water,


Child of the enchantingly exotic lotus; was the ever-pervading meadow of celestially bountiful and spell binding fragrance,


Child of the enigmatically proliferating forest; was the panoramically motley entrenchment of; vividly uninhibited nature and philandering animal,


Child of the ardently towering mountain; was the indomitably united civilization of brilliantly unfettered strength,


Child of the resplendently milky moon; was the fantastically fathomless pond

of euphorically twinkling shine,


Child of the innovatively blessed mind; was the untamed whirlpool of rapaciously surreal and joyously unblemished dreams,


Child of the seductively clandestine night; was the unparalleled cavern of impregnably unending and fascinatingly miraculous sensuousness,


Child of the insuperably true artist; was the timeless wind of magically bestowing

and eternally fructifying poetry,


Child of the unflinchingly altruistic soldier; was the sword of unassailably scintillating and pricelessly inimitable patriotism,


Child of the infallibly unrelenting optimism; was the unshakably undaunted epitome of astoundingly redolent and perpetually blossoming success,


Child of the vibrantly soaring butterfly; was the jubilantly emollient and majestically radiant hill of mystically ingenious frolic,


Child of the uncontrollably fluttering shadow; was the abysmally tranquil cave; of enticingly glorious and bounteously benign mysticism,


Child of the immutably egalitarian mirror; was the arrow of perennially spawning

and limitlessly invincible righteousness,


Child of the royally embossed lexicon; was the astonishingly eclectic treasurehouse