As I See It by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Things have changed.  We've come so far.

We often don't know how lucky we are.

We fly to the moon and study the stars;

we travel in trains and planes and cars.


We can feed the world, well most at least,

yet still some starve while others feast.

We are no more than savage beasts;

our brains grew larger, but we decreased.


We treat each other with such disdain,

ignoring one another's pain.

We've grown so cold and inhumane

and one man's loss is another man's gain.


Our animals are cruelly used

often neglected and much abused,

some sick folk are even amused.

Can that really be excused?


Is there anything that we need

to  justify this kind of deed?

Does self-content, like a noxious weed,

choke us with laziness and greed?


What is humanity's ultimate goal ?

What do we see as our primary role?

Can we get out of this awful hole?

And what do we gain in exchange for our soul?


It's like some terrible pact we've made

a kind of intelligence/feelings trade

and now it seems we're too afraid

to admit the piper must be paid.


Where oh where will this all end?

Will we ever comprehend?

Can we hope we'll all transcend;

wake up one day, and buck the trend?