1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 3 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Nobody is a flatterer of anybody; seamlessly praising even the most dingily misanthropic deeds ever committed on all mankind; just to ensure himself a

diminutive roof over his worthlessly molecular head,


Nobody is a pathway of anybody; senselessly laying himself on the most acrimoniously vindictive battalion of abject thorns; so that the feet of the other living

being perennially tread on royal silk; whenever he chose to limp or walk,


Nobody is a prey of anybody; entirely sacrificing even the most inconspicuous element of his life to the devil’s command; simply to superstitiously increase the age of his every sibling,


Nobody is a dwelling of anybody; foolishly trying to accommodate even the most merrily triumphant of living being in his body; unacceptably making all living kind

go to pathetic sleep; even before it could learn to walk on its own feet,


Nobody is an experiment of anybody; wantonly allowing even the most evanescent pore of his body; to be perpetuated with an infinite medicines and sinister contraptions; for the so called amelioration of human kind,


Nobody is a whore of anybody; criminally surrendering every ounce of venerated flesh bestowed upon by the Almighty; just to titillate the already pugnaciously

impotent hairs on the male chauvinists skin,


Nobody is a breath of anybody; sinfully ending his very own priceless life; just in order to rejuvenate and bless another organisms despondently venomous body; which was already chosen by the heavens to irrefutably die,


Everybody works shoulder to shoulder with everybody. But  we all are; have been and shall always be; slaves, commodities; puppets; experiments; breaths; preys; pathways; flatterers; sweepers; waiters; leftovers; students; followers; shadows and an

infinite more; of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord.









If God gave them just one wish; then the gruesomely blind; would irrefutably ask for majestically glorious mirrors of explicit sight,


If God gave it just one wish; then the treacherously scorched desert; would irrefutably ask for cloudbursts of tumultuously rhapsodic and bountiful rain,


If God gave them just one wish; then the devastatingly dumb; would irrefutably ask for stupendously captivating melody; drifting like an angel from his deprived mouth,


If God gave them just one wish; then the disastrously dying; would irrefutably ask for blooming anecdotes of a blissful life,


If God gave it just one wish; the abominably stinking gutter; would irrefutably ask for ingratiating scent and stupendously royal charm,


If God gave it just one wish; then the overwhelmingly distraught spider crippled badly on soil; would irrefutably ask for silvery strands of fathomlessly

mesmerizing web,


If God gave it just one wish; then the perpetually still and ghastly corpse; would irrefutably ask for perennial waterfalls of euphoric life,


If God gave it just one wish; then the truculently shattered mirror; would irrefutably ask for being a scintillating blanket of glass once again; shimmering in the aisles of insatiable desire and grandiloquent opulence,


If God gave it just one wish; then the pathetically devastated and frigidly soggy branch; would irrefutably ask for astoundingly proliferating into a handsome flurry of intoxicating green leaves; mystically blending with the winds,


If God gave them just one wish; then the irrevocably stone deaf; would irrefutably ask for even the most infinitesimally sensitive wave of sound; to tantalizingly tingle each of their saddened senses,


If God gave them just one wish; then the agonizingly stumbling maim; would irrefutably ask for robust pairs of astutely galloping legs; transporting them

triumphantly; to the ultimate zenith of enthralling paradise,


If God gave it just one wish; then the acrimoniously bitter cactus; would irrefutably ask for a mountain of resplendent silk; to wholesomely camouflage its murderously sinister persona,


If God gave it just one wish; then the insurmountably rusty knife; would irrefutably ask for piquantly pepped up sharpness; slicing with astronomical ease through the most obdurately stony vegetable skin,


If God gave him just one wish; then the profusely castigated artist; would irrefutably ask for every cranny of this monotonously lackadaisical planet; to be enshrouded with the magic of his ebullient craftsmanship,


If God gave it just one wish; then the invidiously strangulate lip; would irrefutably ask for an unsurpassable ocean of celestially endowing smiles,


If God gave them just one wish; then the incomprehensibly old and withering; would irrefutably ask for those euphoric moments of their lives which they cherished the most; a blissful place to eternally rest in wonderful heaven,


If God gave it just one wish; then the nostalgically magnificent photograph; would irrefutably ask to marvelously rejoice all those beautifully enchanting moments; till times beyond immortal reality,


