1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 3 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You might choose to help every suicidal element of the diabolically estranged society; or you might choose to coalesce every tribe; sect and color of this iridescently exhilarating Universe; into the scent of enchanting mankind,


You might choose to help every star lividly falling from fathomless sky; or you might choose to stand like an insuperable fortress beside every despairing destitute; who was being hedonistically tortured for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,


You might choose to help the indigently nervous and frigidly quavering shadow; or you might choose to bring the cradle of untainted innocence to every dwelling besieged with manipulatively dastard prejudice,

You might choose to help ghoulishly stale and sullen space; or you might choose to hoist every unwanted infant on this gigantic Universe; upon your magnanimous shoulders till the time you breathed your very last,


You might choose to help the hopelessly asphyxiating eunuch; or you might choose to become the ultimate ambassador of unconquerably limitless peace; on the trajectory of this boundless Universe,


You might choose to help civilizations uprooted after nonsensical bombardment and ghastly war; or you might choose to perseveringly evolve a pathway of indomitably unparalleled truth; with the streams of your very own euphoric blood,


You might choose to help the ignominiously incarcerated slave; or you might choose to liberate the floodgates of your passionate heart; allowing every devilishly  monotonous life to share your tributaries of selfless love,


You might choose to help the fish uncontrollably slavering without water; or you might choose to precociously innovate unsurpassable cisterns of miraculous freshness; on every step that you tread,


O! Yes; Help in whatever way you could and whomsoever on this bountifully resplendent planet that you philanthropically wanted to; but remember that every

single of your divinely benevolent deeds would metamorphose into inconspicuously frigid shit; the instant you bombastically proclaimed to the world that you were indeed the one who did them; you were the one who had alleviated countless organism; of their misery and horrific pain, 

For you were just an infinitesimally molecular mediator of the Lord Almighty sent on this planet to do humble deeds; while it was the Creator himself; who not only decided as to whom you were going to help; in what capacity you were going to help; who needed your help the most; and who was indeed destined to receive your help; but bestowed upon you the unflinching power to forever succeed and help.











Forgive me for inadvertently trampling over scores of tiny ants; crawling unnoticed on the cold floor,


Forgive me for spitting foamy saliva indiscreetly on the streets; on formation of excess liquid in the palette of my mouth,


Forgive me for banging my fists in tandem against the wall; clenching my teeth in raw indignation on being intimidated,


Forgive me for driving at lightening speeds through the solitary streets; bouncing in the drivers seat while listening to pulsating music,


Forgive me for indiscriminately pouncing on the petulant mosquito; buzzing incessantly in the vicinity of my eardrum,


Forgive me for not listening to my mother; when she stringently admonished to get up at the crack of evanescent dawn,


Forgive me for being insatiably greedy; when it came to extracting wealth from this uncouth world,


Forgive me for indulging in licentious thoughts; possessing feeble control over the unprecedented realms of my mind,


Forgive me for sipping opulent wine; drowning myself wholesomely into domains of tantalizing fantasy,


Forgive me for skipping my morning prayers; in the bustle to reach office and commence work at fast pace,


Forgive me for snoring like a demon all-night; permeating the still air with an indefatigable volley of cacophonic sounds,


Forgive me for attending bombastic parties; blending profusely with a conglomerate of people with spurious smiles,


Forgive me for swaying rampantly on the streets; inhabiting the discotheques till wee hours of night,


Forgive me for overhearing candid conversations; in my unrelenting curiosity to envisage activities behind close doors,

Forgive me for leaving squalid footprints as I walked; caressing the immaculately polished floor with dirt lining the periphery of my toes,


Forgive me for plucking resplendent flowers from their stalks; dismantling the moist earth by digging voraciously with my hands,


Forgive me for being overwhelmingly stubborn; standing steadfast with my baseless opinions; refraining to listen to others,


Forgive me for using abashing expletives; rebuking innocuous individuals in proximity; for no apparent fault of theirs,


Forgive me for ridiculing eminent personalities; making a travesty of the remarkable deeds they executed in their lives,


Forgive me for loitering aimlessly in space; becoming oblivious to the essence of life for some part of the day,


Over and above all forgive me O! Lord for the plethora of misdeeds I have committed in my life as a human being; instead bless me with loads of fortitude to propagate double the happiness of all what I have destroyed.



























Hatred Vs Hatred. Both of them deliriously lost; apart from them being the most haplessly growling failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that;

those who dared compare them; unrelentingly roamed in the lavatories of the hideously asphyxiating devil.


Prejudice Vs Prejudice. Both of them flagrantly lost; apart from them being the most vindictively gruesome failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; barbarously tortured every conceivable pore of their bodies with the sword of the salacious devil.


War Vs War. Both of them devastatingly lost; apart from them being the most truculently ghoulish failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that;

those who dared compare them; licked the boots of the atrociously cannibalistic devil; clean of the last iota of grime.


Lies Vs Lies. Both of them pathetically lost; apart from them being the most derogatorily tyrannical failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; wholeheartedly let the parasitic devil shoot them right in the whites of their innocuous eyes.


Chauvinism Vs Chauvinism. Both of them bawdily lost; apart from them being the most diabolically disoriented failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; immutably followed the sacrilegiously inane footsteps of the devil; till infinite infinity.


Infertility Vs Infertility. Both of them horrendously lost; apart from them being the most tawdrily disgruntled failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; hopelessly invited the raunchily plundering devil;

right into the heart of their compassionate nocturnal quilt.


Crime Vs Crime. Both of them ridiculously lost; apart from them being the most preposterously dastardly failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; inevitably deteriorated into the despicably marauding fists of the rebuking devil.


