Attempted Poetry by Andre Michael Pietroschek - HTML preview

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My early acrostic poetry...

My early acrostic phase of poetry

Again beginning with the simple hint I had at start: Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.

Catherine (acrostic poem)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

Charming my feelings back out of their grave
Alluring woman who makes me try and behave
The Impossible come-true, and to remain good
Hell no more threat than a bad joke in the hood
Enticing me to dare loving and beeping again
Rarest kind of feelings, first mutual here then
I mourn every moment I can't hold you close
No trauma reducing me to mere sexual prose
Ending it here now to touch you once more...

Cthulhu - My Acrostic Testimony
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

C - for Chanting his true name and sharing his dreams from R'yleigh!
T - for Testifying what even the greatest minds didn't dare to realize.
H - for Horrors on the cosmic scale encroaching unto our humanity.
U - for Us who embrace the perilous, obscure path they call madness.
L - for Lusting after the forms of satisfaction no vagina could provide!
H - for Haunted, hated, and hunted, or the normalcy we left behind?
U - for Unquestioning faith in our holy tentacled messiah and his call!

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

Damnation is the pathways price
Entities, hellbent and full of vice
Meddle in lores forbidden and foul
Onwards with no regard for your soul
Natural law will soon be undone
Old hellspawn having wicked fun
Lust spoiling every true-born love
Onslaught against the Lord above
Good can be violated, raped, and killed
Your own pyre, step by step, it is built

Fallen Angel (Group Contest Poem)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

F.. Fallen not felled, and with dignity beheld

A.. Angelic by your own doing not god's hand

L.. Lucifer's envy, felt as you walk the Earth

L.. Life & Land you've freed from their curse

E.. Enigmatic, and wondrous, to visit us here

N.. No, God! No need for regret, anger or fear

A.. Alluring female, gorgeous, smart, and wise

N.. Nuns pledge faith to you to reach paradise

G.. Gentle and great how you inspire us fools

E.. Enmity lurking at envious Devil's command

L.. Leaving us to return to a salvation at hand

Magick & Aiwass

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

M = Meaningless hogwash hyped & unleashed by Crowley the Pervert

A = Antiquated spiritual-suicide disguised as occult revelation shared

G = Gutterpunks outmatching the ceremonial high, or each ritual-lie

I = Incestuous people, so proudly entranced in homo-erotic celebrity

C = Chanting of how posture, fraud and cheating empowers their selves

K = Keen frauds and delusional drug-crazed, occult's orcs versus elves

A = Abusing the longing of being a chosen, meaningful mortal one

I = Indoctrinated by an alien, sick, weird voice within the own head

W = Waylaid by psychosis, pranks or demonic possession, hell's fun

A = Adversary-Pawn or Deluded Fool, mostly still best left for dead

S = Supremacy due Compliance, here false promise lures egomania

S = Sinister triumph by cheap tricks, words, and sick psychomachia

Pridefall (Acrostic Poetry)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

P... Psionic species infested by ignorance & insecurity
R... Ruptured due science they consider gifts insanity
I... Insurance to pay and worry about the next mortgage
D... Devilish routine, as it puts our worthiest into a cage
E... Envy & Enmity, once unholy whores, now win awards
F... False smile and fake music replaced our true bards
A... Avenging the crime is like forgivance, sadly in vain
L... Lust and greed sacrificed our future busy with gain
L... Lust & Greed sacrificed mankind on the altar of pain!

Shadowrun (Acrostic Poem)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

S.. Snatching the Job's from Mr. Johnson again

H.. Heroes & Hitmen all working for the NuYen

A.. Adventurous lifestyles for the modern Adult

D.. Down and out, if you have no team to consult

O.. Organized talents, for every job ever needed

W.. Wetjobs OK, if you need 'em nasties bleeded

R.. Racism undone by the 6th world's way of life

U.. Under fire we prosper & for NuYen we strive

N.. Now we have the streets of Seattle to survive

Satanism 2015

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

S.. Still I am so occult-crazed and with defiant smile on my face

A.. Already dying, but still sick of religion and God's shitty grace

T.. Training my self, so intent to make it through one more night

A.. A mainstream of ignorance to mock our independence & right

N.. No chance for any salvation, no need for an afterlife just as well

I.. I think that upward-faith is even less sacred than conceptual hell

S.. Slain by God, for Johnny Cash once sang it so damn pretty fine

M.. Meritocracy fuck-off, as your hubris breeds even dumber kine

2.. 2 the high priestess which taught me why to shun easy inner ways

0.. 0 the exact number of authors who ever admitted how each pays

1.. 1 the Magician which we so frantically wanted to embody or become

5.. 5 A Hierophant preaching instead of daring to live, unmasked scum

Unforgiving - Beloved Nemesis

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

U - Used to the false promises and masked abuses you tell

N - Not being too eager to call it love, your psychiatric hell

F - Forlorn, for once I've believed in you upright & willingly

O - Overwhelmed by hell, since due you God abandoned me

R - Regretful, as in moments so rare, we both did nobly dare

G - Gay-Fiendish, a remnant-shadow of my former self, beware

I - Isolated, and scarred, from the blood-crime and dire sin

V - Violated by knowing God's treason ensured I won't win

I - Infuriated by being forced to live on until I'll finally die

N - Not sure, if that was love, or someones lunatic, mad lie

G - Good it hurts me and you, as life has 2 freaks to undo

Valerie, 2015 revision

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

V - Vengeance long mutual, we will both strike to cripple & kill

A - Anguish overcome, for bloodlust pushes me on to the thrill

L - Lies long unmasked, for with no true start there's no end

E - Enmity breaking the devil's circle of another fake friend

R - Revenge from Bedlam's agents, to me it is really not new

I - Inwardly though I did wish that our friendship could be true

E - Ending the final deception to face my life or death anew