If God gave it just one wish; then the uncouthly kicked beggar on the streets; would irrefutably ask for boundless treasuries; overflowing with fabulous silk and a sky showering glittering diamonds on every step that he tread, 

And if God gave me just one wish; then my impoverishedly betrayed heart; would irrefutably ask for love; love; and only impregnable love; invincibly making me laugh in the face of bizarre adversity; achieving the most fulfilling mission of my destined




















Dressed for the enchanting garden; I wore uninhibitedly sagging flannel trousers; rampantly encapsulating persona with a blanket of ravishingly green leaf,


Dressed for the valiant battle; I wore armors of invincible steel; unflinchingly enveloped my entire body with swords of scintillatingly intrepid courage,


Dressed for the pulsating discotheque; I wore skimpy sweatshirts and headbands; entrenching even the most infinitesimal follicle of my hair; with exotically rustic

and wild gypsy straw,


Dressed for diving in the undulating ocean; I wore an ostentatiously raunchy two piece swimsuit; liberating my senses to be astoundingly unruly; to be

handsomely unbelievable and natural,


Dressed for gallivanting through the mystical forests; I wore a brazenly exhilarating leopard skin; insurmountably tingling even the most diminutive element of my visage with the astronomically aristocratic freshness of mother nature,


Dressed for nocturnal bedtime; I wore a nonchalantly floating silken robe; stringently applyingintransigently repellent balms all over my body; to sequester myself from the horde of perniciously pertinent mosquitoes,


Dressed for ravenously heavenly supper; I wore an impeccably humble apron of ivory white; smacking my slavering lips and tongue with chilled soda; to tantalizingly foment my gargantuan appetite,


Dressed for the mesmerizing magic show; I wore a wizardly cloak of celestially conjuring voluptuousness; embellishing my drearily penurious looks with charismatically resplendent vanity powder,


Dressed for ragged mountaineering; I wore an unfathomable cascade of machismo denim; resiliently punctuating even the most inconspicuous bone of my sagging body with punches of ingratiating euphoria,


Dressed for the poignantly princely marriage; I wore fascinating garlands of sensuously iridescent rose; beautifully adorning every patch of my shivering skin

with gorges of spell bindingly amiable friendship,


Dressed for ebulliently exhilarating adventure; I wore a frolickingly kangaroo outfit; vibrantly assimilating all marvelously intoxicating melody of the benign atmosphere; in my unequivocally wandering stride,


Dressed for regally sagacious school; I wore twin sets of meticulously ironed trousers; overwhelming my inherently laggard visage with the mantra of holistically mortal righteousness,


Dressed for receiving the magnanimously scintillating trophy; I wore a majestically crimson blazer; drowning my nimbly trembling demeanor in the aisles of gloriously aristocratic Oligarchy,


Dressed for the fetidly acrimonious gutters; I wore a graveyard of derogatorily sullen tomatoes; remorsefully melanging every ingredient of my form with the walls

of frantically sinful desperation,


Dressed for the triumphant birthday party; I wore an unimaginable festoon of vividly cheerful balloons; magnificently substituting each of my monotonously traumatized senses with the everlasting eternal elixir of; youthful joyousness,


Dressed for the abhorrently corporate meeting; I wore a brutally asphyxiating formal suit which almost wringed my subtle neck; salaciously draping my harmoniously symbiotic personality; with viciously slandering slang,


Dressed for the chapter of wonderfully victorious life; I wore the philanthropically Omnipotent color of the Sun and the Moon; fabulously coalescing every ingredient of my serene conscience with the; fruits of gorgeously fructifying nature,


And dressed for immortally sacrosanct love; I wore the perpetually charming blessings of the Almighty Divine; wholesomely relinquishing everything else on this

fathomless Universe; except his unconquerable order to serve all Omnipresent humanity; except his sacredly enamoring wish to proliferate countless more of my


















It was my incessant inspiration; to diffuse into an unfathomable valley of goodness; perpetually coalesce with my bountiful rudiments; irrespective of the contemporarily bombastic slang and slime,


It was my tireless inspiration; to float in the aisles of untamed sensuousness; assimilate all fathomless beauty of this resplendent Universe; in every ingredient of my agonizingly famished blood,


It was my unrelenting inspiration; to embrace the winds of timeless fantasy; let the spirit of euphorically rhapsodic existence; take wholesome control upon my countenance from all sides,