Terrorism Vs Terrorism. Both of them egregiously lost; apart from them being the most ominously maiming failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were inexorably gobbled by the shadow of

the remorsefully sulking devil.


Perversion Vs Perversion. Both of them heartlessly lost; apart from them being the most sadistically silencing failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; lost even the most infinitesimal iota of their blissful senses; to the lethally massacring devil.


Extinction Vs Extinction. Both of them deplorably lost; apart from them being the most incomprehensibly victimizing failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; intransigently sniffed the rancid stench of the loquaciously foolhardy devil for times immemorial.


Blackness Vs Blackness. Both of them maliciously lost; apart from them being the most satanically glaring failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; got brutally kicked in their hindsides; by the torturously jinxed devil.


Infidelity Vs Infidelity. Both of them malevolently lost; apart from them being the most profanely bemoaning failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; got indiscriminately chopped to inconspicuous

mincemeat; by the uncontrollably maniacal devil.


Inhumanity Vs Inhumanity. Both of them treacherously lost; apart from them being the most lugubriously goddamned failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were bitten to lividly harried oblivion; by the inconsolably rabid devil.


Rape Vs Rape. Both of them vapidly lost; apart from them being the most bizarrely shameful failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; suffered perennial imprisonment in the coffins of hell; where the unabashedly cruel devil reigned supreme.


Cowardliness Vs Cowardliness. Both of them indefinitely lost; apart from them being the most garrulously dislocated failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; irrevocably drowned in the ocean of the

tyrannically lambasting devil; forever and ever and ever.


Madness Vs Madness. Both of them disconsolately lost; apart from them being the most inexplicably demented failures in their very own individual selves. And to

top that; those who dared compare them; incorrigibly clung to the non-existently impotent caricature of the devil; like a freshly born eunuch.


Monotony Vs Monotony. Both of them miserably lost; apart from them being the most cynically dissolving failures in their very own individual selves. And to

top that; those who dared compare them; indispensably wailed the tunes of the licentiously lamenting devil; till even beyond the very last breath of their lives.

Politics Vs Politics. Both of them dolorously lost; apart from them being the most vituperatively intolerable failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were left absolutely free; in the graveyard of the

savagely crucifying devil.


Whilst Love Vs Love. Both of them were the solely ardent winners; apart from them being the most pricelessly Omnipotent magicians in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; perpetually transcended and  consecrated the definition of the word “Comparison”; perpetually resided in the heavenly lap of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord.





































You might hide an infinite feet beneath the frostily undulating waves of the ocean; or entirely camouflage every single bone of your shivering silhouette within the untamed wilderness of the tropically unabashed forest,


You might hide in the most infinitesimally blackened corners of ghastly midnight; or seek dastardly refuge behind the bars of the most unassailably diabolical prison,


You might hide fretfully beneath an unsurpassably Herculean mountain of mud; or obfuscate even the tiniest trace of your demeanor from worldly eyes; fearfully crawling into the interiors of the artificially look alike corpse,


You might hide behind the most imperturbably thorny cactuses of the fathomless desert; or impregnate every conceivable pore of your naked skin with the most

tenaciously invincible jackets of steel,


You might hide on the most intangibly remotest islands of obsolescence; or keep unrelentingly rolling in acrimoniously sweltering sand; until every part of your nimble body looked no different from those threadbare granules of mud,


You might hide in the most farthermost dungeons of the haplessly extinct mortuary; or try and escape as far as possible from the trajectory of earth; an infinite miles beyond the clouds in the contemporary spacecraft,


You might hide in the most invisibly claustrophobic vents of the miserably deflated gutterpipe; or try and  spend the remainder of your life a countless kilometers behind; unconquerably thick walls of snow,


You might hide in the wholesomely flabbergasted horizons of nothingness; or enter your entire form into the body of such a scepter; which could defend you against the most mightiest forces and enemies on earth,


You might hide in the myriad colors of the rainbow praying your very best for the shades to wholesomely overpower you; or live your entire life in deceitful disguise; disdainfully slithering in the squalid swamps alongwith the alligators,


You might hide amidst the already lifeless carcasses of dead men and women; or run faster than the speed of white lightening; to fly to the most safest place on this enigmatic Universe,


You might hide in the tallest grasses which waved their green stalks till eternity; or keep endlessly darting for unconquerable shelter here and there; till the last puff of breath exhausted in your lungs,

You might hide amidst the roots of insuperably century old tree; or cunningly sink beneath innumerable layers of unshakable iron; which could unflinchingly withstand the onslaught of every superpower on planet earth,


You might hide in the most inconsequentially forgotten events of the oblivious attic; or scream your lungs hoarse for every comprehensible source of help; on

this magnetically fructifying planet,


You might hide in the comfortable hollows of the gigantically impenetrable dinosaur’s ear; or bury yourself in dreadful shame under a hillock of fetid feces; of

the flaccidly squandering pig,

You might hide in the lap of your perpetually venerated mother; or cry a boundless tears every single minute; asking for more time and space in your life,


You might hide in the most obscured caverns of the demonically echoing well; or hire every single organism on earth to guard you 24 X 7; with the power of

your unlimitedly scintillating wealth,


You might hide in the deepest fronds of slippery satin; or abashedly cover every contour of your face and form with the most embellished of veil; just like a

newly wedded nubile bride,


You might hide in the mortuaries of hell bribing the sadistically massacring devil for transient refuge; or keep adroitly absconding from place to another; so that not even the most diminutive of your footprints could be irrefutably traced,


And go wherever you desperately wanted to; do whatever you eclectically wanted to; hide as much as you salaciously wanted to; but remember O! impoverished man; that whenever your moment to leave this planet as chosen by the Almighty Lord arrives; death will chase you; strangulate you; completely finish you; irrespective of your caste; creed; status; color o