It was my limitless inspiration; to blazingly surge forward in the chapter of vibrantly enthralling life; gloriously emerge as a triumphant winner in every direction that I even remotely conceived to tread,


It was my boundless inspiration; to poignantly break the heinous shackles of crippling monotony; uninhibitedly liberate each of my senses to blend with the unparalleled ecstasy of this Omnipotent cosmos,


It was my unprecedented inspiration; to unfurl into an insatiable civilization of creativity every unfurling instant of the day; fabulously decipher the enigmatic

meanings of survival; with the silken dexterity of an embellished prince,


It was my indefatigable inspiration; to coin new benchmarks on even the most diminutive step that I transgressed; digressing from conventionally treacherous turgidity; to sparklingly enhance the fireballs of optimism in every tomorrow,


It was my profuse inspiration; to unstoppably reminisce the caverns of mischief of my innocuous childhood; Omnisciently cherish the compassionate lap of my divinely mother; for infinite more births of mine,


It was my undaunted inspiration; to philanthropically serve all bereaved humanity till the very last breath of mine; assiduously persevere all day and twinkling night; to unite all religion; caste; creed and tribe; handsomely alike,


It was my incorrigible inspiration; to romantically philander in the meadows of eternally tantalizing seduction; till even centuries immemorial after I died,


It was my indomitable inspiration; to resiliently pursue the innermost tunes of my soul; tirelessly march on the path of celestial righteousness; even as the most salaciously ghastly impediment dared to come my way,

It was my enchanting inspiration; to bask in the glory of Omnipotently fascinating scent; let the fragrance of unbiased togetherness be my sole companion till the

absolute end of my time,


It was my benign inspiration; to magnanimously assist all those in truculently traumatic pain; shower the smiles of my visage; forever upon their uncontrollably

shivering bodies,


It was my formidable inspiration; to unflinchingly bounce forward even as vindictive thorns of hell torrentially pelted from open sky; to maintain a wave of spell binding phlegmatism even in the face of the most tyrannically lambasting disaster,


It was my fathomless inspiration; to unendingly fantasize all mesmerizing goodness that lay embellished on this planet; absorb even the most ethereal iota of happiness that lingered abundantly on this marvelous planet,


It was my unbelievable inspiration; to blossom into an iridescent paradise of beauty as the minutes unveiled; transcend past the barriers of threadbare spuriousness in all aspects of exotic life,


It was my ubiquitous inspiration; to synergistically enthrall one and all alike; with the tunes of captivatingly enthralling vivaciousness and charismatic grace,


It was my immortal breath; to not only majestically lead this; but every artistically eclectic life; of a countless more lifetimes,


O! Yes; it was God’s most pricelessly precious gift bestowed perennially upon my heart; it was the most fascinating thing that could have ever happened to me

in my life; it was my reflection that I sighted every dawn in my mirror; it was my HEAVENLY POETRY.















Enigmatic were the beats of the heavenly waterfall; pelting in ecstatic unison on the chain of fathomlessly mesmerizing rocks,


Melodious were the beats of the enchanting lotus; charismatically swaying in the rhapsodically tangy breeze that enveloped the air from all sides,


Ravishing were the beats of the seductive clouds; boundlessly tantalizing the colossal Universe with their compassionately vivid sensuousness,


Fabulous were the beats of the fecund bees; tirelessly disseminating into an ocean of unfathomably beautiful honey; as the Sun blazed to its most unprecedentedly

profound radiance in azure sky,


Blissful were the beats of the rustling trees; vivaciously casting a mist of ardently endless desire; even in the heart of the most dolorously deadened night,


Tantalizing were the beats of the poignant sea; exotically swirling to indefatigably blend with silken carpets of timelessly endowing sky,


Fascinating were the beats of the majestic eagle; beautifully flapping its royal wings till times beyond eternity; celestially embracing the heavenly winds,


Symbiotic were the beats of melanging mankind; where all organism irrespective of caste; creed and spurious tribe; iridescently coalesced into the religion

of unconquerably scintillating humanity,


Triumphant were the beats of the patriotic soldier; unflinchingly confronting even the most ghastily acrimonious impediment with an innocuous smile,


Truculent were the beats of the unforgiving cyclone; disastrously devastating even the most infinitesimal speck of holistic life in vicinity; to preposterously threadbare shit,


Exuberant were the beats of the opalescent butterfly; mischievously fluttering its wings; under the